HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-04-20; Parks & Recreation Commission; 492-7; Carrillo Ranch SubcommitteePARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL MTG. DEPT. fa-R. TITLE: CARRILLO RANCH SUBCOMMITTEE (ACTION) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review subcommittee progress to date and take appropriate action. ITEM EXPLANATION: Several years ago a subcommittee representing members of the Parks and Recreation, Historic Preservation and Arts Commission was formed to review the stabilization work at Carrillo Ranch currently being performed and made possible through a grant award by the State office of Historic Preservation. Upon review and determination of priorities for the actual structure stabilization and the award of contract for that work, the committee became dormant. In October 1991 staff recommended to the Commission to re-activate the committee because the master plan process for Zone 18 was currently underway. As part of the Master Plan for Zone 18, the developers are required to dedicate an additional 8.5 acres of parkland. Rick Engineering, the project consultants approached City staff with preliminary park dedication plans. Staff believed it would be beneficial to reactivate the subcommittee in order to receive input from various commissions and to report back to the respective commission concerning the future development of the Carrillo Ranch. To the extent that the future park dedication of 8.5 acres was recommended to be immediately adjacent to the Carrillo Ranch, the identification and securing of that parkland was considered paramount to the ultimate master planning of the park site. Therefore, the principle focus of the committee was to recommend which parcels of land totaling 8.5 acres should be required by the developers to meet their park dedication requirement. The Committee has come to a consensus on the land which would be most beneficial in terms of park dedication. Staff will present those findings to the Commission along with the reasoning for those findings. Although several members of the committee are requesting to continue with the master planning for the Carrillo Ranch, staff believes that at this point, such committee proceedings are premature in that funding for the master planning process is not scheduled in the CIP until 1993-94. Staff anticipates the necessity to meet one or two more times to finalize a report of committee findings and possibly to review a conceptual plan which may be forthcoming by Rick Engineering in the near future for the park site based upon the recommendations made by the committee. EXHIBIT: 1. P & R Commission Agenda 791-4 2. P & R Commission Agenda 1091-10 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL AB# "111-4- MTG.^O!u; t? 91 DEPT. Pi<£. TITLE: RECOMMENDED ACTION: RANCHO CARRILLO MASTER PLAN (ACTION) ft& Review presentation from Rick Engineering Company regarding the Rancho Carrillo Master Plan (Zone 18 Local Facilities Management Plan). After review, discussion and comments, your action would be to approve in concept and direct staff to further evaluate the park proposal with Planning and Engineering staff and return to the Commission with specifics for further consideration. ITEM EXPLANATION; Rick Engineering Company is preparing a Master Plan for the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 18. As part of the Master Plan, issues related to the park requirements specifically that related to the Carrillo Ranch need to be addressed. Bob Ladwig and Robert Wilkinson of Rick Engineering will discuss the proposed Master Plan and review specific proposals related to the location and expansion of additional park acreage relevant to the Carrillo Ranch site. Staff will be available to assist with any questions related to the presentation. FISCAL IMPACT: EXHIBITS: 1. Letter from Robert Wilkinson, Rick Engineering Company, July 3, 1991 EXHIBIT 1 o July 3, 1991 1959 Palomar Oaks Way Suite 200 Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619)431-8200 FAX: (619) 931-1551 RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY l'lanniii/> Un-iston Mr. David Bradstreet Director of Parks and Recreation City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009 SUBJECT: RANCHO CARRILLO MASTER PLAN - CITY PARK EXPANSION (RICK ENGINEERING JOB NUMBER 11348) Dear Dave: Thank you for taking the time to meet with Bob Ladwig and me on June 17, 1991. It appeared from our discussion that the location and preliminary thinking on the expansion of the Rancho Carrillo community park- is headed in the right direction. As we mentioned to you, we have targeted the 15th of this month to submit our amendment to the master plan. We would also like to come before your commission on that date to brief them on this work and _ initiate a discussion of their views on the park expansion. I have =nclosed an exhibit showing our proposed location for the expansion and will try to have more on this for the commission to review. I will check with you prior to the 15th to insure that we are on the agenda and coordinate our presentation. Sincerely, \RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY \ x Robert E. Wilkinson Director of Design REW:rab.015 Enclosure cc: Mr. Kurt Puttkammer, James Leary Architecture and Planning Mr. Jon Werner, Pacific Scene Mr. Jim Omsberg, UDC Homes Mr. Herb Palmtag, UDC Homes Mr. Glenn Rick, UDC Homes Mr. Don Woodward, Woodward/Merrill Lynch Mr. Keith Beverly, city of Carlsbad Parks Department Mr. Edward N. Domingue, Rick Engineering Company Engineering Department _ Mr. Robert C. Ladwig, Rick Engineer' ~ ~" ' Department 24 EXHIBIT 1 C1LM Low-MediugDensM RM cSfSW* RMH Medium-^h Density NON-RESIDENTI RC Recreation Community Commercial O Professional and Related PI Planned Industrial E Elementary School OS Open Space r^CULATION _ Prime Arterial •••••• Major Arterial ••••* Collector Street Special Treatment Area II, ZONC |,x ' sod 1000 GENERAL PLAN PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL f c AB # \CP( 1 - KO .MTG. VOOt-^t JEPT. Pn-R TITLE: CARRILLO RANCH SUBCOMMITTEE (ACTION) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Activate the subcommittee which was formed in relation to the Carrillo Ranch. ITEM EXPLANATION: Approximately one year ago, a request was fulfilled to form a subcommittee with representatives of the Parks and Recreation, Historic Preservation, and Arts Commissions so that the representatives could report back to their respective commissions relative to the development of the Carrillo Ranch. As the Commission is aware, preliminary park proposals with respect to development in Local Facilities Management Plan (LFMP) Zone 18 have been received relating to the Carrillo Ranch. Staff is currently meeting interdepartmentally to discuss specific aspects of the park proposal prior to meeting with Rick Engineering, the development consultant for the property owners in Zone 18. As a result of those meetings, a recommendation has been made by staff members that the subcommittee once formed relating to the Carrillo Ranch development be reactivated in order to provide input from and report back to their respective commissions concerning the development of the Carrillo Ranch Park. Please refer to the attached memos pertaining to this matter. FISCAL IMPACT: \J fk . -\Vf\(^j~s -jci Jk/Y~/ /fNone at this time. 6^^^ «A ^ v^v"EXHIBITS: \K 1. Memo, Assistant City Manager, October 8, 1991 2. Memo, Parks and Recreation Director, October 15, 1991 EXHIBIT 2 m October 8, 1991 TO: ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER FROM: Parks and Recreation Director CARRILLO RANCH PARK MASTER PLAN Based on the attached memo regarding the processing of the Zone 18 LFMP, in paiticular how it relates to the Carrillo Ranch, I am recommending for your consideration, the following: 1. That the subcommittee with representatives from the Parks and Recreation, [ listoric Preservation, and Arts Commissions be activated so that they may play an integral part in the planning process for the ultimate development of the Carrillo Ranch Park, and 2. That consideration be given during this year's Capital Improvement Program budget review by City Council for the advancement of seed money to implement the / planning process relating to the Carrillo Ranch. Thank you for your consideration. If you have any questions, please contact me. DAVID BRADSTREET dm 4V EXHIBIT 1 iv October 15, 1991 TO: PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR FROM: Senior Management Analyst LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN ZONE 18/CARRILLO RANCH Recently, Zone 18 of the LFMP was submitted to the Planning Department for processing and ultimately, consideration and approval of the City Council. As you are well aware, the Carrillo Ranch is located within Zone 18 and should be considered an integral part of the Zone Plan in terms of park dedication requirements and the ultimate development of the park site. The park dedication requirements relative to Zone 18 is an additional 8.5 acres of parkland for the southeast quadrant. Previously, the Parks and Recreation Commission recommended that staff pursue the dedication of the required 8.5 acres adjacent to the existing 10.5 acre Carrillo Ranch Park site. That dedication/acquisition is also identified in the 1991 Parks and Recreation Element. In accordance with the park requirements associated with Zone 18, Rick Engineering, who " are the consultants to property owners, have approached parks staff with a proposal for additional parkland. Rick Engineering, who has prepared and submitted master plans for the development of Zone 18, is requesting to finalize their park dedication proposal in order that they may assure expediency in the processing of their zone plans. Departmental staff in cooperation with Planning and Engineering staff have met to discuss Rick Engineering's proposal for their park dedication requirements. City staff will soon meet with representatives of Rick Engineering to discuss in detail the specifics of their park proposal. However, as a result of the meeting between City staff, it was recommended that the subcommittee with representatives from the Parks and Recreation, Historic Preservation, and Arts Commissions be activated so that they may play an integral part in the planning process for the ultimate development of the Carrillo Ranch Park. Another recommendation from staff discussions was that now is the appropriate time to begin the master plan process for the Carrillo Ranch. Unfortunately, current funding ($250,000) for this process is not scheduled in the Capital Improvement (CIP) Program budget until fiscal year 1993-94. The parkland dedication proposal currently under review by our staff is very much predicated upon the master plan for the overall development of Zone 18 as prepared by Rick Engineering. Much of the park property offered for dedication relates to the design that Rick Engineering is currently processing in relation to grading requirements, environmental concerns, etc. revolving around their development. However, in order to make a proper evaluation of the land being proposed for dedication, proper park master ~ banning for the entire Carrillo Ranch site should be performed prior to any acceptance of parkland dedication. FXHTRTT 9 Although the entire amount of $250,000 identified in the C1P may not be necessary at this point, if we are to initiate the master plan process for the Carrillo Ranch, some initial seed money to begin this process would be beneficial in terms of expediting our park planning efforts. The implementation of the park master planning process at this time would ensure that whatever parkland dedication is offered by Rick Engineering and accepted by the City will present optimum results in terms of the future development of the Can illo Ranch Park. KEITH BEVERLY dm c: Senior Planner, Brian Hunter Principal Engineer, Bob Wojcik Park Development Coordinator •c 49 4