HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-01-15; Parks & Recreation Commission; 196-6; Carrillo Ranch/PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL AB# 196-6 TITLE: CARRILLO RANCH/REQUEST FOR CALIFORNIA ~TG 1/15/96 HISTORICAL LANDMARK STATUS (ACTION) JEPT CSD RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve in concept a request to apply for California Historic Landmark Status for the Carrillo Ranch. ITEM EXPLANATION: Staff has been approached by a historic preservation organization (E Clampus Vitus) requesting the City of Carlsbad consider an application by ECV to solicit a California Historic Landmark Status for the Carrillo Ranch from the State Historic Resources Commission (Exhibit 1). Prior to submittal of this request for City Council consideration; ECV is requesting the support of both the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Historic Preservation Commission. Although Carrillo Ranch is currently listed on the National register of Historic places, the California Registered Historical Landmark program recognizes only those sites and structures of statewide significance. According to the State Office of Historic Preservation the landmark program offers the following effects of designation (Exhibit 2): • Bronze plaque (underwritten by local sponsor), ordered through OHP; highway directional sign available through local CALTRANS District office. • Limited protection (environmental review may be required under CEQA, if property is threatened by project). Contact local planning agency for further information. • Local assessor may enter into contract with property owner for property tax reduction. • Local building inspector must grant code alternatives provided under State historic building code. In terms of any restrictions that a State Historic Landmark Designation would impose upon the Carrillo Ranch; the impacts would be no more than that which already exist under local ordinance. In conversation with the project officer for the State Office of Historic Preservation, any restrictions would be relegated to the local jurisdictions' Historic Preservation Ordinance. In 1986, the City Council adopted Resolution 8922, which designated the Carrillo Ranch as an Historic Site (Exhibit 3), under the City's Historic Preservation Ordinance. In effect, the City 's designation imposed the following restrictions which are perhaps more restrictive than those listed under both the National Register of Historic Places or the California Historic Landmark Program. They are (Exhibit 4): — Carlsbad Municipal Code • Chapter 22.06 - Historic Resources, Historic Landmarks and Historic Districts -22.06.030 Historic Landmark designation procedures 020 PAGE 2, AB #. (F) Permits shall be required to work on a designated Historic Landmark a / specified in Chapter 22.08 of this code. • Chapter 22.08 - Permits and Permit Procedures -22.08.010 Permits to work on Historic Resource, Historic Landmark or Historic District (A) It is unlawful for any person to tear down, demolish, construct, alter, remove or relocate any improvement, or any portion thereof which has been designated a historic landmark pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter, or which lies within a historic district, or to alter in any manner any feature of such a historic landmark, historic landmark site or improvement within a historic district without first obtaining a permit in the manner provided in this chapter. -22.08.050 Existing Improvements All repairs, alterations, reconstructions, restorations or changes in use of existing improvements shall conform to the requirements of the California Historical Building Code. Prior to City Council presentation, a formal application must be submitted by ECV. If the site is , selected to receive landmark status, a location for the construction of a monument and brass plaque must be determined as well as the wording to appear on the plaque itself. Staff would recommend returning to the Commission with that information as it becomes available. Both the location and wording must be approved by the State office of Historic Preservation prior to installation. FISCAL IMPACT: All cost associated with the proposed historic landmark designation will be assumed by the nominating organization, E Clampus Vitus. The estimated cost of the bronze plaque and supporting masonry monument (if required) is estimated between $5,000-$6,000. Selection of the Carrillo Ranch for the California Historic Landmark Designation Program may enhance opportunities for grant awards. EXHIBITS: 1. Formal Request - E Clampus Vitus 2. State Historical Landmark Designation Program 3. City Council Agenda Bill #8837 4. Carlsbad Municipal Code Chapters 22.06 & 22.08 021 c 1853 SAN DIBGO AND IMPERIAL COUNTIES RICHANDAVE AVE., EL CAJON, CA 92O21 January 8,1996 Department o( Parka & Recreation 1166 Carlsbad Villag« Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attention: Mr. Keith Beverly Subieet: Leo Carrilto Ranch Proposal tor a Plaque Monument and Nomination as a State Landmark Dear Keith, The Squibob Chapter of the E Clampus Vitus would lice to propose to the City of Carlsbad the following for the Leo Carritto Ranch: 1. The nomination tor the Leo Carrilto Ranch to the State Register as a State Landmark. 2. Following the acceptance of the Leo Carrilto Ranch as a State Landmark, the Squtoob Chapter would donate a State Historic Plaque. The Leo Carrilto Ranch is currently on the National Register of Historic Places « a Slate significance. The Squibob Chapter proposes to nominate the Ranch tor a California State Landmark. The Squibob Chapter over the last 33 years prefers to donate plaques to CaHfomla Landmark sites. Joan Kindle teds me you have discussed the nomination with Sandy Elder ot the State Historic Preeerwation Office (SHPO) and that youaresatte«edwrththecono^)r«sumxjrio1rxjtr»norrtr«rtion. The nomination term win be prepared by Architect Mllford Wayne Donaldson. FAIA. Inc. at no charge to the City of Cartsbad. True cost is normally $3,500 to $5,000. Following acceptance of the Ranch as a California LarxJmarl<,tneSqu*>ob Chapter wm donate materials and time to erect a bronze California Landmark plaque at an area on the Ranch to be designated In the future. The wording on the plaque normally follows the nomination. The Squibob Chapter will coordinate with the City of Carlsbad and SHPO to prepare the wording tor the plaque. Both the tocatton and wording of the plaque must finally be approved by the State Office ot Historic Preservation. The Squibob Chapter has placed over 50 plaques throughout San Diego and Imperial Counties (see enclosed list). The Squibob Chapter wW pay for the plaque and monument and there will be no cost to me City ot Carlsbad. The cost for the plaque and monument construction to normally $5,000 to $6,000. 022 EXHIBIT 1 20d SCO VIWJ QMW HOav 9829 frCc1 619 ?<;:9T flf) Mr. Kel1h Beverly Leo Carrtiio Ranch January 8.1996 Page 2 a formal proposal from the Squfcob Chapter of E Clampus Vttue. MHford Wayne Donaldson Member ECV MWO:$at Enclosure oc: BIN Webb NGH.ECV Or. Eugene ChamberUn. Historian ECV Joe Hart. ECV Joan Kindle 023 WTWJ HISTORICAL LANDMARK PLAQUES PLACED BY 3QUIBOB CHAPTER 1853* X OLAMPUS VITUS, 1965 THROUGH 1994. CRHL (California Registered Historical Landmark) listed by number, "private" or "point of interest" (locally/noted) in order of placement.) 49 ADOBE CHAPEL 0? THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 50 BALLAST POINT WHALING STATION 51 OLD POINT LOMA LIGHTHOUSE 52 MISSION DAM AND FLUME 54 FORT STOCKTON SITE 55 JORT K03SCRAK3 NATIONAL CO4ETHHY . 56 CABRILLO LANDING OF 1542 59 SAN DIEGO PRESIDIO SITE 61 OLD LA PLAYA AND LA PLAYA TRAIL 62 FORT ROSECRANS (6?) SERRA PALM SITE (placed 1950; "loat", restored) 68 EL CAMPO SANTO 69 FOR* GUIJARROS SITE 74 CASA DE CARRILLO 162 TUHCO 193 PICACBO MINES 194 MOUNTAIN SPRINGS STATION SITE (plaqad by #939) 242 MISSION SAN DIEGO 244 DERBY DIKE 350 SITE 0? MISSION LA PURISIMA CONCEPTION (1700-81) 369 SANTA YSABEL ASISTENCIA 411 CAMPO STONE STORE 412 JULIAN CITY 568 HERNANDO DE ALARCON EXPEDITION (Sept. 5, 15'tO) 616 SITE OF LAS FLORES ASISTENCIA 785 SANTA CATARINA (De Ansa Camp) 793 SAN FELIPE STAGE STATION 798 SAN DIEGO STATE COLLEGE (Prea. Kennedy doctorate) 806 FORT YUMA 80S CAMP SALVATION 891 SPANISH LANDING 921 SITE OF MISSION SAN PEDRO Y SAV PABLO (l78l) 939 DESERT VIEW TOWER 940 RANCHO GUAJOME 944 3ITB OF FORT ROMUALDO PACUECO (nountod Got. 1994) 985 CAMP PILOT KNOB 1008 YUHA WELL (De Anza Canp; plaque at 1-8 rest atea) Sept. 24, 1988 March 22, 1987 April 16, 1988 May 2, 1992 Aug. 3, 1991 May 28, 1990 Sept. 26, 1992 Aug. 8, 1992 April 3, 1989 March 22, 1993 Dec. 6, I960 Aug. 6, 1994 March 22, 1981 Aug. 6, 1994 Oot. 19, 1985 April 20, 1985 April 27, 1991 July 16, 1989 Aug. 4, 1990 Oct. 9, 1982 Sept. 26, 198? May 3, 1986 Sept. 27, 1986 Oct. 10, 1982 Sept. 17, 1983 April 21, 1963 April 19, 1964 May 22, 1983 April 29, 1989 Oct. 3, 1965 May 8, 1976 May 3, I960 May 5, 1984 Apr. 25, 1981 Oot. 3, 1981 Nov. 10, 1990 April 24, 1993 NOTESt Aa of April, 1995, only two sites from 1932 list are unplaqued. 7/64 OLD LANDING—EL DESEMBARCADERO is within the recently closed U. 3. Naval Training Center. Plans for reuse of this base are so unsettled that plaque placement may have to await 1997. #75 SITE OF CASA DE COTA~is in the landscaped area of Old Town State Park parking area. This park has a policy against any CRHL plaques being placed within its boundaries. #68 was dedicated Aug. 6, 1994, but monumenting awaits final "City of San Diego Parks and Recreation Approval, expected in 1995. w i w j n n 7n *. r •? r "PRIVATE" OR "POINT OP INTEREST" (LOCALLY PLAQUES IN 'ORDER OF PLACEMENT. 1. HEARTS OF STONE HOUSE (imperial County Fairgrounds) 2. PHIL SWING PARK (at Imperial Dam on Colorado River) 3. DERBY DIKE (placed on remnant of dike originally; removed by 1-8 extension; remounted Nov. 8, 197 5 • on Derby- Pendle ton House.) ^. EAGLB MINE (mounted at Land Office Bldg. , Julian.) 5. LAS FLOJRES VIEWPOINT (southbound 1-5, Camp Pendle ton) 6. "ALVARADO ADOBE, PENASQTJITOS" (WRONG LOCATION! Placed at old unnamed adobe south of Carroll Canyon .Road west of El Camino Memorial Park} plaque. .stolen, never recovered.) 7« MEW BAILEY HOUSE (Julian) 8. WHEELBARROW ODOMETER SURVEY (109M Main 3t., Julian. 9. FOR3TEH CITY (southbound 1-5, below Baailone Road) 11. PICACHO (State Recreational Area? stored 1979-9^; exhibited by park ranker; mounted, Jan. 199*0 12. TECATB ("TECATITO") (stored in firehouae) 13. HOLTVILLE DIAMOND JUBILEE 1A. JOHNSON-TAYLOR ADOBE (penasquitoa Regional Park) 15. CHURCH OP THE BRETHREN SITE (near 1-8, #115 Jot.) 16. IMPERIAL VALLEY SWISS CLUB 17. SAM DISCO & ARIZONA RAILROAD (CAMPO STATION) 18. MESQUITE MINE (east of Clamis, Hwy 78) Deo. 19, 196*t May 2, 1965 April 2*t, 1966 Oot. 8, 196? Sept. 29, 1968 May 16, 1969 Oct. 5, 1969 May 5, 1973 May 16, 1976 May 21, 1978 April 29, 1979 Oot. *f, 1980 July 3, 1983 <Tct. 6, 1984 .Nov. 16, 1985 Oct. 21, 1989 Sept. 28, 1991 Oot. 9, 1993 NOTEt In addition to the above whore Squibob Chapter was the'sole placer of the plaque or was a major contributor, Sf\uibober9 helped with the following Billy Hoicomb Chapter plaouoa: BK3UMAH CKAVESf TAYLOR'S PEHHY; CAMP YOUNG: AMARCOSA OPiiRA HOUSE: HAMDiiBUllG (YrJLLUV ASTBR MINE.) 025 103. CALIFORNIA REGISTERED HISTORICAL LANDMARK Program, recogniies significance. only those sites and structures of statewide Effects of desigiation: Bronze plaque through DBF; local Caltrans Limited under CEQA if Contact local Local assessor owner for Local building provided under Procedures for registration: ^underwritten by local sponsor) ordered i.ghway directional sign available through district office. tion (environmental review may be required property ie threatened by project). ilanning agency for further information. property nay enter into contract with property ~*" tax reduction (Mill* Act). inspector muet grant code alternatives State Historic Building Code. lication and criteria from OKP.1. obtain app 2. Complete application, including written permission of the property owner to register the historicalsite and documenting conclusively that property isthe first, last, only, or most significant of a type in a region and of statewide historical import! to California. Enclose historic and current photographB. If property is being submitted for architectural significance, the architectural supplement 3. 4. If a plaqupa,protection is requested, written permission of oVner to place the plaque and guarantee of by property owner must be enclosed. Applicatio) forwarded in order, 6HRC for must be completed. The appropriateyptichapter prjaservation officer of the American Institute of Architects most complete the section of the applicition certifying that the property is ofstatewide Bignifioanoe. and supporting documentation must be ,_> OHP for staff review; if application is Lt will be scheduled on an agenda of the action. 026 EXHIBIT 2 CIIW OP CARLSBAD — AGENDA BILL MTft 12/22/86 PEPT RED TITLE: HISTORIC SITE DESIGNATION o oo RECOMMENDED ACTION: If Council concurs, your action is to adopt Resolution No. Carlsbad Santa Fe Depot; Resolution No . jff 4%, Carrillo Ranc Resolution No .P?-?^3 Magee House; Resolution No. <$*%2ej Culver- Myers-Capp House as designated historic sites, Resolution No . scalavera School Site as point of historic interest. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Historic Preservation Commission has held public hearings on the above listed sites and found they meet criteria for historic site designation and historic point of interest. Three (3) are City owned sites, the Depot, Magee House and Carrillo Ranch. The Calavera Park Site is owned by Vernon Savings and Loan Bank but has been irrevocably granted to the City for development as a park site. The Culver-Myers-Capp House located at 3140 Highland Drive is privately owned; the owners have consented to designation for the exterior of the structure (attachment 8) . At your meeting of December 2, 1986, the Council took action directing staff to proceed with development of Calavera Park without preserving the school site (trees and cistern) . Since this action would preclude designation as a historic site, the Council may still designate the site as a historic point of interest. This permits inclusion in the Historic Resources Inventory, placement of markers and documentation of the site. Once a site has been designated, a permit from the Council is required to alter the designated site in any way. Ordinary maintenance is excluded from the permit procedure. The ordinance also contains a hardship clause that enables the Council to grant a permit for work on a designate structure that under normal circumstances might not be issued. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW; The Planning Director has determined that designation as historic sites and points of interest do not require environmental review. 027 EXHIBIT 3 AGENDA BILL NO.PAGE 2 FISCAL IMPACT; Staff time would be necessary to process permits on designated sites. Historic preservation activities can generate grant funding for rehabilitation and stimulate revitalization of deteriorated areas. EXHIBITS; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DepotResolution No.( Resolution No., Resolution No. Resolution No. Resolution No. Location Map Staff Report to Mayor and Council dated 12/22/86 Letter of Consent for Historic Site Designation from Mr. and Mrs. G. Capp dated 10/7/86 Carlsbad Santa Fe Carrillo Ranch Magee House Culver-Myers-Capp House Calavera School Site 028 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 \RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING CARRILLO RANCH AS A HISTORIC SITE. APPLICANT: CASE NO.: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION H-2 - CARRILLO RANCH WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, has determined that Carrillo Ranch meets the requirements for Historic Site Designation; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Code the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, did, on the 22nd day of December, 1986, hold a duly noticed public hearing to consider said designation on property described as: Carrillo Ranch - A portion of the northwest quarter of Section 19, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Meridian, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California; APN 222-011-03. WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Council considered all factors relating to H-2, Carrillo Ranch. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1) That the foregoing recitations are true and correct. 2) That based on evidence presented at the public hearing, the City Council APPROVES H-2, designation of Carrillo Ranch as a Historic Site. 029 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 2 City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 3 22nd day of December, 1986, by the following vote, to wit: 4 AYES: 5 NOES: 6 ABSENT: ABSTAIN: 8 CLAUDE A. LEWIS, Mayor 9 I ATTEST: 10 11 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk 13 (SEAL) 14 //// 15 //// 16 //// 17 //// 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 030 22.06.010 Chapter 22.06 HISTORIC RESOURCES, HISTORIC LANDMARKS AND HISTORIC DISTRICTS Sections: 22.06.010 22.06.020 22.06.030 22.06.040 Establishment of historic resources inventory. Criteria for historic resources inventory. Historic landmark designation procedures. Historic district designation procedures. 22.06.010 Establishment of historic resources inventory. The city council shall establish and adopt a his- toric resources inventory. (Ord. NS-141 § 4,1991: Ord. 9776 § 1 (part), 1985) 22.06.020 Criteria for historic resources inventory. A historic resource may be considered and ap- proved by council for inclusion in the historic re- sources inventory based on one or more of the fol- lowing: (1) It exemplifies or reflects special elements of the city's cultural, social, economic, political, aes- thetic, engineering or architectural history; or (2) It is identified with persons or events signifi- cant in local, state or national history; or (3) It embodies distinctive characteristics of a style, type, period or method of construction, is a valuable example of the use of indigenous materials or craftsmanship or is representative of a notable work of an acclaimed builder, designer or architect; or (4) It is an archaeological, paleontological, botan- ical, geological, topographical, ecological or geo- graphical site which has the potential of yielding information of scientific value; or (5) It is a geographically definable area possess- ing concentration of site, buildings, structures, im- provements, or objects linked historically through location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling and/or association, in which the collective value of the improvements may be greater than the value of each individual improvement (Ord. NS-141 § 5, 1991; Ord. 9776 § 1 (part), 1985) 22.06.030 Historic landmark designation procedures. Historic landmarks shall be established by the city council in the following manner (a) Any person may request the designation of an improvement or landscape feature as a historic land- mark by submitting a written request for such desig- nation to the historic preservation commission. The historic preservation commission, planning commis- sion, design review board, or city council may also initiate such proceedings by motion. (b) Any such request shall be filed with the de- velopment processing department upon prescribed forms and shall include the following data: (1) Name and address of property owner and assessor's parcel number and address of site; (2) Description of the proposed landmark, includ- ing special aesthetic, cultural, architectural, or engi- neering interest or value of a historic nature, includ- ing information about the architecture, notable fea- tures, construction and other information indicating the historic significance of the site; (3) Sketches, photographs, or drawings; (4) Statement of condition of structures; (5) Explanation of any known threats to the improvement of the site; (6) Additional information: (A) Site plan in appropriate scale, (6) Legal description of the property, (Q Photographs, old and recent, (D) Proposed use, (E) Existing zoning, (F) Bibliography and references, (G) Chain of tide, if available; (c) Within forty-five days of the date of the request, the commission shall hold a public hearing to review the landmark application according to the criteria of Section 22.06.020. 821 031 EXHIBIT 4 22.06.030 (d) Notice of the public hearing shall be given as provided in Section 21.54.060(2) of this code. In addition, notice of the date, place, time and purpose of the hearing shall be mailed, return receipt re- quested, to the owner of the proposed landmark property as shown on the last equalized assessment role at least fourteen days prior to the date of the public hearing. Failure to send notice by mail to any property owner when the address of such owner is not on the latest equalized assessment role shall not invalidate any proceedings in connection with the proposed designation. (e) A notice of the request for designation as a historical landmark shall be forwarded to the build- ing department and no building or demolition per- mits for any alteration to any exterior architectural feature of the proposed landmark shall be issued while the matter is pending final decision. (f) After the public hearing, the commission shall by resolution make a report and recommendation to the city council. If the commission determines that the improvement does not meet landmark criteria, the process shall terminate and the commission shall notify the property owner and applicant of such termination in writing within ten days of the commission's determination. If the commission determines that the resource warrants landmark designation and the property owner has consented to same in writing, then the commission shall sub- mit a written recommendation to the city council incorporating its reasons in support of the proposed landmark designation. Without the property owner's consent to the proposed designation, a site shall not be designated a historic landmark. If the commission determines that the improvement warrants inclusion in the historic resource inventory or the owner has not consented to designation as a historic landmark, the commission may recommend that the resource be designated a historic point of interest. feettQtal fshall be required to work on * designated historic •landmark as specified in Chapter 22.08 of this codfe* No permit shall be required to work on a historic point of interest. (g) The city council shall hold a public hearing on the proposed historic landmark designation with- in thirty days of the receipt of the recommendation for the commission. (h) At the conclusion of the public hearing on the proposed designation, the city council shall, by resolution, designate or conditionally designate, or disapprove the designation of the historic landmark. Written notice of the city council action shall be mailed to the property owner. (Ord. 9835 § 2,1987; Ord. 9776 § 1 (part), 1985) 22.06.040 Historic district designation procedures. Historic districts shall be established by the city council in the following manner: (a) The procedures for designating a historic district shall be the same as for designating a histor- ic landmark, except as otherwise provided hi this section. (b) Any application for designation of a historic district shall be filed with the planning department upon the prescribed form and shall include the fol- lowing data: (1) Boundaries of the proposed district and a list of names and addresses of property owners, assessor's parcel numbers and addresses of proper- ties within the boundaries; (2) Description of the proposed historic district, including special aesthetic, cultural, architectural, or engineering interest or value of a historical nature; (3) Sketches, photographs or drawings; (4) Statement of condition of structures and im- provements within the district; (5) Explanation of any known threats to any cultural resource within the district; (Cubbed 7-91)822 032 22.08.010 Chapter 22.08 PERMITS AND PERMIT PROCEDURES Sections: 22.08.010 22.08.020 22.08.030 22.08.040 22.08.050 Permits to work on historic resources, historic landmark or historic district. Permit procedure. Permit criteria. Duty to keep in good repair. Existing improvements. 22.08.010 Permits to work on historic resource, historic landmark or historic district. Wit is unlawful for any person to tear do*ajf Demolish, construct, alter, remove or relocate? frny improvement, or any portion thereof whicfaf tbas been designated a historic landmark pur?} £uant to the provisions of this chapter, or which lies within an historic district, or to alter in anty jmanner any feature of such a historic landmark^ historic landmark site or improvement within_a, historic district without first obtaining a permit Hn the manner provided in this chapter. < (b) No board, department or commission shall grant any permit to carry out such work on a designated historic landmark, historic landmark site or within a historic district, unless a permit has previously been issued by the city council as provided in this chapter. No application for a building permit, demolition permit, grading per- mit, redevelopment permit, conditional use per- mit, variance, development plan, zone change, tentative parcel or subdivision maps or any other permit which would allow the alteration of a historical landmark, historical landmark site or any improvement in a historical district shall be deemed complete unless a permit has previously been issued pursuant to this chapter. (c) No permit shall be necessary for ordinary maintenance and repair if the proposed work will not alter or change the style, color, design, fea- tures or character of the site or area and a permit is not required under § 30l(b) of the Uniform Building Code, nor does this chapter prevent the construction, reconstruction, alteration, restora- tion, demolition or removal of any such feature when the building department certifies to the council that such action is required for the public safety due to an unsafe or dangerous condition which cannot be rectified through the use of the California Historical Building Code. (d) The permit required by this chapter shall be in addition to any other permit required for a proposed project. (Ord. 9776 § 1 (part), 1985) 22.08.020 Permit procedure. (a) An application for a permit to do work in a historic district or on a historical landmark shall be submitted to the development processing division on forms designated by the land use planning manager. This application must includ- ing the plans and specifications for the proposed work. Within thirty days from the receipt of said complete application the commission shall review the application and shall make a written report to the city council. The city council shall hold a public hearing on the application within thirty days of receipt of the commission report. Notice of the public hearing shall be given as provided in Section 21.54.060(b) of this code. (b) At the conclusion of the public hearing on the permit application, the city council shall, by resolution, issue or deny, in whole or in part, any permit application. (Ord. 9776 § 1 (part), 1985) 22.08.030 Permit criteria. The city council shall isissue a permit for any proposed work if, and only if, it determines: (1) In the case of a designated historical site, that the proposed work would not detrimentally alter, destroy or adversely affect any architec- tural or landscape feature; (2) If the owner of a designated historial site or area demonstrates to the city council that such property cannot be economically used and denial of a permit would deprive the owner of all or most of his or her economic interest in the 824 033 22.08.030 property, the council may issue the permit with an effective date one hundred eighty days from the date of issuance of the permit to allow time for the investigation of alternatives to the work proposed in the permit application such as acquisition of site or improvement by the city or a public interest group; (3) In the case of construction of a new improvement, building or structure upon an his- torical site, that the exterior of such improve- ments will not adversely affect and will be compatible with the external appearance of exist- ing designated improvements, building and structures in said site; (4) That the applicant has presented clear and convincing evidence of facts demonstrating to the satisfaction of the city council that such dis- approval will work immediate and substantial hardship on the applicant because of conditions peculiar to the person seeking to carry out the proposed work, whether this be property owner, tenant or resident, or because of conditions pecu- liar to the particular improvement, building or structure or other feature involved, and th approval of the application will be consistent with the purposes of this chapter. (Ord. 9776 § 1 (part), 1985) 22.08.040 Duty to keep in good repair. The owner, occupant or other person legally responsible for a historic landmark or historic district shall keep in good repair all portions of such historic landmark, district or site when sub- ject to control as specified in the designating ordinance or permit and all interior portions and appurtenances thereof whose maintenance is necessary to prevent deterioration and decay of the resource. It shall be the duty of the building director or designee to enforce this section. (Ord. 9776 § 1 (part), 1985) 22.08.050 Existing improvements. Ji^ resto*-or Changes in use of existing^* Improvements shall conform to the require-1 thents of the California Historical Building Code. (Ord. 9776 § 1 (part), 1985) 034 825