HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-12-16; Parks & Recreation Commission; 1296-4; Annual Parks & Recreation Commision ElectionPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL AB# 1296-4 MTG 12-16-96 OEPT CSD TITLE: ANNUAL PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION ELECTION (CHAIRPERSON/VICE-CHAIRPERSON) ACTION RECOMMENDED ACTION: Elect Parks and Recreation Commission Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson for 1997. ITEM EXPLANATION: Each year during the December meeting, annual elections are held for the positions of Parks and Recreation Commission Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson. The attached election forms can be used as the ballots in the election of these two (2) position. After the nominations, please write in the name of the candidate of your choice for each position. EXHIBITS: 1. Election Form 22 r r 1997 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION CHAIRPERSON WA -8C 1997 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION VICE-CHAIRPERSON 23 KEITH BEVERLY\ ( ARKS & RECREATION Decembers. 1996 TO: MAYOR LEWIS and COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: Planning Director SUMMARY OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF December 4,1996: 1. CUP 91-07x1 - JUDY'S DELI - By a 7-0 vote, the Commission approved an extension of CUP 91-07 to allow the continued operation of a 921 square foot delicatessen at 2035 Corte Del Nogal. 2. ZCA 96-04/LCPA 96-01 - HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE - A Zone Code Amendment and Local Coastal Program Amendment to revise the City's Hillside Development Ordinance and Uses Generally regulations (Chapters 21.95 and 21.53 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code to: (1) streamline the Hillside Development Permit process, (2) clarify and simplify the Hillside Development Ordinance to make it more user friendly, and (3) incorporate new development standards to address identified Ordinance issue areas was continued to the meeting of January 15,1997. (7-0) 3. SDP 96-08/CDP 96-04 - JAEGER TRI-PLEX - The Commission approved (6-0 - Monroy had a potential conflict of interest) a Negative Declaration, Site Development Plan and Coastal Development Permit to construct two new apartment units and to remodel an existing studio unit on the site, for a total of three units on a .188 acre parcel (an existing unit on the site would be demolished). The property is located on the south side of Juniper Avenue, between Garfield Street and the San Diego Northern Railroad right-of-way, in the Coastal Zone, in the R-3 Zone, and in the Beach Area Overlay Zone. 4. ZCA 96-09/LCPA 95-14 - TEMPORARY COMMUNITY DIRECTIONAL SIGNS - A request for approval of a Zone Code Amendment and Local Coastal Program Amendment to extend the temporary sign ordinance for five years, expand its use, and amend development and design standards to allow a change to the City's approved kiosk structure design was continued to the meeting of January 15,1997. (7-0) 5. ZC 93-04f A) - OCEAN BLUFF - By a 7-0 vote, the Commission recommended approval of a zone change from R-l to R-1-7500-Q on property located on the northwest corner of future Poinsettia Lane and Blackrail Court within the boundaries of the Zone 20 Specific Plan. 6. CUP 96-14 - RACEWAY CELLULAR FACILITY - The Commission voted 7-0 to approve a Conditional Use Permit to allow the installation of 12 facade-mounted panel antennas and 1 interior equipment room, on an existing industrial office building. The site is located on the west side of Loker Avenue West, north of Palomar Airport Road, in the P-M (Planned industrial) Zone. Planning Commission S Decembers, 1996 Page 2 urrL.ary of December 4, 1996 7. CUP 96-05/HDP 96-07/SUP 96-05 - MARJA ACRES PCS FACILITY - By a 7-0 vote, the Commission approved a Mitigated Negative Declaration, Conditional Use Permit. Hillside Development Permit, and Special Use Permit to allow the installation of six (6) PCS panel antennas mounted on individual poles, one (1) global positioning antenna, and six (6) ground-mounted radio equipment cabinets, on property located at 4901 El Camino Real in the C-2 and the R-A-10 Zones. ELECTION OF OFFICERS - Bob Nielsen was elected Chair and Bailey Noble Vice-Chair. OLZMILLER c: City Manager Assistant City Manager Assistant to the City Manager Department Heads Sue Spickard/Keith Beverly Don Rideout, Growth Management Connie Beardsley, Mgr. Arts Office KEITH BEVERLY\ - ARKS & RECREATION November 21, 1996 TO: MAYOR LEWIS and COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM:Planning Director SUMMARY OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 20, 1996: 1. CUP 96-17 - KTRLIN-SD-224-03 - The Commission approved (7-0) a Conditional Use Permit to allow the installation of 6 facade-mounted panel antennas and 2 radio equipment cabinets, on an existing industrial office building ("The Campus"). The site is located on the east side of La Place Court between Faraday Avenue and Palomar Airport Road. 2. CUP 93-04(CVCDP 96-01 - SEAPOINTE SALES PAVILION - At the request of the applicant, a Conditional Use Permit Amendment and a Coastal Development Permit to allow a 2,800 square foot modular building to be used as a temporary sales pavilion for the Seapointe Resort within excess City right-of-way generally located east of Carlsbad Boulevard north of Island Way and west of Surfside was continued to January 5, 1997. (7-0) 3. SDP 95-10(AVCUP 93-04(B) - SEAPOINTE RESORT RECREATION FACILITIES - The Commission approved (7-0) a Site Development Plan Amendment and a Conditional Use Permit Amendment to allow the addition of a tennis court, two volleyball courts and a basketball half-court adjacent to the Seapointe Resort. 4. CUP 96-15 - NORTH BATIOUITOS LAGOON PCS FACILITY/SD 137 - By a 7-0 vote, the Commission approved a Conditional Use Permit to allow the installation of six roof-mounted PCS panel antennas and one oval positioning antenna behind a new screen and six ground-mounted radio equipment cabinets, on the existing Travelodge motel building and the use of temporary equipment on the site until the permanent equipment can be installed. The site is located on the south side of Macadamia Drive between Avenida Encinas and the east end of the cul-de-sac. 5. CUP 96-18 - TRAVELODGE PCS FACILITY - The Commission approved (7-0) a Conditional Use Permit to allow the installation of four roof-mounted PCS panel antennas behind a new screen and one ground-mounted radio equipment cabinet, on the existing Travelodge motel building and the use of temporary equipment on the site until the permanent equipment can be installed. The site is located on the south side of Macadamia Drive between Avenida Encinas and the east end of the cul- de-sac. MICHAEL J. HOLZMILLER c: City Manager Assistant City Manager Assistant to the City Manager Department Heads Sue Spickard/Keith Beverly Don Rideout, Growth Management Connie Beardsley, Mgr. Arts Office November 15, 1996 ^Li/^ DAVID BRADSTREFT Community Ser. Director TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF HOUSING COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 14, 1996 1. RENTAL REHABILITATION PROJECT - 965 LACUNA The Housing Commission considered a request for a recommendation of approval of assistance in an amount not to exceed $216,750 from the Carlsbad Redevelopment Agency's Low and Moderate Income Housing Set-Aside Funds for the rehabilitation of rental property at 965 Laguna Drive. The Commission recommended approval of the proposed assistance with a unanimous 9-0 vote. The Commission added that they would like to see the agreement include a requirement that each unit within the project pass annual Housing Quality Standard (HQS) inspections, as required for the Section 8 Rental Assistance program. If units do not pass the HQS inspection, the loan from the Set- Aside Fund could then be recalled. This condition is recommended to address the Commission's concerns about long term management of the units and assurances that the units will be well- maintained. 2. ARROYO LA COSTA AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT The Housing Commission approved a recommendation (8-0, Rose absent) to the City Council to approve an agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the Villages of La Costa to establish a city- wide program to assist lower income households with first time home purchases. The Commission approved the recommendation with an added condition that the program be made available to people who live or work in the City of Carlsbad. 3. ASSESSMENT OF IMPEDIMENTS TO FAIR HOUSING CHOICE The Housing Commission approved a recommendation (8-0, Rose absent) to the City Council to accept the Assessment of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice and authorize staff to submit it to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for review and approval. A related minute motion was proposed by Commissioner Wellman and approved by the Housing Commission (7-1, Noble No) to request that the City Council instruct staff to complete an inventory of Single Room Occupancy (SRO) units, group homes for persons with special needs, and facilities for victims of AIDS which are located within the City of Carlsbad. xt meeting of the Housing Commission is scheduled for December 12, 1996 EVAN E. BECKER Housing and Redevelopment Director City Manager Assistant to City Manager City Attorney Department Heads Community Development Director Housing Commissioners Financial Management Director Assistant City Manager r November 19, 1996 TO:CITY COUNCIL FROM: City Engineer SUMMARY OF ACTION ITEMS FROM BEACH EROSION COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON NOVEMBER 12, 1996. Due to lack of quorum, there was not an official meeting. The Committee informally discussed future work efforts and will reconvene on January 14, 1997. There will be no December meeting due to conflicting vacations. LLOYD B. HUBBS, P.E. City Engineer c: City Manager Community Development Director Assistant City Manager Financial Management Director Assistant to the City Manager Department Heads Associate Engineer - Jantz r r November 20, 1996 TO: MAYOR LEWIS COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: Library Director SUMMARY REPORT OF LIBRARY BOARD MEETING OF 11/20/96 1. The Library Board reviewed and discussed Proposition A election results. 2. The Library Board reviewed the Literacy Grant application. 3. The Library Board toured the improvements in the circulation and work areas of the library. CLIFF LANGE pab City Manager Assistant City Manager Department Heads r November 20, 1996 TO: CITY MANAGER DEPARTMENT HEADS FROM: CCTVF Staff Representafive CARLSBAD COMMUNITY TV FOUNDATION - SUMMARY REPORT: MEETING OF 11-7-96 MINUTES Minutes of the October 3, 1996 meeting were approved. NEW BUSINESS 1. "EXPLORE NORTH COUNTY I AND II" - William Carroll's Proposal - The board authorized the president to sign a letter to Mr. Carroll countering his specific proposal for the sale of copies of "EXPLORE NORTH COUNTY I and II" under conditions. 2. The Financial Report to October 18, 1996 was acknowledged and set aside. A detailed and lengthy discussion took place after a financial report prepared by Board Member Emeritus Fred Morey was presented. CONTINUED BUSINESS 1. "LIVE BROADCAST OF 1996-96 CUSD BOARD MEETINGS" CUSD Superintendent Cheryl Ernst gave a brief presentation prior to the Board voting at the December CCTVF meeting on whether to fund further live coverage of school board meetings. 2. The Foundation brochure, already inserted in Daniels' October billing was discussed and accepted. GRANT UPDATES Tabled to the December meeting. DATE OF NEXT MEETING- Thursday, December 5, 1996. pgk c: Council Members SUMMARY-NOV96 r November 20, 1996 TO:MAYOR LEWIS MAYOR PRO TEM NYGAARD COUNCILMEMBER FINNILA COUNCILMEMBER HALL COUNCILMEMBER KULCHIN FROM:Senior Commission SUMMARY REPORT OF NOVEMBER 7, 1996, COMMISSION MEETING Donation Commission voted to accept donations totalling $1,218 from: $1,000 Tom & Mary Louise Siersma $ 218 Hughes Employees GO Club MYRA z Scribe C: City Manager Assistant City Manager Community Services Director Department Heads r MEMORANDUM December 3, 1996 TO: MAYOR LEWIS CITY COUNCIL VIA: Traffic Engineer FROM: City Engineer TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION MEETING OF DECEMBER 3,1996 The following is a summary of the action items from the Commission meeting. 6A: Batiquitos Drive, Aviara Parkway to Kestrel Drive - Request to establish a prima facie speed limit. By a 4-1 vote, the Commission recommended that a 40 mile per hour prima facie speed limit be established on Batiquitos Drive from Aviara Parkway to Kestrel Drive. Commissioner Green disagreed and indicated he supported the Traffic Safety Coordinating Committee recommendation of a 35 mile per hour prima facie speed limit on the portion of Batiquitos Drive from Aviara Parkway to Golden Star Lane. 6B: Review and comment upon the Traffic Safety Commission rules and procedures. The Commission had no comment or changes and will adopt TSC Resolution No. 97-1 to approved the TSC rules and procedures at the January 1997 meeting. \. HUBBS, P.E. City Engineer LBH:jb c: City Manager Assistant City Manager Community Development Director Department Heads