HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-01-19; Parks & Recreation Commission; 198-6; Establishing Scholarship OpportunitiesPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION -AGENDA BILL AB# 198-6 - TITLE : CONSIDERATION OF ESTABLISHING 0 INFO DIV. REC. STAFF: BETTIN -VlTG. DATE: 1-19-98 SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES FOR 13EPT. CSD RECREATION PROGRAMS RECOMMENDED ACTION: Consider a proposed scholarship plan for Recreation programs. If the Commission concurs with the scholarship plan as presented, your action would be to direct staff to process this proposal to the City Council for their consideration. ACTION I ITEM EXPLANATION: In order to enhance the departments efforts to meet the City Council goal of providing a variety of quality recreational programs and facilities, within our fiscal resources, to all Carlsbad residents, staff is proposing a scholarship plan. By proposing this plan, staff hopes to expand the opportunity for those children to participate in our recreation programs who may not otherwise be able to be a part of. The attached report outlines the proposed Recreation Scholarship Program and Robin Bettin, Recreation Supervisor I1 will present the issue for the Commission’s review and consideration. EXHIBITS: 1. Memo to Recreation Scholarship Program - January 5, 1998. - 22 rc January 5, 1998 To: Acting Community Services Director 8 From: Recreation Supervisor II Recreation Scholarship Program Bac karou nd During the past several years, the Community Services Department has had numerous requests from the community to establish a program which would assist youngsters who could not normally afford to participate in Recreation programs. Based on this input, staff began to work on developing a scholarship program for the community. Discussion In planning this program, staffs' first task was to develop a funding mechanism. An idea for a joint fundraising project was created and proposed to the Carlsbad Youth Baseball (CYB) organization. The fund-raiser was called "Carlsbad Clean Sweep." The proposal required that CYB participants would acquire financial sponsorship in return for volunteering hours of community service work. The Recreation Division would coordinate the various volunteer projects for the league and its participants. All funds raised would go directly to CYB, with their organization donating ten percent of the total back to the City's scholarship fund. The sponsorship drive began and continued through to the first of April. Carlsbad Clean Sweep was held in April, 1997, with approximately 250 members of the Carlsbad Youth Baseball program participating. The players, coaches and team parents helped to plant vegetation at parks, picked up trash in parks, lagoon and on beaches, did general clean up and maintenance at community facilities. The day was a great success and was finished up with a barbecue for the participants which was held at Holiday Park. The Clean Sweep Campaign brought in approximately $9,000 for CYB, with a $900 donation made to the City's Scholarship fund. Funds were deposited into a Special Revenue fund (001 -5036-5650) for distribution towards the proposed scholarship program. 23 EXHIBIT 1 In order to distribute the funds from the scholarship program, staff has developed requirements and procedures. Numerous cities that have scholarship programs were surveyed; and the information was used to help develop a program for Carlsbad. (attachment ) The packet includes a letter explaining the program and an application form. Applications will be available at all three community centers and the swim complex; additionally there will be information in the department brochure explaining the program. The applications will be reviewed by staff to determine eligibility. The criteria for eligibility is based on U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development standards. Two income categories are defined, based on the number of family members and income. Families in category 1 are eligible for a 75 percent discount on an individual program fee and families in category 2 are eligible for a 50 percent discount on an individual program fee. (Attachment) year for families in category one and a limit of $75 per year for families in category two; is established in order to provide assistance to as many families as possible. A limit of $100 per Conclusion Scholarships will be awarded to all qualified applicants as long as funds remain available. The Special Revenue account for scholarships will be funded through donations and fund raising efforts like Clean Sweep Carlsbad. The Carlsbad Youth Baseball league would like to participate again in Clean Sweep in 1998, and the City would receive 10 percent of the donations. Robin P. Bettin Attachment 24 January 5, 1998 Dear Applicant: The Carlsbad Community Services Department is now offering OPPORTUNITY GRANTS, a unique program designed to give Carlsbad resident youths a chance to experience the world of Recreation. Grants will be awarded based on United States Department of Housing an Urban Development income standards. There are two categories of grants, either 50 percent of the program cost or 75 percent of the program cost. There is a funding limit of $100 for category 1 families and $75 for category 2 families, per year. Please fill out the attached form and return it to: OPPORTUNITY GRANTS Harding Community Center 3096 Harding Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Remember you must include the following with your grant application: 0 All necessary documents verifying family income ((see attachment) 0 A completed Activity Registration form, specifymg the program you would like to attend. OPPORTUNI7Y GRANTS Partial scholarships are now being awarded to Carlsbad residents who are less than 17 years old. i- ne amount of the scholarship depends upon total family income and the number of persons in the family. The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development standards are used in defining qualifying income levels. Scholarships will be considered for families falling into the income categories as shown below: Family Members 2 23; 100 25,560 27,700 29,750 3 1,800 33,850 363950 41,050 44,300 47,600 50,900 54,150 APPLlCATION PROCESS ParenVGuardian must complete a “Certification of Eligibility for Scholarships” form (see attached). To establish annual income, applicant must provide tax return. INote: Please allow 1 To verify residency, applicant must show proof such as driver’s license or utility billl. If approved, the “Certification of Eligibility” is good for one year. Please allow a minimum of 15 working days for processing of the application. You will be notified in writing of the availability of grant funding and if there is space in the requested program. This notification will include the location and start date of the program, your cost and the date the fees are due. If you have any further questions, please contact the Recreation Supervisor at Harding Community Center (760)434-2834. riank you. 25 CARLSBAD COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Recreation Division 3096 Harding Street - Carlsbad, CA 92008-2320 (61 9) 434-2833 - FAX (61 9) 434-7287 @ CARLSBAD COMMUNITY SERVICES CERTICATION OF ELIGIBILITY FOR OPPORTUNITY GRANTS (Confidential) ParenVGuardian’s Name (Print) Last b’irst Middle Address City Lip i ,omii ork # Dependents Name Date of Birth School Number of family members residing at residence: 0 Rent 0 Own Class or Program Name: Class #: Fee: Income Resources of Family (report total annual income for each item listed below): Source Amount Verification (attach copy) a. Money, Wages or Salary $ Current Check Stub 3. Social Security $ Current Check Stub c. Public AssistanceWelfare $ d. Unemployment or Disability $ Current Check Stub e. Alimony $ Current Check Stub or Court Decree f. Child Support $ Current Check Stub or Court Decree - Notice of Action from Dept. Social Services g. Other Income $ GROSS ANNUAL INCOMWOTAL $ I affirm to the best of my knowledge and belief that the above statements are true. Signature Relationship to Child Date (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) 1 hereby certify that the above family is eligible for the scholarship program at the rate of maximum of $100 (Category 1)/$75 Category 2) per year per family. Expires on +wount Rewarded: $ Date: Reviewed by: % up to a (I year). Mac/Data/Rec/Forms/l2-97