HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-05-17; Parks & Recreation Commission; 593-7; Subcommittee Report/NW Quardrant Park EnhancementPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL DEPT. _£i IH^UBCOMMITTEE REPORT/NORTHWEST QUADRANT PARK ENHANCEMENT (ACTION) RECOMMENDED ACTION: ,,^.,,,n ,.:t5 i7,i±* GU-u "** c, U Accept, review and make appropriate comments on the Northwest Quadrant Park Enhancement Subcommittee Report. Direct staff to proceed to City Council for further consideration. ITEM EXPLANATION; Attached is the Subcommittee Report on the Northwest Quadrant Park Enhancement issues. Staff will make a presentation to the Commission and incorporate comments within the report prior to presentation to the City Council. EXHIBIT; 1. Subcommittee Report - Northwest Quadrant Park Enhancement, May 11, 1993 59 May 17, 1993 TO: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FROM: Commission Subcommittee NORTHWEST QUADRANT PARK STUDY Introduction During the February 1993 meeting, the Parks and Recreation Commission appointed Commissioners Castner, Heineman, and Strayer (Lawson/alternate) to analyze options and prepare a report on the Northwest Quadrant Park Enhancement Program. The following is a brief review of background information, a summary of actions, a list of approved projects, funding sources, Hosp/Buena Vista Lagoon alternatives and recommendations by the subcommittee for the Commission's consideration. Background On April 7, and April 21, 1992, staff presented information to the City Council pertaining to the following: A. The creation and cost of a Community Facility District (CFD) for Northwest Quadrant Park Enhancement Funding. B. A detailed, long-range cost study and implementation program for the enhancement of Hosp Grove, the south shore of Buena Vista Lagoon including the Duck Feeding area reaching westerly to Maxton Brown Park extension area, and the Maxton Brown expansion, ending at the Pacific Ocean. C. A list of all projects and their cost including maintenance impacts. D. Information pertaining to the joint-venture proposal for the Magnolia site with CUSD. E. Information relative to Council's suggestion of a joint-venture community center proposal and a meeting held with various community groups. In addition, staff reported on a field trip to Dana Point regarding a joint-venture community center project. By consensus, Council referred the matter to the Parks and Recreation Commission for further consideration and a recommendation on the noted projects as outlined in the staff report, or a modification of the projects (as noted in the Hosp/Buena Vista Lagoon Study); noting Council preference to stay within available funding sources; giving CFD financing a low priority; and requesting the Commission study further the possibility of a joint-venture community center. 60 Summary of Actions From the various comments made by the Council, the Northwest Quadrant Citizen's Group, and other members of the community, the Parks and Recreation Commission is to consider the following and then forward a recommendation to Council: 1. The enhancement plan is to stay within available funding mechanism and sources. 2. The Community Facility District (CFD) financing source is not viable. 3. The acquisition and development of the Magnolia flower field site would not work because CUSD requires exclusive use of 5 + acres and there are insufficient funds for acquisition and/or development for this project. 4. The Commission is to consider existing CIP projects and/or a modification thereof as recommended by the various studies. 5. There is support for the Hosp Grove Buena Vista plan. However, it requires modification and scope reduction. 6. The Council would like the Commission to further explore the joint-venture community center concept. 7. Incorporate future land acquisition in the Agua Hedionda Lagoon/North Beach area through the park land dedication process of future development. 8. Leased property and land for which the City has use agreements, will be counted to meet park standards. Discussion One of Council's guidelines was that any enhancement program in the Northwest Quadrant should stay within existing funding mechanisms. The following is the City's adopted 1992-93 Capital Improvement Program: PROJECT 1. Parkland Acq. (7 acre) 2. Park Dev. (7 acre) 3. Com. Cntr/Gym 4. Cannon Lake Dev. (6.7 acre) 5. Hosp Grove Imp. (5.5 acre) 6. Park Restoration/Acq. Funds 7. Veteran's Memorial Park 8. Veteran's Memorial Park YEAR FUNDING SOURCE 95-96 2002+ 2002+ 2002+ 93-94 2002+ 95-96 2002+ PIL PFF PFF PFF GRANT PIL CFD CFD TOTAL ALL FUNDS COST ESTIMATE $ 2,380,000 875,000 3,000,000 900,000 172,000 3,600,000 1,750,000 1,750,000 $ 14.427.000 61 FUNDING COST SOURCE ESTIMATE Buildout Fund Breakdown: PIL $ 5,980,000 PFF 4,775,000 CFD 3,500,000 GRANT 172.000 TOTAL AT BUILDOUT $ 14.427.000 Total Funds Available as of 1993: PIL $ 1.500.000 During the April 7 and April 21, 1992, Council meeting there ^vas^favorable comments from Council members and the public on the option that included a mix of projects: 1. Hosp Grove Imp. (5.5 ac) 94-95 GRANT $ 172,000 2. Veteran's Memorial Park (P*l) 95-96 CFD 1,750,000 3. AHL Land Dedication (10+ ac) 97-2002 PIL -0- 4. Acq. Pine School (7 acre) 97-2002 PIL 2,380,000 5. Dev. Pine School (7 acre) 2002+ PFF 875,000 6. Com. Cntr/Gym 2002+ PFF 3,000,000 7. Cannon Lake Dev. (6.7 acre) 2002+ PFF 900,000 8. Veteran's Memorial Park 2002+ CFD 1.750.000 TOTAL $ 10,827,000 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE AT B.O. 14.427.000 BALANCE $ 3,600,000 In addition, there was tremendous support for the Hosp Grove Buena Vista Lagoon Study. However, there was discussion that the project could possibly be reduced in scope. In that effort, staff has revised the scope of the project and is recommending three alternatives for consideration. Alternative 1 proposes the least^levei-ef development with corresponding costs; while Alternative @ proposes the most amenities at the greatest cost. All the alternatives have a number\of environmental and engineering issues that need to be further explored and/or resolved (^xhibit A). . \ Alternative 1 \ $ 2,690,000 Alternative 2 ) $ 3,225,000 Alternative 3 * $ 5,800,000 62 Subcommittee Evaluation The subcommittee met on March 5 & 29 and again on April 7, 1993, to review the material compiled by staff relating to background information and prior direction relating to the Northwest Quadrant Park Enhancement Study. Primary discussion centered on the following: • Potential of selling existing owned properties. Cannon Park 405 Oak Street Pio Pico Park Oak Park Harding Street Community Center • Potential of buying additional park property. Pine Elementary School Property adjacent to the south and west side of Chase Field Closing off Palm Avenue and Jefferson Street adjacent to Chase Field • Can redevelopment funds be considered. Requested representation from the redevelopment agency at next meeting • Acquisition of the 11-acre parcel adjacent to Agua Hedionda Lagoon. • The merits of acquiring and developing the 15-acre Magnolia parcel adjacent to Valley Jr. High. • A joint venture in the development and operation of a community center/gymnasium. • The establishment of a Community Facility District (CFD). • A review of the revised Hosp Grove Buena Vista Lagoon Study. • Reviewed available funding mechanisms and sources. • The duration of implementing the ongoing master plan program. 63 Subcommittee Review and Comments • Potential of selling existing owned City property. After review and evaluation of prior Commission and Council direction, the Subcommittee determined that at this time it may not be appropriate to sell any of the existing park property. However, the option to sell sometime in the future should be left open. • Potential of buying additional properties. After discussion and review, the Subcommittee determined that the City should keep the option of buying the Pine School 7-acre parcel open and to investigate the purchase of the properties adjacent to Chase Field and the closing off of Palm Avenue and Jefferson Street. This Alternative has the potential to provide a comprehensive park facility in one location. Staff has reviewed the acquisition of the 17 parcels located to the south and west of Chase Field with a local, established realtor. He indicated that the owners are reluctant to sell the subject properties, and it would take many years for the City to buy all of them. He also indicated that he thought the properties would sell between $200,000 to $300,000 each depending if they were single family dwelling units or of a duplex type. In discussing this acquisition proposal with the Planning and Redevelopment Directors, they both felt this proposal would be very difficult to achieve and if condemnation efforts were used, individual relocation may be required. • Are redevelopment funds available. According to a representative from the Redevelopment office there are not a lot of funds available today. However, there are CDGB monies for low and moderate income that can be used for projects on a competitive basis. • Agua Hedionda Lagoon 11+ acre parcel. This parcel along the North Shore is still to be considered as a part of the Zone 8 & 24 master planning process. • Magnolia flower field parcel adjacent to Valley Jr. High . The acquisition and development of the Magnolia flower field site would not work as the CUSD requires exclusive use of 5+ acres and there are insufficient funds for acquisition and/or development for this project. 64 Community center/gym joint venture proposal. In April of 1992 staff met a number of community and social service groups to see if there was an interest in working with the City on a joint venture to construct and operate a large community center/gymnasium. The general consensus of the groups indicated such a proposal was interesting. However, most of the comments brought out a number of constraints primarily in funding ability, duplication of services, territorial issues, programming constraints, control and timing. The general consensus of the community groups was that they all could perform better independently. The Subcommittee's recommendation is that they do not want to consider such a joint-venture concept. The reason cited was that the City should have control of the facility and in addition it would be difficult to satisfy all the groups needs. The Subcommittee did state they had no problems with the City working with all the noted groups as far as renting the City facility for community wide programming. Establishing a Community Facility District (CFD). The Subcommittee's feelings were that establishing a CFD Assessment District that would require a two thirds vote for the Northwest Quadrant was not feasible at this time. Hosp Grove/Buena Vista Lagoon Revised Study. After a staff update, the Subcommittee recommended the Commission consider either Alternative 1 or 2. Funding Mechanisms. It was determined that the enhancement plans would stay within available funding mechanisms and sources i.e. PIL, PFF, CFD, and various grant programs. Enhancement Program. The Committee felt that since it would take many years for the existing funding mechanisms to materialize. Therefore, the enhancement plan for the Northwest Quadrant will be a long-range program. 65 Northwest Quadrant Citizen Group Comments On April 28, 1993, staff met with members of the Northwest Quadrant citizen group to discuss the subcommittee's park enhancement recommendation, which included the Hosp Grove/Buena Vista Alternative. The group echoed many of the same comments that the subcommittee raised. The following are the group's comments for consideration: • There may be a safety issue at the crossing of State and Carlsbad Boulevard without a traffic signal installed in order to gain access to Maxton Brown Extension. • The realignment of State and Carlsbad Boulevard may be accomplished as a city-wide project in the future. • A restroom facility was needed at the west end of the Hosp Grove/Buena Vista Lagoon Study area. • Surveillance lights were needed along the trail in the Maxton Brown Extension area. • There were trespassing problems at the gated area adjacent to the Army/Navy tennis courts. • The City should investigate the selling of the Harding Street Community Center to the Big Bear Market. • Alternate 2 of the Hosp Grove Buena Vista Plan is preferred by the group. • Indicated support of the overall Northwest Quadrant Park Enhancement proposal as outlined by the Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee. Subcommittee Recommendation 1. Not to sell, trade or lease any existing City owned property at this time. 2. Keep options open to purchase the Pine School property and/or the acquisition of the 17 parcels adjacent to Chase Field, including the closure of Palm Avenue and Jefferson Street. 3. Staff is to monitor available redevelopment funds and apply for funding where appropriate. 4. Consider the acquisition of the 11+ acre parcel adjacent to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon during the master plan process of Zone 8 and 24. 5. Not to consider the acquisition and development of the Magnolia Flower Fields adjacent to Valley Jr. High. 66 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Not to consider a joint use development agreement with other community groups, but rather construct a community center/gymnasium operated and controlled by the City. Not to pursue the establishment of a CFD for the Northwest Quadrant at this time. Consider Alternative 1 or 2 of the Hosp Grbve/Buena Vista Plan at this time, however, if additional funding sources were identified, Alternative 3 would be recommended. Stay within the existing identified funding mechanisms. The Subcommittee recommends that the Commission consider the following long range park enhancement program. Two options are being suggested. The preferred Option A outlines a program that would include the purchase of the 7-acre Pine School and includes Alternative 2 of the Hosp Grove/Buena Vista Lagoon Study. If the Pine School site does not materialize within seven (7) years, in accordance with the Agreement between the CUSD and the City of Carlsbad, Option B would be incorporated. This Option would purchase 17 parcels adjacent to Chase Field and recommend closure of Palm Avenue and Jefferson Street. Option B also includes Alternative 1, the least costly alternative of the Hosp Grove/Buena Vista Lagoon Study. Option A 1. Hosp Grove 2. Vet. Mem. Phase I 3. AHL Land Ded. (10±ac) 4. Acq. Pine Sch (7ac) 5. Dev. Pine Sch (7ac) 6. Com. Ctr/Gym 7. Dev. Cannon Lake (6.7ac) 8. Vet. Mem. Park (Ph II) Hosp Grove/BV Lagoon Alt. 2 YEAR 94-95 95-96 97-2002 98-2003 2002± 2002+ 2002+ 2002+ Subtotal 2003+ Grand Total FUND Grant CFD PIL PIL PFF PFF PFF CFD PIL Available Funds Balance YEAR ESTIMATE $172,000 1,750,000 0 2,380,000 875,000 3,000,000 900,000 1.750.000 10,827,000 3.350.000 14.177.000 14.427.000 $ 250,000 8 67 Option B 1. Hosp Grove 2. Vet. Mem. Park 3. AHL Land Ded. (10 ±ac) 4. ACQ (17 parcels) (2.25 ac) 5. Dev. Parcels/street (4.0 ac) 6. Com. Ctr/Gym 7. Dev. Cannon Lake (6.7 ac) 8. Vet. Mem. Park Hosp Grove/BV Lagoon Alt. 1 YEAR 94-95 95-96 97-2002 97+ 2002+ 2002+ 2002+ 2002+ FUND Grant CFD PIL PIL PFF PFF PFF CFD Subtotal 2002+ PIL Grand Total COST ESTIMATE $172,000 1,750,000 0 *3,825,000 **600,000 3,000,000 ***900,000 1.750.000 11,997,000 2,690,000 14.687.000 Available Funds 14.427.000 Deficit < $260,000 > Notes * ** *** Acquisition cost calculated at $225,000 per parcel Development cost calculated at $150,000 per acre To balance the deficit the scope of Cannon Park could be reduced by $260,000 DAVID BRADSTREET c: Assistant City Manager Planning Director Park Development Coordinator Senior Managment Analyst, Parks & Recreation 68 HOSP/BV LAGOON STUDY 69 CONTENTS STUDY AREA MAP REDUCED PLAN OF PROJECTS I. STUDY OVERVIEW 1 II. SUMMARY MATRICES 3 - Project Costs - Cost/Use Matrix III. PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS 2 MB-1 Maxton Brown Extension (Expansion) 4 MB-2 Maxton Brown Extension 5 MB-3 Maxton Brown (Augmentation) 6 L-1 Linkage 7 HG-1 Duck Feeding Area (Augmentation) 8 HG-2 Buena Vista Area (Augmentation) 9 HG-3 Marron/Monroe Area 10 HG-4 Glen/Plateau Area 11 IV. APPENDIX A (Cost Breakdowns) - MB-1 Maxton Brown Extension (Expansion) 12 - MB-2 Maxton Brown Extension 13 - MB-3 Maxton Brown (Augmentation) 14 - L-1 Linkage 15 -HG-1 Duck Feeding Area (Augmentation) 16 - HG-2 Buena Vista Area (Augmentation) 17 - HG-3 Marronl'Monroe Area 18 - HG-4 Glen/Plateau Area 19 70 r STUDY AREA 71 UJ fcUJ 0UJ 8 EXTENSION (EXPANSION) /v- northwest gumdrmnt p«r* 4MftMe«m«itf •fiMftr h©@i 72 LLJ O CO LU OC QL HI HI CO BUENA VISTA LAGOON DUCK FEEDING AREA (EXPANSION) Protect HG-S BUENA VISTA AREA (AUGMENTATION)OAflOWALKAl SlDEWALK.v MARROW/MONROE AREA OVERRUSS (P6D6STOIAN) ACCESS ROAD fVEHICUCAR ACCESS 73 STUDY OVERVIEW INTRODUCTION This study explores opportunities for park enhancement in the northwest quadrant of the City. The major areas included in the study are: Hosp Grove Duck Feeding Area South Shore of Buena Vista Lagoon Maxton Brown Park Maxton Brown Extension Maxton Brown Extension (Expansion) CONCEPTS The recreational enhancement proposals set forth in this study are very conceptual in nature and would require further environmental, planning, engineering, and survey/title work for more in depth feasibility analysis and ultimate project development. For example, one of the proposed projects calls for realignment of State Street into a 'T intersection at Carlsbad Boulevard. Although from a preliminary standpoint this appears feasible, further engineering, circulation studies and the necessary environmental permits (i.e. impact to wetlands) may ultimately prove to be fatal flaws for the project. These types of "ISSUES" are identified and discussed in each project description that follows. Additionally, there may also be some other unforeseen issues that exist. ALTERNATIVES Three (3) options for development were explored (Alternative 1, 2, and 3). Alternative 1 proposes the least level of development with corresponding least cost. Alternative 3 proposes the most amenities at the greatest cost. Alternative 3 also has more issues associated with it (i.e. environmental, engineering) that would need to be explored/resolved. COSTS Costs estimated for each project are also preliminary and based on concepts only. Unit costs used are based on previous similar projects in some cases, while other figures are simply allowances based on staff's past experience and judgment. TOTAL COST FOR ALL PROJECTS IN THE HOSP GROVE/BUENA VISTA LAGOON STUDY AREA ALTERNATIVE 1 $2,590,000 ALTERNATIVE 2 $3,100,000 ALTERNATIVE 3 $5,650,000 74 Costs are broken down on a per project basis in Section II "Project Descriptions." In addition, the basis for the costs is found in Appendix A. NOTE: Costs for environmental mitigation (if required) are not included because they are unknown at this time. If costs occur, it may be possible to pay for the mitigation out of the "contingency" percentage that has been added to each project cost. 75 II. SUMMARY MATRICES: PROJECT COSTS The Study Area basically consists of two "sections" (the "Maxton Brown Section" and the "Hosp Grove Section") connected by a "linkage" ("Linkage Section"). Each "section" is then broken down into specific "areas" or projects. MAXTON BROWN SECTION Project No. MB-1 MB-2 MB-3 Project Name Maxton Brown Extension (Expansion) Maxton Brown Extension Maxton Brown SUBTOTAL (Maxton Brown Section) Costs Alt.1 Alt. 2 Alt. 3 60,000 60,000 1,600,000 -0- 510,000 740,000 140.000 140.000 140.000 200,000 710,000 2,480,000 LINKAGE SECTION Sidewalk/Boardwalk 940,000 940,000 940,000 HOSP GROVE SECTION HG-1 HG-2 HG-3 HG-4 Duck Feeding (Augmentation) Buena Vista Area (Augmentation) Marron/Monroe Area Glen/Plateau Area SUBTOTAL (Hosp Grove Section) TOTAL ALL PROJECTS 290,000 -0- 200,000 960.000 290,000 -0- 200,000 960.000 290,000 780,000 200,000 960.000 1,450,000 1,450,000 2,230,000 2.590.000 3.100.000 5.650.000 iiW 0 O "b 72.5 '<3& J 76 USE/COST MATRIX * = Funded or partially funded through other programs (refer to individual project "Cost Breakdowns") for explanation NA = Not a part of this alternative PROJECT/USES | ALT 1 MB-1: MAXTON BROWN EXTENSION (EXPAN.) Developed Park Area: Picnic Tot Lots Hardcourts Natural Area Develop.: Trails Fishing Bird Watching Pedestrian overpass Land Acquisition Admin/Design Contingency TOTAL ROUND OFF MB-2: MAXTON BROWN EXTENSION Trails Picnic/View Areas Parking/Staging ATM State Street Realign Pedestrian Linkage to Rail Relocate Monument Sign Admin/Design Contingency TOTAL | ROUND OFF NA 38,000 NA NA 9,500 1 1 ,875 59,375 60,000 NA NA NA NA *-0- NA -0- -0- -0- -0- ALT2 NA 38,000 NA NA 9,500 11,875 59,375 60,000 14,400 1,000 NA 300,000 *-0- 10,000 81,350 101,688 508,438 510,000 ALT 3 NA 38,000 1,000,000 NA 259,500 324,375 1,621,875 1,600,000 14,400 1,000 150,000 300,000 *-0- 10,000 118,600 148,250 741 ,250 740,000 ORIGINAL 540,000 Included Above 1,000,000 2,000,000 885,000 1,106,250 5,531 ,250 5,500,000 NA NA 150,000 300,000 50,000 10,000 127,500 796,875 796,875 800,000 3.1 77 PROJECT/USES | ALT 1 MB-3: MAXTON BROWN (AUGMENTATION) Observation Deck Sidewalk Admin/Design Contingency TOTAL ROUND OFF L-1: LINKAGE Jefferson Street Widening Sidewalk (Laguna Drive) Boardwalk (in upland) Boardwalk (in wetland) Observation Decks Admin/Design Contingency TOTAL ROUND OFF HG-1: DUCK FEEDING (EXPANSION) Boardwalk Observation Deck Admin/Design Contingency TOTAL ROUND OFF 60,000 30,000 22,500 28,125 140,625 140,000 *-0- *-0- 200,000 301 ,500 100,000 150,375 187,969 939,844 940,000 135,000 50,000 46,250 57,813 289,063 290,000 ALT 2 60,000 30,000 22,500 28,125 140,625 140,000 *-0- *-0- 200,000 301 ,500 100,000 150,375 187,969 939,844 940,000 135,000 50,000 46,250 57,813 289,063 290,000 ALT 3 60,000 30,000 22,500 28,125 140,625 140,000 *-0- *-0- 200,000 301,500 100,000 150,375 187,969 939,844 940,000 135,000 50,000 46,250 57,813 289,063 290,000 ORIGINAL 100.0001 30,000 32,500 162,500 203,125 200,000 100,000 60,000 200,000 301,500 200.0002 215,375 269.219 1 ,346,094 1,350,000 202.5003 100.0004 75,625 94,531 472,656 470,000 SPECIAL NOTES: 1. Originally 1,000 sq. ft., reduced to 600 sq. ft. in Alt. 1,2 & 3. Originally 1,000 sq. ft., reduced to 500 sq. ft. in Alt, 1,2 & 3. 3. Originally 450 lineal ft., reduced to 300 lineal ft. in Alt. 1,2 & 3. 4. Originally twice as large, reduced in Alt. 1,2 & 3. 3.2 78 (PROJECT/USES HG-2: BUENA VISTA (AUGMENTATION) Rest Room Trail Signage Additional Parking Pedestrian Overpass Admin/Design Contingency TOTAL ROUND OFF HG-3 MARRON/MONROE AREA Developed Park Area: Tot Lot Picnic Open Play Natural Area Development Trails Parking/Staging Area Grove Enhancement Perimeter Landscaping Admin/Design Contingency TOTAL ROUND OFF ALT1 *-0- *-0- *-0- NA -0- -0- -0- -0- NA 50,000 *24,000 *24,000 15,000 15,000 32,000 40,000 200,000 200,000 ALT 2 *-0- *-0- *-0- NA -0- -0- -0- -0- NA 50,000 *24,000 *24,000 15,000 15,000 32,000 40,000 200,000 200,000 ALT 3 *-0- *-0- *-0- 500,000 125,000 156,250 781 ,250 780,000 NA 50,000 *24,000 *24,000 15,000 15,000 32,000 40,000 200,000 200,000 ORIGINAL | 120,000 10,000 18,000 500,000 162,000 202,500 1,012,500 1,000,000 202,500 50,000 *96,000 Included Above 15,000 Included Above 90,875 113,594 567,969 570,000 I 3.3 79 (PROJECT/USES HG-4: GLEN/PLATEAU AREA Natural Area Development Street Access Interior Road Grove Enhancement Parking Trails Admin/Design Contingency TOTAL ROUND OFF ALT1 300,000 100,000 30,000 60,000 50,000 *76,800 154,200 192,750 963,750 960,000 ALT 2 300,000 100,000 30,000 60,000 50,000 *76,800 154,200 192,750 963,750 960,000 ALT 3 300,000 100,000 30,000 60,000 50,000 *76,800 154,200 192,750 963,750 960,000 ORIGINAL | I 300,000 100,000 30,000 60,000 50.000 120,000 165,000 206,250 1,031,250 1,000,000 I I GRAND TOTAL ALT1 2,590,000 ALT 2 3,100,000 ALT 3 5,650,000 ORIGINAL I 10,890,000 | ,,<1ARK\NWQ\USECOST.MTX 80 3.4 III. PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS On the following pages are descriptions of each project starting from the Maxton Brown section in the west moving eastward toward Hosp Grove. 81 HOSP GROVE/BUENA VISTA UVGOON STUDY AREA PROJECT MB-1 MAXTON BROWN EXTENSION (EXPANSIONS MAXTON BROWN SECTION LOCATION: West of the AT&SF Railroad tracks, north of the residential area long Mountain View Drive, south of the "inner" Buena Vista Lagoon and east of the Pacific Ocean. SIZE: ± 1.5 acres OWNERSHIP: An "open space easement for recreational purposes" lies over approximately 1.5 acres of a ±4 acre privately owned site. PROPOSED USES: (Alt. 1 & 2 are the same projects) 1. Walks, trails 2. Fishing 3. Bird watching 4. (Alt. 3 only). Pedestrian overpass (over railroad tracks bridging Maxton Brown Extension Expansion [MB-1] and Maxton Brown Extension [MB-2]). ISSUES: 1. ACQUISITION -- Requires acquisition of the site. This land may be available for City acquisition due to the likelihood that private land uses (i.e. residential, commercial) may be undevelopable because of constraints. In-lieu of dedication of the entire site, a trail easement might be pursued. 2. ACCESS -- (Alt. 3 only). Proposed off Carlsbad Boulevard to a parking lot on the "Maxton Brown Extension" site. Would involve realignment of State Street and other related issues. (Refer to discussion under "Maxton Brown Extension - Project MB-2.") A fallback access might be at an existing private dirt driveway that leads from Mountain View down to the project site. This involves several problems including acquisition of the driveway and access issues off of Mountain View (which is a substandard residential street). 3. ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS - Should not be a problem because it appears to be located on an old wetland fill and not in wetlands. However, no biological reconnaissance has been performed on this site. 4. COST - (Alt. 3 only). The pedestrian overpass requires relatively expensive construction. COSTS: (Refer to Appendix A, page 12 for breakdowns.) ALT. 1 $60,000 ALT. 2 $60,000 ALT. 3 $1,600,00 82 HOSP QROVE/BUENA VISTA LAGOON STUDY AREA PROJECT MB-2 MAXTON BROWN EXTENSION MAXTON BROWN SECTION LOCATION: A triangular site bordered by Carlsbad Boulevard on the east, the AT&SF Railroad on the west, and Buena Vista Lagoon on the north. SIZE: 1.5 acres OWNERSHIP: City of Carlsbad (majority) AT&SF Railroad PROPOSED USES: (There are no uses on MB-2 in Alt. 1) 1. Trails • (Alt. 2 & 3 only). 2. Picnic/view area - (Alt. 2 & 3 only). 3. Parking - (Alt. 3 only). 4. Staging area (for trails system) - (Alt. 3 only). ISSUES: 1. ACCESS -- (Alt. 2 & 3 only) Depends on ability to realign State Street into a "T1 intersection at Carlsbad Boulevard. This is currently being studied by Municipal Projects and is included in the C.I.P. The "T1 intersection is needed for vehicular access to the proposed parking. Another problem is that the City has deeded a 100-foot buffer on the north portion of the site to the Coastal Conservancy. The deed restricts the use of this buffer to pedestrian trails and wetland mitigation. Vehicular access to the site would need to cross this easement and, therefore, the deed restriction would need to be modified through negotiations with the Coastal Conservancy. 2. LEASE AGREEMENT -- (Alt. 3 only) A portion of the parking may encroach on the railroad R.O.W. and, therefore, require a lease agreement. COST: (Refer to Appendix A, page 13 for breakdowns.) ALT. 1 -0- ALT. 2 510,000 ALT. 3 740,000 83 HOSP GROVE/BUENA VISTA LAGOON STUDY AREA PROJECT MB-3 MAXTON BROWN PARK MAXTON BROWN SECTION LOCATION: Existing park site northeast of the intersection of State Street and Laguna Drive. SIZE: 1 acre OWNERSHIP: City of Carlsbad PROPOSED USES: (Alt. 1, 2, & 3 are the same projects) **1. New sidewalks to connect to Maxton Brown Extension to the west and linkages to the east and a boardwalk connection. *2. Picnicking 3. Lagoon observation deck (approximately 600 square foot wood deck structure on the north side of the existing park to enhance viewing opportunities toward the lagoon). * Existing uses to remain. ** Potential connection to a proposed boardwalk parallel and adjacent to the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard. The boardwalk would provide pedestrian access between Carlsbad and Oceanside. (Not a part of this study). ISSUES: None identified. COST: (Refer to Appendix A, page 14 for breakdowns.) ALT. 1 140,000 ALT. 2 140,000 ALT. 3 140,000 84 HOSP GROVE/8UENA VISTA LAGOON STUDY AREA PROJECT L-1 STREET SIDEWALK/BOARDWALK LINKAGE SECTION LOCATION: From Maxton Brown Park to the Duck Feeding Area along Laguna Drive, Jefferson Street, and the southern shore of the lagoon. SIZE: 4,000 lineal feet sidewalk (.8 miles) 1,670 lineal feet boardwalk (.3 miles) OWNERSHIP: City of Carlsbad (sidewalk portion) State of California (boardwalk portion) PROPOSED USES: (Alt. 1, 2, & 3 are the same projects) 1. Walking 2. Bicycling 3. Bird watching 4. Boardwalk (wood walkway along a portion of the lagoon side of Jefferson Street, where the road shoulder is too narrow for sidewalk) 5. Lagoon observation deck (approximately (2) 500 sq. ft. wood deck structures to enhance viewing opportunities toward the lagoon) ISSUES: 1. ENVIRONMENTAL -- Boardwalk portion would require permits from State Fish and Game. Most of the boardwalk is on upland ground adjacent to Jefferson Street and should not be a problem to permit. A portion of the boardwalk, near the duck feeding area, would need to be in wetlands because there is not enough upland adjacent to Jefferson Street at that location. The wetland portion of the boardwalk will require negotiations with Fish and Game. 2. SIDEWALKS - Would need to be constructed for most of the way along Laguna Drive and Jefferson Street. Sidewalks along Laguna are currently being proposed by Municipal Projects and therefore are not included as part of this study. 3. COSTS - The boardwalk portion, especially in the wetlands, would require expense construction techniques. 4. PERMISSION -- The portion of the boardwalk located on State property would require obtaining permission for this use. COST: (Refer to Appendix A, page 15 for breakdowns.) ALT. 1 940,000 ALT. 2 940,000 ALT. 3 940,000 HOSP GROVE/BUENA VISTA LAGOON STUDY AREA PROJECT HG-1 DUCK FEEDING AREA (EXPANSIONS HOSP GROVE SECTION LOCATION: North and adjacent to Jefferson Street and west and adjacent to Marron Road. SIZE: .7 acres and 450 lineal feet of boardwalk OWNERSHIP: City of Carlsbad State of California PROPOSED USES: (Alt. 1, 2, & 3 are the same projects) *1. Duck feeding *2. Bird watching *3. Picnicking *4. Parking 5. Lagoon observation deck (wood platform to enhance viewing opportunities toward the lagoon; also serves as a landing area for the pedestrian bridge - - refer to HG-2) * Existing uses to remain and to be augmented (parking to remain unchanged). ISSUES: 1. ENVIRONMENTAL -- Boardwalk section would require permitting through resource agencies. 2. COST -- The boardwalk portion would require expensive construction techniques. 3. PERMISSION - The boardwalk portion (on State property) will require permission from the State. COST: (Refer to Appendix A, page 16 for breakdowns.) ALT. 1 290,000 ALT. 2 290,000 ALT. 3 290,000 86 8 HOSP GROVE/BUENA VISTA LAGOON STUDY AREA PROJECT HG-2 BUENA VISTA AREA (AUGMENTATIONS HOSP GROVE SECTION LOCATION: Adjacent to and south of Jefferson Street and adjacent to and west of Marron Road. 5.5 acres OWNERSHIP: City of Carlsbad PROPOSED USES: (Alt. 1 & 2 are the same project) *1. Picnic *2. Tot lot *3. Hiking *4. Staging area (for trail system) *5. Parking 6. (Alt. 3 only) Street pedestrian overpass (bridge connecting the Buena Vista area with the Duck Feeding Area) * Included in the current plan to develop this site utilizing approved grant money. JjTis proposal would involve increasing the parking, adding a restroom, and a pedestrian overpass. ISSUES: 1. COST - (Alt. 3 only) The pedestrian overpass requires relatively expensive construction. COST: (Refer to Appendix A, page 17 for breakdowns.) ALT. 1 -0- ALT. 2-0- ALT. 3 780,000 87 HOSP GROVE/BUENA VISTA LAGOON STUDY AREA PROJECT HG-3 MARRON/MQNROE AREA HOSP GROVE SECTION LOCATION: Adjacent to and south of Marron Road and adjacent to and west of Monroe Street. 2.5 acres 4,000 lineal feet trails OWNERSHIP: City of Carlsbad PROPOSED USES: (Alt. 1, 2, & 3 are the same project) 1. Picnic 2. Trails 3. Trail staging area 4. Parking ISSUES: 1. NONE IDENTIFIED COST: (Refer to Appendix A, page 18 for breakdowns.) ALT. 1 200,000 ALT. 2 200,000 ALT. 3 200,000 10 88 HOSP GROVE/BUENA VISTA LAGOON STUDY AREA PROJECT HG-4 GLEN & PLATEAU AREA HOSP GROVE SECTION LOCATION: South of Marron Road, east of Monroe Street, and northwest of Hosp Way SIZE: 6 acres 5,000 lineal feet of trail OWNERSHIP: City of Carlsbad PROPOSED USES: (Alt. 1, 2, & 3 are the same projects) 1. Picnicking 2. Tot lots 3. Trails 4. Trail staging area 5. Parking ISSUES: 1. VEHICULAR ACCESS -- In order for the proposed recreational amenities to be utilized within Hosp Grove, limited vehicular access and parking is necessary not only for effective public access but for security surveillance as well. Two options for vehicular access and parking within the grove are considered. The first is off of Hosp Way at Avenida Magnifica. This road was intended as a secondary access to an apartment complex on Hosp Way. However, currently, it is closed off. This location could be used as an access point into the Grove. An alternative (or additional) vehicular access point might be off of Monroe Street, directly across the street from the proposed access to the Marron/Monroe Area. 2. NEIGHBORHOOD OPPOSITION -- Existing residents on the boundary of Hosp Grove (off of Hosp Way, Grove Avenue, etc.) may oppose development within the grove. COST: (Refer to Appendix A, page 19 for breakdowns.) ALT. 1 960,000 ALT. 2 960,000 ALT. 3 960,000 8911 COST BREAKDOWN PROJECT MB-1: MAXTON BROWN EXTENSION (EXPANSION) SPECIAL COSTS 1600 lineal feet trails @$24/LF2 1 pedestrian overpass @ $1 .OOO.OOC^/ea. (over railroad tracks connecting MB-1 and MB-2) SUBTOTAL + 25% ADMIN./DESIGN SUBTOTAL + 25% CONT. TOTAL ALT. 1 38,000 38,000 ALT. 3 38,000 (Rounded Off) NA 38,000 9.500 47,500 11.875 59,375 60.000 NA 38,000 9.500 47,500 1 1 .875 59,375 60.000 1 .000.000 1,038,000 259.500 1,297,500 324.375 1,621,875 1.600.000 COST FOOTNOTES Open space trail study (WRT) Appendix A 12 90 COST BREAKDOWN PROJECT MB-2: MAXTON BROWN EXTENSION SPECIAL COSTS: 1 parking/staging area @ $150,0002 2 picnic/view areas @$500 3/ea. State St. realign./signal @ $300,0003 Relocate existing entry monument @$1O.OOO3 600 lineal feet trails @$24/LF2 * Pedestrian linkage to future rail station SUBTOTAL + 25% ADMIN./DESIGN SUBTOTAL + 25% CONT. TOTAL (Rounded Off) ALT. 1 ALT. 2 ALT. 3 NA NA NA NA NA -Q; -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- £ NA 1,000 300,000 10,000 14,400 :Qz 325,400 81.350 406,750 101.688 508,438 510.000 150,000 1,000 300,000 10,000 14,400 :& 475,400 118.850 594,250 148.562 742,813 740.000 COST FOOTNOTES 2 OS Trail Study (WRT) 3 Estimated cost allowance (Staff) SPECIAL NOTES *1. Cost included in City Wide Trail System and therefore not duplicated in this study. Appendix A 13 91 COST BREAKDOWN PROJECT MB-3: MAXTON BROWN PARK ALT. 1 ALT. 2 ALT. 3 SPECIAL COSTS: 1 Observation deck @ $100,000 ea.3 60,000 60,000 60,000 (approximately 600 sq. ft. wood deck on northern border of existing Maxton Brown Park) 150 lineal feet boardwalk (in upland) @ $200/LF3 30.000 30.000 30.000 SUBTOTAL 90,000 90,000 90,000 + 25% ADMIN./DESIGN 22.500 22.500 22.500 SUBTOTAL 112,500 112,500 112,500 + 25% CONT. 28.125 28.125 28.125 TOTAL 140,625 140,625 140,625 ~ (Rounded Off) 140.000 140.000 140.000 COST FOOTNOTES 3 Estimated cost allowance (Staff) SPECIAL NOTES 1. Construction of a sidewalk around Maxton Brown Park and Laguna Drive is currently being processed by Municipal Projects under the '92-93 CIP. Sidewalk referred to for this study would be connection from the park to the proposed Carlsbad Boulevard street crossing. Appendix A 14 92 COST BREAKDOWN PROJECT L-1: SIDEWALK/BOARDWALK LINKAGE SPECIAL COSTS: 1,000 lineal ft. boardwalk (in upland) @ $200/LF3 670 lineal ft. boardwalk (in wetland) @ $450/LF5 2 Observation decks @ $50,000 ea.3 (approximately 500 sq. ft. each wood decks along northern side of Jefferson St. east of I-5) SUBTOTAL + 25% ADMIN./DESIQN SUBTOTAL •+ 25% CONT. TOTAL (Rounded Off) COST FOOTNOTES ALT. 1 200,000 ALT. 2 ALT. 3 200,000 200,000 301 ,500 100.000 601,500 150.375 751 ,875 187.969 939,844 940.000 301 ,500 100.000 601,500 150.375 751 ,875 187.969 939,844 940.000 301 ,500 100.000 601,500 150.375 751,875 187.969 939,844 940.000 3 Estimated cost allowance (Staff) 5 Previously constructed similar projects (WRT) SPECIAL NOTES 1. Sidewalk construction along Laguna Drive is part of the City's sidewalk program and is currently included in the C.I.P. Therefore, cost included in this study. Appendix A 15 93 COST BREAKDOWN PROJECT HG-1: DUCK FEEDING (EXPANSION! ALT. 1 SPECIAL COSTS: 300 lineal feet boardwalk (in wetland) @ $450/LF5 135,000 1 Observation deck @$50,000 ea.3 50.000 (wood viewing platform on the west end of Duck Feeding Area) SUBTOTAL + 25% ADMIN./DESIGN SUBTOTAL + 25% CONT. TOTAL COST FOOTNOTES 5 Previously constructed similar projects (WRT) 3 Estimated Cost Allowance (Staff) Appendix A ALT. 2 135,000 50.000 135,000 50.000 185,000 46.250 231 ,250 57.813 289,063 290.000 185,000 46.250 231 ,250 57.813 289,063 290.000 185,000 46.250 231,250 57.813 289,063 290.000 16 94 COST BREAKDOWN PROJECT HG-2: BUENA VISTA AREA (AUGMENTATION! ALT. 1 ALT. 2 -0- -0- -0- NA -0- -0- -0- NA -0- -0- -0- 500.000 SPECIAL COST: *1 Restroom @ $120,000* *Trail signage @ $1O.OOO2 *Additional parking @ $18,000* 1 Overpass @ $500,0002 (connects Buena Vista Area to Duck Feeding area) SUBTOTAL + 25% ADMIN./DESIGN SUBTOTAL + 25% CONT. TOTAL (Rounded Off) COST FOOTNOTES 2 OS Trail Study (WRT) SPECIAL NOTES 1. Initial development of the Hosp Grove Bueha Vista Area (5.5 acre) currently being processed. Funding through 1988 State Bond Act grant money ($172,000). *2. Cost included in the City Wide Trail System and therefore not duplicated in this study. Appendix A -0- -0- -0- ^z -0- -0; -0- :Qi -0- -Q- -0- ±. 500,000 125.000 625,000 156.250 781 ,250 780.000 17 95 COST BREAKDOWN r-ROJECT HG-3: MARRON/MONROE AREA ALT. 1 GENERIC PARK DEVELOPMENT COSTS: ALT. 2 50,000 50,000 50,0001 acre (natural) @$50,000/acre1 SPECIAL COSTS: 15,000 square feet perimeter landscaping 1.5 acres Grove enhancement @ $10,000/acre3 *1,000 lineal feet trails @ $24/LF2 (4,000 LF total) Parking and vehicular access for 20 cars2 SUBTOTAL + 25% ADMIN./DESIGN SUBTOTAL + 25% CONT. TOTAL (Rounded Off) COST FOOTNOTES 1 Budget number for general park development (Staff). 2 OS Trail Study (WRT) 3 Estimated cost allowance (Staff) SPECIAL NOTES *1. There are a total of 4,000 lineal feet of trails proposed in this area. However, 3,000 lineal feet of those are already included in the City Wide Trail System and therefore only 1,000 lineal feet are 15,000 15,000 24,000 24.000 128,000 32.000 160,000 40.000 200,000 200.000 15,000 15,000 24,000 24.000 128,000 32.000 160,000 40.000 200,000 200.000 15,000 15,000 24,000 24.000 128,000 32.000 160,000 40.000 200,000 200.000 included in this cost estimate. Appendix A 18 96 COST BREAKDOWN PROJECT HG-4: GLEN/PLATEAU AREA GENERIC PARK DEVELOPMENT COSTS: 6 acres (natural) @ $50,000/acre1 SPECIAL COSTS: 1 street access @ $1 OO.OOO3 600 lineal feet interior road @ $50/LF4 Parking (± 50 cars) @ $50,000* 6 acres Grove enhancement @ $10,000/acre3 *3,200 lineal feet trails @ $24/LF2 (5,000 total) SUBTOTAL -I- 25% ADMIN./DESIGN SUBTOTAL + 25% CONT. TOTAL (Rounded Off) ALT. 1 ALT. 2 300,000 300,000 300,000 100,000 30,000 50,000 60,000 Z6JQQ 616,800 154.200 771 ,000 192.750 963,750 960.000 100,000 30,000 50,000 60,000 76.800 616,800 154.200 771,000 192.750 963,750 960.000 100,000 30,000 50,000 60,000 76.800 616,800 154.200 771,000 192.750 963,750 960.000 COST FOOTNOTES 1 Budget number for general park development (Staff). 2 OS Trail Study (WRT) 3 Estimated cost allowance (Staff) 4 Previously constructed similar projects (Staff) SPECIAL NOTES *1. There are a total of 5,000 lineal feet of trails proposed in this area. However, 1,800 of those are already included in the City Wide Trail System and therefore only 3,200 lineal feet are included in this cost estimate. Appendix A 19 97 April 22, 1993 TO: FROM: MAYOR LEWIS MAYOR PRO-TEM STANTON COUNCIL MEMBER FINNILA COUNCIL MEMBER KULCHIN COUNCIL MEMBER NYGAARD Library Director SUMMARY REPORT OF LIBRARY BOARD MEETING 4/21/93 1. The Library Board recommended Tom Curtin and "Woody" Woodward to the Mayor for consideration of appointment to the Serra Cooperative Library System Advisory Board. 2. The Library Board approved the library budget for 1993-94. CLIFF LANGE pab c:City Manager Assistant City Manager Department Heads /** May 5, 1993 Amelia Irvine Carlsbad Historical Society 6759 Nepeta Way Carlsbad, CA 92009 Dear Amelia: On behalf of the Carlsbad Parks and Recreation Department, I would like to thank the Carlsbad Historical Society for its assistance in purchasing the Heritage Hall identification plaque. I would like to display the plaque to your group before having it mounted at the site. Please call me at your convenience so that I might attend your next meeting. Sincerely, (AAJtf GIAN LAURO Recreation Specialist (619) 434-2836 /re Recreation Superintendent Recreation Supervisor I . Carlsbad, California 92OO8-232O • (619)434-2833 u +—I O • Iu CD O U O CJ