HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-10-16; Parks & Recreation Commission; 1095-6; Lawn Bowling RequestPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL AB # 1095-6 TITLE: LAWN BOWLING REQUEST/MAGEE PARK (ACTION) MTG 10/16/95 DEPT CSD RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review staff report for citizen request to establish a lawn bowling facility at Magee Park. If the Commission concurs with the use of Magee Park for this facility, that it be established under the following provisions: 1. Parks and Recreation Commission consider any appeal for relocation of existing uses prior to approval. 2. That a development funding source be secured prior to approval of the facility. 3. A maintenance agreement including replacement cost for artificial turf surface be obtained by the applicants. 4. That use of the facility generate a revenue source to the City. 5. Facility use, design and development be subject to City approval. ITEM EXPLANATION: During the September Meeting, the Commission directed staff to analyze a citizen request to develop a Lawn Bowling facility at Magee Park. In a memo to the Community Services Director (Exhibit 1), staff outlines a number of issues related to that request. Specifically, those issues are: Design criteria Adaptability of Magee Park for a Lawn Bowling facility Displacement of existing Park amenities/current uses Neighborhood disruption/parking issues Development/maintenance funding In addition, Exhibit 2 outlines a proposal submitted by the citizen group requesting this facility. After review of the staff report, public input and Commission discussion, if the Commission concurs with the use of Magee Park for the facility, staff is recommending that the Commission consider a number of provisions. If the Commission does not concur, staff would recommend pursuing previous Commission action to consider establishing a Lawn Bowling facility as part of the development plans for Larwin Community Park which is the next anticipated site scheduled for construction. FISCAL IMPACT: The estimated cost to develop a Lawn Bowling facility is $120,000. The annual maintenance cost is unknown at this time. However, excluding vandalism or replacement, the artificial turf surface 23 would reduce maintenance costs significantly. Loss in revenue from existing uses at Magee Park is estimated at $2,000/year. It is anticipated that revenue loss would be offset by fees collected - from the use of the new facility. There are currently no funds identified within the CIP Budget or operating Budget for development of this facility. Pending application, review and approval, partial funding maybe available through the use of Redevelopment Funds. EXHIBITS: 1. Memo to Community Services Director - October 4, 1995. 2. Proposal for Lawn Bowling Green in Carlsbad 24 October 4, 1995 TO: COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR FROM: Senior Management Analyst REQUEST FOR LAWN BOWLING FACILITY AT MAGEE PARK Recommendation Present this memo for review by the Parks and Recreation Commission during the October meeting. The recommended action for Commission consideration will be: Review staff report for citizen request to establish a lawn bowling facility at Magee Park. If the commission concurs with the use of Magee Park for this facility, that it be established under the following provisions: 1. Parks and Recreation Commission consider any appeal for relocation of existing uses prior to approval. 2. That a development funding source be secured prior to approval of the facility. 3. A maintenance agreement including replacement cost for artificial turf surface be obtained by the applicants. 4. That use of the facility generate a revenue source to the City. 5. Facility design and development be subject to City approval. Background During the January 1995 meeting, the Parks and Recreation Commission considered a citizen request to establish a lawn bowling facility within the City's park system. After considerable discussion, the Commission unanimously recommended to pursue the possibility of creating a lawn bowling facility as part of the development plans for Larwin Community Park. This recommendation was made in part because Larwin Park is anticipated to be the next park development project on line. In addition, funding for the lawn bowling facility could be incorporated within the available funding source as identified in the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget for the park development. At the September 1995 meeting, the Parks and Recreation Commission was once again approached by the same citizens group and was asked to revisit the issue of establishing a lawn bowling facility. However, the solicitation at this time was specifically requested EXHIBIT 1 October 4, 1995 Page 2 for Magee Park. Consideration for Magee Park was requested for a number of reasons. First, the development of Larwin Park according to the CIP Budget is not scheduled until the year 1999-2000, and Magee Park would afford a more timely development. Secondly, the citizen advocates for this facility feel the more passive setting, current park layout, and location of Magee Park would more adequately lend itself for lawn bowling activity. Thirdly, because the park site is located within the Redevelopment area of the City, a partial source of funding to construct the facility may be made available through Redevelopment funds. During the conclusion of the staff report, citizen presentation and Commission discussion at the September meeting, staff was unanimously (6-0) directed to analyze this request in further detail and return to the Commission with the following information relative to the installation of a lawn bowling facility at Magee Park. Lawn bowling design criteria/adaptability Displacement of existing park amenities Displacement of current uses Neighborhood disruption/parking issue Development/maintenance funding STAFF ANALYSIS/COMMENTS 1. Design Criteria The area required of a lawn bowling "green" would require an area 120' x 120'. In addition, an area 10' wide surrounding the playing "green" is required for pathways. Total area required ^for the bowling facility is 130' x 130' (16,900 sq. ft.) This area would also need to'be fenced, necessitating the installation of 4' - 6' chain link perimeter fencing (520 linear ft.) The surface of the lawn bowling "green" is required to be absolutely level, and in this instance the use of artificial turf is being requested. A lawn bowling "green" is further defined by division of the 120' x 120' playing surface into eight "rinks" with dimensions of 15' x 120'. With a maximum participation of 8 persons per "rink", a lawn bowling "green" can accommodate 64 participants at one time. Ancillary amenities required for this facility are a restroom and storage area, approximately 10' x 12' to store maintenance equipment. Although not a requisite, it has been suggested that a changing room also be considered as part of the facility. October 4, 1995 Page 3 2. Adaptability of Maaee Park for Lawn Bowling Facility The total area of Magee Park is approximately 2.1 acres (91,467 sq. ft.). It is classified as a community park, is the site of several historical buildings (Magee House, Red Barn, Heritage Hall, Granary), and the park's use is passive in nature. While two-thirds of the park site is occupied with the historic structures, parking, shuffle board courts, restroom, landscaped areas and picnic tables, roughly one- third of the park site consists of an open grass area with several trees. This turfed area which lies on the eastern portion of the park, bordered by Carlsbad Boulevard, is approximately 235' x 135' (31,725 sq. ft.). The southern portion of the grass area could conceivably be developed into a lawn bowling facility with relative ease. Development would require the removal of three trees, revamping the irrigation system, drainage installation, and grading the area to install the playing surface, walkways, and fencing. Development would require utilizing approximately two-thirds of the existing open turf area. The facility would be highly visible from Carlsbad Boulevard. 3. Displacement of Existing Park Amenities/Current Uses Without disrupting the use of, or physical modification of existing buildings, staff has determined that a lawn bowling "green" could be constructed at Magee Park. Provisions for minimal storage needs could take place in existing storage areas and a restroom currently exists on site. However, the request to provide a changing area would impact the use of existing buildings. For example, while the granary building could provide for a limited changing facility, it would limit the City's flexibility to schedule that facility for other uses. Although adequate space for a lawn bowling facility exists within the turfed area at the southeast corner of the park, the development of such a facility would displace a number of activities which currently occur within this portion of the site. The City also realizes a revenue from staging of many of these activities. During 1994-95 those activities, the number of user days/participants, and revenue from facility rental were: Dog Obedience classes - (36 days - 720 participants) Dog Shows - (6 clubs - 8 days - 600 participants) Jazz in the Park Concerts - (3 days - 6,000 participants) Weddings - (4 days - 360 participants) Picnics (church/family/company) - (14 days - 900 participants) Non-profit/fund raisers/assorted special interests Pop Warner - 275 participants Senior ice cream social - 400 participants Girl Scouts - 300 participants Class reunions -150 participants Walkathons - 400 Revenue collected from uses listed above - $2,000 per year (approx.) 27 October 4, 1995 Page 4 4. Neighborhood Disruption/Parking Issues Certain events which are currently held at Magee Park have hosted several hundred participants at any one time. To staffs' knowledge, those events have not caused neighborhood disruption issues to any significant degree where complaints are common place. In fact, any complaints relative to scheduled uses of Magee Park are minimal. Due to the more passive nature surrounding the sport of lawn bowling, staff does not anticipant any neighborhood disruption issues typically associated with more active forms of recreation such as soccer or Softball/baseball. Furthermore, staff would not anticipate a maximum use of 64 persons per green except for tournament type play on limited occasions. However, lawn bowling would be a new form of recreation introduced to Carlsbad, and staff at this point, can only speculate on its popularity in terms of numbers of participants. In terms of parking, staff believes adequate parking exists on the surface streets immediately adjacent to Magee Park. Currently the parking lot within the park boundary has a capacity of 11 spaces and there is parking for an additional 35 cars on Beech Street and Garfield bordering the park. Additional spaces are also available on the opposite sides of those streets. Therefore, staff does not anticipate any parking issues relative to the introduction of lawn bowling which do not currently exist for other activities at Magee Park. 5. Development/Maintenance Funding The estimated cost to develop a lawn bowling facility is approximately $120,000, excluding changing and storage facilities. Construction cost would include grading, drainage, irrigation modification, artificial turf surface, concrete pathways and fencing. Ongoing maintenance cost would be minimal within the exception of artificial turf replacement or any vandalism which may occur to the facility. Funding for the development of this specific facility is not identified or currently available within the City's CIP Budget and therefore, a funding source to date is unavailable. It has been suggested, and is one of the principal requests for use of Magee Park, that redevelopment funds may be a possible source of funding for this project. However, until application is made and reviewed, the possibility of complete or partial funding through Redevelopment funds would be speculative at this time. In the absence of redevelopment funds or other available grant opportunities within the foreseeable future, staff would need to request funding for this project during the fiscal year 1996-97 CIP Budget process. It should be noted that CIP funding for recreational amenities is extremely competitive in light of other City infrastructure needs at this time. 28 October 4, 1995 Page 5 In terms of ongoing maintenance costs, the citizen's request has indicated that annual membership dues would offset maintenance costs including replacement requirements of the artificial turf surface. CONCLUSION After review and analysis of a citizen's request to install a lawn bowling facility at Magee park, staff has concluded that it would be physically possible to construct such a facility at the site without displacing any existing park amenities. Furthermore, staff would submit that this type of recreational amenity and facility design criteria (with the possible exception of fencing height) would be a compatible use at Magee Park. However, the development of this facility would displace a number of events and activities which historically have taken place at this park location. While some of these activities may be able to utilize other areas within the park, other events would necessarily need to be relocated to other park venues. In all likelihood, relocation needs could be accommodated but opposition to the relocation of existing uses may become an issue of appeal by those user groups. In addition to displacement issues, paramount in staffs' review of this request is the question of, and ability to fund the estimated $120,000 in order to build this facility. At present, there is no funding mechanism identified in the CIP Budget and consequently, there are no funds available within the near future in order for the City to assume development costs. While the use of redevelopment funds to construct such a facility may be possible, such a request should undergo the application process prior to further speculation should the Commission concur on the use of Magee Park for a lawn bowling facility. KEITH BEVERLY Assistant City Manager Park Development Coordinator Recreation Superintendent Park Superintendent C:\WP«WVPDATA\DBSKB\MEMOS\IAWNBCWL PROPOSAL FOR A LAWN BOWLING GREEN IN CARLSBAD. Providing a lawn bowling green would add class and distinction to our beautiful City. A playing area of 120 feet 120 feet would be required for a standard size green. Surrounding this area would be a 5 foot wide path to gain access to the playing area. To eliminate maintenance on the part of the City an artificial surface is proposed similar to that used for world championships.Members would guarantee to maintain it at no cost to the city. Members in all California bowling clubs pay dues generally around $100 annually. Average membership is 100+. San Diego (Balboa Park) has in excess of 140. The sport would attract visitors.especially those who come from Canada.These people bring business to local hotels e.g. Best Western, Ocean Manor etc.,and would expect to pay to play. 30 EXHIBIT 2 It is proposed that 20 percent of the annual dues be paid to the City.The club would be a non profit organization. Storage area for equipment needs to be a minimum of 120 square feet (rakes.scoreboards.bowls storage.) A 6 foot fence for protection of the playing surface is necessary with double gate access. This playing surface is well tested worldwide e.g. In the U.K. one club has a 15 year old surface which is still not in need of replacement. This sport is for old and young alike and is a finesse game rather than a power game, the green is divided into 8 strips called "Rinks".Each rink can accomodate up to 8 players at one time for a total of 64,this on an area just less than 3 tennis courts. Free lessons are provided (6 free sessions).Groups are particularly welcomed.e.g.Scools, seniors, individuals etc. This game of ettiquette and good sportsmanship could only enhance the stature of Carlsbad and what better venue than McGee park. In times where parks and trails cost multi-millions we are seeking a one time investment of $120K.The return on investment will be manyfold. Please see picture and short videos supplied.