HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-09-18; Parks & Recreation Commission; 995-4; Citizen Request for Lawn Bowling FacilityPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL AB# MTG. DEPT. 995-4 9/18/95 CSD TITLE: CITIZEN REQUEST FOR LAWN BOWLING FACILITY (ACTION) RECOMMENDED ACTION: If the Commission concurs, direct staff to analyze the placement of a lawn bowling facility within Magee Park and return to the Commission for further review. ITEM EXPLANATION: Staff has received a citizen request to develop a lawn bowling facility within Magee Park. To the extent that Magee Park is an established community park with existing use areas and is a park facility which hosts a number of special event activities, staff is requesting direction from the Parks and Recreation Commission. In January 1995, the Commission reviewed a request to establish a lawn bowling facility. After considerable discussion, the Commission unanimously recommended to instruct staff to pursue the possibility of creating a lawn bowling facility as part of the development plans for Larwin Community Park. In light of this recent request, the Commission may wish to consider the following alternatives. 1. 2. EXHIBITS Direct staff to perform an analysis of developing a lawn bowling facility at Magee Park and return to the Commission with information relating, but not limited to the following issues. Displacement of existing park amenities Displacement of current uses Design criteria/adaptability Neighborhood disruption/parking issue Development funding Reaffirm previous Commission recommendation to consider the development of a lawn bowling facility during the Larwin Park design process. 1. Parks and Recreation Commission Agenda Bill #195-7 and minutes PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL DEPT. ?k TITLE: LARWIN PARK MASTER PLAN/ LAWN BOWLING AMENITY (ACTION) RECOMMENDED ACTION: v/Q Consider the potential of implementing a lawn bowling amenity within the Larwin Park Master Plan. Direct staff accordingly. ITEM EXPLANATION; James Whittaker, a Senior Commissioner, has requested that the Community Services Department create opportunities for lawn bowling enthusiasts within an existing or future park area. In review of the City's existing and future park sites, staff is suggesting that the Commission consider the future Larwin Park site as a possible location to house a lawn bowling facility. If the Commission concurs, staff will evaluate the potential of such an amenity when the Larwin Park Master Plan is revised prior to the park development scheduled in 1999-2004. The Community Services Director will address this issue and review the existing Larwin Park Master Plan. FISCAL IMPACT; None at this time. EXHIBITS; None EXHIBIT 1 16 Parks and Recreation Commission - 5 - January 16, 1995 ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Cox, AB #195-5, to accept and file the staff update. AYES: Chairman Heineman, Commissioners Cox, Baker, Holmes, and Schulberg NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioners Pieratt and Ward 6. AB #195-6 CARRILLO RANCH MASTER PLAN CONSULTANT SELECTION COMMITTEE Chairman Heineman selected Commissioner Holmes and himself to serve on the Master Plan Consultant Selection Committee. ACTION: On motion by Chairman Heineman, AB #195-6, to select Chairman Heineman and Commissioner Holmes to serve on the Master Plan Consultant Selection Committee. AYES: Chairman Heineman, Commissioners Cox, Baker, Holmes, and Schulberg NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioners Pieratt and Ward 7. AB #195-7 LARWIN PARK MASTER PLAN/LAWN BOWLING AMENITY Mark Steyart gave the staff presentation on this item. He reviewed the conceptual plan for Larwin Park and pointed out the location on the map. He stated that it was a passive park, scaled back considerably from the original plans for the park. David Bradstreet, explained that money was transferred from Larwin Park to Poinsettia Park since there was no other park in the same quadrant as Poinsettia Park. He stated that the Lawn Bowling Association had requested lawn bowling at this park and explained the specific changes to the area involved. Questions and discussions included the following issues: • Recommendation that commissioners who have not seen the park should look at the area • Location of residential homes surrounding the lawn bowling area • Amount of noise from lawn bowling Jim Whittaker, a Senior Commissioner, described lawn bowling and discussed how much area would be required. He said lawn bowling could accommodate a lot of people, and was well recognized around the world. He mentioned that he currently drives 24 miles three times a week to the nearest lawn bowling area. He indicated that he conducted a small survey and had 46 interested names on one of the lists. -- 08 18 Parks and Recreation Commission - 6-January 16, 1995 Mr. Whittaker was confident that there would be at least 100 members in the association. He discussed artificial bowling greens, what they were made up of, and how they were maintained. Mr. Whittaker emphasized that the members of the lawn association could maintain the area themselves. He pointed out that lawn bowling was a popular Canadian sport and that many Canadians visit the area during the winter months. He summarized by saying lawn bowling was attractive, quiet, emphasized etiquette, and all members of a family could participate on an equal basis. Further questions and discussions included the following issues: • Underlayment required under the carpet • Equipment needed • Alternative options to lawn bowling • Requirement of a 800 square foot building to be used to store equipment and a vacuum cleaner and a place for holding meetings ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Baker, AB #195-7, to instruct staff to pursue the possibility of having lawn bowling at Larwin Park. AYES: Chairman Heineman, Commissioners Cox, Baker, Holmes, and Schulberg NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioners Pieratt and Ward 8.AB #195-8 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION WORKSHOP Chairman Heineman explained the purpose of a Parks and Recreation Commission Workshop. Further discussion was held as to the best time and place for the Workshop. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Holmes, AB #195-8, to schedule the Parks and Recreation Commission Workshop for March 20, 1995 at 4:00 p.m., location to be determined. AYES: Chairman Heineman, Commissioners Cox, Baker, Holmes, and Schulberg NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioners Pieratt and Ward 0917