HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-01-19; Parks & Recreation Commission; 198-7; Commission Workshop/ Summary of DataI PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION -AGENDA BILL I 198-7 TITLE : PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION WORKSHOP / SUMMARY OF DATA DIV. STAFF: BEVERLY RE C ./AD M I N . INFO ACTION RECOMMENDED ACTION : After discussion, take appropriate action and direct staff accordingly. ITEM EXPLANATION : This issue and the attached Summary of Data was included in the December Commission Agenda packet under Consent Items. Due to time constraints involved with the December meeting, it was requested that the summary results be discussed during the January meeting, if necessary. Accordingly, the summary of data collected during the November 12, 1997 Parks and Recreation Workshop is attached for your review, consideration, and further discussion. EXHIBITS: 1. PRC AB# 1297-3 Commission Workshop Summary of Data - November 12,1997. 27 - AB# 1297-3 MTG 12-15-97 TITLE: COMMISSION WORKSHOP SUMMARY OF DATA DEPT CSD (INFO) Receive for review, a Summary of Data from the Parks and Recreation Commission Workshop. ITEM EXPLANATION: Attached for review and information is a Summary of Data resulting from the Parks and Recreation Commission Workshop held on November 12, 1997. If the Commission would like to discuss the contents of the Summary Data in greater detail, staff would recommend bringing the item back during the January Commission meeting. If the Commission feels further review is necessary, direct staff to place the item on the January Agenda during the ”Agenda Items for Next Commission Meeting” portion of the Agenda. Staff is recommending this alternative due to time constraints involved with the December meeting and Holiday dinner. However, if the Commission desires to discuss the issue during the Commission meeting, it may be pulled from the consent calendar for discussion. EXHIBITS: 1. Summary of Commission Workshop Data 28 EXHIBIT 1 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION WORKSHOP - NOVEMBER 12,1997 SUMMARY OF DATA I. City Reorqanization Frank Mannen (Assistant City Manager), discussed the recent citywide reorganization, in particular, the changes within the Community Services Department. The most significant change identified is the assignment of the Park Maintenance Division (including Tree and Median Assessment Maintenance) to the Public Works Major Service Area (MSA). Although the Parks Division has been reassigned, both Frank Mannen and Lloyd Hubbs (Public Works Director/City Engineer) reiterated the importance of continued communication and continuity of a solid working relationship with the Parks and Recreation Commission. Staff in attendance confirmed a commitment to succeed in the reorganization and continue an effective working relationship between Parks and Recreation related issues. I 2. Review of Park Master Plan - Keith Beverly gave an update of current park development and park related issues within each of the four Quadrants of the City. A history of previous issues which may have an impact on current or future issues coming before the Commission was also addressed. Some of those issues for discussion were: ‘F- a a 0 0 a a a a a a a a Northwest Quadrant Park Enhancement Report Pine School N.E. Quadrant and efforts to provide additional land for activity play fields (1 5 ac) Larwin Park Master Plan Zone 5 Industrial Park Facility Macario Canyon (Veteran’s Memorial Park) Skateboard Facility South Shore Study Aviara Park Site Carrillo Ranch Alga Node Park Stagecoach Park EXHIBIT 1 29 3. Commissioner@) issues of concern, discussion, expectations. etc. The following list identifies subjects which were discussed and/or general statements that were made relevant to Commissioner’s interests or observations: How can the Commission become more effective, i.e., more pro-active vs. reactive. How can the Commission help expedite issues? Become more involved in the initial review and preparation of C.I.P. Budget Continue to make recommendations on issues as the Commission deems it necessary. Recommend changes through the revision of the Parks and Recreation Element. The Commission should not be a rubber stamp to mirror staffs opinion and/or recommendations. It’s the Commission’s responsibility to recommend change to the Council if it reflects community interests as perceived by the Commission. It’s ok to recommend changes to policy, municipal code, etc. Sometimes there is a need to lobby outside the context of the Commission The Parks & Recreation Commission should become more involved in open space/trail system, Le., funding, maintenance, policy issues Commission should consider having discussions on a number of issues via the Agenda process and make broad recommendations to the Council on those issues, i.e., trails These workshops are productive and beneficial. There should be more scheduled throughout the year, an informal setting is good. 2 30 4. Staff issues of concern, discussions, expectations. etc. 0 Satisfying special interest groups, the Commission should consider the Parks and Recreation Element prior to approving requests. Individual requests should be considered on their own individual merit. Staff should provide more alternatives on Agenda Bills for the consideration of the Commission. There is a need to review, update and or revise the facility standards. Perhaps initiating a community survey would identify facility use needs, trends and current issues. There is a science to preparing, qualifying and legitimizing survey results. Time, expense and methodology is involved. Parks and Recreation Element will soon be required to be updated. The last revision was done in house with staff and a subcommittee of Parks and Recreation Commissioners. It is a lengthy process and perhaps steps should be initiated to begin with a revision process. Staff is considering major changes to the way in which the Recreation Brochure is currently formatted including composition materials, advertising, expanding contents of information to possibly include Library, Seniors, Arts as well as Recreation Programs, Special Events, Daytrippers, citywide reports etc. Staff is in process with review of this issue. In general, the Parks and Recreation Commission Agenda works well. However, more alternatives for action should be presented for Commission consideration. The Public Hearing portion of the Agenda will now be incorporated within the Departmental Reports because all issues discussed allow for and encourage public input. Staff reiterated the importance of agenda briefing sessions and confirmed their commitment to meet with or discuss anylall issues with Commissioner’s prior to the meetings so that a clear understanding of agenda items exists. Staff 3 further explained that their presentation of Agenda items, both written and oral, try to convey existing policy and/or professional recommendations rather than personal opinions or attitudes. 5. Items requirinq follow up Staff should allow for early budget review by the Commission. Both Operation and Capital Improvement Program . Re-work Commission subcommittee list to include: r/ Parks & Recreation Element Revision Budget Review (C.I.P.) Possible Brochure Committee Bring subcommittee list and assignments before the Commission (January 1998) Check with Attorney’s regarding the amount of workshops that the Commission can have in this type of informal setting. Maintain ongoing liaison with Parks Maintenance Division. Continue Commission meetings with the Parks Superintendent, or his assigned representative in attendees. Provide Summary of Workshop results/issues Adjourn 9:30 p.m. 4 32