HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-01-15; Parks & Recreation Commission; 196-7; Lawn Bowling RequestPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL AB# 196-7 TITLE: LAWN BOWLING REQUEST/POINSETTIA PARK ~TG 01/15/96 (ACTION) uEPT CSD RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review staff report, if the Commission concurs, uphold previous Commission recommendation on January 16, 1995 to consider development of a lawn bowling facility during the Larwin Park Master Development Plan. Direct staff to return to the Commission if an appropriate location for Lawn Bowling can be identified within the Park Inventory prior to the construction of Larwin Park. ITEM EXPLANATION: During the public open forum period of the December meeting, Mr. Jim Wittaker requested that the Parks and Recreation Commission consider the construction of a Lawn Bowling facility at the Poinsettia Community Park site, which is currently under construction. As a result, staff was directed to return to the Commission in January so that the issue could be addressed as an agenda item. During the January 1995 Commission meeting, and after considering the original request by Mr. Whittaker to establish a Lawn Bowling Facility within the Park Inventory, the Commission unanimously (5-0) directed staff to consider the inclusion of Lawn Bowling within the Larwin Park <-" tester Development Plan (FY 1999-2000). In September 1995, Mr. Whittaker requested the Commission consider developing a Lawn Bowling facility at Magee Park. After a staff analysis and report of this item during the October 1995 meeting, the Commission unanimously (7-0) denied that request. However, staff was directed to consider other appropriate locations which would allow a Lawn Bowling facility being provided prior to the Larwin Park development. As of yet, staff has been unable to identify an appropriate location which would adequately lend itself to the development of a facility while addressing ancillary issue as well. However, to date, staff has considered the Cannon Lake Park location and an existing site at the eastern most portion of Larwin Park. For the following reasons staff considers these locations inappropriate for development at this time. They are: • Lack of support amenities including — rest rooms — adequate parking — security lighting • Lack of identified funding source for construction of a lawn bowling green and support amenities • Concerns related to vandalism • Neighborhood disruption issues due to lack of support amenities, i.e., parking PAGE 2, AB # In terms of Mr. Whittaker' s request to develop a facility at the Poinsettia Community Park site, staff does not recommend utilizing that location for the following reasons. .*•' • • The park site layout, amenities, plans and specifications have undergone extensive community and user group review and received Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, and City Council approval based upon that review. • Part of the Phase I development provided for grading the entire park site based upon the amenities identified in the approved plans and specifications. Grading operations have been completed to those plans and specifications and amenity development is underway. • The ballfields provided in Phase I were based upon a demonstrated user group need and/or were approved as a result of proposition G (Exhibit 1), in 1989 which authorized the City to provide the following: — regulation size golf course — executive size golf course — tennis center suitable for tournament play — enclosed soccer arena — (2) stand alone adult size soccer fields In the current Capital Improvement Program Budget (CIP), (Exhibit 2) Phase II of Poinsettia Community Park is not scheduled for construction until FY 2000-2005. To the extent that Larwin Park is scheduled in the CIP for FY 1999-2000, staff does not recommend the development of _ Lawn Bowling in Phase II of Poinsettia Park. Staff did however consider developing a bowling green on the graded portion of Phase II, but is not recommending that alternative for the following reasons. • The plans and specifications for Phase II were also based on extensive community and user group input and has received Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission and City Council approval. • Grading of the site was based upon plans and specifications for pre-determined amenity development. Those amenities were based upon approved facility standards. • Development of a lawn bowling green in Phase II would displace previously approved competing amenities which have a demonstrated need or which have otherwise been mandated by Proposition G (i.e. enclosed soccer and tennis center^ecommendations of the Recreational Facility Financing Committee). CONCLUSION: If the Commission concurs with the recommended action, staff will continue to evaluate appropriate locations within the Park inventory which would accommodate lawn bowling. If staff identifies a location suitable for this type of amenity, the issue will be brought back to the Commission for consideration. Notwithstanding the Commission's previous action in directing staff to consider tlr "" inclusion of a Lawn Bowling facility within the Larwin Park Master Development Plan, prior to any 036 PAGE 3, AB #_ jsuch development the Commission may wish to further evaluate and confirm demonstrated need, vailable funding and consider any competing facility development requests. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost to develop a Lawn Bowling facility is estimated at $120,000 excluding ancillary support amenities such as rest rooms, storage and changing facilities, parking, security lighting etc. Although it has been suggested that a Lawn Bowling Association would fund 1/3, ($40,000) of the development costs and that annual fees would ultimately offset the remaining $80,000, contributing development costs have not been confirmed by the group or identified in the CIP Budget. However, development funds for the Larwin Community Park ($1,890,000) are identified in the CIP budget for FY 1999-2000. EXHIBITS: 1. Proposition G, and Recreational Facility Financing Committee Recommendation 2. 1995-96 CIP Budget 037 NOTICE TO VOTERS OF DATE AFTER WHICH NO ARGUMENTS FOR OR AGAINST CITY MEASURES MAY BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY CLERK NOTICE IS GIVEN that the Special Municipal Election is to be held in the City of Carlsbad on June 6, 1989 at which there will be submitted to the voters the following measures: SHALL ORDINANCE NO. NS-52 BE ADOPTED AMENDING CHAPTER 3.12 OF THF fARI SRAPj MIINTfTPAl rfiRF Tfi TNrRFA<\F THF TRANSIENT ("IfTIIPflNirY TAX RATE FROM 8% TO 10%? YES NO DC VOTERS OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVE SPENDING CITY FUNDS FROM VARIOUS SOURCES INCLUDING THE GENERAL FUND IN AN AMOUNT OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS AS DETERMINED NECESSARY BY THE CITY COUNCIL TO CONSTRUCT TWO PUBLIC GOLF COURSES, ONE REGULATION AND ONE SHORT COURSE, A MULTI-COURT TENNIS COMPLEX, TWO MULTI-PURPOSE ADULT SIZE FIELDS, AND AN ENCLOSED SOCCER FACILITY? THIS MEASURE AUTHORIZES BUT DOES NOT REQUIRE SUCH CONSTRUCTION AND MAY INCLUDE THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR PROPERTY ACQUISITION. YES NO NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that pursuant to Article 4, Chapter 3, Division 5 of the Elections Code of the State of California, the legislative body of the City, or any member or members thereof authorized by the body, or any individual voter or bona fide association of citizens, or any combination of voters and associations, may file a written argument, not to exceed 300 words in length, for or against the City measures. Said arguments shall be accompanied by the statement required by Elections Code Section 5350. Please call 434-2808 for information regarding this statement. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that, based upon the time reasonably necessary to prepare and print the arguments and sample ballots and to permit the 10-day examination period for the election, the arguments must be received in the Office of the City Clerk, 1200 El.n Avenue, Carlsbad, no later that 5:00 p.m. on March 20, 1989. (Arguments may be changed or withdrawn until and including this date.) Official election materials will be available for viewing at the City Clerk's Office in accordance with Elections Code Sections 3795, 5025, 5215 and 5330. CITY CLERK DATE 038 EXHIBIT 1 \ BALLOT ARGUMENT FOR PROPOSITION G THIS MEASURE DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ANY NEW TAXES OR INCREASE ANY EXISTING TAXES, APPROVAL OF THIS MEASURE WOULD AUTHORIZE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN RECREATIONAL FACILITIES WHEN TAX REVENUES BECOME AVAILABLE The citizens' committee on recreation facility financing recommends that the voters of Carlsbad approve spending more than $1 million of tax revenue for the construction of golf courses and other recreational facilities. The Carlsbad City Council agrees with the citizens' committee that Carlsbad needs a public golf course, additional tennrs courts and soccer fields. This proposition would authorize, but not require the City Council to spend tax money to construct these facilities. Although golf, tennis and soccer facilities must compete with other city programs for funding, a YES VOTE is required for the City to move ahead when the money 1s available. The proposed golf course and other recreational facilities will enrich Carlsbad's quality of life. If Carlsbad is to have a well balanced recreation program, now 1s the time to begin planning and saving money for such facilities. The voters of Carlsbad have an important say on what their city will be like in the future. A YES VOTE on this proposition will provide Improved recreational opportunities for all of us 1n the future. VOTE YES ON.PROPOSITION G CLAUDE A. "BUD" LEWIS", Mayor ANN J. KULCHIN, Mdyor Pro Tern <ut&— EI(IC LARg)y, Council Member JJfflN J./MAMAUX, Counci 1 Member MARK V. PETTINE, Council Member 039 March 20, 1989 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION The following recommendations represent a strong consensus of the committee. _ They are based upon the comprehensive reports presented by staff complemented by the expertise contributed by committee members. Prior to final implementation of specific projects, we would urge the City Council to conduct further studies on location and off-site costs, fee schedules and cost-benefit of alternatives. 1. Increase the current transient occupancy tax (T.O.T.) by 2% for General Fund purposes (1% July 1989, 1% January 1990). 2. Introduce a Proposition H vote for the development of recreational facilities. 3. Initiate development of two (2) Municipal Golf Courses outlined as follows: a. Initiate development of a municipal regulation size golf course utilizing monies from the General Fund, contingent upon the availability of funds. Planning of this course 1s to begin in 1989. Fees are to be comparable to other municipal/public golf courses within the county. b. Initiate development of a municipal short course beginning two (2) years after the regulation size course Is developed or whenever a source of funds becomes available. *The committee also directed staff to consider contracting for maintenance and operation of both golf course concepts. -"~ 4. Initiate development of a multl-court tennis facility adequate for tournament play beginning in 1989, utilizing primarily the Public Facility Fee (PFF) funds currently designated for parks tennis projects. 5. Initiate development of two (2) multi-purpose fields, adult size or larger. a. Initiate development of one (1) field 1n 1989, utilizing Public Facility Fee (PFC) funds currently designated for park development projects. b. Initiate development of one (1) field In 1989, on an Interim basis, utilizing finances through the General Fund. If a permanent site can be secured, lighting should be provided. 6. The City should provide space at a future park site for an enclosed soccer facility. The City should attempt to arrange for private development Investment for the construction and operation of this facility. If a private development approach of this facility cannot be Implemented, the City should Incorporate the construction of the facility 1n Us park development master plan and contract out the maintenance and operation. 040 7. The Committee further recommends that the City Council direct the Parks and Recreation Commission to incorporate 1n the Revised Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan the following facilities as recommended by the committee: o Two (2) Municipal Golf Courses Regulation Size Short Course o Multi-Court Tennis Complex o Two (2) Multi-Purpose Fields Adult Size or Larger o Enclosed Soccer Facility The Committee wishes to express Its appreciation to Mr. Bradstreet and Mr. Elliott and their staff for the excellent presentations and conscientious support given to this committee. The Committee Chairperson, Mr. Rombotis, 1s also to be commended for his effectiveness In conducting the committee proceedings. We were all deeply Impressed with the quality of long range planning for recreational facilities for Carlsbad and we are confident that our City will continue to grow better over time. The recommendations we have made In no way reflect dissatisfaction with current planning but rather a fine tuning of the plan by the addition of recreation amenities which will provide a slmlHar excellence to that already achieved by our outstanding Library, Police Facilities, Fire Facilities, Senior Center, and Open Space Program. 041 X LU I 1 1 p0-P 2 0LU Q 5 d o m DC O • w -iJ,(- 0) 0- *< C-o uj»-N or 5 i § *» ^m s si i ss s 8< CM V C*«r ?M i ?ui &>- 8 cc ?M ff ?5 i Is i i g g g g g g g g g g g g § g g g g S ? 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