HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-11-15; Parks & Recreation Commission; 1193-4; North Beach Restroom UpdatePARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL AB# DEPT. TITLE: NORTH BEACH RESTROOM UPDATE (INFO) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept and file staff report. ITEM EXPLANATION: Subsequent to City Council direction, staff has submitted a Coastal Permit Application to the Coastal Commission for the development of a restroom facility in the North Beach area of Carlsbad. If the application permit is approved by the Coastal Commission, staff will return to City Council for further direction to continue with the processing of the plans, specifications, and proposed development of the facility. EXHIBITS: 1. City Council Agenda Bill #11,985 2. Cover Memo - Coastal Permit Application v> OU a4-1tn <U JS 4-1 00 O X!U .en CL, to M<u uo O (U PT 4J 0 -C1 I I 1 ^HC 300•H 4-> to U <U (U Is1 &o a o a) (U 4J J3 C OJ<u _ U 4JoM •a, -a (Uo > U OVjM-I a.4-1 a, (4 <tf 4J CO MH •Ha -I Cd o•HH Mri tn CS CO 0)XIsatu fr O 8 CITY OF CARLSBAD — AG TifLEl MTG. 12/8/92 DEPT. PSR BILL REST ROOM CONSTRUCTION NORTH BEACH AREA RECOMMENDED ACTION: If it is Council's direction to proceed with the construction of the rest room, staff recommends that it be considered during the preparation of the 93-94 Capital Improvement Program (C.I.P.) budget. ITEM EXPLANATION: On August 11, 1992, Council authorized staff to proceed with a design of a block type rest room facility with consideration to include additional stalls for women. Accordingly, staff contracted with the Dahlin Group Architect Planners to provide a rest room design and cost estimates for a 350 square foot block building on a concrete pad that included a sewer pump, retaining and crib walls, landscaping, and additional rest room facilities on the women's side. Staff determined that the most suitable location for the rest room would be on the bluff area, between Pine and Walnut Avenue, east of the seawall, adjacent to the existing shower structure. The subject area is under the jurisdiction of the State Parks and Recreation Department. Staff also contacted the Coastal Commission for their 'input. Based on their preliminary review, the Coastal Commission staff indicated that they would not be able to support the rest room at the proposed location because of disruption of the bluff face, visual impacts, and the requirements for additional protection devices (crib and retaining walls), and sewer line issues. It is staffs opinion that the city should not be deterred from the Coastal Commission initial response which is both negative and predictable. Staff believes the City can obtain the appropriate permits, although it likely will require an appeal to the Coastal Commission. Staff also does not anticipate difficulty from State Parks or the Corps of Engineers in securing approvals for a rest room facility. FISCAL IMPACT: The Council on August 11, 1992 authorized $18,000 from the General Capital Construction funds (Acct. No. 300-820-1820-3412) to be used for design purposes. To date, $1,800 has been spent for architectural consulting services. EXHIBIT 1 o o Page 2, AB# // The cost of a rest room facility along the north beach area is estimated to be approximately $110,000, which includes the building/fixtures, site work, landscaping design, inspection, and administrative fees. Potential funding sources for the construction and the approximate amounts available from each source include the following: • General Capital Construction fund balance $ 800,000 • General Fund Balance $6,500,000 • Contingency $1,000,000 If Council decides to proceed with the project, it is staffs recommendation that the General Capital Construction funds be utilized. Maintenance and operation costs are estimated to be $11,000 per year. These additional costs would be borne by the general fund. EXHIBITS: 1. State Parks general plan 2. Site and architectural plans ia. i! 11ii i ii; I: Citv of Carlsbad July 26, 1993 Parks & Recreation Department Bill Ponder California Coastal Commission San Diego Area 3111 Camino Del Rio North, Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92108-1725 NORTH BEACH RESTROOM - COASTAL PERMIT APPLICATION Enclosed is.our application for a coastal permit for construction of the North Beach Restroom. As you recall, we met on site last year to review the project. Since that time we have processed the project through the City's Planning Department and have received a Negative Declaration and Hillside Development Permit. Although you had some preliminary concerns with the project, we feel, based on the following points, that there is a public need for the restroom and that the project, as proposed, is appropriate within the intent of the coastal policies. GENERAL 1. There is a public need for the project to accommodate users of the beach, the seawall/walk, and the "Split Pavilion" Sculpture Park (refer to attachment A). 2. Replaces the restroom destroyed in 1983. 3. Conforms to the State Beach General Plan in location for a restroom (refer to Attachment B). 4. A Negative Declaration has been issued by the Planning Department stating there are no significant environmental impacts (refer to Attachment C, pg. 6 of the Neg. Dec.). COASTAL POLICY ISSUES 1. Policy 4-4 of the City of Carlsbad Mello II LCP states: No development shall be permitted ... on the face of any ocean bluff, with the exception of access ways to provide public beach access and of limited public recreation facilities. A restroom is a permitted use based on Policy 4-4 because it is an integral part of a "public recreational facility." 12OO Carlsbad Village Drive • Carlsbad, California 92OO8 EXHIBIT 2 July 13, 1993 Page Two 2. The Carlsbad LCP, Mello II Segment describes "toilets and bathhouses" as a permitted use along the coastline. 3. The visual impact of a well-designed restroom (as proposed) is minimal and an improvement over the portable toilets currently existing in this location. The restroom is integrated into the bluff using visually compatible materials and architectural lines. 4. There is no other siting in the vicinity that would have less impact. If there was room (and there is not) to locate the restroom at the bluff top, it would block coastal views and take up valuable public parking opportunities. The proposed location is the best to serve the public. The nearest public restroom is at the opposite end of the seawall walk, ten (10) blocks away. This location will also serve beach users. 5. No additional shoreline protection is required by siting the restroorri behind existing rip rap and seawall. Thank you for your consideration of this project. Please call me at 434-2855 if you need further information. MARK STEYAERT ' ^X PARK DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR ck Attachments: A. Sign photo B. State GP C. Neg. Dec.; pg. 6 D. Coastal Permit Application c: Parks and Recreation Director No. Beach Restroom File mark\letters\p«rmit. rr PUBLIC NEED I Sign on a gate closing off a private restroom to the public at the beach. The restroom belongs to the Harbor Fish House South Restaurant and was previously open for public use. The restaurant is located adjacent to the "Split Pavillion" sculpture park immediately above the proposed restroom site. .2.1 1 *" lliv«3N39 isvoo ooaia NVS j|J - Is H3V38 31*15 OT9S"IHT3 - — I fSCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION -TY^CAL ENVIRONMENT he proposed location for the restroom is at the toe of the disturbed coastal bluff west and adjacent to arlsbad Blvd. near the northern terminus of the seawall/boardwalk. This coastal bluff is disturbed due to le sidewalk on the slope top, the seawall extending along the bluffs base and the service access road that opes up and north from the project site to the Sculpture Park area. The site is vulnerable to some coastal cliff erosion, however, the-existing seawall now protects the bluff base from further erosion. The proposed restroom will not-increase any geologic instabilities or slope failure potentials. The restroom is a small structure which will be built into the bluff base and will not increase the exposure of people or property to geologic hazards. I. The site is a sloping coastal bluff and due to the disturbed state of the slope the steepness varies. The restroom is designed to tuck into the bluff base and will not appreciably alter the area's or slope's topography. There are no unique physical features associated with the project site or slope. }. The project will not alter the drainage pattern of the slope and no soils will erode offsite by the proposed restroom construction. 1. The project's location east and behind all shoreline protection devices (seawall and rip rap) prevents any interaction with or impacts to the depositional patterns o£ beach sands or coastal,processes. No geomorphological changes to any lakes, rivers, lagoons, Days or inlets will be created by the proposed project. /6. The proposed, project will have no impacts to ambient air quality or result in substantial adverse changes in air movement, odor, moisture or temperature. Building practices and construction standards will reduce restroom related odors. /8. No water resources are located on the project site so the course or natural flow or marine, fresh or flood waters will not be changed and the quantity and quality of surface, ground water or public water supplies will not be affected. The adjacent seawall is designed to protect the bluff base during high wave events associated with severe winter storms. A The proposed project will not create a need for the increased use or depletion of any natural resources. 0. The use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy will not be required to carry out the proposec restroom construction. 1. There are no archeological, paleontological, historical or cultural resources located on the subjec site. -6-