HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-11-16; Parks & Recreation Commission; 1198-3; 3038 Jefferson St - Ficus Tree Removal/ReplacementPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION -AGENDA BILL I n INFO AB# 1198-3 I TITLE : DIV. TREES STAFF: DUNCANSON MTG. DATE: 11-16-98 I AT 3038 JEFFERSON STREET El - __ ._ DEPT. PUBWKSI I I . ---- - REQUEST FOR REMOVAL AND I REPLACEMENT OF FICUS TREES I ~vl ACTION I RECOMMENDED ACTION : If Commission concurs, direct staff to remove and replace (with a different species), two (2) Ficus Nitida trees at 3038 Jefferson Street. ITEM EXPLANATION : A request has been brought to the attention of the Parks Division to remove two (2) trees at 3038 Jefferson Street. Since the trees identified are in the general downtown area and are of significant size, this issue has been referred to the Parks and Recreation Commission for resolution. The two (2) trees in questions are large Ficus Nitida, Cuban Laurel trees located on Jefferson Street near the Southeast corner at Carlsbad Village Drive. These trees, while quite stately and large, are causing several problems. The attached letter notes many of the problems. Ficus trees are notorious for their root damage. The sidewalk and curb at this location have been repaired or replaced several times at a cost of thousands of dollars. We realize tree removal is always controversial but staff believes these trees have outgrown their environment. Therefore, it is staffs' (Park Superintendent's) best horticultural opinion that these trees be replaced with an alternate species. The reasons for this decision are listed below: 1 .) Safety and liability concerns for pedestrians using the sidewalk along Jefferson (East side). 2.) Liability concerns to adjacent property. 3.) Repeated future curb, sidewalk, and street damage. Alternatives: 1 .) Leave trees, prune as needed 2.) Repair I replace sidewalk and curb, root prune trees EXHIBITS: 1. Letter requesting tree removal - September 2, 1998. c I 39 c. CC' II September 2, 1998 c City of Carlsbad Attn: Parks Division J 1. 11 66 Carlsbad Village Drive . . . . . .-- ~. . __. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Worship CenteT "Where the river flows there is LlFE!" Ezekiel 47:9 Re: Phone conversation with the city engineer, and parks division personnel. Subject: The removal of hvo (2) trees on Jefferson Street. Dear Sirs, We have taken the liberty of writing this letter in hopes of receiving some assistance. This matter, mentioned in subject, has been discussed with our Board of Trustee's and some of our church members. Two (2) trees on Jefferson Street adjacent to our church property located at 825 Carlsbad Village Drive, has caused us great concern. Safety being the major factor. The trees in question are large trees that have buckled the sidewalks and are a safety hazard for pedestrians using this side walk. The tree roots are already on our church property. Other areas of concern are as follows: a. Tree leaves that continually plug our rain gutters and drainage. b. Damage to and plugging up our air conditioning system. c. Possible damage to our roofing. d. The tree root3 that will eventually, if not already, damage our church foundation. In the future if we so choose to ever plan any type of function where access to this particu- lar side of our property is needed, there is no doubt these trees would hinder these plans do to the many hazards that surround the trees. We understand that some citizens may like the trees and will try to protect their removal. With great respect we appreciate their views and opinions. First and foremost we want to be good neighbors as stated by our beliefs and values. We request special consideration be given to our areas of concern. We would be willing to appear before your Board and staff to reveal our upcoming remodeling of our church. As always the community of Carlsbad, the Leadership and the surrounding neighbors are always in our prayers. We are very thankful and have been blessed by our City Leadership. God Bless you all! Pastor Mark A Crag 815 Carlsbad Village Dr. Post Office Box 1035 Carlsbad, CA 91018 Phone: Senior Pastor 760.71.9.3411 F Herb Galindo Michael Valdez FAX, 760.719-4948 Trustee Member Trustee Member Trustee Member E-mail. CSLVC l(@Acrl con1 ._ . EXHIBIT 1 Allan J. Wanamaker 2399- 14 Jefferson Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 November 16,1998 TO: Commissioners, PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION CITY OF CARLSBAD In re: AB#ll98-3, REQUEST FOR REMOVAL OF FICUS TREES I have lived in Carlsbad for 8 years and have owned the restaurant on the southwest corner of CarIsbad Village Drive and Jefferson Street since 199 1. It is my understanding that the trustees of Good Shepherd Worship Center have asked the commission to address their concerns regarding the effects on their property of the aforementioned ficus trees. I am not attempting to trivialize the concerns of the Church by opposing the removal of the trees. However, the City has done heavy trimming of these 2 trees in the past. I cannot say when they were last trimmed, and they appear to be past due for more occasions. <- ention. This solution has seemed to correct many of the Church’s concerns in previous We all value those qualities that make up the unique village in which we live. Although most of ow growth has taken place since incorporation in 1952, the mature vegetation imparts a seasoned quality and charm that is irreplaceable. The sidewalk surrounding the trees underwent major repairs during the final phase of Streetscape several years ago. Its present condition may wmant minor attention, but there are higher priorities for sidewalk repair elsewhere in the City. I have spoken to two trustees of the Church and we feel that a compromise can and should be undertaken. Please use your good judgment to help us preserve our charming village and its many outstanding qualities. sincwery; / /’ / Fact Sheet F Subject: The Removal of two (2) trees from Jefferson Street. 1. The history of our church goes back to 1926 with prayer meetings conducted in homes in Carlsbad and Oceanside. In 1935 we moved to a building near Tyler & Oak. Since 1951 we have been at our present location. 2, At this present time we are in a planning phase which will upgrade our church to a more modern day appearance. The city planning commission has verbally approved our plans. 3. As mentioned in our letter to the Parks Division of the City of Carlsbad, dated Septem- ber Znd, 1998, we truly respect and appreciate our neighbors views and opinions regarding the trees removal. Our beliefs and values are very important to our way of life. 4. These trees have been a part of our church since 1951. However, in the last few years they have caused us some great concerns. These concerns are as follows: a. 77ie trees iti question have buckled the sidewalk several times over and have caused this area of the sidewalk to be unsafe. At certain times of the year the trees produce a small type of berry thar falls, making the sidewalk slippery. Many of our constituents use this walk way to attend our services. b. Fallen tree leaves continually plug our rain gutten and drainage systems. c. Damage to and plugging up of our air conditioning system. d. Possible darnage to our roofing. e. We believe the tree roots that have already caused damage to the surrabending sidewalk and pavement area will eventually, if riot already, damage our CIIUK'GFL foundation. f. We have a playground for our younger children within approximately 8' to IO' from these trees. 77ieir safety is the church's responsibility since we provide child care during our services. g. 77ie tree leaves and the fallen bem'es give an unattractive appearance and medl for everyone's concern. Parked can make it impossible for the street sweeper to do it's job correctly. 5. We believe that we serve our community in many ways. In the last year we have started our first Spanish speaking service. We feed the homeless by giving food and we also help meet their spiritual needs. On 21 November 98, our Romans 8:l ministries and our Youth Ministries will be gift packing over one hundred (100) Thanksgiving Dinners for the poor and low income families in our community. Romans 8:l ministries goes throughout our community and Oceanside to deliver soup, sandwiches, and clothing to the homeless. We also have the Tree of Life Ministries, a place where men can stay and find a job and get back on their feet again. ? , 6. In closing, once again thank you for allowing us to attend this meeting. We will respect and follow the guidelines given by this council. Our community, neighbors, and the lead- ership of Carlsbad are always in our prayers.