HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-01-18; Parks & Recreation Commission; 199-6; Street Tree Removal: Seacrest Dr. & Charleen Ciry PARKS & RECREATION C0)ISIIMISSION - AGENDA BILL AB# 199-6 ITITLE: I n INFO MTG. DATE: 1-18-99 PWI PARKS DIV. ENG STAFF: DUNCANSON - STREET TREE REMOVAL 1 REQUEST TO RETAIN (SEACREST DRIVE AND CHARLEEN CIRCLE) ACTION .-- EXHIBITS: 1. Memo w/ associated documentation from Reynolds Civil Engineering Inc. 1 RECOMMENDED ACTION : 5 Consider Staff Report and citizen input regarding the future of street trees located within the City right-of-way. ITEM EXPLANATION : The City Engineering Department is preparing to perform roadway and curb / gutter repair and replacement contract work to certain areas in Carlsbad. The subject work is requiring consideration to remove trees located within the public right-of-way on Charleen Circle and Sea Crest Drive. Not unlike a similar issue (tree removal on Donna Drive) which went before the Parks and Recreation Commission on September 16, 1996, the curb and gutter replacement program will require significant root pruning and, in the opinion of the Park Superintendent will pose a threat to the longevity and / or the ability to preserve and maintain the trees in a safe condition. In order to retain the trees on Donna Drive, the Commission recommended that the use of a Hold Harmless Agreement be implemented and signed by the homeowner if the trees were aHowed to , EYNOl OS lVll ENG INEF RING. I N C. - PLANNERS ENGINEERS SURVEYORS January 5,1999 Doug Duncanson, Park Superintendent City of Carlsbad Recreation and Parks 1200 Carlsbad ViUage Drive Carlsbad, Ca. 92008 Re: Street Trees on Charleen Circle and Seacrest Drive/CIP No, 3623 Dear Mr. Duncanson: In accordance with our phone conversation today, please schedule an agenda item for the commission meeting of January 18, 1999, at 5:30 PM for a determination ifthe street trees will be removed or retained in the street reconstruction area for the referenced project. I understand that you will notifj the affected property owner’s of the hearing. I have requested that Mike Bock furnish you with copies of the letters and agreements that have been sent to each owner. I have enclosed all telephone logs, correspondence fiom the owner’s, and the three executed agreements to remove the trees. I have not received any Hold Harmless Agreements fiom the owner’s to date. - The Carlsbad Municipal Water District has determined that they want the main line sewer and sewer house laterals replaced due to root intrusion as shown on a television inspection. Most sewer house laterals are very close to the existing street trees which compounds trying to save the trees as noted in the Hold Harmless Agreements. Please call if1 may provide addition information. Sincerely, RCE, Inc. ___-. - ____ cc: Walter Brown Mike Bock P encl: .* Y .&‘ TELEPHONE & F 25 EXHIBIT I EYNOI DS IVll NG I N F F R I N G. I N C, - PLANNERS ENGINEERS SURVEYORS To: City of Carlsbad 2075 Lis Palmas Drive Carlsbad, Ca. 92009 Attn: Walter H. Brown, P.E. Project No. 3623 Reconstruction of Various Streets Homeowners comments and correspondence, and Summary. Date: December 14, 1998 TRANSMITTAL CHARLEEN CIRCLE: Will not sign hold harmless agreement or agree to have tree removed because she said other owner’s would not be happy if tree was removed and she intends to sell the property to her tenant. I told her I would show the tree to be removed since I have an obligation to finish the project and suggested that she correspond in writing if she wanted relief fiom the agreement. 9-14-98: Mr. Gordon Baker 2035 Charleen Circle (760) 729-1713: Several years ago he presented a petition to some one in the city regarding the removal of the street trees but nothing was resolved at that time. He does not remember exactly who he talked to for the city. He said he would be busy in the next weeks but he would try to update the petition with the ptesent property owner’s signatures and forward a copy to me of same. He also said that a woman was going to tie herself to a tree if anyone tried to remove it. I explained the cities policy of notify home owners of proposed work to obtain their input to the project and he would be informed as to project development. 9- 18-98: Mr. Vallely 2027 Charleen Circle (760) 434-4432 Would like trees to remain. He has made repairs to his driveway in the past for damage caused by tree roots. Suggested that property owners home owners owner’s insurance could or has insured liability for tree roots. 9-2 1-98: Ruth & Craig Brown 203 1 Charleen Circle (760) 729-5577 Neither wants trees removed. 15 years ago rods were trimmed. House is old but lots of people want to buy house for trees. 9-21-98: Mr. Gardon Baker called again today. He want’s to have a meeting with me to discuss tree issues. I told him that Walter Brown has decided that the Community savices Department should now take care of the street tree issues with the homeowner’s and that I could nd meet with him. Walter will call CMD since they have experts on staff to make recommendations. I answered all of Mr. Baker’s questions. 9-25-98: Mr. Gaxge Massay 3591 Donna (760) 434-9334 Had meeting with all proputy owners and they do not want trees removed and want meeting with city. 10- 1-98: h4r. Baker 2035 Charleen Circle (760) 729- 17 13 Sent in letter dated Sept. 26,1998 10-7-98: Received letta with 10 signatures dated 10-4-98 ALICANTE ROAD: 9-1 5-98: Ms. hva Perry 7435 Altiva PI. (760) 438-5552 Wanted to make sure roads would not be blocked so she could drive to golf. I told her I intend to have the contractor maintain one lane in each duection at all times. Mr. Peter Wolfe 2822 Avendia Valera (760) 438-1908 Wanted to know time fiame of project and working hours for amtractor. 12-14-98: Ms Carolyn Wood (619) 450-5122 2045 Chidm Cir. - F 1. 3207 VIA TONALA, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TELEPHONE & FAX: (760) 729-4489 FYNOL OS ClVlI NGINFFR I N G. I N C, PLANNERS ENGINEERS SURVEYORS fl Project 3623 Homeowner’s, cont December 14, 1998 SEACREST DRIVE: 9-16-98: Ms. Mary Jean Wood 3280 Donna Drive (760) 729-6730 representing her elderly mother Ms. Marion Glassford 3434 Seacrest Drive. Ms. Wood spent a lot of time with me on the telephone giving me the history and background of attempted tree removals in this area several years ago. She had 200 people supporting her petition that was given to the city to a city employee who is not with the city any longer. She made several presentation to the City Council and claims that the city dropped its tree removal plans at that time. She said she knew a person in the tree business and they had suggested that the trees need only be trimmed and the problem would go away. She also stated that the trees should be trimmed periodically. She said she was going to chain herself to the tree at that time, and that the newspapers were notified. I suggested that she respond in writing and enclose any documents she wanted , and that I would make a log of our conversation and keep her informed as to future developments in this area, but that the project was proceeding forward. 9- 17-98: Mr. Don Dewhurst 3425 Seacrest Drive (760) 454-0763 day Said he made a damage claim to city for flood damage caused by storm water overtopping of curb in rains of early 1998 and that city had denied claim. He has also had root problems in sewer laterals and the city replaced a portion of the lateral. He said that the stm water runsff overtops the crown of the street and deposits silt in his gutter and that the gutter has been replaced several times in this area. He has several Tipuana Tipu trees and suggested that root barrier be installed instead of tree removal. Also, prior to this year he has not had any storm water flooding. 9-17-98 Mr. Walter (Joe) Parisi 3344 Seacrest Dr. (760) 729-7755 Would like the standing water in the gutter in fiont of his house repaired. He has not complained for 30 years. Mentioned drainage problems in the past. 9-21-98: Mr. Ronald J. Kay 3364 Seacrest Drive (760)729-2967 Has one large tree and would not be unhappy if tree was removed because it has grown so large that the tree is a problem. 9-22-98: Received letter with owners signatures to save trees fiom Mary Jean Wood dated September 19, 1998. 9-25-98: Mr. Robert Edie 3400 Seacrest Drive (760) 729-2283 Wants trees to remain. Wants sewer lateral replaced. Wants SDGgtE to underground. 9-17-98: Mr. Labad 3424 Seacrest Drive Sent in letter undated CONCLUSION. ( PRELINIARY) PROPERTY OWNER’S CHOICE ON REMOVAL OR SIGNING HOLD HAMRLESS AGREEMENT ARE STARTING TO COME IN. TREE TRIMMING, ROOT REMOVAL WILL HAVE TO BE COORINATED WITH PROJECTS. Thankyou, RCE, Inc. Tony Reynolds 2. 3207 VIA TOW, CARLSW, CA 92008 TELEPHONE 6, FAX: (760) 729-4489