HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-06-19; Parks & Recreation Commission; 695-10; Chase Field/Community Oriented PolicingCITY OF CARLSBAD — AGENDA BILL AB# MTG. DEPT. 695-10 6/19/95 CSD TITLE: CHASE FIELD/COMMUNITY ORIENTED POLICING (ACTION) DEPT. HO. CITY ATTY CITY MGR. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Direct staff to work with the Carlsbad Police Department and community user groups to address issues of concern in the vicinity of Chase Field. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Community Services Department has recently become aware, through recommendations of the Police Department, of unsavory social behavior and enforcement issues which need to be addressed in and around the Chase Field Ball Fields (Exhibit 1 and 2). Staff has been in contact with the Police Department and the Community User groups to discuss and improve conditions relevant to this issue. All groups are in accord with actions recommended to improve the existing situation. FISCAL IMPACT: With the exception of staff time to perform maintenance requirements, the approximate cost of improvements is $500. EXHIBITS: 1. Community Oriented Policing 2. Memor to Chief Vales CARLSBAD POLICE DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY ORIENTED POLICING PROJECT BY OFRCER NEIL GALLUCCI EXHIBIT 1 70 (2) Chase Field Project I have worked the downtown area of Carlsbad, exclusively, for over one year. I have also been a member of the Gang Suppression Unit for several years. During this time I have identified what I believe to be a location where youths congregate, to participate in illegal activities. The location in question is the north west corner of Chase Field (Chestnut /Jefferson). Youths are routinely arrested there for curfew violations, alcohol violations, fighting, graffiti, and numerous other violations. These incidents perpetuate a bad atmosphere for younger children in the area and attach a bad stigma to the neighborhood. The problems seem to escalate during spring time and throughout the summer months. This is when the city needs the area to be at its best. Chase Field is used for Little league baseball. Families gather there, from throughout the community, with their children. The Carlsbad tourism season is at its height during the summer. The problems that occur at Chase Field have a pattern of occurring during the night time hours. I have noticed, through my contacts at this location, that the area is extremely dark. The park and ball field are very dark and this provides an opportunity to not be observed from the street. The storage container, located in the north west corner, also provides concealment from the street. The container itself is not the problem. The small wooden wall around the container is. I have pulled drugs, drug paraphernalia, and weapons from between the wooden planks. The wall is also a constant site of gang graffiti. The wall serves no purpose and is constantly marked by vandals, creating an eyesore. My proposal is that the city install motion lights on the light poles around the field and park area. The lights would activate when people were in the park. The light would offer people passing by a friendly path and make the area undesirable for those who do not want their activities observed. The beat officer passing by would know if people were congregating. Often times now officers can pass by and not notice people, this is caused by the difficulty of trying to see into the dark corners of the park. By lighting up the area the good people who live near the park would know if someone was there and could notify the police when illegal activity was occurring. The motion lights would be cost effective to the city. They would not constantly be burning, saving electricity. But, when lighted could save thousands spent every month painting over unsightly gang graffiti, that 71 (3) Chase Field Project plagues the park. The lights could be placed on existing light poles around the park and if placed high enough should be immune from vandals. The wall around the storage container should be removed, it serves no cosmetic or security purpose. The wall does however offer concealment from the street and a place to hide illegal objects. The motion lights would make the park a better place for the community. I believe if these two steps are taken the city will see a decrease in the crime at this location and the community residents will have a better place to live. 5/5/95 TO: CHIEF VALES FROM: Sgt. W. Rowland Recommended Changes to Reduce Gang Problems at Chase Field Based on a physical survey of the area in and around the City recreation park at Chase Field, I would recommend the following changes. 1. Move the cargo storage container which is located in the N/W corner of the park. A better location might be found at the field near Pine Elementary School. (The container attracts graffiti and shields subjects from direct view by patrolling officers.) 2. Remove the railroad tie wall that surrounds the Cargo container. The wall does not appear to serve any structural purpose, it does act as a gathering point for drinking and drug use. The openings and gaps in the ties are ideal for concealing contraband and weapons. A full size hand gun can be concealed at several points along the wall's interior and exterior surface. 3. Repair and place locks on the outfield gates. Several of the gate latches are broken and none of them has a lock on it. These open gates form a convenient escape route for people wishing to avoid contact with officers or suspects who are attempting to avoid arrest. 4. Trim back the foliage on the outfield trees. The heavy foliage on the trees in the outfield area blocks lighting of the park and provides a form of concealment. I would recommend that the foliage be trimmed to a point at least 8 feet above ground level. 5. Provide dusk to dawn lighting. At least one of the outfield light standards is already wired for a sodium vapor light but it is not functional at this time. Lights could easily be placed to illuminate the N/W and S/W corners of the park without being obtrusive to the surrounding neighborhood. 73 EXHIBIT 2