HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-04-19; Parks & Recreation Commission; 493-6; Facility Standard updatePARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL AB* Mfl3-C» MTG.. DEPT. TITLE:FAOLTTY STANDARDS UPDATE RECOMMENDED ACTION: After review, comment and modification your action would be to direct staff to revise the Facility/Activity Standards as deemed necessary. ITEM EXPLANATION: On March 15, 1993 the Commission requested that staff review and revise the Facility Standards that were adopted on November 19, 1990. Staff has included the existing April 23, 1991 summaries (Exhibit A) and a revision draft based on new population figures and build out progression (Exhibit B). FISCAL IMPACT: None. EXHIBITS: 1. Exhibit 1 - Facility/Activity Standard 2. Exhibit 2 - 1991 City Wide Facility Inventory 3. Exhibit 3 - 1993 Revised City Wide plans 035 FACILITY/ACTIVITY STANDARD (Adopted November 19, 1990) FACILITY/ACTIVITY Badminiton Community Center/Gym Enclosed Soccer Football Hard Court Areas Indoor Volleyball Cts. Soccer Softball/Baseball Tennis Courts Tot Lots Swimming Pool Golf Course (Regulation) Golf Course (Short Course) Trails CARLSBAD STANDARD * 3/Quadrant I/Quadrant 1 /Community 1 /Quadrant I/Com. Park (Active) 2/Quadrant ** 1/4,000 1/4,000 1/2,000 I/Com. Park (Active) 3/Community 1 /Community 1 /Community 1 /Community NATIONAL STANDARD 1/5000 N/S N/S 1/20,000 1/10,000 1/5,000 1/10,000 1/5,000 1/2,000 N/S 1/20,000 1/50,000 N/S 1 /Region * Multi-Use with other uses ** One (1) Adult size per Quadrant - where possible N/S - No Standard NOTE: When possible at least 1/2 of the sport fields will be lighted 036 EXHIBIT 1 Quadrants: CITYWIDE FACILITY INVENTORY NW Pop. 26,022 Softball 1/4 Soccer 1/4 Football 1/20 Tennis 1/2 1991 STD 6.5 6.5 1.3 13 1991 EXIST 10 8 3 17 +/- +3.5 + 1.5 + 1.7 +4 B/0 37,979 STD 9.4 9.4 1.9 18.9 EXIST + PUT B/O PROJ. 18 15 6 35 +/- 4-8.6 +5.6 +4.1 + 16-1 NE Pop. 10,158 Softball 1/4 Soccer 1/4 Football 1/20 Tennis 1/2 1991 STD 2.4 2.4 1.0 4.9 1991 EXIST 5 2 1 2 +/- +2.6 <-.6> 0 <-2.9> B/O 22,363 5.2 5.2 2.0 10.4 EXIST + PUT B/O PROJ. 6 3 1 5 +f +.4 <-2.2> <-1> «-5,4> SW Pop. 10,561 Softball 1/4 Soccer 1/4 Football 1/20 Tennis 1/2 1991 STD 3.0 3.0 1.0 6.0 1991 EXIST 0 0 0 0 +/- <-3.0> <-3.0> <-1.0> <-6.0> B/O 31 ,775 7.9 7.9 1.0 15.8 EXIST + PUT B/O PROJ. 7 7 3 20 +f <%9> _, <-,9> +2.0 <-1.8> SE Pop. 21,913 Softball 1/4 Soccer 1/4 Football 1/20 Tennis 1/2 1991 STD 5.1 5.1 1.0 10.4 1991 EXIST 6 6 1 6 +/- + .9 +.9 0 <-4.4> B/O 42,81 7 10.7 10.7 2.0 21.4 EXIST + PUT B/O PROJ. 10 , 10 2 11 +t* <-.7> <-.7> 0 <-1.4> CITYWIDE TOTALS <*>*4 Softball 1/4 Soccer 1/4 Football 1/20 Tennis 1/2 1991 STD 16.8 16.8 3.3 33.8 1991 EXIST 21 16 5 25 +/- +4.2 <-.8> + 1.7 <-8.8> B/O 134,914 33.6 33.6 7.0 67.3 EXIST + PUT B/O PROJ. 41 35 12 71 +A +7.4 + 1.4 +5.0 _ +3.7 DB&KB\Tables\Facility.lnv 4-23-91 037 EXHIBIT 2 EXISTING NW Gamefield* NW I/XM (2 >) SITE (Standard) 1 . Pine 2. Chase 3. Jefferson 4. Magnolia 5. Valley (upper) Valley (lower) 6. Kelly 7. CHS 8. Buena Vista 9. Laguna Riviera STANDARD/TOTAL 91 STD (1/4,000) (6.5) SOFTBALUBB 1 (90') 3(60') 1 (60-) 0 1 0 0 2 (60'& 90') 2 0 10 STO {t/4,000) (6.5) SOCCER 0 o i 2(110* 60yds) } adult t adult 1 smalt t aduft 1 0 a STD (1/20,000) (1.3) FOOTBALL 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 3 am {1O£OQ> (13) TENNIS 0 0 0 0 e a 0 9 0 2 17 FUTURE (EST.) NW NW B/0 (37^979) ' ( SITE 1 . Pine or Magnolia 2. Vet Memorial 3. Cannon Lake 4. Zone 5 FUTURE TOTAL GRAND TOTAL EXIST + PUT STD (9.4) SOFTBALUBB 2 4 0 3 9 18 STD - (9.4) SOCCER 2 4 0 1 7 1$ STD (1.9) FOOTBALL 1 2 0 0 3 6 STD ,; •'• (19.7) TENNIS 2 12 0 4 18 35 EXISTING NE NE 1991 (9,879) SITE 1 . Calavera Hills 2. Hope 3. Safety Center STANDARD/TOTAL STD (2.4) SOFTBALUBB 3 1 1 5 STO (Z.4> SOCCER 1 1 0 2 STD (1.0) FOOTBALL 1 0 0 1 STD 10} TENNIS 2 0 0 2 FUTURE (EST.) NE NE B/O (20,843) SITE 1 . Larwin FUTURE TOTAL GRAND TOTAL EXIST + PUT STD (5.2) SOFTBALUBB 1 1 6 STD (5.2) SOCCER 1 t $ STD (2.0) FOOTBALL 0 0 1 STD (10.4) TENNIS 3 3 5 038 EXISTING SW SW 1991 (12,081) SITE STANDARD/TOTAL STD (1/4,000) (3.0) SOFTBALL/BB 0 STD {J/4,000} (3.0) SOCCER 0 STD (1/20,000) (1.0) FOOTBALL 0 STO (1/2,000) <6.0> TENNIS - 0 I FUTURE (EST.) SW SW B/O (31,775) SITE 1. AltaMira 2. Zone 19 3. School Site FUTURE TOTAL GRAND TOTAL EXIST + PUT STD (7.9) SOFTBALL/BB 3 3 1 7 7 sto > (7.9) SOCCEfl 3 3 1 7 7 STD (1.0) FOOTBALL 1 1 1 3 3 STO (118) TENNIS tt SI 0 20 20 EXISTING SE SE 1991 (20,459) SITE 1. Levante 2. Fuerte 3. La Costa Canyon 4. Stagecoach STANDARD/TOTAL STD (5.1) SOFTBALL/BB 1 2 0 3 6 STD (5.1) SOCCER a z 0 2 6 STD (1.0) FOOTBALL 0 0 0 1 1 ' STD ' •: (10.4) TENNIS 0 0 2 4 6 FUTURE (EST.) SE SE B/O (42,817) SITE 1 . Alga Norte 2. School Site (Encinitas) 3. Carrillo FUTURE TOTAL GRAND TOTAL EXIST + PUT STD (10.7) SOFTBALL/BB 3 1 0 4 10 STO (10.7) SOCCER 3 1 0 4 . 10 STD (2.0) FOOTBALL 1 0 0 1 2 9TO t«t.4) TENNIS 5 0 0 5 11 €7,657 91 134,914 <B/0) CITY WIDE TOTALS CITY WIDE TOTALS (18.8) <«•«> 21 41 (16.S) (33.6) 16 35 (3.3) (7.0) 5 12 (33J») (67,3) 25 039 Quadrants:- CITYWIDE FACILITY INVENTORY Nw 2.6.01 -Z- Pop, 24,578 Soi.oall 1/4 Soccer 1/4 Football 1/quad I/20 Tennis 1/2 1993 STD 6.1 6.1 1.0 12.2 2991 EXIST 10 8 3 17 +/- +3.9 + 1.9 +3.0 +4.8 B/0 35,625 STD 8.9 8.9 1.0 17.8 FUTURE ' 9 -7 3 18 EXIST + PUT 8/D PROJ, 19 15 6 35 47- 4-10.1 +6.1 +5.0 +17.2 NE >^l*8 Pop. 9,531 Softball 1/4 . Soccer 1/4 Football 1/quad 1/20 Tennis 1/2 1993 STD 2.4 2.4 1.0 4.7 1991 EXIST 5 2 1 2 +/- +2.6 <.4> 0 <-2.9> B/O 20,957 5.2 5.2 1.0 10.4 FUTUFIE 2 2 1 2 EXIST + PUT B/O PROJ. 7 4 2 4 +/- +.2 <1.2> +1.0 <6.4> SW ie>^' Pop. 10,050 Softball 1/4 Soccer 1/4 FcL jail 1/quad 1/20 Tennis 1/2 1993 STD 2.6 2.6 1.0 5.0 1991 EXIST 0 0 0 0 +/- <2.6> <2.6> <-1.0> <5.0> B/O 29,805 7.4 7.4 1.0 14.9 FUTURE 9 7 2 16 EXIST + FUT B/O PROJ. 9 7 2 16 1 w- v; 4/1.6 <.4> +1.0 +1.1 SE ^-USO*^) Pop. 20,756 Softball 1/4 Soccer 1/4 Football 1 quad 1/20 Tennis 1/2 1993 STD 5.1 5.1 1.0 10.3 1991 EXIST 6 6 1 6 +/- + .9 + .9 0 -4.3 B/O 40, 165 10.0 10.0 1.0 20.0 FUTURE 4 4 1 5 EXIST + FUT B/O PROJ. 10 10 2 11 47- -0- -0- + 1 <-9.0> CITYWIDE TOTALS Pop. 64,915 Softball 1/4 Soccer 1/4 Football 1/quad 1/20 T'"~ is 1/2 1993 STD 16.2 16.2 4.0 32.4 1991 EXIST 21 16 5 25 +/- +4.8 <.2> + 1 <7.4> B/O 126.552 31.6 31.6 4.0 63.2 FUTURE 24 20 7 41 EXIST + FUT B/O PROJ, 45 36 12 66 4-A + 13.4 +4.4 +8.0 +2.8 DB&KB\Tables\Facility.lnv 4/93 040 EXHIBIT 3 EXISTING NW Gameflelds NW 1993 (24,578) SITE (Standard) 1 . Pine 2. Chase 3. Jefferson 4. Magnolia 5. Valley (upper) Valley (lower) 6. Kelly 7. CHS 8. Buena Vista 9. Laguna Riviera STANDARD/TOTAL 93 STD (1/4,000) (6.1) SOFTBALUBB Exist 1 (901) 3(60') 1 (60') 0 1 0 0 2 (60'& 90') 2 0 10 STD (t/4.000) (6.1) SOCCER Exist 0 0 1 2 <1 10 x 60yds) 1 adult t adult 1 smalt 1 adult 1 0 8 STD (1/20,000) 1/QUAD FOOTBALL Exist 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 3 STD {1/2,000) 12.2 TENNIS 11 JExis 0 0 0 " 0 6 0 0 9 0 2 17 FUTURE (EST.) NW NW B/O (35,625) SITE 1. Pine or Magnolia 2. Vet Memorial 3. Cannon Lake 4. Zone 5 FUTURE TOTAL GRAND TOTAL EXIST + FUTURE STD 8.9 SOFTBALL/BB 2 4 0 3 9 19 STD 8.9 SOCCER 2 4 0 1 7 15 STD I/QUAD FOOTBALL 1 2 0 0 3 6 STD : 17.8 TENNIS Z M 0 4 18 35 EXISTING NE NE 1993 (9,531) SITE 1 . Calavera Hills 2. Hope 3. Safety Center STANDARD/TOTAL STD (2.4) SOFTBALUBB 3 1 1 5 STD (2.4) SOCCER 1 1 0 . 2 STD I/QUAD FOOTBALL 1 0 0 1 STD 4.7 TENNIS 2 0 0 2 FUTURE (EST.) NE NE B/O (20,957) SITE 1 . Larwin and/or site to be dedicated FUTURE TOTAL GRAND TOTAL EXIST + FUTURE STD (5.2) SOFTBALL/BB +2 +2 7 STD (5.2) SOCCER +2 2 4 STD (2.0) FOOTBALL 1 0 2 STD (10.4) TENNIS 2 — - 4 DB&KB\Tables\Facility.lnv 4/93 041 EXISTING SW SW 1993 (10,Q5Q) SITE STANDARD/TOTAL STD (1/4,000) (2.6) SOFTBALL/BB 0 STD tl/4,000) (2.6) SOCCER 0 STD (1/20,000) (1.0) FOOTBALL 0 8TO (1/Z.OOO) (3.0) TENNIS 0 FUTURE (EST.) SW SW B/O (29,805) SITE 1. Poinsettia 2. Zone 19 3. School Site - Aviara Oaks FUTURE TOTAL GRAND TOTAL EXIST + FUTURE 1/4000 STD (7.4) SOFTBALL/BB 3 3 3 9 9 1/4000 STD (7.4) SOCCER 3 . 3 1 7 7 STD (1.0) 1/20,000 FOOTBALL 1 1 0 2 2 STO (14.9) 1/2,000 TENNIS ti . 5 0 16 16 EXISTING SE §1 19932 (20,756) SITE 1. Levante 2. Fuerte 3. La Costa Canyon 4. Stagecoach STANDARD/TOTAL STD (5.1) SOFTBALL/BB 1 2 0 3 6 STD (5.1) SOCCER 2 2 0 2 6 STD (1.0) FOOTBALL 0 0 0 1 1 STD (10.3) TENNIS 0 0 2 4 6 FUTURE (EST.) SE SE B/O (40,165) SITE 1 . Alga Norte 2. School Site (Encinltas) 3. Carrillo FUTURE TOTAL GRAND TOTAL EXIST + FUTURE STD (10.0) SOFTBALL/BB 3 1 0 4 10 STD (10.0) SOCCER 3 1 0 4 10 STD (1.0) FOOTBALL 1 0 0 1 2 STD (20.0) TENNIS S 0 0 5 11 «-, IM yu 126,552 (B70) CITY WIDE TOTALS CITY WIDE TOTALS <16-2> (31.6) 2t 45 (16.2) (31.6) 16 36 (4.0) (4.0) 5 >. 12 32.4 (63.2) 25 66 DB&KB\Tables\Faci!ity.lnv 4/93 042 PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR ' RECEIVED MAR 1 0 1992 March 8, 1993 TO: MAYOR MAYOR PRO-TEM COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: CITY ENGINEER SUMMARY OF ACTION ITEMS FROM BEACH EROSION COMMITTEE OF MARCH 8, 1993 1. UPDATE ON CORPS OF ENGINEERS' STUDY! Corps will hold a public workshop after the Committee presentation to City Council. The Committee will work with the Corps to gather information and place a dollar amount of loss to private property and lost revenue caused by wave damage. Only 50 percent can be recreation benefit loss. 2. OPPORTUNISTIC SANDi Committee is concentrating on three locations for storage of opportunistic sand: 1) State land at the Encina Sewage Plant outfall pipeline, 2) State land on Carlsbad Boulevard west of the SDG&E Power Plant and north of Tierra Del Oro and 3) At the North end of Buena Vista Lagoon. SANDAG is looking at the regional aspects of opportunistic sand. Staff and the Committee will coordinate with them. 3. COUNCIL PRESENTATION/COMMITTEE GOALS: Committee and staff are finalizing information for Council presentation to be given in April 1993 LLOYD/A. HUBBS LBHrPC c: City Manager Community Development Director Assistant City Manager Financial Management Director Assistant to the City Manager Department Heads . . RECEIVED HAR 1 1 March 10, 1993 TO: CITY MANAGER DEPARTMENT HEADS FROM: CCTVF Staff Representative CARLSBAD COMMUNITY TV FOUNDATION REGULAR MEETING SUMMARY REPORT - MARCH 5,1993. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Grants Approved - (A) "CELEBRITY-FACULTY BASKETBALL GAME" Applicant: David Mirisch/San Dieguito High School Parents' Club. Amount approved: $1.403.00. (B) "LEGO World INFORMATION MEETING" Applicant: Lee Bohlmann/Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce. Amount approved: $874.00. (C) "NORTH COUNTY AIRBANDS" Applicant: Mark Herman/Vista High School Associated Student Body. Amount approved: $2.518.00. (D) "C.H.S. AIRBAND FINALS" Applicant: Tom Robertson/Carlsbad High School Associated Student Body Council. Amount approved: $2.250.00. 2. Grant Denied - (A) "THE BASIC ROOTS OF ROCK & ROLL TODAY" Applicant: Domenic Priore. Amount denied: $1.205.00. CONTINUED BUSINESS: 1. Accepted Financial Report to 2-28-93. SUMMARY REPORT OF CCTVF MEETING - MARCH 1993 March 10, 1993 Page 2 DISCUSSION ITEMS: 1. Shane Salerno/Encinitas Rotary Agreement. Name of Rotary president will be reported to staff in order to request an updated report on the sale of the "Sundown" video. 2. Valarie Brown reported on (a) the cost involved in making a new promo video for the Foundation; (b) grant evaluation check list; (c) Channel 38 viewership survey. Comments on all three items will be discussed at the April meeting. THE DATE OF THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING is scheduled for Thursday, April 1,1993, at 4:30 p.m. JAMES C/HAGAMAN pgk Is c: Council Members DECEIVED MAR 1 2 1992 March 11, 1993 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: Arts Manager SUMMARY - SISTER CITY COMMITTEE MEETING - MARCH 10, 1993 There were no action items. The Student Ambassador Subcommittee reported that four students entered the Student Ambassador Program contest. The announcement of the four students who will be traveling to Futtsu, Japan and Karlovy Vary (two students will travel to each country) will be made by April 1. The Committee is planning the agenda for the upcoming visit of the Futtsu student delegation, who will be in Carlsbad May 1-4. CONNIE BEARDSLEY saf c: Assistant City Manager Parks and Recreation Director Sr. Management Analyst - Planning RECEIVED MAR 2 3 1992 March 22, 1993 TO: MAYOR LEWIS MAYOR PRO-TEM STANTON COUNCIL MEMBER FINNILA COUNCIL MEMBER KULCHIN COUNCIL MEMBER NYGAARD FROM: Library Director SUMMARY REPORT OF LIBRARY BOARD MEETING 3/17/93 1. The library board approved the library's objectives under the City Council 1993 Goals. 2. The library board reviewed and approved the library's volunteer brochure. 3. The library board approved the library's revised video loan policy. 4. The library board approved the library's application for a grant from the State Library for library materials for children and youth. c: City Manager Assistant City Manager Department Heads March 9, 1993 TO: MAYOR LEWIS MAYOR PRO TEM STANTON COUNCILMEMBER FINNILA COUNCILMEMBER KULCHIN COUNCILMEMBER NYGAARD FROM: Senior Commission SUMMARY REPORT OF MARCH 4,1993, COMMISSION MEETING 1. Boy Scout Troop 748 Utilization of Senior Center Commission voted unanimously to have Scout Troop 748 utilize the Senior Center for a fundraising Easter Sunday Pancake Breakfast for a fee of $226. 2. Citizen Request/Senior Center Open on Weekends Commission voted unanimously to turn down the request to have the Senior Center open on weekends. Hours of operation will remain as they presently are - Monday through Friday. ^ 2c 'MYRAZINK Scribe C: City Manager Assistant City Manager Parks & Recreation Director Department Heads KEITH BEVERLY PARKS & RECREATION DEPT. MARCH 4,1993 TO: MAYOR LEWIS MAYOR PRO TEM STANTON COUNCIL MEMBER KULCHIN COUNCIL MEMBER F1NNILA COUNCIL MEMBER NYGAARD FROM: Planning Director SUMMARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH 3,1993 1. CUP 92-Q2fA1 - CALVARY CHAPEL NORTH COAST - The request for a Conditional Use Permit Amendment to allow the conversion of existing storage space into office space within the worship facility in the Poinsettia Plaza shopping center was approved 7-0. 2. SDP 92-08 RP.U J.Fl^UR WINE TASTING & GIFT SHOP - By a 6-1 vote (Erwin), the Commission approved the request for a temporary facility for retail wine sales/tasting to include a gift shop, outdoor veranda, courtyard and turf picnic area on 2.3 acres on the west side of Paseo Del Norte, north of Palomar Airport Road and Pea Soup Andersen's. 3. ZCA 92-08 - CAMPAIGN SIGNS - The amendment to Chapter 21.41 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, removing the time restriction on the posting of campaign signs prior to an election was continued to die meeting of April 7,1993. (7-0) MICHAEL J. HOI Planning Director arb c: City Manager Assistant City Manager Assistant to the City Manager Department Heads Open Space Advisory Committee Sue Spickard/Keith Beverly Don Rideout (Growth Management) Connie Beardsley, Manager, Arts Office KEITH BEVERLY PARKS & RECREATION DEPT. APRIL 8,1993 MtCWVEDAPR t 3 TO: MAYOR LEWIS MAYOR PRO TEM STANTON COUNCIL MEMBER KULCHIN COUNCIL MEMBER FINNILA COUNCIL MEMBER NYGAARD FROM: Planning Director SUMMARY OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 7,1993 1. ZCA 92-08 - CAMPAIGN SIGNS - The request for amendment to Chapter 21.41 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, removing the time restriction on the posting of campaign signs prior to an election, was continued to a date uncertain to allow for more research. (7-0) 2. CUP 247-xlfB") - HARDING GUEST HOME - By a 7-0 vote, the Commission approved an amendment to a Conditional Use Permit to add a 446 sq. ft second-story to an existing residential care facility located at 3574 Harding Street 3. CUP 92-09 - COMMUNITY CHURCH. CENTER - The Commission voted 7-0 to approve a Negative Declaration and a Conditional Use Permit to allow the La Costa Community Church, Day Break Community Church, and North Coast Christian Fellowship to conduct church sendees and meetings at 6359 Paseo del Lago, in the PM Zone. 4. EIR 91-04/GPA 91-06/MP139 fEVHDP 91-17 - RANCHQ TiAJ^ff ITrli0 MASTER PLAN - The request for certification of an Environmental Impact Report; and the approval of a General Plan Amendment, Master Plan Amendment, and a Hillside Development Permit on property located south of Palomar Airport Road, west of the eastern City limits, east of Bressi Ranch, and north of Local Facilities Management Zone 6 was continued to the nutting of April 21, 1993, due to the lateness of the hour. (6-0 Savary lives within the notice area and could not hear this item.) 5. MP 177(D - AVTARA SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS - The request for a Master Plan text amendment to allow the Planning Commission to approve Site Development Plans for residential developments with 50 or more units in Local Facilities Management Zone 19 was continued to April 21,1993, (7-0) 6. ZCA 92-O7 - ACCESSORY STRUCTURES ZCA - Bv a 6-0 vote, the Commission continued to April 21,1993, the request for recommendation of approval of: 1) a Negative Declaration, and 2) an m*nAm*>nt to Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code to define habitable space, and amend the development standards for accessory structures in residential zones of the City. The Commission wishes to consider additional language to the proposed ordinance. APRIL 8,1993 SUMMARY OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 7,1993 PAGE 2 7. GENERAL PLAN UPDATE - The information item on the General Plan Update was continued to the meeting of April 21,1993. MICHAEL J. HOLZM1LLER Planning Director arb c: City Manager Assistant City Manager Assistant to the City Manager Department Heads Open Space Advisory Committee Sue Spickard/Keith Beverly Don Rideout (Growth Management) Connie Beardsley, Manager, Arts Office Orange School District Thrdws Curve at Youth Group • Recreation: Little League and other organizations fight back against plan to charge them for use of fields. ByMIMIKO SPECIAL TO THE TIMES ORANGE—Several youth groups in Orange and Villa Park are furious over an Orange Unified School District proposal to charge them for the use of school fields. The district has also threatened to tear down snack bars and dug- outs at the fields unless the groups bring them up to building codes. When the school district un- veiled plans to levy a user fee and inspect the organizations' struc- tures last year, it met unexpectedly strong opposition. Because of the uproar, school board members formed a Fiscal Advisory Council to review the issue. The advisory council formed a subcommittee, the Use of Facilities Committee, that will meet with parents and dozens of local sports leagues representatives Monday to discuss the matter in an effort to come up with recommendations for the school board. More than a dozen youth groups including the Villa Park Little League, the Orange YMCA and various soccer, basketball, swim- ming and Softball leagues have united to form the Orange Youth Council to speak on behalf of the more than 17,000 children who they say will be affected. Officials of the Villa Park Little League, which has about 600 chil- matter. District official! said they I lieve the fees, ranging from ¥1 ) per square foot per day to $1.: per event per day, may be dropp I But officials said buildings v I have to comply with «tate build g codes or the district could be fon d to shut down schools. "Someone from the Off.ce of I State Architect could walk school property at any time aiu If they find nonconfonning buildin they can shut down the sdux said Frank Remkiewicz, constn tion projects manager for the d trict "That's the problem w< looking at, and it's a safety t CHRISTINE COTTtM / Little Leaguer Chris Bystedt warms up for game on field at Cerro Villa School, which league used free for decades but now may be billed for. dren playing on the fields at Cerro Villa Middle School, said imposing a fee on its members would finan- cially drain the nonprofit organiza- tion. "This year alone, we've spent $15,000 on the the maintenance of the fields and a new sprinkler system," said Robert Camargo, league vice president "We will not pay for the use of the fields," Camargo said. The Little League teams have played on the Cerro Villa fields every season for the past 29 yean without charge. Each year, the organization spends an average of $10,000 mowing "» gopher holes, c diamonds and seeding fields, Ca- margo said Camargo said the league uses the fields at Cerro Villa five days a week for three months each year. The snack bar and the dugouts, which were donated to the league 18 years ago and met building codes then, have been targeted for removal, according to Camargo. Other youth sports' groups that use other schools' fields in the district were similarly alerted to the possible destruction of their buildings if they didn't meet codes. But plans to enforce the codes have been halted until the Use of ^Facilities Committee comes up liability issue too. "We're working diligently w youth sports representatives to < velop agreeable policies and appi priate fee structures though," added. Peggy Hunter, director of (j- ange-Villa Park Softball, is dfr- trusting. Her organization keeps two year-old trailers on the fields hind the district offices where teams play. "If we got new trailers or paired these, it would cost at le it $10,000," she said. "That's too pensive. There's no way we*«o afford it We already spend SIOAO a year patching gopher holes, ing fences and sprinklers mowing the lawn." David Parker, rhnirmmi of district's Use of Facilities Comn - tee, said the matter is highly en tionaL "The original proposal was vi vague," said Jenifer Rhynes. cl if executive officer of Orange TUB L, M*M FIELDS, • er Fee Plan they play in non-school •inviron- ments. We should be ableVto all come together and realize thij," he added. om B3 3K^Jfe=-'« 8e70Ut£J&£S^srs&sSfp^ir-'S'tesszxsz «n|y. it is to the children™