HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-06-19; Parks & Recreation Commission; 695-8; Downtown StreetscapePARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL AB# MTG. DEPT. 695-8 6/19/95 CSD TITLE: DOWNTOWN STREETSCAPE PROJECT (INFO) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Accept and file Housing and Redevelopment Commission Agenda Bill #252 "Notice of Completion for Streetscape Phase V Project No. 3347." ITEM EXPLANATION: During the April meeting, the Parks and Recreation Commission requested information regarding the status of the Downtown Streetscape Project. Attached is an agenda bill which has formally accepted the completion of the final stage of a five stage process that has created the Downtown Streetscape. The final completion of the project, which includes landscaped medians along Carlsbad Boulevard, Carlsbad Village Drive and Grand Avenue has been under the maintenance jurisdiction of the Parks Division as each of the five phases has been completed. The project also included the development of the Split Pavilion which falls within the same maintenance jurisdiction. Phase V, the last and final phase of the project has been complete since May 25, 1994. EXHIBITS: 1. Streetscape Brochure 2. Housing and Redevelopment Commission Agenda Bill #252. 27 Streetscaping and related Village Visions construction will be covered in four major phases, with the work beios performed, sometimes concurrently, over the next two years. More information about these projects can be foi throughout this brochure. I CARLSBAD BOULEVARD AND ELM AVENUE INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS COMPLETE (1990) Construction, landscaping and improvements at the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and Elm Avenue. Creation of bird of paradise medallion set in sidewalk on the north east corner of Carlsbad Boulevard and Elm Avenue. II CARLSBAD BOULEVARD STREETSCAPING COMPLETE (1990) • Installation of medians and landscaping on Carlsbad Boulevard, from State Street and Buena Vista Lagoon south to Pine Avenue. * Construction of north entry village gateway. Ill OCEAN SCULPTURE PAVILION COMPLETE (1990) Elimination of dangerous access across Ocean Street to beach at Carlsbad Boulevard. Construction of ocean sculpture pavilion. Construction of parking lot to replace on-street parking for enhanced pedestrian safety and increased vehicle accommodation. IV A. PARKING LOTS COMPLETE (1990/91) B. ELM AVENUE WIDENING AND STREETSCAPING COMPLETE (SUMMER, 1994) Construction of convenient off-street parking lots (Elm Avenu 1 State Street, Elm Avenue and Washington Street, adjacent to railroad depot) to replace on-street parking. Objectives: to enhance safe access and egress to businesses, increase number of parking spaces and encourage widespread village shopping. Widening of Elm Avenue between Pio Pico and the ocean from two to four lanes, with planted medians and landscaping. Installation of traffic signals at Elm Avenue and Jefferson Street, Elm Avenue and Roosevelt Street, Grand Avenue and Jefferson Street, and Grand Avenue and Roosevelt Street. Incorporation of decorative paving, streetlights, banners fountains, benches, bollards and kiosks for convenience and aesthetic enjoyment. Addition of street improvements such as storm drams curbing and gutters. Construction of welcoming gateway structure at intersection of Elm Avenue and 1-5. Construction of associated gateway into Rotary Park at Washing- ton and Elm Avenue. Placement of fencing, railing and other metalwork that echoes gateway motif. 28 EXHIBIT 1 E SENT BY:CfiRLSBftD HSGSKED 6- 9-95 12: 12PM ;6194347185;* 2 —*-v MTQ.7/12/94. DEPT.JENJL NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR STREETSCAPE PHASE V PROJECT NO. 3347 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution NO. 3.M^ accepting street improvement on Carlsbad Village Drive between Washington street end Ho Pico Drive, Project No. 3347. aa complete and directing the City Clerk to record e Notice of Completion end releeee bonds in accordance with Stete Law and City Ordinances ITEM EXPLANATION: On August 3, 1993, T.B. Penick end Sons was awarded a contract in the amount of $ 1.817,471.00 to construct a storm drain system, traffic signals, general and decorative atreat Improvements on Carlsbad Village Drive. T.B. Penick and Sons completed the work on May 25.1994. City forces have Inspected aaid construction and found It to be satisfactory. Staff recommends formal acceptance by the Housing end Redevelopment Commission. FISCAL IMPACT: A summary of the final project coat ia aa follows: 8TREETSCAPE PHASE V PROJECT NO. 9947 EXHIBITS: 1. 2. Construction Design Inspection Construction Engineering Services Engineering Charges Miscellaneous TOTAL ORIGINAL APPROPRIATION REMAINING BALANCE Account NO. 811-820-1 880-3347 •2.259,690 •79,801 •26,972 •91.580 •18,720 •1.994 •2.468.757 •2,675,296 •206.539 accepting street Improvement on Carlsbad Village Drive Location Map. Resolution Mo. between Washington Street and Pio Pico Drive, Project No. 3347. ea complete and directing the City Clerk to record e Notice of Completion end release bonds in accordance with State Law end City Ordlnencee. 3. Notice of Completion. 29 EXHIBIT 2 SENT BY:C«RLSBftD HSGS.RED : 6- 9-95 12:12PM ; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 6194347185; 8 3 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING STREET IMPROVEMENTS ON CARLSBAD VILLAGE DRIVE BETWEEN WASHINGTON STREET AND PIO PICO DRIVE, PROJECT NO. 3347. AS COMPLETE. _ WHEREAS, construction of straat ttmprovamanta «t on Carlsbad Village Drtva batwaan Washington StrMt and Plo Pico Drtva hava baan satisfactorily complatad; and WHEREAS, tha formal pro)act Nottea of Correlation haa baan praparad; and WHEREAS, an projact coata hava baan astabUahad to data. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by tha City Council of tha City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1. That tha abova racitattont ara trua and corract 2. That construction of Straatscapa Phaaa V, spadflcaHy Mantiflad as Projact 3347, fa daamad compiata and haraby accaptad. 3. Tha Oty dark of tha Ctty of Carlsbad It haraby authortaadanddlractadtoexacuta tha NotJca of Compiatton and hava aama racordad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a spatial of tha Housing and Radavatopmant Commission hald on tna 12W day of ^LJUL-.1 "* ^ ^ 'oWowing vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Commissioners Lawia, Stanton, KutoWn, Nygavd, Flnnlla Nona Nona an ATTEST: RA' (SEAL) R PATCHETT, Sacratary