HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-07-20; Parks & Recreation Commission; 792-4; Beach Lifeguard IssuePARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL DEPT. TITLE: BEACH LIFEGUARD ISSUE (ACTION) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review and discuss staff update of Council action regarding the beach lifeguard issue. Support Council action and direct staff to request a lifeguard program during the FY 1992-93' budget preparation process.<^.*u ITEM EXPLANATION; This item is being presented at the request of Commissioner Hieneman. During the May 19, 1992 City Council meeting, staff presented the Parks and Recreation Commission's recommendation "That plans be made immediately to fund a Jet Ski Patrol [in conjunction with a vehicular patrol] with the idea that in the future, funds permitting, the City expand to lifeguarding on the beach." After staff presentation, public comment and Council discussion, the Council, by a 3-1 vote directed that the matter be brought back next year for consideration during the budget review process and be incorporated into the Parks and Recreation program. In addition, staff was directed to include a report on the matter of shared liability with the state (Exhibit 1). The Council has sent a letter to local representatives (Exhibit 2) seeking Legislative assistance to incorporate the subject beach area into the State Parks and Recreation system and thereby extend the agencies jurisdiction and ability to enforce their regulations and provide lifeguard service to the subject tidelands. Staff will continue to pursue the issue of shared liability with the State of California as it relates to providing lifeguard service on this particular section of beach. FISCAL IMPACT; Although the state cannot commit at this time to provide lifeguard service for the 1992-93 season, it is anticipated that a start-up cost for that service would be approximately $220,500. Yearly cost thereafter would be approximately $130,500. Provisions within an agreement for lifeguard service would address liability issues. EXHIBITS; 1. City Council minutes for Agenda Bill #11,694 "Beach Lifeguard Request". 2. Letter to Senator Craven, Congressman Packard and Assemblyman Frazee - June 23, 1992. 16 May 19, 1992 Page 6 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION; Council adjourned to the Housing and Redevelopment Commission at 8:20 p.m. and re-convened at 9:17 p.m., with four Members present and Mayor Pro Tern Kulchin absent. '7 70 DEPARTMENTAL AMP CITY MANAGER REPORTS; 11. AB 111,693 - GROWTH MANAGEMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONES 11 AND 12. Dolores Welty, 2076 Sheridan Road, Leucadia, spoke in opposition to this financing plan, stating it was contrary to the spirit of the Growth Management Plan. ACTION; On motion by Council Member Larson, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 92-137, approving a public facilities financing plan for Local Facilities Management Zones 11 and 12. AYES; Lewis, Larson, Stanton and Nygaard 12. AB £11.694 - BEACH LIFEGUARD REQUEST. Tony Howard-Jones, 2748 Waterbury Way, owner of the Best Western Beach Terrace Inn, stated that the portion of the beach from Oak St. north to the Buena Vista Lagoon is being used more and more by the general public. He spoke in favor of the request to provide some type of lifeguard services, as he said it would save lives. Geoff Bell, 3686 Highland Dr., spoke in favor of the lifeguard protection, and suggested that provision be made for surfing areas during the daytime in the summer. He said the surfers and swimmers are using the same area, and this is a dangerous situation. He said he did not favor the use of jet skis, due to the smell and noise they create. Pete Biltchik, 352 Christiansen Way, read a statement from David Castner in support of the recommendation for a seasonal jet ski and vehicular beach patrol. Mr. Biltchik stated that this is a health and safety issue, and the city should spend the additional money to provide the service. ACTIOH; NOES; On motion by Mayor Lewis, Council denied the request from the Parks and Recreation Commission to immediately establish a seasonal jet ski and vehicular beach patrol and provide a lifeguard program on the beach area from Oak Street north to the mouth of the Buena Vista Lagoon; directed that the matter be brought back next year during the budget process and be incorporated into the Parks and Recreation Program; and directed staff to include a report on the matter of shared liability with the State. Lewis, Stanton and Nygaard Larson 17 EXHIBIT 1 City of Carlsbad Office of the Mayor June 23, 1992 William Craven, Senator 3070 Capitol Building Sacramento, California 95814 Recently our City Council addressed a citizens request to establish a lifeguard service on an approximate one (1) mile stretch of beach, at the northern most section of Carlsbad's coastline. The property ownership of this particular area is owned by the State Lands Commission to the west of the mean high tide and by individual private property owners to the east of the mean high tide. While the City has worked cooperatively with the State Coastal Conservancy in recent years to provide ownership and maintenance responsibilities for local coastal accessways, this section of beach has always been subject to recreational use by the public. More recently, a shift in sand deposits has made this beach more popular than other beaches along Carlsbad's coastline. The area is immediately adjacent to beach property currently owned by and under the jurisdication of the State Park system. In fact, the vast majority of Carlsbad's coastline falls within the State Parks jurisdiction. Although the beach locality is a recreational resource area which attracts year round regional use, the peak use periods are more heavily frequented during the summer months, typically May through September. Again, the issue is, establishing lifeguard service or perhaps expanding the current State lifeguard service to this beach area. Addressing the establishment of a lifeguard service in light of property ownership and regional use issues, the Carlsbad City Council wishes to formally request your assistance. Specifically, we request your cooperation and support to initiate legislative action which would incorporate the subject State Lands Commission property within the State Parks and Recreation system and thereby extend the State Parks jurisdiction and ability to enforce their regulations and provide lifeguard service to the subject tidelands. Your assistance with this matter would be greatly appreciated. If I can be of any further assistance to you with this matter please do not hesitate to contact me, thank you. Sincerely, Claude "Bud1' Lewis, Mayor City of Carlsbad c: City Council Members City Manager J. 8 Assistant City Manager Parks and Recreation Director EXHIBIT 2 (".=>lifnrnia P2OOS- 1 QS9 - (6 1 91 434--283O