HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-08-18; Parks & Recreation Commission; 897-3; Citizen RequestPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL AB# 897-3 MTG 8-18-97 DEPT CSD TITLE : CITIZEN REQUEST / RESTROOM FACILITIES AT CHS TENNIS COURTS (ACTION) oo RECOMMENDED ACTION : Refer the issue of providing permanent restroom facilities at the Carlsbad High School (CHS) tennis courts to the Carlsbad Unified School District for their consideration. Direct staff to monitor the cleanliness and overall conditions of existing portable facilities at this location and take appropriate action. ITEM EXPLANATION : The Parks and Recreation Commission has received a citizen request (Exhibit 1) to construct and maintain a permanent restroom facility at the CHS tennis courts. This request has also been submitted to the board of trustees of the Carlsbad Unified School District (CUSD) and the Carlsbad City Council (Exhibit 2). In addition, the issue was addressed by the Carlsbad Senior Commission on August 7, 1997. Pursuant to the Senior Commission discussion and action, staff was directed to submit a letter to the Parks and Recreation Commission (Exhibit 5) (PRC) which strongly recommended that the PRC consider the issue of provisions for permanent restroom facilities at the CHS tennis courts during their next commission meeting. The reason for the recommendation of the Senior Commission was a general consensus that the issue of providing facilities at this location was beyond their area of review and would be best be directed to the PRC. In Anticipation of this issue being presented to the PRC, Staff has had internal discussions and would submit the following information to the commission for consideration relative to this issue. OWNERSHIP The subject tennis complex was constructed in the late 1970's by CUSD as a result of the loss of existing tennis courts when the Swim Complex was constructed. The tennis complex is located on school district property at the corner of Basswood and Valley Street. Although the complex is identified within the city's park inventory as a special use recreation area, it exists as a result of a joint use agreement between the City and CUSD. Consequently, the tennis courts are available for public use during non school hours. Park maintenance crews provide court maintenance for cleaning and net replacement. There is joint responsibility for court resurfacing and wind screen replacement. The city also provides for a portable restroom at the site. EXISTING RESTROOM FACILITIES In addition to the portable facility, permanent restrooms exist at the high school complex and are available for student use during school hours only. Permanent public facilities exist at the Swim Complex and are available for public use during the majority of week day hours, however weekend use is somewhat limited. Although the Swim Complex is located a significant distance across campus, it's restrooms are available during hours of operation. Staff understands that restroom faciljties are currently under construction approximately 200' rom the tennis courts in close proximity to and associated with the CHS basebu"" field. status of use availability of those facilities are unknown at this time. -- 13 AB# 897-3 Page 2 . DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE COST The cost to develop permanent restroom facilities are estimated to range between $160,000 - $200,000 depending upon a number of factors. Annual maintenance cost including water, sewer, supplies, vandalism, and personnel would range between $12,000 - $15,000. In conclusion, it is unfortunate that permanent restroom facilities are not provided at all special use recreation areas. However, in areas where permanent facilities are not or cannot be made available, the City provides for portable facilities to help meet the minimum needs of our recreation participants such as softball / baseball, soccer, tennis or general park users. In this particular instance, staff would submit that the issue of development, or use of existing permanent facilities would best be addressed by representatives of CUSD. Staff will provide a review of this issue and be available to answer questions during the Commission meeting. EXHIBITS: 1. Letter to PRC Chairperson - July 22,1997 2. Letter to CUSD Board of Trustees, Carlsbad City Council, PRC - July 21, 1997 3. Letter to PRC from President of CHS Athletic Boosters, Inc. - July 30,1997 4. Various letters supporting permanent facilities 5. Letter to PRC from Senior Commission - August 7,1997 July 22, 1997 Ms. Julie Baker Chairperson Parks and Recreation Commission Dear Ms. Baker, I am sending you a packet for your consideration and requesting to be put on your agenda for an upcoming Parks and Recreation meeting. I am a parent and resident of Carlsbad. My family enjoys many of the facilities and programs that our city offers through the Parks and Recreation Department. It is my belief along with my team (Cindy Lidster and Fred Jonas), that our proposal would be a tremendous asset to your program. If it is possible, can you please contact me in advance regarding when would be the appropriate time to attend a meeting so that I could answer any questions that may arise. It would be beneficial also to contact the other two members of my team for the same reason if it's no additional trouble. Thank you very much in advance for your time and consideration regarding this matter. Please feel free to call me with any questions or suggestions that you may have for me. Sincerely, Cindy Johnso 4917NeblinaDrive Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-729-8793 Cindy Lidster 760-439-2182 Fred Jonas 760-438-5543 15 EXHIBIT 1 July 21, 1997 To: The Board of Trustees of Carlsbad Unified School District, and The Honorable Claude "Bud" Lewis and Council Members of the City of Carlsbad City Council, and The Commission Members of the Parks and Recreation Commission Re: Request For a Permanent Bathroom Facility at the Carlsbad High School and Public Park Tennis Courts in Place of the Existing "Biffy" Dear Board Members, Mayor and Council Members, and Commission Members: This is a request that a permanent bathroom facility, no matter how small, be constructed and maintained at the Carlsbad High School and Public Park Tennis Courts in place of the existing "Biffy". This is also a request that the respective staffs of the School District, City Council and Commission develop and provide the necessary information for this to be done, such as cost, size, design, exact location, building codes and the other details you may require. The School's nine tennis courts are located outside the gated grounds of the High School. The High School bathrooms are too far away and are locked up, or the school gates are locked, after school hours.Toilet facilities, arranged for by the City several years ago, consist of a "Biffy" at the north end of the courts. A "Biffy" does not meet the needs of the community or the High School. The School's tennis courts are also a public park, used not only by the students and competing school teams, but also by other tennis groups and special events, boys and girls of all ages, parents and other spectators, and the general public, at various times throughout the day. The general public has access to play on these courts at all times after school hours, seven days a week, unlike any other Carlsbad High School facility. The "Biffy" is, in effect, a portable outhouse, without running water to wash hands - hands which subsequently touch and handle tennis balls, high-five teammates, shake the hands of opponents and spectators, and dig into food snacks. Totally unsanitary. The "Biffy" is periodically turned over on its side so that it is completely unusable, and is disgustingly unclean much of the time. Hardly a fitting image for our wonderful High School and the City of Carlsbad. The issue, however, is not cleanliness of the "Biffy", but the need for a permanent bathroom facility which is long overdue. The lack of such a facility is particularly hard on the many senior citizens, male and female, some in their eighties, who use the tennis courts on a daily basis. R EXHIBIT 2 The community members making and supporting this request would very much appreciate your cooperative efforts in this matter. We did not want to swamp you with dozens of letters from the many community members affected, so a few selective letters are enclosed. We formally request that you place this item on your respective agendas for action. Please advise the undersigned, Cindy Johnson, in advance when this item is on the agenda for a Council meeting, School Board meeting, and Commission meeting, and also please advise her in advance of any public hearings. Respectfully submitted, Cindy Johnson 4917 Neblina Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 729-8793 Lidster 306 Laurel Rd. Oceanside, CA 92054 (760) 439-2182 Fred Jonas 2065 Caleta Ct. Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 438-5543 17 Carlsbad High School Athletic Boosters, Inc. 3557 Monroe Street + Carlsbad + California + 92008 July 30, 1997 Parks and Recreation Commission City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Commissioners: We are pleased to hear that consideration will be given to the installation of restrooms at the tennis courts located at Carlsbad High School. As an organization dedicated to promoting athletic programs at the school, we are very aware that the lack of restrooms at the tennis courts has created an unacceptable situation. It is gratifying to see a public park put to constant use, but that only underscores the need for permanent sanitary facilities. If solely the competitive tennis teams at the high school used the tennis courts there might be another means to rectify the situation. However, as you are very aware, the courts are subject to heavy usage that far outstrips the serviceability of portable toilets. While consideration for the restrooms should certainly focus on the needs of Carlsbad students and residents, please keep in mind that the teams traveling to Carlsbad to compete against our Lancers have to travel by bus from distances as far away as Ramona. Thank you for your consideration on this matter. Hopefully through the combined resources of the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Unified School District you will be able to find a solution. Sin Eric Larson President EXHIBIT 3 A non-profit organization dedicated to supporting all athletic programs at Carlsbad High School ~- 18 SHERYL LYNN CAMPBELL Instructor/Coach Carlsbad High School 3557 Monroe Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 {619) 434-1726 Ext 242 JULY 6, 1997 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: THIS LETTER IS TO INFORM THE CITY OF CARLSBAD OF THE VERY IMPORTANT AND NECESSARY NEED TO PROVIDE AN ADEQUATE BATHROOM FACILITY NEAR THE TENNIS COURTS AT CARLSBAD HIGH SCHOOL. AS A PHYSICAL EDUCATION INSTRUCTOR AND HEAD TENNIS COACH AT CARLSBAD HIGH FOR 14 YEARS, I HAVE HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO OBSERVE AND EXPERIENCE THE TOTAL INCONVENIENCE OF NOT HAVING A PERMANENT BATHROOM STRUCTURE. FOR THE PAST COUPLE YEARS, THE CITY HAS PLACED A TEMPORARY "BIFFY" ON THE NORTH END OF THESE TENNIS COURTS. THIS TYPE OF BATHROOM HAS NOT MET THE NEEDS OF THE COMMUNITY OR CHS FOR TWO MAIN REASONS. THE FIRST REASON IS THAT THE CHS COURTS ARE CONSTANTLY USED BY A LARGE NUMBER OF PEOPLE FROM THE PUBLIC AND SCHOOL GROUPS AT ALL HOURS EACH DAY. THIS SINGLE "BIFFY" IS OVER USED, AND THEREFORE, UNSANITARY MOST OF THE TIME. THE SECOND REASON IS THAT THE "BIFFY11 IS TURNED OVER ON ITS SIDE QUITE OFTEN, USUALLY LEAVING IT UNUSABLE FOR SEVERAL DAYS. ONE LAST FACTOR TO CONSIDER, IS THAT THE GENERAL PUBLIC HAS ACCESS TO THESE 9 SCHOOL DISTRICT TENNIS COURTS AT ALL TIMES OF THE DAY (UNLIKE ANY OTHER CHS FACILITY) DUE TO THEIR REMOTE LOCATION. I FEEL VERY STRONGLY THAT THERE SHOULD BE SANITARY BATHROOM FACILITIES AVAILABLE FOR STUDENTS AS WELL AS THE GENERAL PUBLIC. SHERYL CAMPBELL EXHIBIT 419 North County Tennis Patrons . . .serving junior tennis players in San Diego County July 18, 1997 To Whom it Concerns: The portable restroom at Carlsbad High School is unsanitary not to mention embarrassing. There is only one portable available for the nine tennis courts which are used daily. The necessity of having a clean and safe restroom facility available to the public at Carlsbad High School has been overlooked during the past years. The North County Tennis Patrons is the leader in providing entry level junior tennis tournaments in North County to players who strive to continue to improve in the lifetime sport of tennis. We maintain this leadership by developing junior programs that motive the players to achieve their highest level sportsmanship and self-esteem within themselves. The Tennis Patrons have organized junior tennis tournaments at Carlsbad High School during the past fifteen years. In addition to our junior tournaments, we host junior clinics and special events for free or low entry fees to Carlsbad Citizens. Our organization is growing with approximately one hundred players entering each tournament. Each player who participates in the tournament is accompanied by family members all of whom would use a clean and safe restroom facility. The Tennis Patrons understand the desperate need of a clean and safe restroom facility at Carlsbad High School. NCTP is dedicated to Quality Junior Tennis and Achieve outstanding recognition by our members and the community, we are driven by a commitment of excellence. If there was a clean and safe restroom facility available at Carlsbad High School, not only would NCTP benefit, the tennis community of Carlsbad would also benefit Sincerely, North County Tennis Patrons North County Tennis Patrons P.O. Box 834 ***-''• 20 Carlsbad, CA 92018 July 10, 1997 To whom it may concern: I'm writing in regards to the bathroom situation or the lack there of, at the tennis courts located at Carlsbad High School. Our son is a student at Carlsbad High and has played tennis on the varsity tennis team for the past two years. In addition to this, our family also uses the courts on weekends and holidays with friends and families. Our concern though, starts with the high school students. Although they do have a Bifry provided for them, many refuse to use it because of the lack of cleanliness and at times privacy. The closest bathroom available to them is in the gymnasium. Unfortunately, this is too far away for them to utilize during matches because the time away can cause forfeiture of their individual match. Also, there is never a guarantee that the doors will even be unlocked. When the Bifiy is used by the students, there is no place for them to wash their hands. This is a health risk at best when you consider how many times they shake opponents hands, high five their team mates and stick their hands into the community bowl of orange slices that are provided for the players at every match. As far as our personal use of the Bifiy as parents and family members of these players, often times I drive back to my house, as do others who live close enough to campus. It is necessary to do this for my younger son or even myself because most times the Bifiy isn't approachable. The school is closed after 3:30 pm so there are limited possibilities. I have noticed that at times the courts are used for tournaments and special events. I have attended several tournaments at varying locations where the public tennis courts were also located on school property. These courts all have very nice public restrooms that are well kept. It seems to me that building a public restroom at the Carlsbad location would not only be in the best interests of the high school students, parents and opponents but the public. Having this facility upgraded would be a major drawing card for the community in many ways. For certain, the United States Tennis Association (USTA) and the North County Tennis Patrons (NCTP) would be sure to utilize this facility more for tournaments at a financial gain to the city. I hope that you will take the time to consider this proposal and seriously consider the positive gain in reputation for our city. Regards, Mr. And Mrs. William Johnson 4917NeblinaDrive Carlsbad 92008 21 ^ ——<s 4445 Mayfair Court Carlsbad,CA 92008 July 15,1997 To Whom It May Concern: The undersigned, representing over 50 Carlsbad residents using the Carlsbad High School tennis courts, emphatically request a permanent restroom to be installed for the use of all tennis players using these courts.The present"Port-0-Potty" currently at the site is always filthy and usually turned over(probably by high school students). As chairman of the Carlsbad Newcomers Men's tennis Group (representing about 20 men), and as chairwoman of the Carlsbad Newcomers Women's Tennis Group(representing over 30 women) we use these tennis courts regularly and appreciate the City of Carlsbad making them available to us, but when we have need to use the rest- rooms, we are apalled by the lack and condition of the facilities. sincerely, L .'EtaineScher 4445MaufairCourt Co&at, CX32QO&-2&4 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. We, the under signed, are members of a larger group of local senior citizens, who play tennis regularly at the Carlsbad High School tennis courts. Our social group of forty- five members, consists of primarily married couples, and we refer to our group as the Four setters of Carlsbad! We are very grateful and thankful to those who have made this great facility available to us to use while not being utilized by the students! Weather permitting, we play at least three times per week, all year long. Tennis serves as the catalyst that foments all of our activities in and around Carlsbad. Gosh knows what we'd do without it! Well! That is the good news. Regrettably there is good cause to bring up a very unpleasant topic! The available toilet facility is archaic and not worthy of our Village of Carlsbad. The 'portable toilet' is frequently unstable and that becomes of a particular concern, as we too are not always firm on our feet. The 'unit' is too frequently vandalized resulting in the interior being extremely unsanitary, and all to frequently knocked over on to it's side. The conditions are compounded, especially on our hot summer days by the stench of the very foul air! Many times, we are compelled to return home, to wash our hands. Conditions for our ladies is even more difficult! All the members of our group have become parents and grandparents over the years, and we continue to have a deep interest and concern for the current Carlsbad students, related or not! We strongly feel that a modest but appropriate structure of permanent nature be constructed with running water to more properly serve the school students and staffs fundamental needs! As another bonus, many other Carlsbad citizens and vacationers, of all ages would benefit by such a needed facility! Not to mention the hundreds of parents and guests who come to cheer on their children and friends during Athletic contests who would no longer be subjected to todays unsightly and onerous conditions. Your sincere consideration of this submitted suggestion is respectfully requested. In advance we express Thanks for allowing us to comment! Justin Lewis James Kinghorn Charles Gibson Joseph Boucher JOSEPH G BOUCHER 7112 SAN BARTOLO STREET CARLSBAD CA 92009 (760)431-1525 PUBLIC SAFETY CONSULTANT CHUCK GIBSON 2715 WOODWIND ROAD CARLSBAD CA 92008 (760) 434-0743 RETIRED TENNIS COACH - 35 YEARS AT GLENDALE COLLEGE JIM KINGHORN 2140 BASSWOOD AVENUE CARLSBAD CA 92008 (760)729-1502 RETIRED ASSISTANT SCHOOL SUPERINTENDANT FOR OCEANSIDE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT JUSTIN LEWIS 1910 BASSWOOD AVENUE CARLSBAD CA 92008 (760) 729-3417 RETIRED City of Carlsbad Senior Center August 11, 1997 Parks & Recreation Commission 1 166 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad CA 92008 PERMANENT RESTROOM FACILITIES AT HIGH SCHOOL TENNIS COURTS At the Senior Commission meeting August 7, 1997, Mr. Fred Jonas and Mr. Joseph Boucher appeared before the Commission requesting support for their efforts to have permanent restroom facilities constructed at the High School Tennis Courts. The Commission listened to the testimony of both gentlemen and a brief presentation by Senior Management Analyst Keith Beverly regarding the situation. The Senior Commission recognizes that facilities on School District property or in a park are not within their purview. Therefore, they voted unanimously to send this letter to the Parks and Recreation Commission strongly recommending that serious consideration be given to the issue of permanent restroom facilities at the tennis courts. Thank you for your consideration of this issue. JAES WHITTAKER Senior Commission Chairperson c: Senior Commissioners Assistant City Manager Acting Community Services Director Fred Jonas EXHIBIT 5 799 Pine Avenue • Carlsbad, CA 92OO8-2428 • (619) 434-4127 - FAX (619) 434-42O6 August 19, 1997 TO: ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER VIA: ACTING COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR FROM:SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST CITIZEN REQUEST / PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION During the August meeting, the Parks and Recreation Commission reviewed a citizen request (Fred Jonas) to provide permanent restroom facilities for the users of the Carlsbad High School tennis courts (Attachment). Currently, the City provides for one portable "Biffy" immediately adjacent to the courts which services users of the courts both during school hours and for public use on an after school and weekend basis. The portable unit is currently serviced two (2) times per week at a cost of $90 per month ($1,080 annually). After the staff report, public input, and considerable Commission discussion, the Commission recommended (4-3) to refer the issue to the City Manager's office so that consideration may be given to place the item on the Agenda of the City / School Coordinating Committee for further discussion. By addressing the issue at the City / School Coordinating Committee, the Commission is hopeful that provisions to use the permanent restroom facility currently under construction inside the baseball complex can be initiated for patrons of the tennis courts, including students during school hours, and for the general public during non-school hours. Notwithstanding the Commission's recommendation for review by the Coordinating Committee, as part of the same motion, the Commission also recommended that staff take immediate action to replace the existing "Biffy" with a larger unit capable of providing hand washing facilities, and to increase the amount of servicing the unit receives each week. The Park Superintendent has reviewed the cost to provide the upgraded "Biffy" and increase the servicing to three (3) times each week. The total cost for this upgrade is $155 per month ($1,860 annually), or $780 more than what is currently expended annually. Staff is recommending that we provide this upgrade and absorb the cost within our existing operating funds. However, if other user groups at other facilities request similar upgrades, it may require additional funds for the Park Maintenance Budget. Depending upon the season, the Department provides as many as eight (8) portable "Biffys" at any one time. Depending upon any recommended action by the City / School Coordinating Committee, perhaps CUSD would be willing to share in the cost of the upgraded "Biffy" if the permanent restroom associated with the baseball complex cannot be provided to users of the tennis courts. \ ~%*fc&£s - y/ KEITH BEVERLY ^~/ Attachment / c: Parks Superintendent H:/UBRARY/WORD/KEITH-S M&L 1997CITIZEN REQUEST-P4R COMMISSION September 10, 1997 TO: JULIE BAKER, PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION KEN PRICE, COMMUNITY SERVICES KEITH BEVERLY, COMMUNITY SERVICES STEVE JANTZ, COMMUNITY SERVICES From: Mark Steyaert SKATEBOARD PARK CONSULTANT SELECTION The Request for Qualifications is currently out and the proposals are due September 15, 1997. I do not expect to receive more than 3 or 4 but we shall see. The idea is to keep the selection process simple. The procedure for selection is proposed to be as follows: • Qualifications due September 15 • Review of Qualifications ( I will distribute) September 16-22 • Meet to review and make selection September 22 We will meet at 12:00 noon on September 22, at Magee House. Lunch will be provided and we should be finished no later than 1 :30. Please call me at 434-2855 to cdnfirm your attendance. Thanks in advance for your help! ark Steyaert Park Development Coordinator 1 I CONCEPTUAL OPEN SPACE & CONSERVATION MAP CITY OF CARLSBAD Pacific Ocean Open Space & Conservation Resource Management Plan Existing / Approved Open Space (***«| Carlsbad Trail System |*"*J Equestrian Trail . — Concepiual Open Space Lands FIGURE?