HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-06-15; Parks & Recreation Commission; 698-5; Shade Structure at Poinsettia Community ParkAB# 698-5 MTG. DATE: 6/15/98 - I DEPT. CSD DIV. REC & PRK PLN INFO TITLE : SHADE STRUCTURE AT POINSETTIA COMMUNITY PARK STAFF: STEYAERT I ACTION RECOMMENDED ACTION : Accept and file staff update. ITEM EXPLANATION : During the May Commission meeting, the issue of providing a shade structure at the Poinsettia Community Park Tot-Lot area was briefly addressed by the Commission. Because the issue was not listed as an Agenda Item in May, staff will respond to the issue in more detail during the June meeting. Mark Steyaert, the Park Development Coordinator, will present a verbal staff report relevant to this issue. EXHIBITS: 1. Poinsettia Community Park Master Plan . POINSETTIA COMMUNITY PARK master plan /c PHASING YEAR 6. 7. A 91 9. COWUNIN CENTEWGYMNMIUM TENNIS COMPW Za. Clubhouse 2b. (1) loumamml COUW (Ilghted) 2c. (10) lennlr Coufh (Ilghted) Id. (1) Warn Up Wall BMLFIELD COMPW 3b. SOCCER COMPLEX 4a. 4b. 4c. HARDCOURT COMPW CHILDREN’S PUY AREAS 6a. (1) 2-1 Yw Uay Ei.rmnl~ 6b. (2) 69 Yoaf Play Ebmonh PASSIVE RECREATION AREA 7a. (2) C0v.r.d r(cnlc Arm 7b. (15) Plcnk TablWBBQa 7c. (2) Homwlaor MlSCEUANEOUf 6a. 6b. (2) Batting Cages 6c. (1) Sand VoUOybaU (Ilghted) BUILDINGS 9a. (2) Pertroomr 9b. (I) RerlroOmlSnackbor 9c. (I) Malntenance Sa. (I) BaBOball field (1lght.d) (2) Soltballlvoulh Baseball Fleld (Ilghled) (1) Ptimafy Soccer Fleld (Ilghted) (2) Ovdy SoccH Fleldt (Ilghted) (1) Enchod SocCu Fkld (Ughled) (2) to8k.lboy - w.d) (2) Golf Tee OH Cages