HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-05-17; Parks & Recreation Commission; 593-5; Street tree varianceCITY OF CARLSBAD — AGENDA BILL AB# S#3~^ MTG. 5-p^j3 DEPT. /^^ III LC* OTOCCTT TDCC Xf A Dl A KI^C 1ft f\(\ AjK-oTHEET TREE VAHIANUE ^]/jJ^^ RANCHO CARRILLO MASTER PLAN (ACTION) DEPT. HD. CITY ATTY CITY MGR. o Oz oo RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve the request by Rancho Carrillo for a variance to the City Landscape Manual to substitute plant materials. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City of Carlsbad's Landscape Manual outlines specific trees and shrubs to be installed along certain major arterial roads. The intent of the Manual in this regards is to create a unified character associated with segments of major roads. As with any other requirement of the Manual, developers are permitted to request a variance which may be granted by the City if it is warranted and meets certain findings (refer to Exhibit 1). The developers of the Carrillo Ranch Master Plan are requesting a variance to allow them to substitute tree and shrub types in the medians of Melrose Avenue and Carrillo Way that they feel will be more appropriate for the project (refer to Exhibit 2). Because the Parks and Recreation Department is responsible for the landscaping and maintenance of landscape medians, this request for a variance is before the Parks & Recreation Commission. Staff has been working with the landscape architects for the project to make sure the substitutions will not compromise the intent of the Landscape Manual in terms of aesthetics or function (maintenance). Staff feels that the proposed substitutions will create the desired character along Melrose and Carrillo Way that was intended in the manual and that the maintenance requirements of the plant materials are acceptable. EXHIBITS: 1. Excerpts from Landscape Manual 2. Variance request 43 c INTRODUCTION (COnt) VARIANCES AND ALTERNATIVE COMPLIANCE Variances may be granted from the policies and requirements of this manual by the City from time to time if undue hardships or special circumstances make the variance request necessary. Where the literal interpretation and enforcement of the requirements of this document would result in practical difficulties, environmental degradation, or results inconsistent with the general purpose of this document, formal written request to vary from these requirements shall be made to the Planning Director, City Engineer, or Parks and Recreation Director. The City department to which this written request is made will depend on the type of variance requested and which department is responsible to oversee the requirement for which the variance is being sought. Before any variance is granted, the following findings must be made: 1. That there are extraordinary or unusual circumstances or conditions applicable to the project necessitating a variance from the requirements of this document. 2. That the proposed variance will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare of persons residing, working, playing, or traveling through the area and will not adversely impact other property in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed variance meets the intent of the policies and requirements of this document. The written request for variance shall describe the variance and justification for such variance and address how each of the findings above can be made. If, in the opinion of the Planning Director, City Engineer, or Parks and Recreation Director, the variance is justified and the findings can be made to support the variance, the variance may be issued by the applicable City department without a public hearing. City may decide, at their discretion, to put the variance before the Planning Commission and/or Parks and Recreation Commission for public hearing if it is felt that the variance is of such a nature that Commission and public review is warranted. 44 EXHIBIT 1 Introduction C APPENDIX C (cont) VI, C MEDIAN ISLAND CONCRETE: (Only applicable if street is improved to current arterial standards.) Surface Texture - Riverstone ("Bomanite" pattern or equal) Color - Natural with exposed aggregate j CARRILLO WAY THEME: Riparian and historical context PLANTING SCHEME: Informal LANDSCAPE: Median Tree - Populus fremontii, Western Cottonwood Median Shrub - Trachelospermum jasminoides, Star Jasmine Theme Tree - Alnus rhombifolia, White Alder Support Trees - Liquidamber styraciflua Populus fremontii, Western Cottonwood MEDIAN ISLAND CONCRETE: Surface Texture - Riverstone ("Bomanite" color or equal) Color - Dark Grey COLLEGE BOULEVARD THEME: Neighborhood identity and character PLANTING SCHEME: Informal LANDSCAPE: Median Tree - Pyrus kawakamii, Evergreen Pear Median Shrub - Carissa g. "Prostata," Prostrate NatalPalm Theme Tree - Cinnamomum camphora, Camphor Tree Support Trees - Eucalyptus species Liriodendron tulipifera, Tulip Tree 45 Appendix C.I-3 VI.C APPENDIX C (cont) POINSETTIA LANE THEME: Flowering Streetscape PLANTING SCHEME: Informal LANDSCAPE: Median Tree - Magnolia grandiflora, Southern Magnolia Median Shrub - Prittosporum "Wheeleri" Theme Tree - Magnolia grandiflora, Southern Magnolia Support Trees - Brachychiton acerifolia, Flame Tree Stenocarpus sinuatus. Fire Wheel Tree MEDIAN ISLAND CONCRETE: To match existing median condition on Poinsettia RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD/MELROSE DRIVE THEME: Foothills Landscape PLANTING SCHEME: Informal LANDSCAPE: Median Tree - Pinus roxburghii, Chir Pine Median Shrub - Juniperus c. "Pfitzerana compacta" (Rancho Santa Fe) Pittosporum t. "Wheelerii" (Melrose Drive) Theme Tree - Pinus torreyana, Torrey Pine Support Tree - Jacaranda acutifolia Pinus roxburghii, Chir Pine MEDIAN ISLAND CONCRETE: To match existing in Rancho Santa Fe Road. Appendix C. 1-6 46 RANCHQ CARRILLQ Request for Variance and Alternate Compliance to the City of Carlsbad Landscape Manual REQUEST: The property owners within the Rancho Carrillo Master Plan Area request a variance to the City's Landscape Manual (Section IVD Streetscapc Program and Section IVC - Appendix C, Arterial Streetscape Themes). Consideration for a variance and alternative compliance is allowed under Section IH of the manual. PURPOSE: The landscape theme at Rancho Carrillo will be carefully planned to reflect the "heritage" of theCarrillo Rancho and respond to the area's natural landforms and existing drought tolerant and native plant communities. This corresponds directly to the "intent" of the City Landscape Manual's policy which states that "..routes will each have individual Streetscape themes creating a recognizable identity for each particular thoroughfare or segment of thoroughfare. The themes are based on the character or heritage of that specific area of Carlsbad". We strongly believe that our proposal will achieve this, and significantly improve the City's Streetscape program. Our purpose at Rancho Carrillo is to reinforce and enhance the Streetscape program oy retaining specific plants, but also proposing other plants that respond more directly to: 1. The Rancho Carrillo park subcommittee's expressed desire to link the existing "rancho" landscape character to the arterial road streetscapes. 2. Strengthen the Streetscape and overall landscaping by accentuating historical, natural, and architectural elements of Carlsbad. 3. The City Landscape Manual's water conservation program. We are focusing on a landscape concept which utilizes many drought tolerant plants, trees with gray-green colors, and a variety of flowering shrubs and shrub ground covers. We have coordinated the general planting layouts and plant palettes with Doug Duncanson of the Parks andRecreation Department so that our proposed list of plants will conform to City Maintenance considerations. PROPOSED CHANGES: (Refer also to attached Plant Lists - Exhibit A) I. MELROSE AVENU&RANCHQ SANTA FE ROAD The landscape manual's "foothills" landscape theme for this roadway seems very fitting. The Streetscape character has been established by the street improvements and adjacent development to the south of our project. We propose that mis theme and a majority of the tree palette remains remains the same as the roads traveling the length of the master plan area. This would mean that the EXHIBIT 2 47 519 I iv-.vl 90-90-CG61 Torrcy pines and Jacarandas would predominate, pulling back only to allow California Sycamores to punctuate the streetscape as it crosses the mam valley open space. A. REQUEST: 1. CHANGE the median island tree FROM Pinus roxburghii (Chir Pine) TO Eucalyptus ficifolia (Red Flowering gum). Allow accent planting of Jacaranda acutifolia (Jacaranda) - not to exceed 10%. 2. SUBSTITUTE a large variety of shrubs and shrub ground covers for visual interest. II. CARRILLO WAY Carrillo Way carries the same namesake as the master plan and is a tie to the area's heritage. This roadway enters from the west and will terminate at Melrose Avenue in the heart of the Rancho Carrillo master plan. We feel the theme of Riparian and Historical Context is very accurate, but the specific palette of trees meant to reflect the theme could be strengthened by substituting trees more appropriate to the adjacent character, visual appearance, and historical context of Rancho Carrillo. A. REQUEST: 1. CHANGE the median island tree FROM Populus fremontii (Western Cottonwood) TO Melaleuca quinquenervia (Cajeput tree). 2. CHANGE the theme tree FROM Alnus rhombifolia (White Alder) TO Platanus racemosa (California Sycamore). 3. CHANGE the support trees FROM Liquidambar styraciflua (American Sweetgum) and Populus fremontii (Western Cottonwood) TO Schinus molle (California Pepper) and Melaleuca quinquenervia (Cajeput tree). 4. SUBSTITUTE a larger variety of shrubs and shrub ground covers for visual interest. CONCLUSION: The proposed changes are recommended to emphasize the rancho landscape character, accentuate the historical, natural, and architectural elements of Carlsbad, and respond to the City's water conservation program". SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES The heritage of Rancho Carrillo is extremely significant! Establishing a landscape theme which complements this heritage represents a truly unique opportunity to the City of Carlsbad, Since the existing rancho possesses a distinct historical landscape character, this "special circumstance" should be allowed to extend into the arterial streetscapes of the area. In addition, much of Rancho Carrillo's landscape will consist of native and enhanced open space, riparian and hillside areas. As a result, visual compatibility (color, form, character) is extremely important to create the appropriate transition from the natural, historic rancho and newly developed areas.. C0d I0° '3M yNG ;otn KPZ ^T.q T. Pb:bl qn-^n-P. HEALTH. SAFETY AND WELFARE Implementation of the proposed changes will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare of the public and residents. The proposed changes will actually result in greater water conservation, and in some cases, reduce the potential of damage to public improvements. Creating a truly unique environment will also result in greater public interest and enjoyment MEETING THE INTENT OP THE POLICIES AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE LANDSCAPE MANUAL This proposal meets the INTENT of the policies and requirements of the Landscape Manual. It provides a common visual link which is important to the overall streetscape program. It also expands the concept of recognizable identity, which in this case, is entirely justified, due to the significance of the site's historical and natural resources. The Landscape Manual does allow for a segment of the thoroughfare to have its own individual streetscape theme (Section IVD, 4-1.2). 49 yisJD iOlO GCS 619 t 6fr:bl 90-SO-C661 EXHIBIT "A" RANCHQ CARRILLO STREETSCAPES PROPOSED CHANGES AT STREETSCAPES DEFINED IN THE CITY LANDSCAPE MANUAL May 6,1993 MELROSE AVENUE (Palomar Airport Road to Alga Roadl A. LANDSCAPE THEME: "Foothills" landscape B. PLANTING SCHEME: "Informal" C. LANDSCAPE/HARDSCAPE: 1.Median a.Trees • Eucalyptus ficifolia (Red Flowering gum) • Jacaranda acutifolia (Jacaranda) - not to exceed 10%. b. Shrubs Limonium perezii - (Statice) Rhapiolepis indica 'Ballerina' - (India Hawthorn) Strelitzia reginnae • (Bird of Paradise) Aloe striata - (Aloe) Pelargonium peltatum "balcon" - (Ivy Geranium) c. Concrete - to match existing. 2. Theme tree a. Pinus torreyana - (Torrey Pine) 3. Support trees a. Eucalyptus ficifolia (Red Flowering gum) b. Jacaranda acutifolia (Jacaranda) 50 'ONI VNO iOlO 5C2 519 I 6fr:bl 90-SO-CG61 II. CARRTLLQ WAY (Melrose Avenue to El Fuerte^ A. LANDSCAPE THEME: ' "Riparian" B. PLANTING SCHEME: "Informal" C. LANDSCAPE/HARDSCAPE 1. Median a. Trees • Melaleuca quinquenervia (Cajeput) b. Shrubs • Pelargonium peltatum "balcon" (Ivy Geranium) • Trachelospermum jasminoides - (Star Jasmine) • Strelitzia reginnae (Bird of Paradise) • Carissa grandiflora "Tuttle" (Natal Plum) c. Concrete 1) Surface Texture - "Riverstone, Bomanite or equal" 2) Color - Dark Gray 2. Theme tree a. Platanus raccraosa - (California Sycamore) 3. Support trees a. Schinus molle - (California Pepper) b. Melaleuca quinquenervia (Cajeput Tree). O rt _l I ft ft 51 'ONI UNO iOlO SC2 G19 I OS'bl 90-SO-C661