HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-11-15; Parks & Recreation Commission; 1193-5; Initiative Measure/Cal Paw 94PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL MTG. DEPT. TITLE: INITIATIVE MEASURE/CAL PAW 94 (INFO) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept and file staff report. ITEM EXPLANATION: A proposed initiative which would authorize approximately 2 billion dollars for state-wide park lands, historical sites, wildlife and forest conservation projects has received enough signatures to be placed on the June ballot pending final review and qualification by the State Attorney General's Office. If placed on the ballot and approved by the voters, Carlsbad will receive entitlement grants totaling 4.5 million dollars for the following projects. 3 million dollars for acquisition and preservation of natural lands to support the Carlsbad Multiple Species Habitat Program. 1.5 million dollars for the restoration and development of the Carrillo Ranch. In addition to the entitlement grants, several other grant programs within the Bond Act would make funds available to the City for park projects including: Per Capita Program - approximately $200,000 Roberti-Z'Berg - approximately $30,000 Historic Preservation Program - competitive Trails Program - competitive Staff will provide an update to the Commission on additional projects within San Diego County which will also benefit from this Bond Act. EXHIBITS: 1. Beach News Article - Californians Support Parks Initiative Californjans support parks initiative BY MARY RENAKER being rapidly losl to the greatest lop $200 million. .. . For The Beach News ' development pressure in the state. . The final push Is being read* | BEACH CITIES — In 1928 This could be (he lasl chance to led and extra help is needed this ,lh rst park bond measure to buy preserve natural areas In coastal month and next. All the prime 'and preserve natural open space southern California. ' signature gathering spots, such as jwaspassedbyCalirorniavolers.It CalPAW headquarters In the Old Globe In Balboa Park, .created our State Park system and Sacramento report southern Call- have been cultivated by a series of : since then, traditionally,.qlate park fomla signature gathering isinin* volunteers, making it easier for { bond , acts ,(have..,;- passed nlng way ahead qf expectations) , flrsi timersttp.s|ep.in^.OrpMpf sucj) | overwhelmingly; Today, our huge with Orange and San Diego Court* as' the Xnza-Borrego Foundation, j tourist industry is based on the lies really making it go — recently The San Elijo JLagoon Con- geographical and biological contributing a combined total of servancy, The California Native diversity preserved by previous 15,000 signatures in one week. '•' Plant Society, and the San Diego ballot measures. Now, once again, This success is due to ordl- Audubon Society are working In - (every county in the slate has a nary CaUfomians working to pro- Balboa Park almost daily. "It's | I chance lo protect .what remains of lect their quality of life and natural such a beautiful park to be in at our natural landscape, maintain areas. As people thronged to our -twilight, when the owls are (lying and enhance the parks we have, parks this summer, the CalPAW around...and we gel so many slg- and add more for the future.. initiative boosted interest in. keep- natures in such a short lime al Ihe Sponsored by The Nature Ing pace with the demand Tor Old Globe I," remarked Encinilas Conservancy and The National recreation as our population con* resident Eileen Henry recently. Audubon Society, CalPAW '94 Unues lo grow. The cosl? A movie Help is needed every day and (California Parks and Wildlife Ini- ticket, or aboul $6 per year per on weekends to gather signatures, ti e) is on schedule for collect- Californian for twenty years. The Please sign the petition and call Ing 625,000 signatures statewide direct benefits to the county will the CalPAW office al 595-1994 lo with an all volunteer effort It will be over $100 million, and, with help with signature gathering for be the only citizen's initiative on per capita matching grants, could Ihe final push. Ihe June '94 ballot This summer, "~"" . " " • volunteers throughout San Diego • Counly gathered 50,000 signatures . (two thirds of Ihe way toward a } ' county wide goal of 80,000 by Oc- i tober). i Julie Fisher of the Los . Encinilos Heritage Conservancy In . . ; Encinitas is the top signature !-•' lafs for acquislUon ^ prcserva- gaiherer in Sari Diego County, I|Q|| of |oca, wa,ef8ncds and surpassing her goal of 10,000 five historical sites. . : weeks ahead of schedule. Her con-. • • CalPAW '94 would bring ' * • servancy will receive $6.5 million mofc bencfU8 to San Diego for the purchase of natural lands in Cfjun|y ^m any prcv|ous park . Encinilas, if the Initiative passes. ^^ act ms ,, due to ^e ^cg- . Olijer local conservation organiza- nll|on ,„ Sacramento lhal San Ik , in Encinilas, Carlsbad, ^ Diego's rich biological diversity Is Oceanside, Del Mar, and Escon-./* . CYUTDTT 1 IUdo will receive millions of dol. ... LArllDl I 1 I