HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-05-18; Parks & Recreation Commission; 592-5; Letter/MRS Lucia SippelPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL AB* DEPT. TITLE: LETTER/MRS LUCIA SIPPEL (INFO) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept and file. ITEM EXPLANATION: The attached letter is in response to Mrs. Sippel who addressed the Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council regarding potential Park property on the North side of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. EXHIBITS: 1. Letter to Mrs. Sippel - May 7, 1992 WP51 \AGENDA.BLS\592-5.LTR Citv of Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Department May 7, 1992 Lucia Sippel 1287 Vera Cruz Oceanside, California 92056 Dear Mrs. Sippel: I have been asked to respond to your letter of April 21, 1992 to the City Manager which referred to an eleven (11) acre parcel of land on the north shore of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon that is being considered for park purposes. As part of a Northwest Quadrant Park Enhancement Study, a citizens group recommended to the Parks and Recreation Commission that the subject property be considered for acquisition to create passive recreational opportunities. Specifically that property is located adjacent to Park Drive and Valencia Avenue. On August 23, 1990 the study was presented to the City Council for their consideration. Although the subject property was one of several areas recommended for park enhancement in the Northwest Quadrant of the city, the Council directed staff to further pursue and evaluate the acquisition and development potential of the site, include the parcel in the Parks and Recreation element of the General Plan and return to Council for further direction. Accordingly, staff contacted representatives of Kaufman and Broad Development Company to discuss park dedication requirements associated with the master plan process. Initial discussions centered around the practicability of requiring parkland dedication rather than accepting payment of park-in-iieu fees for the development of the Kelly Ranch. In as much as Kaufman and Broad is no longer associated with the development of Kelly Ranch, staff has directed their strategies for parkland dedication to the City's Growth Management Division, specifically related to development within Zones 8 and 24 of the Local Facility Management Plan. It is not our intent to require a land owner or developer to assume a burden for additional parkland dedication or in-lieu fees which.is beyond the requirement associated with the State Quimby Act or the City's Growth Management Plan. Staff will continue to work with the Planning Department, Growth Management Division, property owners, and/or developers in securing parkland dedication required by and associated with any future development. EXHIBIT 1 1 2OO Carlsbad Village Drive • Carlsbad, California 92OO May 7, 1992 Page 2 We appreciate your concern and would make ourselves available at your convenience to discuss this issue further if you should have any questions. Sincerely, Parks and Recreation Department c: City Manager Assistant City Manager Senior Management Analyst - Growth Management Northwest Quadrant Park Enhancement Study - File DB&KB\LETTERS\SIPPEL.LTR 128T Vera Cruz Oceanside, CA FOR THE INFORMATION OF THE CITY COUNCIL/ CITY MANAGER DA'TE 92056 ASST CITY MANAGER April 21, 1992 Ray Pachette, 1200 Carlsbad Carlsbad, CA Carlsbad City Manager Village Drive 92008 / ^^IS iu n •»*•* iji I, $&° f Dear Ray , By chance , it has. come to my attention that the Northwest Quadrant Park Enhancement Study is to be presented to the city council on April 21, 1992. I am astounded to discover that in the study there is a pro- posal that Kelly Ranch give 11 acres of our land for a park - without compensation. We are required to pay property taxes and Mello Roos vacant land tax on that ground. Why should we be expected to give it away? Beyond that, my family have already been required to give 195 acres of wetlands to state and federal .environmental agencies - for the public good. ^5$ of our property is more than enough! In speaking to the Parks Commission last night the reaction was they thought they were asking a developer for free land. That does not make it all right. It is obvious to us and should be to the thinking public that developers with deep pockets no longer abound. They count the costs first and only buy property that pays all the costs and still makes a profit. Conditions and restrict- ions on our property are now so extreme that no developer has been willing to buy it. We feel that together, all the public agencies have made our property unsaleable. Furthermore, I am told by staff, that Kelly Ranch PIL fees were to be used to develop Cannon Lake Park. Th'at would mean our property would be paying for one park and giving the land for another. We object strongly to such a requirement. Also, I note that we are charged $lU,500 vacant land tax for those acres. City rules indicate that there is no return of monies paid in Mello Roos taxes on property later declared undevelopable. Is the city requiring Mello Roos taxes on land they expect us 'to give them for a park? As the owners, my family should not and cannot be asked to subsidize parkland for the northwest quad- rant. It is certainly for sale. If enough people in Carlsbad want 11 acres.for a park we will be glad to sell at a reasonable price. The authors of the report appear doubtful that two thirds of the voters will choose to increase their taxes to pay for parks. If the public doesn't choose to buy that's their decision. Kelly Ranch cannot afford to be held hostage for any more pub- lic improvements. I believe you understand the seriousness of the situation confronting us and I appreciate your efforts in .helping- us seek a solution. Thank you. Sincerely, CALL Lucia Sippel for the Kelly Family