HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-01-18; Parks & Recreation Commission; 193-7; Revision of the Facility Use RegulationsPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL DEPT.fifx TITLE:REVISION OF THE FACILITY USE REGULATIONS (ACTION) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staffs recommends that the Parks and Recreation Commission review and approve the revised Facility Use Regulations and take appropriate action for City Council review. * D* .=> rt °M ITEM EXPLANATION: The Parks and Recreation Facility Use Regulations have not been updated since January of 1989. During the past 4 years, new facilities have come on line, revisions have been made in the City's Liability Insurance Program and rules governing our facilities have changed. Staff has also had an opportunity to analyze the current fee structure for all facilities which includes athletic fields, parks and tennis courts. In order to improve service to the community and assist the department in processing facility use permits, changes have been made (Exhibit 1). The most significant changes in the Facility Use Regulations are identified as follows: • Liability insurance requirements are now more specific and easier for the public to understand. • Additional facilities have now been made available for the community's use. Fees for the Train Depot and Picnic Shelter at Holiday Park are now identified. • Application procedures, policies and classifications of applicants have been reviewed and modified by the City Attorney, Risk Manager and Recreation staff. • A facility fee survey was conducted with recommendations to increase fees for the Safety Center and to increase the staffing fee for facility rental from $7/hour to $10/hour. • Establish guidelines for car shows. o< • Eliminate tennis tournament play at Stagecoach, Calavera and Laguna Riviera Parks. Due to the limited number of tennis courts, it is not conducive to hold tennis tournaments at any of these sites. ^^B o • Add Elementary and Junior High School athletic fields to fee schedule. These fields are currently not identified. ^ 51 FISCAL IMPACT The fiscal impact for the increase in fees for City facilities will generate approximately $3,000 per year in additional revenue. There will be no revenue loss for the elimination of tournament play at Stagecoach, Calavera and Laguna Riviera Parks. All tennis tournaments are currently held at the Carlsbad High School Tennis Complex. EXHIBITS: 1. Memo to Parks and Recreation Director dated December 11,1992. December 11,1992 TO: PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR FROM: Recreation Superintendent FACILITY USE REGULATIONS REVISION BACKGROUND The last revision of the department's Facility Use Regulations was completed in January of 1989. New facilities have come on line which mandates a revision of the department's Facility Use Regulations and Fees (Attachment). In addition to the new facility update, staff has analyzed the current fees and proposed revisions as outlined . RECOMMENDATION The City Attorney and Risk Manager's offices have reviewed the Facility Use Regulations and contingent upon your approval, staff recommends that the department adopt the Revised Facility Use Regulations which includes revisions in the following areas: • City's Liability Insurance Program • Addition of new facilities • Clearer distinction between user classifications • Application procedures and policies • Increase fees • Identify policy regarding car shows • Eliminate tennis tournament play at Stagecoach, Calavera and Laguna Riviera Parks • Add school athletic fields not listed in the existing fee schedule FISCAL IMPACT The revised fees for the use of our facilities will generate $3,000 per year in additional revenue for the City. There will be no revenue loss for the elimination of tournament play at Stagecoach, Calavera and Laguna Riviera. Due to the limited number of tennis courts, it is not conclusive to hold a tennis tournament at each of these facilities. All tennis tournaments are currently held at Carlsbad High School. DISCUSSION In order to improve the Facilities Services Information to the public, staff has updated the Facility Use Regulations procedures and fee schedule. Comparison of the current policy vs. the recommended changes are identified as follows: - 53 Current Policy Revised Policy 1. Applications for use of the City facilities may be made by mail or in person at Harding Community Center, 3096 Harding Street, Stagecoach Community Center, 3420 Mislon Estancia or at Calavera Community Center, 2997 Glasgow. 2 Applications must be submitted at least ten (10) working days in advance of the date requested. 3. The City is not Habile for accidents, injuries or loss of individual property in connection with any of its facilities. Groups which fall Into moderate to high risk activity will be required to obtain liability insurance (rider clause to original policy) approved by Recreation Supervisor, Risk Manager, naming the City of Carlsbad, its officers and employees as additional Insured. The City shall require liability of $1 milDon to $5 million, depending on the risk factor. 4. Use of the facilities by religious groups, groups or individuals for private or commercial profit making ventures will be limited to three (3) months. Use may not be extended or renewed beyond the original period. 5. (Car Show policy does not currently exist in the current Rules & Regulations. New rule is to reflect Parks and Recreation Commission policy). (Page 1, Paragraph 1) 1. Applications for use of the City facilities may be made by mail or in person at Harding Community Center, 3096 Harding Street, Stagecoach Community Center, 3420 Camino delosCoches or at Calavera Community Center, 2997 Glasgow. (Page 1, Item 1) 2 Applications must be submitted at least fourteen (14) working days in advance of the date requested. A certificate of Insurance must be submitted with the application for all events requiring llabiBty insurance. Page 3, Paragraph 3) 3. The City is not liable for accidents, injuries, or loss of individual property in connection with any of its facilities. Depending upon the risk factor, the City may require liability insurance In an amount up to 5 million dollars ($5,000,000). Activities which fall into moderate to high risk activity will be required to obtain liability insurance. Liability Insurance is subject to approval by the Risk Manager and must include, but not be limited to, the following parameters: name the City of Carlsbad, its officers and employees as an additional Insured and Insurance company must be rated as A:XI or better by Best s Key Rating Guide. Applicants can also obtain special event liability insurance through the City. Athletic activities will require athletic participant coverage. If alcohol is served at an event, liquor liability coverage must be obtained 4. This item is being eliminated at the recommendation of the City Attorney s office as 1 could be considered discriminatory. (Page 7, Item 19) Car Shows: It is the policy of the Parks and Recreation Commission that Car Shows are not allowed on any park or turfed area. Any appeals will be reviewed on a case by case basis. 54 Current Policy Revised Policy (Batting Cages policy does not currently exist in the current Rules & Regulations. 7. Classification of Applicants and Fees Non-profit organizations (non-paid management, Carlsbad resident not - for - profit, civic, social organizations and any organization sponsoring a public forum or candidates night a Classification of Applicants and Fees Carlsbad resident not-for-profit, civic, social organizations (paid management); educational institutions; resident recreational. 9i Classifications & Applicant Fees Locally organized groups whose normal place of meeting is located in the City of Carlsbad; resident religious; resident political candidate use for fund raisers; non-resident not-for-profit civic and social organizations; resident private parties. 10. The organization must be comprised of volunteers, 51% of which must be Carlsbad residents. (Page 7, Kern 20) a Batting Cages • Stagecoach Park: The La Costa Youth Organization (LCYO) will have priority use of the batting cages, at no charge during March through June. LCYO must submit a Facility Use Application with the department. If additional use is needed, a separate application must be submitted. The batting cages will be available by other groups when not in use by the LCYO. (Page 8, Item B) 7. Classification of Applicants and Fees Non-profit organizations (non-paid management, Carlsbad resident not - for - profit, civic, social organizations and any organization sponsoring a public forum or candidates night; Carlsbad Unified School District (Page 8, Item C) a Classification of Applicants and Fees Carlsbad resident not-for-profit, civic, social organizations (paid management); educational institutions; resident recreational. (Page 8, Item D) a Classifications & Applicant Fees Locally organized groups whose normal place of meeting is located in the City of Carlsbad; resident religious; resident political candidate use for fund raisers; non-resident not-for-profit educational, civic and social organizations; resident private parties. (Page 9, Item 2) 10, The organization must be comprised of volunteers, and 70% of its membership and participants must be Carlsbad residents. 55 Current Policy Revised Policy 11. Facility Fee Schedule And Classifications Fees are based on an hourly rate, with a two hour minimum (except ballfields). An extra staffing fee of $7.00 per hour is required for all recreation usages other than regular operation hours. Facilities Categories A B""~C~~D E F Safety Center Fox Meeting Rm N/C 7 12 Palavski Meeting Rm N/C 7 12 Emergency Operating CtrN/c 7 12 Train Depot - Not currently listed. 17 25 30 17 25 30 17 25 30 Holiday - Picnic Shelter - Not currently listed. Ballfields Chase, Pine, Stagecoach, Calavera, Levante, Safety Center, Fuerte Batting Cages - Stagecoach only - Facility currently listed. not (Pages 10 and 11) 11. Facility Fee Schedule and Classifications Fees are based on an hourly rate, with a two hour minimum (except ballfields). An extra staffing fee of $10.00 per hour is required for all recreation usages other than regular operation hours. Facilities Categories A B C D E F Safety Center Fox Meeting Rm N/C 10 15 20 30 4 o Palavski Meeting Rm N/C 10 is 20 30 4 o Emergency Operating CtrN/c 10 15 20 3040 Train Depot N/C N/C 8 10 15 20 Holiday-Picnic Shelter N/C N/C 8 10 15 20 Ballfields Chase, Brierly, Stagecoach, Calavera, Levante, Safety Center, Fuerte Magnolia, Hope, Kelly, Jefferson, Buena Vista Valley Jr. High Batting Cages * * Stagecoach only N/C 3 5 8 12 15 Tennis Courts (Tournaments only/daily fee.) Carlsbad High School Stegecoach/Calavera Laguna Riviera CONCLUSION N/C N/C 20 30 40 60 N/C N/C 15 20 25 35 N/C N/C 10 15 20 30 Tennis Courts (Daily fee per court) Carlsbad High School Stagecoach/Calavera* Laguna Riviera* * No Tournament Play N/C N/C 2030 4060 N/C N/C 15 20 25 35 N/C N/C 10 15 20 30 Based on our investigation and analysis, staff believes the revised Facility Use Regulations will improve service to the community, increase revenues and assist the department in processing facility use permits. KE Attachment 56 CITY OF CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT FACILITY USE REGULATIONS Applications for use of City facilities may be made by mail or in-person at the Harding Community Center, 3096 Harding Street, Stagecoach Community Center, 3420 Mision Estancia Cammo De Los Caches or at Calavera Hills Community Center, 2997 Glasgow. Applications will be accepted Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., except holidays. Applications will be reviewed, use will be prioritized and fees, if any, set by the Recreation Supervisor. Please refer to Application Procedures, Rules, Priority Classifications and Fee Schedule. APPLICATION PROCEDURES AND POLICIES 1. Applications will be accepted for specific dates and times. Time requested must include all set-up and clean-up time. Applications must be submitted at least tea £W£ fourteen (14) working days in advance of the date requested. A Certificate of Insurance must be submitted with the application for ail events requiring liability lasorarie&c Advanced scheduling may be accepted one (1) year prior for larger special events. 2. Regular hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Saturdays, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. On Friday and Saturday nights, programs must end by 1:00 a.m., with a departure time no later than 2:00 a.m. An additional fee will be charged for use of the facility other than during regular hours of operation for all classifications. 3. Applications will be approved for specific rooms, park areas and ball fields, depending on group size, type of activity and availability. No activity shall be scheduled for more than room capacity. .. 57 4. The Department may refuse or cancel any application. Written notices of refusal or cancellation with appropriate explanation will be given by the Department. Applications for use may be denied for the following reasons: a. Unsatisfactory prior use. b. Hazardous condition exists. c. Application submitted less than ten (10) days in advance. d. Non-payment of fees before due date. e. Higher priority activity takes precedence. If an application is denied, the decision may be appealed in writing to the Recreation Supervisor. The next option, if the applicant is not satisfied, is to appeal it to the Recreation Superintendent, Parks and Recreation Director and Commission. The final appeal can be made to the City Council. The Department reserves the right to limit the number of uses by any one group so that the entire community may make use of the limited facilities available. 5. In the event of a change of plan by applicant, notice of cancellation must be given to the Department 21 days before the date of intended use in order to avoid financial obligation for charges involved. A ten dollar ($10) processing fee will be charged and a refund, if applicable, will be mailed to the applicant. 6. All fees must be paid at one of the Community Centers, Harding, Stagecoach or Calavera Community Center. Checks or money orders are made payable to the "CITY OF CARLSBAD". 7. A $150 refundable cleaning/damage deposit must be paid upon application approval. The remainder of the fee is due 21 days before scheduled use. Groups using facilities on a weekly, semi-monthly or monthly schedule must pay on or before the first meeting of the month. Other arrangements may be approved by the Recreation Supervisor. 58 8. A signed copy of your application by the Recreation Supervisor is your confirmation of the requested date. Any preparation for an event is solely at the applicant's risk. 9. The Recreation Supervisor may impose additional requirements on the applicant as a condition of approval. These additional requirements may include, but are not limited to, additional security, City staff or insurance. If an application for facility use has been submitted less than 10 working days in advance, applications may be reviewed and accommodated subject to facility availability. Any financial obligations incurred by the City to accommodate the applicant will be deducted from the required deposit upon notice of cancellation. Cost incurred for additional requirements shall be the responsibility of the applicant. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS in coaiwscdoa mth any of its &d3M«s. Dependiag upon $*e risk factor, the City *aay liability imurance In an amount «o to $5,OQG,Q0Q, Activities which Ml into 10 high risk activity wOl be required to obtain* liability imurance. liability insurance is subject to approval by the Risk Manager and must include> but not be limited to, the following parameters: name the City of Carlsbad, its officers and employees as an additional insured and insurance company must be rated as A:XI or better by Best's Key Rating Guide. Applicants can also obtain special event liabiHty insurance through the City, Athietk activities wal feqpbi5B athletic participant cswrage* If alcoisol is served at an event, liquor liability coverage must be obtained The City of Carlsbad is not liable for accidents, injuries or loss of individual property in connection with any of its facilities.—Groups which fall into moderate to high risk activity will be required to obtain liability insurance (rider clause to original policy), approved by the Recreation Supervisor Risk Manager, naming the City of Carlsbad, its officers and employees as additional insured. The City shall require liability insurance of $1 million to $5 million, depending upon the risk factor. 59 RULES GOVERNING FACTTJTY USE 1. An employee of the Parks and Recreation Department shall be present during all hours of use. Applicants that have been approved by the Department may be issued a key for off-site locations. The applicant is then responsible to secure the facility when leaving. 2. Clean-up/Refunds a. On the day of the event, the patron must initially inspect the premises with a staff person and fill out a Condition of Facility Report. This report is a check list to insure there is no negligence by either party (Recreation staff or patron). b. Groups are responsible for the following clean-up at the end of their event: Cleaning of all equipment used. Cleaning of any counter areas used. Cleaning and wiping all table tops used. Clean-up of any floor or carpet areas soiled or dampened. Clean-up of the kitchen and all amenities used (i.e., refrigerator, stove, oven, sinks, etc.). Putting all trash in proper receptacles. Removal of all equipment supplies, personal articles, displays, etc., immediately following clean-up. c. At the end of the rental and clean-up period, the patron will inspect the premises with a staff person and complete the Condition of Facility Report. d. If a group fails to perform a clean-up after their activity, the total deposit will be forfeited. If the facility is left in a satisfactory condition, a refund will be issued approximately three to four weeks after the date of the facility use. 3. All groups must be under the direction of their own leadership. There must be at least one adult present and responsible for each twenty minors, and an adult must be present at all times. 60 4. No activity will be permitted which is in violation of local, state or federal statutes. Applicants must adhere to all City policies and fire codes during their use of the facility. 5. Groups are responsible for controlling noise that could be disturbing to other activities or the surrounding neighborhood. 6. The Parks and Recreation Department reserves the right to full access for all activities in order to ensure that all rules and regulations are being observed, and may terminate the activity for the safety and welfare of the citizens or City property. 7. Rental for use of parks is charged only for organized activities requesting specific areas. Liability insurance or security guards may be necessary depending on a) risk factor level, b) alcohol, and c) nature of use. 8. Scout groups in Carlsbad have first priority for use of the Scout House, at no charge. The facility will be available for use by other groups when not in use by the Scouts. The Scout troops must submit a "Facility Use Application" with the Department. This form will be good from September through June. If summer use is needed, a separate application must be submitted. 9. Groups having live musical entertainment or serving alcoholic beverages must abide by the following additional security requirements: a. Groups selling alcohol must obtain "Daily On-Sale General License" from the Alcohol Beverage Control Board. b. Guard service will be arranged by the Department but paid by the applicant. Guards will act as security forces and not as I.D. checkers. Additional guards may be assigned by the Recreation Supervisors, if needed. 61 10. Alcoholic beverages shall not be purchased or brought into the building by other than the person responsible for the activity or licensed caterer. Alcoholic beverages are not to be consumed outside the building. If minors are found to be in possession of alcoholic beverages, or if participants are found to be in possession of drugs, the activity will be terminated immediately. 11. Approval for use will not be granted to a person under twenty-one (21) years of age. 12. Department equipment is available for use in the City's facilities, but may not be removed to any other location without proper written authorization by the Recreation Supervisor. 13-.—Use of the facilities by religious groups, groups or individuals for private or commercial profit making ventures will bo limited to throe (3) months. Use may not bo extended or renewed beyond the original period. 14. The use of any facility will not be granted or permitted to any individual, society group or organization which has its objectives the overthrow or advancing of the overthrow of the present form of government of the United States or the State of California by force, violence or other means. 15. No two groups of opposing political parties or political affiliation shall be scheduled at the same time at any facility. 16. No tape, nails, staples, etc. will be permitted on the walls of any facility. 62 17. Stagecoach and Calavera Community Centers/Gymnasiums: a. Gymnasium usage will not be granted when other City facilities are deemed more suitable for requested usage. b. No food, beverages, or hard sole shoes allowed. c. Floor cover to be in place for all events other than sports. 18. Safety Center Conference Rooms: a. In the event of a major emergency occurring within the City the meeting rooms will possibly be used by City officials. Groups scheduled to use the rooms will be preempted during that time. An appropriate refund of room reservation fees collected, or rescheduling of the canceled meeting will be arranged. b. Parks and Recreation Department personnel will process applications no more than thirty (30) days in advance. Police and Fire Department will have first priority. 19. Car Showsi a. It is the policy of the Parks and Recreation Commission that Car Shows are not allowed on a»y park or ttirJfed area, Aay apjpeals wl!l be reviewed on a case by case basis. 20* Stagecoach Park Batttog Cage? The La Costa Youth Organisation (LCYO) will have priority for use of the batting cages, at no charge daring March through June, LCYO must submit 3 "Facility Use Application" with die department, 1C additional use is needed, a separate application must be submitted. The batting cage will be available by other groups when not in tae by tit* tCYO, 21. SMOKING IS NOT PERMITTED IN ANY CITY FACILITY. G3 CLASSIFICATION OF APPLICANTS AND FEES Each application will be reviewed by the Recreation Supervisor and classified into a group depending on the type of organization and the intended use. The Parks and Recreation Department's activities have first priority for the use of the facilities. The classifications are listed in order of priority with classification "A" first, classification "B" second, etc. The City attempts to accommodate all groups; however, there is a limited number of facilities. Unfortunately, the demand exceeds the supply. For that reason, a priority system for use had to be established. A. Parks and Recreation activities; Co-sponsored activities; other City departments. Examples: Friends of the Library, Carlsbad Book Fair B. Non-profit organizations (non-paid management); Carlsbad resident not-for- profit, civic, social organizations and any organization sponsoring a public forum or candidates night; Carlsbad Unified School District, Examples: Carlsbad Rotary, La Costa Youth Organization, |||||||| Bobby Sox, Cag&bggl Youth Baseball, Boy Scouts, Lionl Ciub \nAfW -fa \JT C. Carlsbad resident not-for-profit, civic, social organizations (paid management); educational institutions; resident recreational. Examples: Boy's and Girl's Club, Lindsay Property Management Associatiojos^jQarkbad GM's Club, Victory Christian High School JMtra Costa) School District D. Locally organized/groups whose normal place of meeting is located in the City of Carlsbad; resident religious; resident political candidate use for fund raisers; non-resident not-fqr-profit educational, civic and social organizations; resident private parties. Examples: North County A.A., Y.M.C.A., resident religious and political groups 8 -- 64 E. Resident commercial, business, profit making organization, non-resident private party activities. Examples: Carlsbad Inn, non-resident parties, weddings or receptions F. Non-resident commercial, business, political, profit making and religious organizations. Examples: Trade shows, company training, meetings, seminars IN ORDER TO QUALIFY AS CLASSIFICATION "B" OR "C" NON-PROFIT USER, THE ORGANIZATION MUST MEET ALL OF THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: 1. The organization must be registered as a not-for-profit corporation with the State of California, or, if not registered with the State, must have a constitution or by- laws which clearly state that the objectives of the organization are of a non-profit, non-commercial nature. 2. The organization must be comprised of volunteers, and 70% of which its membership an<J participants must be Carlsbad residents. Verification of residency^ may be required 3. The organization must submit the following: a. If incorporated, submit State incorporation papers and by-laws; if not incorporated, submit constitution and by-laws. b. Financial verification of organization's exemption from income tax. (Department of the Treasury form 990 may be used.) An up-dated copy will be required by October 1st of each year. c. A signed statement verifying item "2" above. 65 FACILITY FEE SCHEDULE AND CLASSIFICATIONS REGULAR OPERATION HOURS Harding/Calavera/and Stagecoach Community Centers Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Safety Center Conference Rooms Fox/Palowski Mtg. Rooms Monday - Friday 2:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. E.O.C. Mtg. Room Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Fees are based on an hourly rate, with a two hour minimum (except ballfields). An extra staffing fee of $7.00 $10.00 per hour is required for all recreation usages other than regular operation hours. FACILITIES Harding Community Center Auditorium Recreation Hall Multi-Purpose Room Kitchen Stagecoach/Calavera Community Centers Gymnasium Activity Room Multi-Purpose Room Kitchen Safety Center Fox Meeting Room Palowski Meeting Room Emergency Operating Center Levante Center Heritage Hall Granary Scout House Ttafo Depot CATEGORIES A B C D E F N/C $10 $15 $20 $40 $45 N/C 10 15 20 40 50 N/C N/C 10 15 20 25 N/C N/C 5 10 15 20 N/C N/C N/C N/C 10 10 N/C N/C 20 15 10 5 30 20 15 10 45 40 20 15 55 50 25 20 N/C 7|| 12 15±7 20 35 30 30 40 N/C 7 |! 43 15 i7 20 35 SO 30 40 N/C 7 H 43 1$±7 20 S5 30 30 40 N/C N/C 10 15 20 30 N/C N/C 10 15 20 30 N/C N/C 8 10 15 20 N/C N/C H/C N/C 66 8 10 15 20 8 10 15 20 10 CATEGORIES PARKS Holiday - Gazebo Area «• Picnic Shelter Stagecoach/Calavera - Picnic Area Magee Park - Open Area La Costa Canyon - Upper Area Laguna Riviera - Picnic Area RAI.T.FTFT.DS Chase, Pine ||i|f|l|, Stagecoach, Calavera Day Use Lights Bttem Vista, Valtey Jr, High Levante, Safety Center, Hope, ICeiy, Jdfesso&vDay Use Only Batting Cage - Stagecoach only TOURNAMENTS - ($200 deposit required) Field plus Bases Lights Field Preparation Snack Bar TENNIS COURT (Daily fee per court) Carlsbad High School Stagecoach/Calavera* Laguna Riviera* * No Tournament Play NOTES: .A. _B_ N/C N/C H/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C D N/C N/C 3 5 S 5 3 3 3 5 13 3 5 5 13 15 5 8 S 8 5 5 5 5 13 5a 5 13 15 8 10 10 10 8 8 8 7 15 7 12 7 15 15 10 15 15 15 12 12 12 7 20 7 "IS 7 20 15 12 N/C N/C N/C 7 N/C 15 N/C N/C N/C N/C 20 30 40 60 N/C N/C 15 20 25 35 N/C N/C 10 15 20 30 1. There is a two-hour minimum for the use of facilities, parks and meeting rooms, except for ballfields which can be rented for one (1) hour. Fees will not be pro-rated for less than one hour. 2. Day Use for the softball fields and the tennis courts is from 8:00 a.m. until dark. An additional amount is charged for lights. 3. Building rentals include use of tables, chairs, P.A. and kitchen facilities when appropriate. 12/92 67 11