HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-11-15; Parks & Recreation Commission; 1193-9; Budget UpdatePARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL O g (O(O AB# DEPT. TITLE: BUDGET UPDATE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept and file staff update. ITEM EXPLANATION: Revisions to the City's Budget which was adopted on June 15, 1993, will be presented to the Commission. Refer to the attached agenda bill for further information. EXHIBIT: 1. City Council Agenda Bill #12,466 - 1993-94 Operating Budget-Revised CITY OF CARLSBAD — AGENDA BILL (JJ^. ^" " **^ •— c^"" AB * ia H/; /, MTG. ii/Q/03 DEPT. ™ TITLE: 1993-94 OPERATING BUDGET - REVISED DEPT. HD. CITY ATTYC^IL CITY MGR. 5V RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution Exhibit B. revising the 1993-94 Operating Budget as indicated in ITEM EXPLANATION: On June 15, 1993, the City Council adopted a balanced 1993-94 operating budget for the City. It was recognized at that time that the budget would be revised following an analysis of the impact of the State's budget on Carlsbad. Staff has determined the impacts of the State's budget and has also reassessed the local economy and the effect it is anticipated to have on Carlsbad's revenues. The table below details those impacts and the associated revenue reductions of $1.3 million made to the 1993-94 budget Should proposition 172 fail to pass in the upcoming election, the City will need to further reduce estimated 1993-94 revenue projections by $170,000. BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS Property tax loss $19.31 per capita Little Roundabout ($1.02 per capita) Total Vehicle in Lieu Fees TP&D shift Little Roundabout Total Sales tax sharing Total Estimated State Impact Property tax reduction due to economy Total General Fund Revision Redevelopment payment required (1,298,000) (68,500) (1,366,500) 405,000 - 68,500 473,500 339,000 (554,000) (720,000) (1,274,000) 91,434 Budgeted expenditures have been revised to insure a balanced position at the end of the fiscal year. The revised General Fund budget totals $38.1 million, which represents a reduction of $1.3 million or 3.2% from the adopted 1993-94 budget. All departments participated in developing this revised budget which is not expected to have a significant impact on any one program. Citizens may however, notice some reduction in response time to requests due to the continual reductions in the General Fund budget. Significant steps taken to balance the revised budget include the unfunding of seven (7) positions, which can be accomplished with no lay-offs. Two positions experience a status change in order to reduce budgeted expenditures. The Assistant City Attorney position has EXHIBIT 1 43' PAGE TWO OF AGENDA BILL NO. had its funding reduced to six months for 1993-94, while the once full time Graphic Artist has been funded at part time status. The recommended budget includes a transfer of approximately $260,000 in General Fund street maintenance appropriations to the Gas Tax Fund. This action will require that a portion of the Gas Tax fund balance be utilized, and can occur only on a limited time basis. The balanced budget also includes a recommendation to reduce the Council's contingency account by $400,000 which will leave approximately $200,000 in that account for the remainder of 1993-94. The State's budget package also impacted the Redevelopment Fund, by requiring a special payment to the State of approximately $90,000 for this year and the next. The recommended budget includes an increase to Redevelopment appropriations in order to cover the required transfer payment to the State's Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund. Staff is also asking the City Council to appropriate funds totaling $106,000 within the Community Facilities District #1 (CFD). These funds are used to pay for consulting services and City administrative costs needed to monitor the CFD. Due to an oversight, these funds were not budgeted in June, 1993. It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached revisions to the 1993-94 Operating Budget. FISCAL IMPACT; The fiscal impact of the revised 1993-94 Operating Budget is detailed in the attached schedules. EXHIBITS; 1. Resolution No.^J-^o? adopting the revised Operating Budget for 1993-94. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 93-309 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 3 93-170, REVISING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1993-94 FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD4 5 WHEREAS the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has adopted 6 Resolution No. 93-170 on June 15, 1993, which established the City of Carlsbad 7 1993-94 Operating Budget; and, 8 WHEREAS the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has determined that 9 actions taken by the State and the recession require revising the 1993-94 Operating _ Budget; and, •,„ WHEREAS the City Council has reviewed the proposed revisions to the 13 General Operating Budget for fiscal year 1992-93. 14 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City 15 of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That Exhibits A through C attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein, amend Exhibits A, B, C and D of Resolution No. 93-170. 18 /// 19 /// 20 21 22 23 24 25 '" 26 /// 27 /// 28 45T 2. That the amount designated as the revised 1993-94 budget in Exhibit M B is hereby appropriated to the department for which it is designated, and such3 . appropriation shall be neither increased nor decreased except as provided in 5 Resolution No. 93-170. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City 7 Council on the day of , 1993, by the following vote, to wit: 8 AYES: 9 NOES: 10 | ABSENT: 11 12 131| CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor ATTEST:II 14 15 ALETHA L RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk (SEAL) II 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EXHIBIT A CITY OF CARLSBAD 1993-94 REVISED BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE DEPARTMENT BUDGET 1993-94 REVISED BUDGET DIFFERENCE GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER PUBLIC INFORMATION CITY CLERK CITY ATTORNEY FINANCE CITY TREASURER PURCHASING HUMAN RESOURCES RESEARCH OFFICE INFORMATION SYSTEMS RISK MANAGEMENT TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FIRE TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY OEVEL ADMIN GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION ENGINEERING PLANNING GROWTH MANAGEMENT HISTORIC PRESERV COMM BUILDING INSPECTION TOTAL COMMUNITY SERVICES MAINTENANCE UTIUTIES ADMINISTRATION STREET MAINTENANCE FACILITIES MANAGEMENT TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINT TOTAL MAINTENANCE 167,678 749.306 0 17,680 452,974 1,001,512 101,386 351,653 752.926 0 387,553 0 3.982,668 9,024,662 6,875,589 15,900.251 585,433 267,692 3,170.458 1,976,501 105,791 3,550 819,293 6,928,718 373,316 1,651,191 1.315,179 374,834 3.714.520 167,678 749,306 17,680 408.974 1.001,512 101.386 351.653 730,926 0 387,553 0 3,916,668 8,876,432 6.875,589 15.752.021 583,433 237,692 2.984,458 1,889,861 104,291 3.550 815.393 6.618.678 373.316 1,390,061 1,285,179 374,834 3,423,390 | 0 I o 0 0 (44.000) 0 0 0 (22.000) 0 0 0 (66,0001 (148,230) I o j (148.230) | 1 (2,000) |i (30,000) | (186,000) | (86,640) | (1.500) I ° 1 (3.900) I (310.040) 1 1I 1* 0 (261,130) (30.000) 0 1 EXHIBIT A (continued) CITY OF CARLSBAD 1993-94 REVISED BUDGET EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE DEPARTMENT BUDGET 1993-94 REVISED BUDGET DIFFERENCE CULTURE/RECREATION LIBRARY CULTURAL ARTS PROGRAM SISTER CITY PROGRAM PARKS AND RECREATION SENIOR CITIZENS PROG TOTAL CULTURE/RECREATION NON-DEPARTMENTAL COMMUNITY PROMOTION BEACH PARKING COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTIONS HIRING CENTER AUDIT HOSP GROVE PAYMENT GOLF COURSE LEASES PROPERTY TAX ADMIN FEE DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS ANIMAL REGULATION CONTRACT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STREET LIGHT COSTS (CITY) TREE MAINT COSTS (CITY) BONDSERVICES TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL SUBTOTAL GENERAL FUND CONTINGENCIES TOTAL GENERAL FUND 2,483,657 233,960 10.250 3.488.605 257.275 6.473.967 205,000 36.000 75,000 80.000 38,000 813,600 0 87.000 200,000 29,400 112.000 0 28,000 66,140 18.400 1,788,540 38.788,664 596,436 39,385,100— .. — -..; 2.457.857 233,980 10.250 3,460,505 252,775 1 6,415,367 205,000 36,000 75,000 80,000 38,000 813.600 ".-:- Q 87,000 200.000 29,400 112,000 0 28,000 66,140 18.400 1,788,540 37.914,664 196.436 38,nrjoo : (26.000) i o i ° | (28,100) (4,500) I (58.6001 1 •0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 I 0 I 0 i: 0 i o I 0 1 0 I (874.000) f | (400.000) )_«« 1 OTHER FUNDS 1•»fgii:f»;A9}fif^f»Mi^^^yf;^»g!AS-»^^«ii^gitsfSK^)- COMMUNITY FACILTS DISTR #1 ADMINISTRATION GAS TAX REDEVELOPMENT DEBT SERVICE i 0 1,218,500 1,094.550 106,000 | 0 1,460,630 I 261,130 1.185,984 1 91,434 EXHIBIT C CITY OF CARLSBAD 1993.94 POSITIONS UNFUNDED Revised Budget November, 1993 PUBLIC SAFETY - 3 TOTAL Police Officer (3) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - 4 TOTAL Principal Engineer - Traffic Construction Inspector Associate Engineer Word Processing Operator