HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-09-20; Parks & Recreation Commission; 993-9; Grant Application/Transportation EnhancementPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL MTG.^f - 20-93 ^^- GRANT APPLICATION/FEDERAL DEPT.1 TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT ACTIVITIES PROGRAM (INFO) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept and file. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Engineering Department staff, with input from the Parks and Recreation Department, has submitted a grant application for project funding under the Federal Transportation Enhancement Activities Program (Exhibit 1). Several projects are related to the Northwest Quadrant Park Enhancement Study including the proposed Jefferson Street Boardwalk adjacent to the Buena Vista Lagoon and acquisition of the 2.6 acre Maxton Brown expansion parcel. Additional project funding proposals include money to landscape the medians on Carlsbad Boulevard from Walnut to Sequoia and funds to construct a boardwalk along the Buena Vista Lagoon connecting Oceanside to Carlsbad. Staff will present an informational update and address any questions the Commission may have. EXHIBITS: 1. City Council Agenda Bill #12,381 057 CITY OF CARLSBAD — AGENDA BILL , ,, j^ AB it J2 35 I MTG 9/07/93 DEPT ENG TITLE: AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY FOR TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT ACTIVITIES (TEA) CCF^COAI Air>rcUbHAL AID DEPT. HD.X3^' CITY ATTi^^^ CITY MGR^V^ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. ^3- 2S9 authorizing staff to apply for funds under the federal Transportation Enhancement Activities (TEA) program for landscaping of medians on Carlsbad Boulevard, design and construction of a boardwalk between Carlsbad and Oceanside, Jefferson Street Boardwalk, and property acquisition for Maxton Brown Park expansion. ITEM EXPLANATION: In 1991, the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) became law. A component of ISTEA is the Transportation Enhancement Activities (TEA) Program, which provides funds for transportation related activities. During the six year life of the Act, over $200 million in Transportation Enhancement Activities funds are apportioned to California. Under the first funding cycle, the County of San Diego received $4.8 million. The City will receive $162,717 for Jefferson Street bicycle lanes as part of this allocation. Applications for the second cycle of funding must be submitted to SANDAG by September 10, 1993. This cycle will make available approximately $11 million to the County of San Diego. These federal funds require a 12 percent non-federal dollar match, 20 percent for bicycle and pedestrian facilities. In order to be eligible for funding, enhancement projects must meet specific criteria. They must be activities over and above normal projects, have a direct relationship to the intermodal transportation system and fit into one or more of ten activity categories as defined in the program guidelines. These categories are: 1. Provisions for facilities for pedestrians and bicycles. 2. Acquisition of scenic easements and scenic or historic sites. 3. Scenic or historic highway programs. 4. Landscaping and other scenic beautification. 5. Historic Preservation. 6. Rehabilitation and operation of historic transportation buildings, structures or facilities (including historic railroad facilities and canals). 7. Preservation of abandoned railway corridors (including the conversion and use thereof for pedestrian or bicycle trails). 8. Control and removal of outdoor advertising, o< 9. Archaeological planning and research. 10. Mitigation of water pollution due to highway run~" 1 EXHIBIT 1 •J58 Page 2 of Agenda Bill No. 12 „ SANDAG expects that competition will be more intense (or funding under the second cycle, so it Is not likely that the City would be approved for all the projects requested. The application submittal does require a commitment of the matching funds at the time the applications are submitted. Staff has identified four projects which meet the criteria for funding under this program: PROJECT Landscaping of medians on Carlsbad Boulevard (Walnut to Sequoia) Boardwalk between Carlsbad & Oceanside at Carlsbad Boulevard & Hill Street (Oceanside will pay their prorata share of project match) Jefferson Street Boardwalk Property Acquisition for Maxton Brown Park Expansion TOTALS COST $505,000 $1,233,000(1) $1 ,350,000 $725,000 $3,813,000 CARLSBAD'S MATCH $60,600 $232,600 $270,000 $87,000 $650,200 | Council adoption of the attached resolution will authorize staff to submit the applicatid for the federal TEA funds and commit the matching funds should the project(s) be approved. (1) The City of Oceanside has agreed to be a co-applicant on the project and will pay their prorata share of the required 20 percent match (approximately $14,000). Buena Vista Lagoon Foundation will donate $5,000 which would reduce the grant application to $1,228,000 since donations cannot be counted for the requited match. It may also be feasible to submit a grant application to the State for Environmental Enhancement Mitigation (EEM) funds in an amount up to $500,000. The grant would be used for the required TEA match and part of the project costs. Complete information on the EEM grant was not available at the time of Agenda Bill preparation. Staff will present an update at the Council meeting on the status of the EEM grant possibility. FISCAL IMPACT: The City must provide matching funds in order to receive TEA funding, with 12 percent City match required on Carlsbad Boulevard medians and Maxton Brown Park expansion and 20 percent match on the boardwalk projects. If all four projects receive approval for federal TEA funding, matching funds totaling $650,200 would need to be provided. There is very little chance that all projects would be approved for funding; however, in order to applyjor the federal funds, Council needs to authorize the required match. 053 Page 3 of Agenda Bill No. Only the Carlsbad Boulevard medians project Is specifically Included In the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and is scheduled to be funded from Public Facilities Fees (PFF) in the year 2002+ timeframe. Matching funds of $60,600 for the Carlsbad Boulevard medians project could be funded from PFF fund balance and would not be expected to impact the scheduling of other PFF funded projects in future years. Acquisition of property for Maxton Brown Park expansion (2+ acres) is not included in the CIP. The Northwest Quadrant Park Enhancement Study, scheduled soon for Council review, Includes a proposal to develop the Hosp Grove/Buena Vista Lagoon area which includes the Maxton Brown expansion. The original proposal has been reduced in scope to focus on enhancements and improvements to existing land rather than additional land purchases because of the high cost of property. The TEA grant would give the City the opportunity to expand Maxton Brown Park and only use $87,000 in City funds. The required matching funds are currently available in the Park-in-Lieu Fees (Northwest Quadrant) fund balance and should not impact scheduling of other PIL-NW projects in future years. Matching funds for the remaining two projects, Jefferson Street Boardwalk and Carlsbad/Oceanside Boardwalk, could be made from the General Fund balance. Unreserved funds at June 30,1993 total approximately $8 million. A maximum of $502,600 would be needed to provide the required matching funds. It may be possible to reduce the General Fund contribution if the Environmental Enhancement Mitigation (EEM) grant is deemed feasible and later awarded by the State for the project. The Carlsbad/Oceanside Boardwalk was proposed by the Buena Vista Lagoon Foundation who have pledged $5,000 towards the project costs. In addition, Oceanside will pay its proportionate share which is approximately $14,000. Both contributions are already included in cost calculations. The TEA program would provide funding for 88 percent of the project costs of the Carlsbad Boulevard median and Maxton Brown expansion, and 80 percent funding for the two boardwalk projects. The maximum required match for the four projects is $650,200 and would need to be committed if the specific projects are approved for funding. EXHIBITS: 1. Resolution No. Sj-3Hcl approving the application for TEA funding. 060 1 RESOLUTION NO. 93-249 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, 3 CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR FUNDS FOR THE TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT ACTIVITIES (TEA) PROGRAM 4 UNDER THE INTERMODAL SURFACE TRANSPORTATION EFFICIENCY ACT OF 1991 5 WHEREAS, the United States Congress has enacted the Intermodal Surface6 Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991, which is to make available over $200 million in federal g dollars over a six-year period as funds to the California Department of Transportation for g transportation enhancement activities; and 10 WHEREAS, the Department of Transportation has established the procedures and criteria 11 for reviewing proposals and, along with the Regional Transportation Agencies, will submit to the 12 California Transportation Commission a list of recommended projects from which the recipients 13 will be selected; and 14 WHEREAS, said procedures and criteria established by the California Department 01 Transportation call for the approval of an application by the applicants governing body before 16 submission of said application to the California Department of Transportation; and 17 WHEREAS, the application contains assurances that the applicant must comply with; anc 18 WHEREAS, the applicant, if selected, will enter into an agreement with the State o 19 California to carry out the transportation enhancement activities project;20 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California has determined th 22 necessity and desirability to apply for federal funding to complete medians on Carlsba 23 Boulevard; installation of a boardwalk between Carlsbad and Oceanside at Carlsbad Boulevar 24 and Hill Street; installation of a boardwalk at Jefferson Street duck landing and purchase c 25 property for the Maxton Brown Park expansion; 26 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsba* 27 California, as follows: 28 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the City Council approves the filing of an application(s) for the Transportation 2 Enhancement Activities Program for consideration for funding on the above named projects. 3 3. That the City of Carlsbad will provide a minimum of 12 percent match or 20 percent 4 match in non-federal funds as required for each project funded under the TEA program.5 4. That the City Council will make adequate provisions for operation and maintenance6 of the project. 5. That the City Engineer or designee is hereby appointed as agent of the City of Carlsbad to conduct all negotiations, execute and submit all documents including, but not limited ; 10 to, application, agreements, amendments and payment requests which may be necessary for the 11 completion of the aforementioned project(s). 12 13 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council 14 held on the day of ; , 1993 by the following vote, to wit: 15 AYES: 16 NOES: 17 ABSENT: 18 " 19 20 CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor 21 ATTEST: 22 23 ALETHA L RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) 24 25 26 27 28 062