HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-02-22; Parks & Recreation Commission; 293-5; Tot lot installation Spinnaker HillPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL MTG. DEPT. TITLE: CITIZEN REQUEST, TOT LOT INSTALLATION SPINNAKER HILL (SE QUADRANT) (ACTION) RECOMMENDED ACTION: If the Commission concurs your action would be to approve the citizen's request to develop, operate, and maintain on City property at no cost to the City, a playground area (tot lot) which will be open to the general public, subject to obtaining the appropriate right of way permits. ITEM EXPLANATION; The Play Area Committee of Spinnaker Hill subdivision, headed by Diane Brink has requested support and guidance to develop a small area with play equipment on the east side of Lagoon Lane between Daisy Avenue and Poppy Lane. The subject area approximately, 60' x 20', is located on City owned property zoned as open space. Mrs. Brink is requesting that the City give their group permission to plan, develop, operate and maintain the play area at no cost to the City. The proposal outlines the following: • Creation of a small play area within walking distance of several developments, to include 2 pieces of multi-use play equipment, two benches, fencing and landscaping as needed. • Local residents/users will raise funds for the equipment purchase and maintenance costs. • Citizens will prepare the site, install equipment per A.D.A. and manufacturer specifications and Carlsbad City codes under supervision of local, licensed contractor. Vendor will provide technical guidance, as necessary. • Citizens will install safety barrier, signs, and plant appropriate landscape materials. • Citizen group will assume ongoing maintenance of the play area and landscaping. .. (Ao^-AjuLfrfw^K^ *< Staff Analysis: ^ As the Commission wjlHecall, Mrs. Brink made a request to the City some time ago to develop, at City cpsfTa play area for children in the Spinnaker Hill area. Her request was denied primarily due to the City's adopted park development policy of not being involved iiHne development of the neighborhood, pocket, small mini park, or play areas, "m addition, the Commission noted that there were two community parks that would have play areas incorporated in them, to be developed in the southwest quadrant in the near future. 107Mrs. Brink also suggested that the City provide a guardrail along the street side PAGE 2, AB # _ adjacent to the proposed play area. In a memo dated November 10, 1992 from the Traffic Engineer, his recommendation was not to install such a guardrail. However, he does mention that any improvement in the public right of way will require prior approval and permits from the Engineering Department. Conditional Use Permit (OJPV. " Because the play ground area will be placed primarily on City owned property designated as open space, play grounds are permitted uses as long as they are open to the general public and do not require a CUP. Liability Concerns: The installation of any type of recreational facilities or apparatuses by a private group or by the City on City property to be utilized by the general public, would create an additional liability exposure. Currently, the City is self insured up to the first $500,000 for each occurrence. So in essence, this is not like any other park development project or any citizen neighborhood group adopting a park area; both create additional liabilities which cities traditionally assume. Any installation of this type would require close inspection by the City as well as monitoring ongoing maintenance and safety checks. The Commission should also be aware that if the private citizen group sometime in the future abandons the maintenance of this facility the City would be required to absorb the maintenance impact within the Parks and Recreation budget or remove the play area from public use. Traffic Impacts: Presently, Lagoon Lane (Batiquitos Drive), dead ends at the north edge of Batiquitos Lagoon. As development occurs within this section of the quadrant the street will be extended to the east to connect at the terminus of the existing Batiquitos Drive, located adjacent to the Aviara Golf Course. At this time, the average daily trips (ADT) is minimal. Buildout projections according to the Traffic Engineer, will be approximately 6,700 ADT which is designated as light traffic. FISCAL IMPACT; This project will have no fiscal impact on the City budget as the citizen group will provide the funds for the equipment installation and ongoing maintenance. Direct cost to the department would be absorbed through in kind services i.e., staff time for processing and monitoring maintenance and safety checks. EXHIBITS; 1. Citizen Request 2. Engineer Report - Guardrail 108 3. Location Map Dave Bradstreet Director, Parks and Recreation Department City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad CA 92008 10/10/92 Dear Mr. Bradstreet: There are many families with small children in Spinnaker Hill and adjacent neighborhoods who are very interested in developing, funding and Using a small play area within walking distance. Several possible sites have been identified and disqualified with the present one being proposed for cons iderat ion. The attached proposal is the result of a great deal of planning by many families to develop a small, neighborhood-funded and maintained play area for tots. It is recognized that there are some persons in the community who will find various reasons to discourage this proposal and describe problems which might be encountered. We have recognized these problems and have identified practical and cost-effective solutions. The play area committee of Spinnaker Hill requests the support and guidance of your department and the Parks and Recreation Commission to develop the play area described in the attached proposal. The play committee is ready to meet with your department and the Parks and Recreation Commission at the earliest opportunity to describe the play area. Please me to schedule a presentation. Sincerely, Diane Brink 7206 Azalea Place Carlsbad CA 92009 619 431-0194 Attachment 109 EXHIBIT 1 ST-IAJ_I_ PLAY AREA COMMITTEE Spinnaker Hill PROPOSAL - Create a small play area within walking distance for small children accompanied by parents of Spinnaker Hill, Vista Pacifica, and Broccato and funded by local residents. LOCATION - On the East side of Bataquitos Drive between Daisy Avenue and Poppy Lane. TIMING - March 1993 - City approval June 1993 - Conduct local fundraising August 1993 - Complete project 110 BACKQOUND a - . No play area for small children with parents in Southwest Quadrant Proposed SW Quadrant park (Alta Mira) two years*, over one mile away and too far for small children to walk. Many neighborhood sites considered. Proposed site is available, well suited, within easy walking distance, easily monitored and well lighted No site _preparation Least adverse neighborhood impact Most cost-effective Strong community support and participation Community Support citizen signatures Aviara/Hi1Iman Properties Broccato/Odmark and The Ian Standard Pacific of San Diego Adjoining neighbors ill EQUIPMENT RECOMMENDED SELECTION Moore # TC-334 (see attached) 2 - standard decks 1 - belt swing, one infant swing 1 - tire swing 1 - slide 1 - turning bar 1 - steering wheel Freight, tax, discount total $3682.61 Moore # 6022 Hillside Straight Slide (optional - see attached) $1662.00 2 - park-type benches $250.00 2 - safety,signs $75.00 Play area committee would request equipment purchase through Carlsbad City sources if significant financial savings could be realized. Committee funds would be transferred to city for acquisition. FUNDING Local residents/users will raise funds for equipment purchase INSTALLATION Parents will install equipment per manufacturer specifications and Carlsbad city codes under supervision of local, licensed contractor. Vendor will provide technical guidance, as necessary. MAINTENANCE Parents will continuously maintain equipment and play area appearance. SAFETY A two foot high natural hedge (drought resistant) lining the sidewalk for approximately 60 feet 2 safety signs on either side of play area entries requesting parental supervision "Children at Play" or equal signs on Bataquitos Drive The play area will be very observable from the road and well lighted at night, deterring mischief or inappropriate behavior. A bumper guard rail runniing for 40-60 feet along the play area 113 SITE DESCRIPTION East side of Bataquitos Drive, 200 feet south of Daisy Avenue Approximately 28 feet deep and 60 feet long feet from nearest residence with 30 feet verticle rise Sloping slightly to the south Well lighted all night by existing streetlight Prinking water source nearby PREPARATION 3 large eucalyptus trees scheduled for demolition for Bataquitos Drive landscaping Utilize existing grade Trim remaining trees for safety and lighting enhancement Consider water fountain connection to existing pipe LANDSCAPING Provide appropriate planting around site per Carlsbad Landscape Quidline and Parks Department requirements Plant appropriate vegitation for natural, no maintenance, safety barrier for child safety Play area ground cover will be pulverized bark or other material approved by Carlsbad Landscape Guide 114 iV U - ,,V4S *r J ° 1992 MEMORANDUM , DECEIVED NOV 0 r m? •— . IwJc November 10, 1992 TO: PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR FROM: Traffic Engineer TOT LOT, CITIZEN REQUEST FOR A GUARDRAIL Thank you for your memorandum of October 26, 1992 regarding the request for approximately 45 feet of guardrail on Batiquitos Drive at the proposed tot lot. I have reviewed the sketch that you provided of the tot lot location and field reviewed the proposed site. A meandering sidewalk has been constructed on the east side of Batiquitos Drive (called Lagoon Lane on the provided sketch) and at the tot lot location the sidewalk is contiguous to the curb and gutter. This contiguous sidewalk configuration meets City of Carlsbad standards and is how we build virtually all sidewalks in Carlsbad. Guardrail is generally not installed immediately behind the curb and gutter except in special circumstances where there is a high probability of a vehicle running off the road at that particular location. Staff uses Caltrans criteria when evaluating the need for a guardrail. Basically, guardrails are installed to deflect a vehicle away from a fixed object or an embankment slope. A vehicle striking a guardrail can result in severe injury to the occupants. The determining factor generally is if guardrail results in more severe injury or if the occupants will receive less injury when the errant vehicle leaves the roadway and does not strike a guardrail. There are no slopes or hazardous features at the tot lot location that would warrant the guardrail to be installed. The proposed tot lot is on the inside portion of a large radius curve and vehicles do not have a high probability of running off the road at this location. I do not recommend installation of guardrail as has been requested. It is my understanding that the proposed tot lot will consist of only a few pieces of equipment/furniture that will result in very low use at this location. As you know, any other improvements in the public right of way will require prior approval and a right of way permit from the Engineering Department. ROBERT T. JOHNSON, JR., P.E. Traffic Engineer c: City Engineer 115 EXHIBIT Dave Bradstreet Director, Parks and Recreation Department 10/15/92 City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Bradstreet: A community interest group from Spinnaker Hills and Vista Pacifica proposes to create a small "tot lot" play area within it's neighborhood that would be open to the general public. We propose to: FUND CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN this small play area whose focus will be for toddlers and preschoolers. The proposal submitted to you on 10/14/92 is the result of a great deal of planning and work.. We recognize the primary goal of safety and intend for this area to also be a lovely and positive addition to our neighborhood. We feel we have practical and cost effective solutions to any challenges to our project. We seek the "Parks and Recreation's" support in the form of approval and guidance in making this dream a safe, fun, and beautiful addition to our neighborhood. Thank-You Very Much, Diane Brink 7206 Azalea PI. Carlsbad, CA 92009 619-431-0194 116 OCT271992October 26, 1992 CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT TO: TRAFFIC ENGINEER FROM: Parks and Recreation Director TOT LOT, CITIZEN REQUEST FOR A GUARD RAIL A community interest group from Spinnaker Hills and Vista Pacifica is requesting permission from the City to construct a tot lot on the east side of Batiquitos Drive between Daisy Avenue and Poppy Lane (on City property). To protect the subject tot lot, the group is requesting the installation of a guard rail (to City specifications) adjacent to the play area. Would you please determine if this is a possibility and also provide the cost for such a rail. If you have any questions please call me at extension 2825. DAVID BRADSTREET c: Parks Superintendent Attachment Ul.lll 01 ,,onix LIMIT OF WORK WATER VALVE 131 VAULT CATV u. DAISY AVE \\8 EXHIBIT 3