HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-08-18; Parks & Recreation Commission; 897-5; Spinnaker Hill Tot LotAB# MTG DEPTwmm^m^—^^m PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION 897-5 8-18-97 CSD TITLE : SPINNAKER HILL TOT (ACTION) -AGENDA BILL LOT /ANNUAL REVIEW RECOMMENDED ACTION : Approve the continued operation of the Spinnaker Hill Tot Lot as supported and maintained by the neighborhood residents. Direct staff to return to the Commission regarding this issue as necessary. ITEM EXPLANATION : In July of 1996, residents of the Spinnaker Hill neighborhood addressed the Parks and Recreation Commission and requested the City to adopt the Spinnaker Hill Tot Lot (Brian E. Harpold Tot Lot of Spinnaker Hill). The Tot Lot currently exists as a result of neighborhood efforts to construct the Tot Lot on City property with the approval of the City. City approval was given with the understanding that the Tot Lot would be developed and maintained to City standards and as approved by the Park Superintendent. During the July 1996 meeting, the Commission unanimously recommended not to adopt the Tot Lot. However, they did approve the continuation of the privately supported Tot Lot operation on City property with the caveat that the applicant continued to assume responsibility for its maintenance and operation including provisions for liability insurance. According to the Park Superintendent, the maintenance and overall operation of the Tot Lot including provisions for liability insurance are being maintained to appropriate standards and therefore it is recommended that the Tot Lot continue to exist as long as those standards are being met. EXHIBITS: 1. Park and Recreation Commission AB# 796-4 and minutes 2. Insurance Renewal Application 41 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL MTG Q7JS-96 CSD TITLE: SPINNAKER HILL/CITIZEN REQUEST (ACTION) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review previous Commission action related to the Spinnaker Hill tot lot development and consider a citizen's request to adopt the Brian E Harpold tot lot of Spinnaker Hill. ITEM EXPLANATION: The issue of a citizen's (Dianne Brink) request to establish a tot lot in the Spinnaker Hill neighborhood on City owned right of way has a rather lengthy history. To review this issue and previous Commission action, the following chronology of events is presented for the Commission's consideration. AUGUST 19. 1991- Mrs. Dianne Brink (applicant) requested the Parks and Recreation Commission consider and approve a proposal that the City develop a small tot lot in the vicinity of the Spinnaker Hill neighborhood. Commission Action • For reasons related to the City's current park development program and development philosophy as outlined in the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan, the request was denied 7-0. FEBRUARY 22. 1993 - The applicant requested the Parks and Recreation Commission again consider and approve the development of a tot lot in the Spinnaker Hill neighborhood. However, in a written submittal, the applicant proposed that the tot lot be developed, operated and maintained through private resources and at no cost to the City. Commission Action - After considerable questions and discussion of concerns, the Commission approved (4-2-1) the request to develop, operate and maintain on City property, at no cost to the City, a tot lot which will be open to the general public, subject to obtaining the appropriate permits. In addition, a number of caveats accompanied the Commission approval in order to insure quality control for the construction and maintenance of the facility. Staff was further directed to assist the applicant in the permit process required to develop the tot lot. SEPTEMBER 19. 1994 - As a result of the applicants requirement to secure liability insurance in order to construct the tot lot and provide for its ongoing operation, the applicant addressed the Commission expressing a hesitancy relative to providing the required insurance policy. Commission Action - By a 5-0 vote, the Commission recommended to renew their opposition to the tot lot development due to lack of financing for the project and the inability of the City or applicant to assume liability for the project. As further outlined in the Parks and Recreation Commission's Summary Report, the 5-0 denial was based upon the following: • The applicant's hesitation to provide liability insurance for thp - , - 24 - 42 EXHIBIT 1 • That previous Commission approval was based upon the caveat that development and maintenance of the tot lot would be at no cost to the City. • If the City were to accept liability for the tot lot, it would necessarily require the City to assure the development of the facility to its standards at a cost substantially beyond that which was estimated by the applicant. Additionally, it would require the City to maintain the facility in order to protect itself against liability exposure. This would be contrary to the Commissions original approval of the project at no cost to the City • In light of the park development guidelines as outlined in the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan relating to building larger park areas rather than small ones, the Commission did not want to set a precedent in having the City build and maintain this subject tot lot. • The Commission also questioned the long term use of such a facility based on the phenomena of non-use of small park areas. • Phase I of the Poinsettia Community Park which will have two (2) tot lots, is scheduled to be completed in the next several years. : JUNE 19. 1995 • The applicant requested the Commission approve the tot lot development based upon the following new information: • The applicant would provide liability insurance, acceptable to the City, for a one (1) year period. • Volunteers would construct a scaled down version of the previously proposed tot lot under the supervision of a general contractors license and meet all relevant specifications of the City. • Applicant would insure maintenance of the facility to City standards. • After a one year probationary period, the applicant requested that the Commission review the use of the facility and consider the following: 1. The City adopting the tot lot and assuming maintenance and liability requirements. 2. Applicant continuing to provide for the maintenance and liability if the tot lot is to remain. 3. Disband the tot lot as a responsibility of the applicant. Commission Action - By a vote of 4-2, the Commission recommended to approve the construction of the tot lot with the understanding that it will meet all the caveats proposed by the Community Services Department and that this is to be confirmed by written agreement by the City of Carlsbad and a group representing the tot lot which will specify, among other things, that if there is no usage of the tot lot or there is failure to raise funds for liability insurance or if there is poor maintenance, it will be disbanded by the proponents, to be reviewed on an annual basis at the time of the renewal of the liability insurance. FEBRUARY 5. 1996 - The Commission requested and received an informational update regarding the status of the Spinnaker Hill tot lot development. The Commission was informed that the applicant was awaiting appropriate approvals and development would commence when approvals are obtained. Staff was directed to return to the Commission for an annual review, once the tot lot has been completed. APRIL / MAY 1996 - The Spinnaker Hill tot lot completed development and a dedication ceremony for the Brian E Harpold tot lot of Spinnaker Hill was held May 11, 1996. 22 43 JUNE 21. 1996 - Staff received a memo from the Risk Manager (exhibit 2) regarding the liability insurance policy required as a condition for development of the tot lot. Initial insurance has been provided from February 16, 1995 through July 1, 1996 Representatives for the tot lot development have received notification for policy renewal for the term July 1, 1996 to July 1, 1997 JUNE 24. 1996 • In a letter to Mayor Lewis (exhibit 1), Dianne Brink and Shirley Harpold attached a proposal requesting the City of Carlsbad adopt the Brian E Harpold tot lot at the July 15, 1996 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting. More specifically, the proposal requests: 1. That the City adopt the tot lot so that the long term liability can come under the City's jurisdiction, thereby providing coverage at a more reasonable group rate. 2. If the tot lot is adopted by the City, that the major structures of the park be retained, i.e. redwood swing set and fencing, that the group would have a voice in decisions to add or remove play equipment and that the current park name be retained. 3. The group plans to continue to maintain the park in the highest standards, monitoring for safety, attractiveness, use and compliance to City codes. STAFF ANALYSIS: Throughout the years of review of this issue, staff has consistently maintained that the City's current park development philosophy as specifically outlined in the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan states "Development of mini and vest pocket parks is no longer pursued primarily because of the reduced use and the high cost of maintenance." However, provisions to provide for small neighborhood recreation areas are addressed in the Element under Implementing Policies and Action Programs for Park Development; they are: C.8 Require, when possible, the individual developers of master planned communities to provide pocket parks and active recreational facilities unique to each development. Maintenance of pocket parks shall be accomplished through homeowners association dues. Pocket parks shall remain in private ownership. C.9 Require that any development of recreational facilities on public land by developers, service clubs, civic groups, individual donors or organizations shall be consistent with the standards / guidelines of this element. C.19 Develop a program to encourage developers to provide smaller, active recreation areas in developments including standard single family subdivisions where appropriate. These smaller recreation areas will be maintained by a homeowners' association or through a property owners' tax maintenance district unless the area is specifically designated as a public use area by the City. C.26 Develop a program that would assist communities within the City to acquire, develop and maintain private neighborhood parks. Private neighborhood parks could be financed through special assessment districts approved by voters within the area of benefit. In conclusion, staff feels that the Commission has acted responsibly and within the context of the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan while attempting to ... 23 44 address the request of the applicant. Although the Commission has approved the development of a tot lot on City owned right of way, approval was granted with several caveats and / or conditions. Staff recommends that the Commission consider previous conditions associated with the approval of the tot lot development prior to taking any further action. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Continue the annual review period based upon completion date of the tot lot development (May 1996 through May 1997). - Applicant continues to provide maintenance and liability requirements. 2. City adopt the Brian E Harpold tot lot and assume ongoing maintenance and liability requirements. 3. City not adopt the Brian E Harpold tot lot, applicant continues to provide maintenance and liability requirements if tot lot is to remain. 4. Disband the tot lot as a requirement of the applicant. EXHIBITS: 1. Letter to Mayor Lewis from Brink / Harpold - June 24, 1996. 2. Memo from Risk Manager re: insurance policy renewal notification - June 21, 1996. 24 45 (Parks and Recreation Commission -3- July 15, 1996 ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Cox, Items AB #796-3, AB #796-4, and AB #796-5 of the Consent Calendar tor July 15, 1996 were approved. AYES: Chairman Schulberg, Commissioners Baker, Cox, Pieratt, Cunningham, and Richards NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioner Davidson DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 6. AB #796-6 SPINNAKER HILL TOT LOT/CITIZEN REQUEST David Bradstreet, Director of Community Services, gave the staff presentation on this Item. He described in detail the background, as contained in the Commissioners' packets. He added that the applicant was requesting that the City adopt the tot lot and allow the citizen's group to have a voice in decisions made concerning the tot lot. Mr. Bradstreet outlined the options for the Commission. Mrs. Diane Brink, 7206 Azalea Place, Carlsbad, distributed photographs of the tot lot, and explained that the Brian E. Harpold Tot Lot of Spinnaker Hill was complete. She • described the contents of the park and stated that it took 4 ft years to finish. Mrs. Brink added that all necessary permits were obtained, and that the park complies with all known ADA and City safety and building codes. She mentioned that the goals, which included making the park safe, attractive, and fun, were met and that the tot lot was well attended. She estimated that approximately 60-90 children attended the park each week and described how the children arrived at the park. Mrs. Brink said that she received positive input from people who discovered the park and was requesting the City to adopt the tot lot so that the long term liability would be under City of Carlsbad jurisdiction. She added that if adopted, the citizen's group wanted to continue an active role in the day-to-day maintenance of the park. Mrs. Brink recommended that the Commission take one month to consider the matter and invited the new commissioners to visit the site. She clarified that the citizen's proposal was for an exception to the policy of regional parks and described the uniqueness of the park, including the fact that it was on City property, was part of the official cftywide trail system, was built to city safety and building standards, met ADA standards, and was over one acre. She added that the park was ready made and therefore there would be no cost to the City. Mrs. Brink requested that it be considered under the special use area definition as listed in the Park & Recreation Element under primary park classifications. 06 48 08/11/1996 16:57 bl9&331218 STARK PAGE 05 Parks and Recreation Commission -4- July 15. 1996 Questions and discussion included the following issues: • Liability exposure for the City • Maintenance responsibility for the park • Beginning date of review period • Future expansion of the main road near the park Mrs. Shirley Harpold, 934 Begonia Court, Carlsbad, addressed the usage of the park. She explained that small groups met at the park. She added that the homeowner's association was not involved with the park. She mentioned that Channel 10 wanted to honor Mrs. Brink for a leadership award for her role in getting the park buiit. Questions and discussions included the following issue: • Concerns about traffic and safety since the park was near a main road Chairman Schulberg explained the four alternatives for the Commission to consider. 1. Recommend that the annual review period be based on the park opening in the March or April time frame; 2. Recommend that the City adopt the tot lot as requested by the Citizen's group; 3. Recommend that the City not adopt the tot lot; or 4. Recommend that the applicant disband the tot lot. Further discussion included the following issues: • Possibility of holding off on making a decision until staff determines the legal ramifications on the exposure of adopting the tot lot. • Support of continuing the annual report process and going through the entire cycle before making any decisions. • Review of similar agreements. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Cox. Item AB #796-6, to adopt Alternative 1 and continue with the Applicant assuming responsibility and bringing the Item back before the Commission in March 1997 for review, and that ail the conditions agreed upon still remain in effect. AYES: Chairman Schulberg, Commissioners Baker, Cox, Pieratt, Cunningham, and Richards NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioner Davidson 47 City of Carlsbad Risk Management July 16, 1997 Ms. Belquis Sharif Account Administrator Robert F. Driver Associates P. O. Box 6450 Newport Beach, CA 92658-6450 SPECIAL LIABILITY INSURANCE PROGRAM (SLIP) Dear Ms. Sharif: Please find enclosed the completed renewal application for the above referenced program per your request of July 10, 1997. If you have any questions, please call me at (760) 434-2807. Sincerely, ERIN K. LETSCH Risk Manager EKLjgj Enclosures library slip renewal app 48 120O Carlsbad Village Drive • Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 • (619) 434-2807 • FAX (619) 434-1987 PUBLIC ENTITY LIABILITY PRIMARY PROGRAM SPECIAL LIABILITY INSURANCE PROGRAM (SLIP) RENEWAL APPLICATION - JULY 1,1997 TO JULY 1, 1. COMPLETE NAMED INSURED: __Cit>L£f. .Carjsbad,^.Carlsbad Parking Authority , Carlsbad J5u i Id ing Authority 6 _________ _ . Carlsbad Housing^ & Redevelopment jCommissjgn, consisting ______ __ of Carlsbad Redevelopment" Agency &^Ca7)sbadTTbusing Authority,gency Carlsbad Water District 2. MAILING ADDRESS: City of Carlsbadisk Management1200 Carlsbad Vjllage Drive _ __ _ ~ Carlsbad, CA 92008 2\>. CONTACT NAME: __ Erin Letsch 3. PHONENUMBER: ( )(760) 434-2807 FAX NUMBER- ( )(760) 434-1987 4. DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS: _ Municipality NON-l'ROflT ORGANIZATION; YES(X) NO( ) 5. I-OK HACH PRF.WISKSOWNF.n/LtASEU PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING: See attached PEPIP"Property Schedule • ADDRESS « SQUARE FOOTAGE • CONSTRIJCTIOK • YEAR BUILT • IF YOU ARE LEASING A BUILDING, PLEASE PROVIDE US WITH A COPY OF THE INSURANCE SECTION OP YOUR LEASH AGREEMENT. (,. ATTACH riYTi (5) YEARLOSS HISTORY (if m^t^f^twhert prior tv joining SLIP cfler See attached LOSS RUN Claims 1-1-92 to 3-25-97 • LIABILITY • AUTOMOBILE • PUBLIC OFFICIALS ERRORS & OMISSIONS' DIRECTORS & OFFICERS. 881Q Ubrarians $1/281,162 8810 Clerical $9,800,4357. PAYROLL (BY WC CLASSV 7770 pn|jrP $^920,885 7706 Fire fighters $3,506,857 8 OPERATING BUDGET $864,500 94^0 Muni NOC $2,034,504 Muni NOC 49 J>LU> Application Page 2 KamcdInsured: City of Carlsbad ATTACHLISTOF AUTOMOBILES INCLUDING: See attached Fleet Inventory YEAR MAKE MODEL USE PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING RULES AND REGULATIONS AS RESPECTS DRIVERS AND PROVIDE US WITH YOUR UPDATED LIST 0? DRIVERS • DO YOU HAVE ANY DRIVERS UNDER THfc AGE OF 21 TEAMS (>l -OY Yes • DO YOU HAVE ANY DRIVERS WITH ANY MAJOR VIOLATIONS DURING THE LAST3 YEARS? What is major? t DO YOU HAVK ANY DRIVERS WITH 3 OR MORE MINOR VIOLATIONS AND/OR ACCIDENTS DURING THB LAST 3 YEAKS? What is minor? • DO YOU OBTAIN CURRENT MOTOR VEHICLE REPORTS PRIOR TO HIRING NEW EMPLOYEES? Yes » DO YOU HAVB A K Flit II AR PROGRAM TO MONITOR ACTIVITY? Yes JO. NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES §10 11. NUMBER OF BOARD MEMBERS _5_ ELECTED OR APPOINTED Elected ._ 12. ATTACH CURRENT COVERAOE INFORMATION FOR GENERAL LIABILITY. AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY AND PUBLIC OFFICIALS ERRORS & OMISSIONS^ DIRECTORS & OFF! • COMPANYNAMfi PARS AC• r.iMrrs $10,000,000. • ANNUAL PREMIUM • EFFECTIVE DATE PLEASE RETURN THE COMPLETED APPLICATION TO: ROBERT F. DRIVER ASSOCIA 1 ES P. O. BOX 6450 NEWPORT BEACH, CA ANY QUESTIONS ~ PLEASE CALL GORDON B, DES COMBhS OK BELQUIS SHARffk ACCOUNT ADMINISTRATOR TELEPHONE: (800)82l-92$J FAX: 1(7 14) 756-27 13 ASSOCIATES ROBERT F. DRIVER ASSOCIATES a Division of Robert F. Driver Co., Inc. COMPLETE INSURANCE BOND SERVICE March?, 1997 fyW 01997 Ms. Erin Letsch Risk Manager City of Carsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008-1989 RE: Special Liability Insurance Program (SLIP) Policy No. 4796-4651 Dear Member: We are very pleased to forward your Liability policy to you that is referenced above. Thank you for your patience and understanding in the delay of your renewal. Unfortunately, the insurance company we work with has experienced a backlog and we were unable to receive your renewal prior to this time. A current summary of coverage(s) provided under this policy that pertains to your specific entity is also enclosed. Please take a moment to review the enclosed document and the insurance summary and feel free to contact our office if you should have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, ROBERT F. DRIVER ASSOCIATES Belas Sharif Account Administrator BS/cg Enclosures 4041 MACARTHUR BLVD., SUITE 300, P.O. BOX 6450, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92658-6450 (714)756-0271 • FAX (714) 756-2713 • LIC.tt 0084379 ROBERT F. DRIVER ASSOCIATES ASSOCIATES a Division of Robert F. Driver Co., Inc. INSURANCE SUMMARY SPECIAL LIABILITY INSURANCE PROGRAM NAMED INSURED: POLICY PERIOD: INSURANCE COMPANY: POLICY NUMBER: COVERAGE: LIMIT: Sub-Limits: DEDUCTIBLE: TERM PREMIUM: SUBJECT TO AUDIT: CLAIMS REPORTING: BROKER: City of Carlsbad 7/1/96 to 7/1/97 The Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania 4796-4651 Manuscript Public Entity Form on an Occurrence Basis. Coverage included for: X Bodily Injury X Property Damage X Personal Injury Automobile Liability Directors and Officers Errors and Omissions X Non-Owned and Hired Auto $1,000,000 Per Occurrence and Annual Aggregate only for Products/Completed Operations and Directors and Officers Liability (Separately). There is no General Aggregate. $1,000,000 Per Accident for Uninsured Motorist (applicable if auto liability coverage X'd above). Per Occurrence and Annual Aggregate for Employment Practices with $10,000 Deductible. • Limit is exhausted by Indemnity and Defense Cost • Limits apply to each entity in the program $1,000ded. $600 No Please contact Robert F. Driver to report claims. Program and Deductible loss adjustment will be provided by Carl Warren and Company. ROBERT F. DRIVER ASSOCIATES, NEWPORT BEACH, CA GORDON B. DesCOMBES, VICE PRESIDENT BELQUIS SHARIF, ACCOUNT ADMINISTRATOR PLEASE SEE SPECIFIC POLICY FOR COMPLETE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND EXCLUSIONS. H:\U\JlftWORD\BS\SUMMARY\SLP-SUMDOC 4041 MACARTHUR BLVD., SUITE 300, P.O. BOX 6450. NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA 92658-6450 (714)756-0271 • FAX (714) 756-2713 • LIC.# 0084379 ^ J