HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-03-16; Parks & Recreation Commission; 398-5; FY 98-99 Park Maintenance & Rec. BudgetI PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION -AGENDA BILL - I AB# 398-5 I TITLE : RECOMMENDED ACTION : Review and endorse the FY 1998-99 Budget submittal for Parks and Recreation related operations. ITEM EXPLANATION : Attached are the Program Summary sheets for Parks and Recreation related areas which are within the purview of the Parks and Recreation Commission, They are: Park Maintenance Street Tree Assessment Maintenance Median Assessment Maintenance MTG. 311 6/98 DATE: DEPT. CSD/Public Works Parks & Rec. STAFF: Beverly/Duncanson/ Price FY 1998-99 Park Maintenance & Recreation Program Operating Budget 10 INFO El ACTION 24 *. r DIVISION: 161 5024 MEDIAN MAINT. (ASSESSMENT) FY 98-99 PERS/MO REQUEST TOTAL PERSONNEL $175,640 $436,849 BASE BUDGET: $ 395,157 OVEWUNDER BASE BUDGET +41,692 M&O $26 1 ,209 CAPITAL $4,000 < E BUDGET REQUEST $436,849 SIGNIFICANT NEW FUNDING REQUEST AND/OR REQUEST FOR FUNDING ABOVE BASE BUDGET BUDGET REFLECTS 10% INCREASE DUE TO NEW MEDIANS AND UPGRADES THAT ARE COMING ON LINE IN 98-99 FISCAL YEAR. -- 25 EXHIBIT 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD 1998-99 BUDGET PROGRAM SUMMARY c. FUND: 161 PROGRAM: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (Median Maintenance) PERSONNEL MA1 NT/OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY MISC. SERVICES ACCT NO. 1615024 164.079.00 175,640.00 234,326.00 261,209.00 4,000.00 0 0 11 1995-96 BUDGET FULL TIME POSITIONS HOURLYIFTE POSITIONS 1996-1 997 CURRENT 2.5 2.5 I 1 1997-98 ESTIMATE 1998-99 REQUEST GRAND TOTAL I I I 436,a49.00 I I I I WORK PROGRAM: Provide weekly landscape maintenance and litter control to all City medians and to Redevelopment Landscape improvement areas. ROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Medians: Maintain on a weekly basis 44+ acres of landscaped medians. ,- intenance includes trash pick-up, weed control, pruning, planting, pesticide Jication, removals, replanting and irrigation repairladjustment. Contractual Median Maintenance: Provide an on going program for contracting, administering and over seeing median maintenance for 20+ acres of City medians. Streetscape Maintenance: Maintain approximately 7.5 acres of high maintenance areas including planter boxes, downtown fountain, pond, landscape pockets, and parking lots. Maintenance activities consist of litter control, weed control, pruning, planting, pesticidefiertilizer application, irrigation repairladjustment, parking sweeping, fountain maintenance, and related duties with streetscape improvements. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: WORKLOAD MEASURES --- 95-96 96-97 97-98 1. Acres Maintained 4a 4a 48 2. Acres Maintained 35 36 38 3. Acres Maintained a a a This budget reflects 10% increase due to new medians and upgrades that are coming on line: Melrose-PAR to Rancho Santa Fe; Aviara Parkway-Poinsettia to PAR; Poinsettia-Melrose to dead-end; Cannon Rd.-Leg0 Dr. through Macario Canyon to-El Camino Real; Olivenhain Rd.- by Rancho Santa Fe. The increase will be reflected in contractual maintenance, water costs and miscellaneous supplies, equipment. In addition, staff continues to enhance and upgrade the appearance and level of maintenance of the medians. .. DIVISION: 1605023 TREE MAINT. (ASSESSMENT) FY 98-99 REQUEST PERSONNEL $321.125 PE RSlMO TOTAL BASE BUDGET: $587,691 $575,433 OVEWUNDER BASE BUDGET -612,258) M&O $254.308 CAP ITA L 0 BkSE BUDGET REQUEST $575,433 SIGNIFICANT NEW FUNDING REQUEST AND/OR REQUEST FOR FUNDING ABOVE BASE BUDGET NO SIGNIFICANT CHANGES 27 c PERSONNEL MAlNTlOPERATlON CAPITAL OUTLAY CITY OF CARLSBAD 1998-99 BUDGET 31 6,550.00 321,125.00 254,643.00 254,308.00 0 0 PROGRAM SUMMARY GRAND TOTAL FULL TIME POSITIONS HOURLY/FTE POSITIONS FUND: 160 PROGRAM: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (Street Tree Maintenance) 571,193.00 575,433.00 5.5 5.5 1.5 1.5 ACCT NO. 1605023 1998-99 1995-96 1996-1 997 1997-98 11 BUDGET 1 CURRENT 1 ESTIMATE I REQUEST MISC. SERVICES I I I 01 0 WORK PROGRAM: The Street Tree division provides maintenance to all trees in the public right-of-way, parks, open space areas, and trees at all City facilities.. ROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Street Trees: The Division Program provides maintenance for over 21,000 Ws on City right-of-ways. The Maintenance consists of pruning, planting, work order/requests, removes 50+ trees, and plants over 100 trees ioval and root pruning. The division annually responds to 500+ Street Tree Contractual Tree Maintenance: This program involves the treatment of undeveloped right-of-way and open space areas for weed growth removal. The activities include herbicide application, and cultural practices to eliminate weed growth. Weed Abatement: This program involves the treatment of undeveloped right- of-way and open space areas for weed growth removal. The activities include herbicide application, and cultural practices to eliminate weed growth. Hosp Grove Maintenance: Program currently involves quarterly maintenance of Hosp Grove. Work consists of clean-up, recruiting volunteer and grant assistance and removing hazardous trees. WORKLOAD MEASURES: 1. No. of Work Orders/ Citizen Requests Completed: 2. No. of Trees Trimmed: 3. No. of Trees Removed: 4. No. of Trees Planted 1. No. of Trees Pruned: 1. No. of Right-of-way Miles TreatedlMaintained: 2. No. Gallons of Mixed Herbicide Applied: 1. No of Probation hours: 2. No. of Volunteer/CCC Hours: 3. No. of Regular Hours: 95-9696-97 567 587 719 715 35 30 52 47 95 92 55 55 2,640 2,760 0 0 0 0 1,200 300 97-98 950 694 44 130 85 55 3.200 0 0 260 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: No significant changes this year. +- DIVISION: 0015050 - PARKS OPERATIONS FY 98-99 PERSIMO REQUEST TOTAL PERSONNEL: $91 2.060 $1,949.360 M&0: $1.037.300 CAPITAL: $45.000 BASE BUDGET REQUEST: $1,994.360 BASE BUDGET: 1.944.04 OVEWUNDER BASE BUDGET +5,316 SIGNIFICANT NEW FUNDING REQUEST AND/OR REQUEST FOR FUNDING ABOVE BASE BUDGET: The Parks Division's 1998-99 budget shows a slight increase over the base budget projected. This increase is only $5,314.00 or .0023%. The primary reasons for this overage is as follows: r' Heat & Light + $2,000 0 Waste Disposal + $5,000 Street Tree Assessment Funding + $3,800 Janitorial Supplies + $2,000 In addition the following requests for additional resources were submitted. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1. 2. Park Service Level Upgrade Poinsettia Park Phase 1 -A Poinsettia Park Maintenance Headquarters Skateboard Park Maintenance Leo Carrillo Park Phase I Enhanced Turf Maintenance Program Parkland Patrol and Clean Up Powerwash Village Area Sidewalks ParWCommunity Center Entrance Beautification PROJECTS ADDED TO CIP REQUEST: Sports Lighting Management Program Playground Equipment Modifications P PROJECT FUNDED FROM OTHER SOURCES: La Costall-5 Interchange Landscape Maintenance 1 . 30,000 64,400 7,000 4,000 16,000 25,000 10,000 10,000 16,000 36,000 24,000 26,000 29 CI 1 r 01. cAKLSUAD . 1997-98 BUDGET PROGRAM SUMMARY FUND 001 PROGRAM COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT (PARK OPERATIONS) / SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: This budget year the Parks division will have no major changes. initiated last year (Poinsettia, downtown & Safety Center upgrade, 1-5 lPoinsettia infe~~~g~egtn~ennislbasketball court enhancement) will continue. The budget request submitted daes showsfwwese in cap& equipment. Funding is requested to Rurchase equipment which will make the park operations more productive and efficient. These items are: a The Parks Division operations budget strives to meet several City Council goals. the first goal "provides a variety of quality recreational programs and facilities, within its fiscal resources to all Carlsbad residents and other participants," is met by providing clean, safe, quality park facilities throughout Carlsbad. The division maintains 8 Community Park sites and another 26 Special Use Areas. These areas range from small park areas (SUA'S) s.wh as the Jefferson Duck Feeding Park, the new Hosp Grove Park, Maxton Browne Park, to the large Community Parks of Stagecoach, Calavera and the new Poinsettia Park. A second goal, "Actively pursues the contribution of gifts and funds for arts, historical, senior, sister city and recreational I open space" will be strived for by soliciting sponsors to assist in the maintenance costs of the I-51Poinsettia interchange. Staff will be working with Adopt-A-Highway groups attempting to meet this goal. < - -1 .. Y c-osts j at Aviar while encouraging opportunities through partnerships with schools and the business community", is achieved with our ongoing uselrnaintenance agreements with the Carlsbad Unified School District and the Encinitas Unified School District. These agreements provide recreational areas at school sites for Carlsbad residents to use. The above City Council goals are provided for in the following programs: WORK PROGRAM: Maintain, preserve and enhance 280+ acres of park facilities, school athletic fields, beach accesses, and landscapes at various civic facilities. This includcs the maintenance of 8 Community Parks and 26 Special Use Areas. Manage Over 600 acres of open spacelundevclopcd areas and provide services to other departments as well as community groups. cii t ur C'AKLSBAD 1996-97 BUDGET IC- PROGRAM A C TIV I T I E S : PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Turf and Landscape Maintenance: Direct management of 96 acres of turf and 144+ acres of landscaping. Duties include mowing. fertilization, renovation, re-p I a nt i ng , t ri mmi ng , pesticide application, raking leavesldebris, turf sweeping, weeding, cultivation, edging, aerating, re- seeding, irrigation programming maintenance and equipment maintenance. Res troom Main tena ncelLitter Con trollP ic n ic A rea Services : Inspect, maintain, clean, paint and repair 13 separate restroom facilities (as well as 8 portable units) 5+ times per week. Clean, restock, sanitize, paint and plumbing repairs make up the duties of this activity. Also associated with this activity is litter control. All parks, beachaccesscsandbeachareasare cleaned 4+ times weekly to remove all littcr and service all trash receptacles. CoirrVFieldlTot Lot Maintenance: Maintain 25 tennis courts (21 lighted], 13 basketball courts, 16 soccer fields, and 23 softball /baseball fields. All athletic courts are clcancdlinspected on a weekly basis. Duties involve washing down, sweeping off, blowing off, fence inspcctionslrepairs, and playing surface inspcctions. In addition, this activity includes wcckly maintenance of all tot lots in the City. This includes sand rakingkveling, sand rototilling and play equipment inspection, repair and the necessary documentation of such actions. lrriqalion Maintenance: Maintain all landscape irrigation systcrns of City facilities. This includes proqrarnming over 93 different controllers with over 1,240 valves. Duties include re p I ace m e n t , re pa i r, t ro u b I e s hooting and now da!a entrylprograrnming via the centralized irrigatiori system. WORKLOAD MEASURES: WORKLOAD MEASURES: --- 95-96 96-97 97-98 1. Turf acres maintained 2. Landscape acrg. Maintained 3. Picnic areas: 80 90 92 qcY 128 133 135 137 17 19 19 I? 1. Rest stations maintained: (permanent) 11 13 13 I4 7 (portable) 77 8 2. Trash receptacles serviced: 375 408 410 4 20 1. Tennis courts maintained: 2. Ballfields maintained: 3. Tot lots maintained: 4. Basketball courts maintained: 5. Soccer fields maintained: 19 21 'pz 20 23 24 9 $0 $0 11 12 14 11 14 14 Y8 1. Irrigation MeasureslNo. of controllers: 85 93 95 2. Irrigation measureslno. of valves: 4,100 1,240 1,260 1 Ltbb .... 1 01 b,linL;)&m 1996-97 BUDGET PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Open Space Maintenance: Provide maintenance activities to City-owned open space, 1-5 interchange and areas of additional maintenance responsibilities. Duties include trash removal, clean up and weed abatement. Miscellaneous MaintenancelRepair and SDecial Request: These activities, which are difficult to measure, include repair and upgrading to park structures, facilities, play equipment and fencing, and the installation of play equipment, bleachers, drinking fountains, soccer goals, trash enclosures, concrete work, and painting projects. These additional activities also include special projects and requests by the community for turf installation, sculpture installations, various redevelopment requests and community garden needs. The total amount of time spent on these activities amounts to approximately 12% of Parks Maintenance activities. WORKLOAD MEASURES: 1. Number Of acres: 457 470 470 32 DIVISION: DO1 -5042 REWQUATICS - FY 98-99 PERSONNEL $224.400 M&O lam2Q PERS/MO TOTAL $323.300 ADJUSTED BASE BUDGET: 831 1.8s OVEWUNDER BASE BUDGET $11.485 CAPITAL u.!Lxx! TOTAL BUDGET REQUEST 3izmuQQ SIGNIFICANT NEW FUNDING REQUESTS AND/OR REQUEST FOR FUNDING ABOVE BASE BUDGET. (DOES NOT INCLUDE REQUESTS FOR ADDITIONAL RESOURCES) TOTALS e PERSONNEL REGULAR SALARIES DECREASE rc PART-TIME SALARIES INCREASE BENEFITS INCREASE M&O e e e e e e RECREATION INSTRUCTORS INCREASE DUES AND SUBSCRIPTIONS INCREASE OFFICE SUPPLIES INCREASE OFFICE FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (NEW ACCOUNT) INCREASE TELEPHONE AND COMMUNICATIONS (NEW ACCOUNT) TRAVEL - TRAINING (NEW ACCOUNT) INCREASE e CAPTIAL OUTLAY BUTTERFLY VALVE ASSEMBLY FOR MAIN DRAINS VACUUM PUMP AUTOMATIC/REMOTELY OPERABLE VACUUM CPR MANAKIN $( 1,924) 1,347 2,214 $1,637 $ 2,000 50 50 10,000 100 200 $12,400 3,400 4,500 6,000 2,500 $16,400 .- Community ServiceslRecreationlquatics Requests for Additional Resources Recreation/Aauatics (00 1-5042) 0 Early Morning Lifeguard 0 High School P.E. Classes Lifeguard 0 Spring Evening Staff 0 Summer time Office Aid 0 Fallwinter Sunday Operation 0 Additional week of Summer Operation 0 High School Girls Evening Water Polo Total FTECost .2 $ 3,600 .2 3,600 .04 800 .25 3,500 .I4 2,600 .I3 900 .073.600 1.03 $18,600 Estimated Program Revenue $ 500 0 200 500 1,300 900 3.600 $7,000 YY98 1029 AM ..- ULlvcnWL ARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES ACCOUNT NO. 001-5042 WORK PROGRAM: Aquatics provides for the operation of an attractive and safe Swim Complex that offers a comprehensive program for instruction, competition, and recreational swimming on a 50% self-sustaining basis. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES: LessondTraininq Provide instruction in swimming skills for all ages and abilities; provide education and training to general public and City employees in first-aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and basic rescue skills; serve as a North County certification/training site for men and women who wish to qualify for employment at the Carlsbad Swim Complex or similar pools. - Flln ________- and Fitness swimming. /ide opportunities for recre~tioncll swimming and fitness lap Competitive Swim Programs Provide opportunities for competitive swim instruction and coached workouts for youth and adults as a contract service; coordinn:e and schedule Carlsbad HiGh School use of the pool for physical education, boys' and girls' swim teams and water polo teams. ~i4,'X 8.43 Ah1 __ nstructional Lessons Landours Classes Conducted Participation: - Resident - Non-Resident Recreation and Lap Swim LaneiHours Daily Admissions Youth Adult Season Pass Admissions Aqua X LandHours Participa6 on CadsSad Swim Masters LaneiHours Participation North Coast A~U~~ICS LaneiHuurs Pdltlapa!lon Carlsbad High School LaneiHours Pjrt:u'oJtion Act. Est. Proj m97-98- 2,151 2,200 2,200 255 260 260 1,498 1,450 1,450 174 170 170 14,8.15 14,500 14,500 7,429 7,325 7,400 8.433 8,030 8,400 23.421 20,100 20,200 235 233 230 1.591 1,530 1.530 3,795 3,600 3.630 12.453 12,500 12.500 3.144 3,300 3.300 9,924 9,500 9,500 3.950 4,500 4,530 7,222 7,300 7,300 '1 5NlFlCANT CHANGES: ' I he following are significant changes from last fiscal year. Prsonnel: b I SIGNIFICANT CHANGES. Maintenance & Operation; $2,000 is requested to cover increased Recreational Instructor costs due to increased program participation. $1 0,000 is requested to purchase office furniture and equipment to renovate the Swim Complex office area. $200 is requested for Travel-Training to provide aquatic Facility Operator training for the Aquatic Specialist. Capital Outlav; There are five items requested, in order of priority; a replacement pool vacuum pump ($4,500); a replacement main drain butterfly valve assembly ($3,400); a replacement automatic pool vacuum ($6,000), and a replacement CPR training manikin ($2,500). Total Capital request is $1 6,400. 36 ACCT# 001 501 0 - OIVISION: Park Planninq & Recreation Manaaement (Formerly CSD Administration) FY 98-99 PERSlMO REQUEST TOTAL PERSONNEL: $334.1 89 M &O: $234.755 $568.944 I BASE BUDGET: $480.053* OVEWUNDER BASE BUDGET +88.891* CAPITAL: -0- TOTAL BUDGET REQUEST: $568,944 P SIGNIFICANT NEW FUNDING REQUEST AND/OR REQUEST FOR FUNDING ABOVE BASE BUDGET: None. NEW FUNDING REQUEST WITHIN BASE BUDGET 1. OVERTIME ($6,000) - Park Development Coordinator 2. Professional Services ($1 5,000) Senior Center Condo Map Parks & Recreation Element Strategic Planning Website Consultant Services for Veteran’s Memorial Park Master Plan Update 3. Printing ($10,000) - Landscape Manual 4. Part-Time Salaries (additional $12,000) 37 \, ,,h . ' 5 L) **I *Base Budget figure ($480,053) and amount overhnder base budget ($88,891 ) was a result of a 50-50 split of M&O accounts with the Public Works Department due to the Citywide reorganization. However, a 50-50 split - of the following M & 0 accounts did not occur, causing a significant request for funding over the Base Budget. Those accounts are: #7751 #8810 0 #8811 0 #8830 #8860 Telephone & Communications Vehicle Maintenance Vehicle Replace General Liability Info Systems $1 6,000 $1,006 $936 $17,365 $57,150 . $92,456 1998-99 BUDGET PERSONNEL MAINT/OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL POSITIONS HOURLYIFTE POSITIONS PROGRAM SUMMARY - 334,189 234.755 0 568,944 4 .975 ~~~- -I FUND: 001 PROGRAM: PARK PLANNING & REC. MANAGEMENT ACCT. NO. 5010 II 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 I BUDGET I CURRENT I REQUEST 1995-96 11 BUDGET WORK PROGRAM: The Park Planning and Recreation Management Division focuses its work program on efforts which insure that top quality park facilities and Recreation programs are developed and sustained for the benefit of those that live, work and play in Carlsbad. Accordingly, the purpose of this Division is to facilitate the goal of the Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council to implement the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan by effectuating current and future Park Planning and development projects and by managing the implementation and performance of Recreation programs. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Pa r k Accr u is it i o n , Pla n n in q a ndlo r Development : -%sure adequate park acquisition, development and 1. Monitor and implement existing park agreements. .ehabilitation in order to meet the park performance standards of the Growth Management Program, current community needs and recreational trends. 2. Coordinate the development of the Skateboard Park. 3. Begin the implementation of the Carrillo Ranch Master Plan Phase I development. 4. Coordinate with other City Departments and the construction contractor for the Phase 1A development of Poinsettia Community Park. 5. Coordinate and monitor the Capital Improvement Program Budget submittals for current and future park development projects. 6. Pursue the acquisition and development of the industrial recreation facility. 7. Provide staff support for the development of the Municipal Golf Course. Parks & Recreation Commission: Provide staff support to facilitate the effectiveness of the Parks and Recreation Commission in its goal to implement ,&e Parks and Recreation Element and advise City Council 1. Prepare Parks and Recreation Commission agendas and conduct Commission meetings which address relevant issues within the area of the Commission's purview. associated matters. 39 1998-99 BUDGET FUND: (&l - PROGRAM: PARK PLANNING & REC. MANAGEMENT ACCT. NO. 5010 2. Implement andlor process recommendations of the Commission for consideration by the City Council. 3. Initiate and staff special committees of the Commission requiring more detailed review of issues relating to park facilities, recreation programs, landscapes, street trees and open space. 4. Conduct Commission workshops to improve the expertise and effectiveness of the Commission. 1. Provide a wide variety of recreational programs and special events for all segments of the population that live, work and Recreation Proarams: Manage the implementation, performance* and adequacies Of Recreation Programs. play in Carlsbad. 2. Evaluate the effectiveness of Recreation Programs through the use and review of participant surveys. 3. Maintain the self sustaining percentage of Recreational programs as recommended by the City Council. 4. Prepare and distribute the Recreation Brochure three (3) times per year 5. Monitor, evaluate and implement the fee structure for Recreation Programs and facility rentals in an effort to secure a sustainable competitive advantage over the private sector for similar services. - Administrative Services: 1. Recommend and process personnel Provide the required administrative support to a Division with 18.5 full-time positions, 34.5 hourly/full-time equivalent positions, which operates with a budget of approximately $2.5 million. appointments,promotions, assignments and disciplinary actions. Provide ongoing support to management, general and part-time employees. Implement the services of contractual employees. 2. Maintain timely processing of special project requests, departmental reports and City Council Agenda Bills. Address citizen concerns. Prepare and monitor Departmental Goals and Objectives, Budget Administration for expenditures and revenues. r- F 'ISION: 001 5035 - REC OPS FY 98-99 ADJUSTED FY 98/99 BASE BUDGET: $449,540 PERSlMO OVENUNDER TOTAL BASE BUDGET PERSONNEL $371,530 $485,790 $36,250 M&O $1 14.260 CAPITAL $10,000 TOTAL BUDGET REQUEST: $495,790 SIGNIFICANT NEW FUNDING REQUESTS AND/OR REQUEST FOR FUNDING ABOVE BASE BUDGET. (DOES NOT INCLUDE REQUESTS FOR ADDITIONAL RESOURCES) PERSONNEL TOTALS TRANSFER OF ATHLETIC FIELD MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FROM REC FEE SUP. $ 11,840 3,260 SAFETY CENTER FACILITY ATTENDANT 3,000 ,* FACILITY ATTENDANTS NON-OPERATIONAL HRS. CENTERS $1 8,100 *M&O REPAIRS TO AUDIO VISUAL EQUIPMENT AT CENTERS 2,000 SECURITY GUARDS FOR FACILITY RENTALS 1,500 *OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,800 REPLACEMENT OF CANOPIES (2) 1,680 SPORTS EQUIPMENT, AND MISC.FIRST AID SUPPLIES 3,980 BALLFIELD MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 1,500 FIRST AID, CPR TRAINING & SUPERVISORS WORKSHOPS 3,450 BOTTLED WATER FOR COMMUNITY CENTERS 900 POSTAGE 250 CAPITAL OUTLAY FENCING AT STAGECOACH FOR PRESCHOOL * FURNITURE FOR HARDING OFFICE SPECIALIST $18,060 1,400 8,600 10,000 CITY OF CARLSBAD PROGRAM SUMMARY 1998-99 BUDGET PROGRAM: FUND: GENERAL DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES REC REATl ON 0 P E RAT1 0 NS - PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION CAPITAL OUTLAY GRAND TOTAL FULL TIME POSITIONS HOURLYlFTE POSITIONS ACCT NO. 001 -5035 1997-98 BUDGET $353,293 96,247 3,550 $453,090 5.00 9.89 1998-99 BUDGET $371,530 114,260 10,000 $495,790 5.00 11.13 WORK PROGRAM: Recreation Operations provides administrative support for the Recreation Division and for operating each of the three Community Centers and other City and school facilities used by the Department, the City and the public for recreational use and meetings. c PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: Information and Enrollment Service: Office Specialists meet and talk with the public to provide information on Recreation Division services, including programs and facilities. They enroll participants in person, by phone and by mail-in registration for classes, special events and sports leagues and collect and account for revenue, preparing deposits and delivering them to City Hall. Facilities Operation Service: The Recreation Supervisor schedules facilities, use of parks meeting rooms, athletic fields and tennis courts and assignslsupervises Facility Attendants. Facility Attendants assist in showing sites, complete applications, perform set-up and take- down of tables and chairs for meetings, open and close buildings and perform general clean- up and minor maintenance. Facility Attendants also provide baseball field maintenance for community sports groups. WORKLOAD MEASURES: Estimate Projected 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1. Reservations Processed: 2. Number of Facility Users: 3. Revenue: 3,240 3,420 3,460 639,410 650,140 660,000 $108,650 $109,820 $1 10,790 1. Number of Fields Maintained: 29 29 31 I \. SIGN1 Fl CANT CHANGES: 1. In the Personnel Section, Part-time Salaries (6300) has increased $1 1,840 due to the transfer of Athletic Maintenance Salaries from Recreation Fee Supported (5036-6300) since this service is primarily responsible for providing community field maintenance for sports groups at no fee; an increase of $3,260 is for Facility Attendants in support of community facility rentals at Stagecoach, Calavera and Harding Centers during non-operational hours; an increase of $3,000 is due to the need for additional Facility Attendant support for the Safety Center conference rooms. 0 Maintenance and Operation reflects an overall increase of $1 8,060. The Miscellaneous Outside Services Account (7550) reflects an increase of $3,500 to repair equipment at the Community Centers and pay for security guards during community facility rentals; an increase of $2,800 is in the Office Supplies Account (7725) to support increased program participation and inflationary costs; an increase of $7,160 is in the Miscellaneous Supplies Account (7899) to purchase sports equipment, tables, canopies and ballfield maintenance equipment; an increase of $3,450 in the Training and Education Account (8130) is for employee first aid, CPR and other related training and registrations for employees to attend Recreation workshops; an increase of $900 in the Purchase Water Account (7890) is for bottled water service at Recreation facilities; and an increase of $250 is in the Postage Account (7720) to support rising mailing costs. 0 Capital requests total $10,000. An $8,600 furniture upgrade for the Office Specialist II at Harding community Center is requested. The current furniture is not conducive for computer work or privacy. Fencing at the cost of $1,400 is requested for Stagecoach Community Center which would be placed on the grass outside a multi-purpose room to be used by private parties, preschool, church and youth groups. 43 ADJUSTED DIVISION: 001 5036 - REC FEE FY 98/99 BASE BUDGET: $1,035,050 FY 98-99 PERSONNEL $659,680 P E RSlMO OVEFUUNDER TOTAL BASE BUDGET M&O $385,350 CAPITAL $28,170 TOTAL BUDGET REQUEST: $1,045,030 $9,980 $1.073.200 SIGNIFICANT NEW FUNDING REQUESTS AND/OR REQUEST FOR FUNDING ABOVE BASE BUDGET. (DOES NOT INCLUDE REQUESTS FOR ADDITIONAL RESOURCES) PERSONNEL REGULAR SALARIES INCREASE * OVERTIME INCREASE TRANSFER OF FIELD MAINTENANCE PROGRAM TO REC. OPS. * PAY COMPETITIVE WAGES GRAPHICS TECHNICIANS (2) $3,800 PRESS OPERATOR $1,900 ADDITIONAL HOURS REQUIRED DUE TO PROGRAM GROWTH GRAPHICS TECHNICIANS (2) $5,400 PRESS OPERATOR $5,200 ADULT SPORTS SENIOR LEADER PERSONNEL BENEFITS IDENTIFIED BY FINANCE DEPT. ($20,360) IDENTIFIED BY RECREATION DIV. ($4,570) TOTALS $1 1,550 1,000 -1 1,840 5,700 10,600 3,200 (24,930) *M&O * TRIATHLON INSURANCE * TRIATHLON ADVERTISING TRIATHLON COMPUTER SOFTWARE BROCHURE UPGRADE * POSTAGE PAPER SUPPLIES DAY CAMP /PRESCHOOL MOBIL STORAGE COMPARTMENT REPLACE PRESCHOOL CARPETS/TABLES ~ ~~~~ ($4,720) 2,500 1,500 800 3,700 2,520 1,500 1,680 500 CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 14,700 RECREATION/AQUATIC COMPUTER REGISTRATION PROGRAM * COMPUTERS YOUTH SPORTS SUPERVISOR & ENRICHMENT CLASS C 22,800 5,370 44 ,- c Community ServicesRecreation Requests for Additional Resources Recreation Fee Supported (001 5036) 0 Enrichment Classes (Instructors 96,000; Supplies 5,000) 0 Triathlon (PR 8,400; Outside Services 8,500) 0 Stay 'N' Play (PIT 6,600; Supplies 7,000) 0 Day Camps (PTT 4,400;Supplies 8,000) 0 Preschool Program (P/T 9,700; Supplies 500) Youthsports Basketball (Supplies 2,570; Staff 6,700) Contract Camps (Staff 3,940) 0 Brochure Upgrade (Printing Acct 9,000) 0 Excursion Program (Excursion Leaders Acct. 9,400) Special Events (Pfl3,300) Adult Tennis Leagues (PR 3,100; Supplies 1,800) Total Full Time Positions Recreation Fee Supported (001 5036) 0 Recreation Specialist Position, X Time Preschool Coordinator Recreation Operations (001 5035) 0 Recreation Assistant Position 'A Time - Stagecoach Center 0 Recreation Assistant Position X Time - Calavera Center - cost 101,000 16,930 13,580 12,390 10,180 13,210 9,000 9,400 3,280 4.860 $193,820 $28,750 $2 3,7 5 0 23,750 Estimated Program Revenue 127,000 16,930 0 12,400 14,400 10,790 0 10,200 2,700 5.400 $199,820 45 CITY OF CARLSBAD PROGRAM SUMMARY PROGRAM: RECREATION FEE SUPPORTED FUND: GENERAL 1998-99 BUDGET DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES ACCT NO. 001-5036 f PERSONNEL MAINTENANCE OPERATION 1997-98 1998-99 BUDGET BUDGET $664,400 $659,680 370,650 385,350 $1,035,050 $1,045,030 , FULL TIME POSITIONS 8.50 7.50 HOURLYlFTE POSITIONS 16.23 16.39 GRAND TOTAL WORK PROGRAM: The Recreation Fee Supported budget section provides comprehensive opportunities for meeting the needs and interests of the community through fee-supported programs on a 60% self-sustaining basis. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES: WORKLOAD MEASURES: Instructional Classes: Provides year-round classes for all ages, pre-school to seniors, taught by qualified contract instructors at various sites in Carlsbad. Daytrippers: Offers both one day and multi-day trips for adults. A trained Tour Guide assists those on the trip to enjoy social and cultural events in Southern California. Sports Proqrams: Provides a variety of seasonal sports, coaching and competition; including adult slow-pitch softball, basketball, track and field and volleyball. Estimate Projected 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 Enrichment Classes: # Conducted 1,249 1,300 1,300 # Enrolled 13,659 13,800 13,880 Revenue $446,480 $450,000 $460,000 Daytrippers: # Trips Conducted 28 29 30 # Participants 710 730 740 Revenue $43,559 $45,000 $46,000 Camps: # Camps 24 28 30 # Participants 1025 1200 1400 Revenue $74,425 $76,000 $77,000 Youth Sports: # Teams 75 105 105 # Participants 1,415 1,500 1,540 # Spectators 15,000 22,000 23,000 Revenue $58,082 $59,000 $60,000 Ad u I t Sports: # Teams 282 304 318 # Participants 4,030 4,350 4,600 # Spectators 28,000 30,500 32,500 Revenue 80,830 91,000 95,400 46 \I I $1 , ' ,, Special EventsIAfter-School Proqrams: Offers a variety of special events for youth, teens and adults including Easter Egg Hunts, Halloween Carnivals, triathlon, camps and golf clinics. The "Stay N' Play," an after-school special activities program, is conducted at Pine School Volunteers are included in a high percentage of Recreation Division programs including youth basketball, triathlon and special events Estimate Projected 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 Special Events: # Events 12 11 12 # Participants 7,790 7,000 7,500 Revenue $54,800 $56,000 $56,000 Community Volunteers: # Volunteers 440 500 525 # Hours 8,830 9,500 10,000 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: In the personnel Section, Regular Salaries Account (6100) a decrease of $1 1,840 has been identified by the Finance Department, an increase of $1,000 in the Overtime Account (6200) is for full time staff working Special Events, Part-time Salaries Account a decrease of $23,040 is due to the transfer of Athletic Field Maintenance salaries to Recreation Operations (5035-6300), an increase of $9,200 is to pay for rising payroll costs to retain quality Graphics Technicians who design art work and an increase of $7,100 is to pay the press operator who performs printing crucial to the Recreation Division's promotional efforts, and an increase of $3,200 is for additional Senior Leader support of the Adult Sports Leagues and the Triathlon. The Finance Department has identified personnel benefits reductions of $10,210 and the Recreation Division $4,570. Maintenance and Operation reflects an overall increase of $1 4,700. The Miscellaneous Outside Services Account (7550) has an increase of $2,500 to provide Triathlon Insurance, which was previously covered by Risk Management and $4,000 to support higher transportation costs for the Youth Day Camp program. An increase of $1,500 in the Advertising and Publication Account (7710) is for increases in Trithlon advertising rates. The Printing Account (7715) has a $3,700 increase to cover rising costs for the production of the Community Services brochure. The Postage Account (7720) has a $2,520 increase to pay higher mailing costs for program registration and publicity materials due to Carlsbad's population increases. The Miscellaneous Supplies Account (7899) has increases of $1,500 to purchase printing press and paper supplies, $800 for computer software with sponsorship information for the Triathlon, $1,680 to purchase mobile storage compartments to be used in the Day Camp and Preschool programs, and $500 to replace unserviceable preschool carpets and tables. A transfer of $4,000 was made to the Miscellaneous Outside Services to fund transportation for Day Camp field trips. - Capital Requests total $28,170. The cost of $22,800 is requested to replace the current Recreation and Aquatic computer registration program and software which is not compatable with the City's computer network, and technology level needed by the Recreation Division. Request $5,370 to provide computer support for the Recreation Supervisor I in charge of Youth Sports and the Recreation Assistant coordinating the Enrichment Class program at Harding Community Center. 47 ADJUSTED c DIVISION: 001 -5044-AHL (PERMITS) BASE BUDGET: $34.775 FY 98-99 PERSIMO REQUEST TOTAL PERSONNEL $13,647 $1 6.41 7 OVEWUNDER BASE BUDGET -$I 8.358 M&O $2,770 CAPITAL $0 TOTAL BUDGET REQUEST: $1 6,417 P SlGNlFlGANT NEW FUNDING REQUESTS AND/OR REQUEST FOR FUNDING ABOVE BASE BUDGET Signifigant changes: The adjusted base budget number represents a decrease from last Fiscal Year due to the transfer of Lagoon Patrol Enforcement Operations to the Police Department. Personnel PT Salaries Benefits Decrease $ 13,450 Transfer of Lagoon Patrol Operations to the Police Decrease $ 1,346 Transfer of Lagoon Patrol Operations to the Police M&O Decrease of $6,530 in the Lagoon Maintenance and Operations accounts due to the transfer of Lagoon Patrol Operations to the Police Department Capital c NoRequest CITY OF CARLSBAD PROGRAM SUMMARY 1998-99 BUDGET 1996-97 1997-98 BUDGET ACTUAL PERSONNEL $ 25,645 $ 25,875 MA1 N TE NAN C E 0 P E RAT1 0 N $ 8,720 $ 8,900 CAPITAL OUTLAY $0 $0 1998-99 BUDGET $ 13,647 $ 2,770 $0 WORK PROGRAM: Provides for the Agua Hedionda Lagoon permits program. All vessels on the water are required to obtain a valid City use permit. The permits clerk supports this function. P ROG RA hl ACTlVlTl ES: WORKLOAD MEASURES: ____ Permits: Issue annual lagoon use permits. Estimatn Projected and categorize boating use activity. Publish and distribute information regarding use, rules, 1. Applications 440 400 4 50 and regulation of the lag3on. Provides administrative support for the La2oon Patrol 2. Annual Permits: 285 250 275 0 f fi 3. Daiiy Permits: 151 125 150 Lagmn Clsnn-nl-, Proqram: Coordinate and over-see Bi-annual Lagoon clean-up days 4. Observations: 4850 4903 4325 (JuneiOct). Vzrify and monitor DMV registration. Document 1995-97 1997-93 1395-99 r s . REVENUE: $ 27,700 $27,000 $28,000 SIC N I F I C ANT C HA P.I G E S : In th-3 A3u3 Hzdiondcl Lag3on bcldget !j 14,795 in hourly Lagoon Patrol Specialist salaries and benefits has b.2-28 tra;isfzrred t,2 the Policc D.zpar',m.znt's budgd. In addition, $5535 ha3 be3n reduczd and re- alloc3:u.d tc? the Police d;.?artni-snt in t/ic ni3intsnance and opemtions account;. This amount is used f,x ths purch3~ and upk22p of buoys, b3t repairs, and miscellaneous Lagoon supplies.