HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-04-17; Parks & Recreation Commission; 495-4; Friends of Carillo RanchPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL MTG. r DEPT. TITLE: FRIENDS OF CARRILLO RANCH/ TARGET STORES DONATION (INFO) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept and file ITEM EXPLANATION: The Friends of Carrillo Ranch organization recently solicited and received a $1,000 donation from Target Stores to support their educational program which informs younger children in various school districts, primarily in North County, about Leo Carrillo and his Rancho de los Quiotes. EXHIBITS: 1. News article - Blade Citizen, Union Tribune 2. Target Stores Community Involvement Program Brochure r o genc 23 UNION-TRIBUNE CarrUlo Friends get help OCEANSIDE — The Tar- get Store here has donated $1,000 to continue the work of the Friends of Carrillo Ranch in educating fourth- graders in five North County school districts. Friends volunteers go to classrooms in Carlsbad, En- cinitas, Oceanside, San Mar- cos and Vista to tell the youngsters about life in old California. Leo Carrillo, a stage, screen and television star for decades prior to his death in 1961, refurbished his Rancho de los Kiotes in Carlsbad in the style of the early Mexican residents. The remaining 13.5 acres of Carrillo's once vast estate belongs to the city of Carls- bad, but it isn't open to the public. Instead, the volunteers, have taken T"an 'audio-visual; historical review, hands-on.; artifacts display and a chance to sit in a saddle to 3,000^ local schoolchildren. ;,.:;^/4^ •'''. Tony f' Carter,1 vice, jprest-jif dent-education of the Friends" j| organization, said the>TargetJ •: grant "means that our unique - educational service : will;, be privately and fully funded^," .through the remainder of the; school yeari%,^t(>;j,i EXHIBIT 1 -Till"ffpfl! 24 *'¥±^ I s ii: '=;I ll If ifBfl S e iUI[fi 8 atr1 Hi!l!iili?l3.|limili w*mwn*gspfHff fS;!?3 mmo--> P«3oSC3<*cIf if-ili1! it I; ~3 «sl*«K2iA.-^ai .;*'•I ST -• i*^-.-, .'./• '.?. *'-?*<££.• 'i- » - "••- '";' --•••'•&."... .v;..^ •n 0 O m 0) H 0 m 0) © o> O N 9 8 8 m (OroO O 0 z en H .c r 0 z en EXHIBIT 2 WHAT T A R G E T w i L L D o F OR Y o u There are lots of ways Target can support your organization in addition to this financial contribution: You'll want to talk with your local Target contact about the possibilities. Here are some ideas: ~ •-'-_" • We can provide an opportunity for your organization to share information about your programs and services to pur employees and guests in one or-more of the following ways: • announcements at employee meetings \ • participate in brown-bag lunches and make presentations to employee groups • participate .in an inrstore nonprofit"fair - • promote your program/event to our guests on the stores Community Board ' • promote your"program/event by inserting flyers into guest shopping bags • Talk with the store's.Good Neighbor Captain about opportunities to involve Target volunteejs in assisting at events that benefit your organization. Examples: ushers at'arts performances, participation in clean-up/fix-up activities, etc. t ' f • Provide ad slicks for your newsletter (see examples enclosed). • 'Help develop a news-release for a Target sponsored program or event (sample news release is included). . • Host a reception before a performance, annual meeting or in-store event. • Discuss the opportunity of a Target employee participating on a. committee or your Board of Directors. . • In a limited, number of markets, we offer TREATS EATS discounts on major events..In these markets, we would be open to discussing the possibility of your agency promoting an event or series through the TREATSEATS program. . • Write a letter "of support for your organization. • Non-profit partners may participate in our Train the Trainer program. • Explore ways to continue our partnership after the grant period. *'•'•' 26 TARG ET SETS THE PACE FOR COM M UNITY INVOLVEMENT "•'-.- . . • ! ' • : V • *' - •'-'.. As a recipient of a Target grant, you're part of our major community involvement effort. Our tradition of community support started ba"ck in 1946 when our parent company became a founding member of the' "Five Percent Club" in the United .States. This club was a landmark movement encouraging corporations to commit five percent of federally taxable incomejo support community nonprofits. ^ -" N , i v ' ' — '. ( As th? largest operating compahy of ^Dayton Hudson Corporation, Target makes significant contributions" to communities. Over the last ten years, we have invested more than $45 million.- * Here are some of the ways we've contributed to communities: . . . • * » i • Grants: Each year, Target provides direct financial support for community cultural and social ' • services programs. More than $8 million will be awarded in 1993. " " • .* • . *" " ' ' • • ' "'. • . • United Way: Target manages one of the most impressive and pacesetting employee campaigns •- among retailers. Last fall, Target employees pledged more than $4.8 million to support the work ' of local United Way agencies. / .v. ' _• * , • * • Go*d Neighbor Volunteers: Target places high value on volunteerism. And Target teammates contribute thousands*of volunteer,hours for local projects each year. More than 1,500 separate community service projects were completed in 1992. ~ . N ' " '' • L - : ' . c ' .- . , , • Environmental Programs: In-addition to reducing the trash our stores generate by 75% over the past several years, Target is proud to be the founding international sponsor of Kids for Saving , - Earth as well as the creator of the environmental education program Target Ear,th. • Child Care Aware: Together with Mervyns and the Dayton Hudson Foundation, we've collaborated in a major, nationwide effort to improve the quality of family-based child care. ' ' • '/ '• .1 • Holiday Party: A Target tradition for twenty years, this special event makes holiday shopping easy, accessible and fun for seniors and people with disabilities. In 1992, more than 400,000 , guests attended' nationwide. i ^ • Helping Hugs: Through a unique vendor partnership, Target has provided stuffed animals for emergency medical technicians in all Target communities to comfort children in crisis situations. \ , - ' • • • . **• - . * • Communitrees: For several years, we have donated our decorated display Christmas trees to nonprofit community agencies. This in-kind donation is valued at more than $3.5 million. • » • To learn more about these qommunity involvement programs, talk to the Store Manager at the Target nearest you. • ' " . - ' - ' . 27 •-...'/•;