HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-11-15; Parks & Recreation Commission; 1193-6; NW Quadrant Park Enhancement StudyPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL o< toCO bo TITLE:NORTHWEST QUADRANT PARK ENHANCEMENT STUDY (INFO) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept and file staff report. ITEM EXPLANATION: During the October 12, 1993 City Council meeting, department staff presented the final report on the Northwest Quadrant Park Enhancement Study. Staff will update the Commission on the results of the study and the Council's direction to pursue the development of a community center/gymnasium in the Barrio area of the Northwest Quadrant. EXHIBITS: 1. City Council Agenda Bill #12,438 - N.W. Quadrant Park Enhancement Study 2. City Council Minutes - AB #12,438 3. Memo from Councilmember Finnila OF CARLSBAD — AGENQX BILL AB#_^f MTG. W-J1-13 DEPT. TITLE: NORTHWEST QUADRANT PARK ENHANCEMENT STUDY DEPT. HD. CITY AT CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: If Council concurs, your action would be to accept the Parks & Recreation Commission's recommendations as outlined in the agenda bill and direct staff to incorporate the revised Northwest Quadrant Enhancement Program into the 94-95 Capital Improvement Program budget and the Parks and Recreation Element. ITEM EXPLANATION: On April 7 and April 21,1992, staff presented the following information to Council dealing with park-related issues in the Northwest Quadrant. • Creation and cost of a Community Facility District (CFD) • Cost for a long-range Hosp Grove/Buena Vista Lagoon development project • Cost of proposed projects and their maintenance impacts • The joint-venture proposal for the Magnolia site with the Carlsbad Unified School District0) • Information on a joint-venture community center proposal with various community groups By consensus, Council referred the matter to the Parks and Recreation Commission for further consideration and a recommendation on the projects as outlined in the staff report, including possible modification of the projects as outlined in the Hosp Grove/Buena Vista Lagoon Study. The Council also stated that the Northwest Quadrant Park Master Plan should stay within available funding sources and, give Community Facility District (CFD) financing and the acquisition/development of the Magnolia flower field property a low priority. They further requested that the Commission study the possibility of a joint-venture community center proposal. In addition, the Council determined that leased property and land for which the City has use agreements will be counted to meet park standards. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION ACTION During the February 1993 meeting, the chair of the Parks and Recreation < Commission appointed Commissioners Castner, Heineman, Strayer, and Lawson as an alternate, to a subcommittee to analyze options and to prepare a report for Commission and Council consideration on the Northwest Quadrant Park •H Cfl4J<uTS VlO (0<D <uat •a co OP. <U Q) <Uu U(4 •r) Ue OU O OU Enhancement Program. EXHIBIT 1 o o PAGE 2, AB # The subcommittee met with staff from March 5 to April 7, 1 993, to review, analyze, discuss and make recommendations on the following materials and information dating back from 1 988 to present: (Attachment A) A. Reviewed the funding sources and available fund total 1 . Funding sources to buildbut PIL $5,980,000 PFF 4,775,000 CFD (Veteran's Memorial Park) 3,500,000 Grants 1 72.000 Total $14.427.000 2. Funds available as of January 1 993 PIL $1.500.000 B. Selling of existing city-owned properties 1. Cannon Park 2. 405 Oak 3. Pio Pico Park 4. Oak Park 5. Harding Street Community Center C. Acquiring additional property adjacent to Chase Field. 1 . Pine Elementary School 2. 13 parcels adjacent to the south and west side of Chase Field 3. Closing off Palm Avenue and Jefferson Street bordering Chase Field D. Availability of redevelopment funds. E. Acquisition of the 11 -acre parcel bordering the north side of Agua Hedlonda Lagoon. F. The merits of acquiring and developing the 15-acre Magnolia parcel across from Valley Junior High School. G. The joint-venture concept in .developing a community center/gymnasium. o o PAGE 3, AB # yfl.J H. The modified Hosp Grove/Buena Vista Lagoon Study. (For details refer to Attachment B.) The original Hosp Grove/Buena Vista Study (October '91) included a number of projects that were relatively costly. In response to input from the Northwest Quadrant Ad Hoc Citizen Group, the Parks and Recreation Commission and the City Council, the study was revised to reduce the overall scope. The major reductions included elimination of property acquisition and major development in proposed park areas. Additionally, costs for projects such as sidewalks and trails that are already included as part of other current City projects were not included in the financing for this project. 1. Alternative 1 $2,590,000 2. Alternative 2 3,225,000 3. Alternative 3 5,650,000 4. Original Study (Oct.'91) $11,290,000 I. The length and term of implementation of a master plan for the Northwest Quadrant. SUBCOMMITTEE'S RECOMMENDATION After review of all the data pertaining to the Northwest Quadrant, taking into consideration previous Council direction and public comments, the subcommittee recommended the following: A. To stay within the existing identified funding spucces ,and not pursue a Community Facility District (CFD) for the Northwest Quadrant at this time. PIL PFF . CFD Grants B. Presently, not to sell, trade or lease any existing city-owned properties and continue with existing leases and agreements for use of land for park purposes. . . C. Keep options open to purchase the Pine School property and/or the acquisition of the 13 parcels adjacent to Chase Field, including the closure of Palm Avenue and Jefferson Street. o o PAGE 4, AB # /£.' D. Staff is to monitor available redevelopment funds and apply for funding when and where appropriate. E. Consider the acquisition of the 11+ acre parcel on the north side of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon during the master plan process of Zone 8 and 24. F. Omit the acquisition and development of the Magnolia Flower Fields adjacent to Valley Junior High. G. Abandon efforts for a joint-use development agreement with other community groups, instead construct a community center/gymnasium operated and controlled by the City. H. Consider Alternative 1 or 2 of the Hosp Grove/Buena Vista Plan at this time. However, if additional funding sources were identified, Alternative 3 would be recommended. I. Finally, recommend that the Parks and Recreation Commission should implement the following short/long range park enhancement program. 1. Two options are being suggested. The preferred Option A outlines a program that would include the purchase of the 7-acre Pine School and includes Alternative 2 of the Hosp Grove/Buena Vista Lagoon Study. If the Pine School site does not materialize within seven (7) years, in accordance with the Agreement between CUSD and the City of Carlsbad for the use of the Senior Center and District administrative offices, Option B would be incorporated. This option suggests the . purchase of 13 parcels adjacent to Chase Field and recommends closure of Palm Avenue and Jefferson Street. Option B also includes Alternative 2, of the Hosp Grove/Buena Vista Lagoon Study. If Option B is enacted, at a future date, the purchase of the 13 parcels is not recommended to be by condemnation, rather, through a long-range acquisition program. o o . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ;-• • Option A Hosp Grove (Buena Vista Area) Vet. Mem. Phase I AHL Land Ded. (10± ac) Acq. Pine Sch (7 ac) Dev. Pine Sch (7 ac) Com. Center/Gym Dev. Cannon Lake (6.7 ac) Vet. Mem. Park (Ph. II) Hosp Grove/BV Lagoon Alt. 2 Year 94-95 95-96 97-2003 97-2003 2003+ 2003+ 2003+ 2003+ Subtotal 2002+ Grand Total Fund Grant CFD PIL PIL PFF PFF PFF CFD PIL Available Funds Balance Option B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Hosp Grove Vet. Mem. Park AHL Land Ded. (10± ac) Acq. 1 3 parcels (2.25 ac) Dev. parcels/Street (4.0) Com. Ctr/Gym Dev. Cannon Lake (6.7 ac) Vet. Mem. Park Hosp Grove/BV Lagoon Alt. 2 Year 94-95 96-2003 97-2003 97+ 2003+ 2003+ 2003+ 2003+ Subtotal 2003+ Fund Grant CFD PIL PIL PFF PFF PFF CFD PIL Grand Total Available Funds Balance Year Estimate $172,000 1,750,000 0 2,380,000 875,000 3,000,000 900,000 1.750.000 $10,827,000 3.225.000 $14.052.000 $14.427.000 $375,000 Cost Estimate $172,000 1,750,000 0 *2,925,000 **600,000 3,000,000 900,000 1.750.000 $11,097,000 3,225,000 $14.322.000 $14.427.000 $105,000 NT * ** Acquisition cost calculated at $225,000 per parcel Development cost calculated at $150,000 per acre PAGES. AB# NORTHWEST QUADRANT CITIZEN GROUP COMMENTS On April 28, 1993, staff met with members of the Northwest Quadrant citizen group to discuss the Subcommittee's park enhancement recommendation, which included the Hosp Grove/Buena Vista alternatives. The following are the group's comments: Alternative 2 of the Hosp Grove Buena Vista Plan is preferred by the group. There may be a safety issue at the crossing of State and Carlsbad Boulevard without a traffic signal installed in order .to gain access to Maxton Brown Extension. The realignment of State and Carlsbad Boulevard may be accomplished as a city-wide project in the future. A rest room facility may be needed at the west end of the Hosp Grove/Buena Vista Lagoon study area. Surveillance lights may be needed along the trail in the Maxton Brown expansion area. There are trespassing problems at the gated area adjacent to the Army/Navy tennis courts. The City should investigate the selling of the Harding Street Community Center to the Big Bear Market. Indicated support of the overall Northwest Quadrant Park Enhancement proposal as outlined by the Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION'S RECOMMENDATION On May 17, 1993, after staff and the Subcommittee's presentation, the Parks and Recreation Commission voted (5-1-1) to recommend Alternative 2 of the Hosp Grove/Buena Vista Lagoon modification plan. In addition, the Commission unanimously voted (7-0) to accept all the recommendations as presented by the Subcommittee pertaining to the Northwest Quadrant Park Enhancement Program. FISCAL IMPACT: One of Council's goals was that any park enhancement program in the Northwest Quadrant should stay within the existing funding sources. To that end, staff and the Parks and Recreation Commission has developed a short and long range Capital Improvement Program (CIP) that enhances the subject quadrant, meets the city's park obligation, satisfies the public demand, and is financially feasible staying within existing funding sources. EXHIBITS: Attachment A - Northwest Quadrant Park Study Attachment B - Hosp Grove/Buena Vista Lagoon Study « DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) ! 9. AB * 12.438 - NORTHWEST QUADRANT PARK ENHANCEMENT STUDY. Mayor Lewis expressed his desire to move the community center/gymnasium earlier into the time — schedule. Council also expressed the desire to pursue the possible acquisition of the Pine Street School site as soon as possible. _ Ron Wootton, P. O. Box 520, Vista Buena Vista Lagoon Foundation, spoke In favor of the proposal. Mario Monroy, 3610 Carlsbad Boulevard, representing the Northwest Quadrant Citizens Group, spoke in favor of the proposal and stated that there will be a meeting with the School Board as part of the Redevelopment Master Plan on October 27th, and the topic of discussion will be Pine Street School. The School District Is to build a second floor at the Jefferson School and close ,- the Pine Street School. He stated the Citizens Group endorses the plan and he requested the I City to pursue obtaining additional funds to advance the timing on the project Carman Cedola, 7029 Ivy Street, representing Carlsbad Youth Enrichment Services, spoke of the (• need for a teen center to combat the gang activity in the City. He requested that the City not abandon efforts for joint use and development of facilities with other community groups. : ACTION; On motion by Mayor Lewis, Council accepted the report as contained In the Agenda Bill and directed staff to incorporate the revised Northwest Quadrant Enhancement Program Into the 94-95 Capital Improvement Program budget and the Parks and Recreation Element; and directed staff to pursue the earlier development of a community center and acquiring the Pine Street School srte as _ soon as possible. AYES: Lewis, Stanton, Kulchin and Finnila 10. AB * 12.439 . SOUP WASTE MANAGEMENT ISSUES UPDATE. Council received the staff report as outlined in the Agenda Bill. 11. AB ^1 2.440 - DISCUSSION REGARDING PLACEMENT OF PUBLIC COMMENT SECTION OF CITY COUNCIL AGENDAS. Marjorie Monroy, 3610 Carlsbad Boulevard, representing the League of Women Voters, spoke in opposition to moving the Public Comment section to a different time In the agenda She said it is a matter of convenience, and the placement of the Public Comment section can either encourage or discourage public participation. Mayor Lewis made a motion (which died due to the lack of a second), to move the Public Comment to the end of the Council Agenda prior to Council Reports, making certain that the last 15 minutes of the Meeting is devoted to that. ACTION: On motion by Council Member Kulchin, Council moved the Public Comment period to just before Departmental and City Manager Reports. Lewis, Stanton and Kulchin NOES: Finnila EXHIBIT 2 RAMONA FINNILA Council Member 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 (619)434-2830 City of Cartebab '•<##-•"y- EXHIBIT 3