HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-09-15; Parks & Recreation Commission; 997-6; North Coast Horse Riders AssociationPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AB# 997-6 MTG 9-15-97 DEPT CSD TITLE : NORTH COAST HORSE (ACTION) AGENDA BILL RIDERS ASSOCIATION RECOMMENDED ACTION : Defer any action at this time on a request to conduct additional research and analysis to include horseback riding use of the Citywide Trail System pending a financial methodology for the development and maintenance of a trail system in Carlsbad. Refer this issue to the Planning Department at that time. ITEM EXPLANATION : At the suggestion of the Planning Commission, representatives of the North Coast Horse Riders Association will address the Parks and Recreation Commission to request that research and analysis be initiated to include horseback riding use of the Citywide Trail System. In review of this issue, the Citywide Trail System, more specifically, the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan (OSCRMP), was presented to the City Council in 1992. Although the plan was accepted by the City Council, a financing strategy to successfully complete strategic land acquisitions, and more importantly, provide funding for development maintenance and operations has yet to be determined. However, one of the stages to the OSCRMP is a Trail Economic Study which is currently or will soon be undertaken. One of the major components of the plan is its financing. Moreover, the OSCRMP has been a product conceived and developed through the Planning Department. It's development has been the result of significant public involvement and workshops including review and input from several City departments, Boards, Commissions, and the City Council. In terms of equestrian trails use, the proposed trail system includes three (3) segments where equestrian use will be permitted. As the Trail System segment of the OSCRMP states, the equestrian uses at these locations have been included to provide vital connections in the Regional Equestrian Trail System. Furthermore, beyond these three (3) segments, it is not currently intended that Carlsbad's Trail System will accommodate equestrian use. The recommendation to limit equestrian use of the Trail System was based upon a number of factors including, but not limited to the following: • Liability concerns • Trail design criteria • Limited local boarding and / or staging facilities • De-emphasis of the equestrian component of the Parks and Recreation element (1982) • Maintenance • Public input Although the Citywide action and implementation plan for the OSCRMP recommends that the City conduct some additional research and analysis of the desirability and impacts of extending equestrian use before reaching a final decision on this matter, staff would recommend that consideration for such a study be initiated only after the results of an Economic Study would . 26 AB#997-6 Page 2 confirm the trail development will proceed. In addition, such a study would best be undertaken by the principal authors or the appropriate City staff which has been responsible for the compilation of information contained within the Trails Study. Therefore, staff is recommending to defer any action at this time and refer the issue to the Planning Department when and if appropriate. EXHIBITS: 1. Letter to Acting Community Services Director 2. Citywide action and implementation plan "Equestrian Trail Use" "Carlsbad Trails System Segment No. 55, 57A & 57B" "Carlsbad Trail System Map" 27 September 1, 1997 North Coast Horse Riders Association Cherie Lankford 2830 Forest View Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 Mr. Ken Price, Acting Community Services Director City of Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Price, On August 6th, we attended the Planning Commission and presented our concerns regarding planned trails in Carlsbad. At the suggestion of the Planning Commission, we will address the Parks and Recreation Commission at the next meeting, September 15th , with our concerns. We advocate multi-use trails and request that the Parks and Recreation Commission conduct research and analysis to include horseback riding use of the city wide trail system. Please note in the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan (page 77, Equestrian Trail Use, paragraph 2) consideration is given to extend equestrian use to other areas of Carlsbad. We look forward to meeting you and the Commission on September 15th. Sincerely, Cherie Lankford Vice President QQ EXHIBIT 1 IV. CITYWIDE ACTION AND IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan Project Design Flexibility It is important to note that the City intends for the detailed design and alignment of all trail segments to be determined hy individual projects. The final locations for trails should be refined through project layout and site specific design, civil engineering and environmental constraints analysis. Within the intent of flexibility, the Planning Department will consider the discretionary approval of trail alignments which do not fully meet the design intent of the proposed trail system. Such "variances" to the trail design guidelines will only be issued in exceptional circumstances, for example where unusual hardship might result from insistence on total compliance with the design and alignment requirements. Examples of possible exceptions include: • Arterial roadway setbacks: Although the general intent for the trail system is for it to be aligned within open space corridors located separate from roadways, in cases where undue difficulties exist in alternative alignments, the City may approve the alignment of portions of the proposed primary trail system in open space setbacks alongside arterial or other major roadways. • Powerline corridors: The City is committed to proceed under a policy of "prudent avoidance" with regard to locating uses within major powerline easements: Until more conclusive evidence can be provided regarding the advisability and potential health risks of locating uses within electromagnetic fields (EMF's) the City will avoid permitting uses within major powerline easements except where such use cannot be avoided. Trails should be located outside of powerline easements wherever possible, but the City may approve the location of a trail segment within a powerline easement where no other opportunity exists for connection of the trail system. Equestrian Trails Use The proposed trail system includes three segments where equestrian use will be permitted in addition to the hiking and bicycle use permitted throughout the trail system (Segments Nos. 57 A and 58A and a portion of No. 55). These equestrian uses have been included so as to provide vital connections in the regional equestrian trail system. Beyond these three segments, it is not currently intended that Carlsbad's trail system will accommodate equestrian use. However, equestrian interest groups in the City have asked that additional consideration be given to the potential for extending equestrian use to a bigger portion of Carlsbad's trail system. It is recommended that the City conduct some additional research and analysis of the desirability and impacts of extending equestrian use before reaching a final decision on this matter. 29 EXHIBIT 2 r Existing Conditions Location: CARLSBAD TRAILS SYSTEM SEGMENT NO. 55 From intersection of Mission Estancia and Calle Accrvo at Stagecoach Park south to Encinilas. Zone: Length: Existing Ownership: Existing/Surrounding Land Use: Development Plans: Design Siting Criteria: Shared Use Needs: Trail Type: Implementation Anticipated Phasing: Negotiation/Permits and Approvals: Proposed Ownership: Cost Estimate • Improvements: Maintenance Cost (Annual): Notes 11 7,000 L.F. Private Undeveloped Residential After short section along sidewalk trail follows boundary of future school site and Chen into open space areas of proposed residential developments. N/A 2 i I L L L 1 Department of Fish and Game, Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers City $168,000 - City cost $6,650 per annum Possible connection into Encinitas trail system B-64 30 CARLSBAD TRAILS SYSTEM SEGMENT NO. 57A Existing Conditions Location: Zone: Length: Existing Ownership: Existing/Surrounding Land Use: Development Plans: Design Siting Criteria: Shared Use Needs: Trail Type: Implementation Anticipated Phasing: Negotiation/Permits and Approvals: Proposed Ownership: Cost Estimate - Improvements: Maintenance Cost (Annual): This segment forms a short spur connecting southwest from Segment No. 55 to join with the Encinitas trails system 11 500 L.F. 264-010-23 Residentiaiyopen space/City of Encinitas Open space/City of Encinitas If possible, this segment should be located within an open space corridor. N/A 2 2 N/A City of Carlsbad $12,000 - City cost $475 per annum B-67 31 CARLSBAD HAIL SYSTEi CITY OF CARLSB/ Open Space 4 Conserv Resource Management ••-<S JUNE 33 CARLSBAD TRAILS SYSTEM SEGMENT NO. 58A Existing Conditions Location: Zone: Length: Existing Ownership: Existing/Surrounding Land Use: Development Plans: Design Siting Criteria: Shared Use Needs: Trail Type: Implementation Anticipated Phasing: Negotiation/Permits and Approvals: Proposed Ownership: Cost Estimate - Improvements: Maintenance Cost (Annual): This segment connects from trails in San Marcos and the County of San Diego, across the southeast comer of Carlsbad, to connect with the Encinitas trail system. 11 1,500 L.F. 223-061-02 Undeveloped, San Marcos, County, Encinitas Unknown Coordination of the location of this trail segment must be coordinated with adjacent j urisdictions. N/A 2 Coordination with adjacent jurisdictions City 536,000 - dedicated improvements $1,425 per annum B-68 32