HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-01-18; Parks & Recreation Commission; 199-7; Parksite Amenity: Goals & GuideliensPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL 0 INFO AB# 199-7 TITLE : PARKSITE AMENITY MTG. DATE: 1-18-99 GOALS AND GUIDELINES I REQUEST FOR RECOMMENDED ACTION : ‘IDEPT. CSD PRC COMMITTEE ASSISTANCE DIV. PK PLNIREC STAFF: BEVERLY Appoint Park and Recreation Commissioners to a committee to assist with the establishment of Parksite Amenity Goals and Guidelines. 0 ACTION ITEM EXPLANATION : Staff is requesting the assistance of the Commission in identifying the existing field useage and the numbers of fields and other amenities which currently exist in Carlsbad’s parks now and what will exist at buildout. Ultimately this information will be useful in confirming or revising the existing Parksite Amenity Goals and Guidelines. EXHIBITS: 1. Citywide Facility Inventory Summary a w . 90 < Quadrants: NW pop 24 578 ,- tball 114 Soccer 114 Football 1 /quad 1/20 Tennis 1/2 Q ,WIDE FAClLlrY INVENTORY SUMMARY 1993 1991 84’0 35 625 EXIST i I STD EXIST +I- STD FUTURE €310 PROJ t- 61 10 +3 9 89 5 15 +6 1 i 1 61 8 +19 89 3 11 +2 1 1 10 3 +2 0 10 1 4 +3 0 12 2 17 +4 8 17 8 18 35 +17 2 d Soccer 114 2.4 2 <-.4> 52 2 4 <-1.2> Football l/quad 1/20 1 .o 1 0 10 1 2 +1 .o I Tennis 112 4.7 2 <-2.7> 10.4 2 4 <-6.4> L )I gp. 9,531 1993 STD 2.6 2.6 1 .o 5.0 1993 I 1991 EXIST + FUT STD MIST I +/- 1 B/O 20,957 I FUTURE 1 810 PROJ. I +i- I 1991 EXIST + FW MIST +/- e/o 29,805 FUTURE BIO PROJ. +/- 3 +.4 7.4 5 8 + .6 3 +.4 7.4 5 6 + .6 1 0 1 .o 2 3 + 2.0 <-5.0> 14.9 16 16 +1.1 - 50 // 2. 10.050 11 Softball 114 11 Soccer 1/4 Softball 1/4 117 Football 1 quad 1/20 Tennis 112 ClWJOE TOTALS Pop. 64,915 Softball 114 Football llquad 1/20 .. ~~ ~ -7. -7a 1991 STD MIST + /- WO 126,552 16.2 24 +7.8 31.6 16.2 19 +2.8 31 6 FUTURE 16 14 ~ I I 7 6 +2 40 32.4 I c 25 I <-7.4> I 63.2 I 41 MIST + FUT 0/0 PROJ. 40 +8 4 33 +I 4 11 +70 I 4-2 1 66 Cb, .d\Tables\,Facilrty Inv 9’1 EXHIBIT 1 NW SITE 93 STD SO-LUBB STD SOCCER STD FOOTBALL 1' 1993 i (24 578) (Standard) . (1~4.000) EX!Sl (1/4.000) && (11~ooO) ExlSt SlD mms , (1/2W Exst 1 I Pine 2 Chase 3 Jefferson P - 4 Magnolia 5 Valley (upper) Valley (lower) 6 Kelly 7 CHS 8 Buena Vista 9 Laguna Rivlera STANDAR DmOTAL *.I 1 (w') 0 0 0 3 (60') 0 0 5 t(W) 1 0 3 2 (110 x 0 60 YW 0 0' I 1 dutt 1 6 0 1 adun 1 0 1 small ,i 0 OI 9! 2 (60'6 90') 1 adult 1 2 t 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 12.2 17 (6.1 1 10 (6.1) 6 1 /QUAD 2. Zone 19 FUTURE TOTAL GRAND TOTAL EXIST + FUTURE 17.4\ FUTURE (EST ) SW t (20.756) 1. Levante SOFIBALUBB 3 La Costa Canyon 0 0 0 2 4 Stagecoach 3 3 1 4 F STANDAROKOTAL (5.1 1 6 (5.1) e (1 .O) 1 (10.3) 6 1,‘4000 STD 64,915 .. 93 CITY WlOE TOTALS (1 0.2) 24 (16 2) 19 (4.0) 6 32.4 25 - 126.552 33 (4.0) 11 (aJ 21 66 910) CITY WIDE TOTALS (31 .a) 40 (31 6) (7.4) - EXISTING SE 1/20, ooo 1 2x0 SOCCER STD STD TENNIS FOOTBALL - 3 1 11 2 1 3 1 1 0 0 I 2 I I 2 I I 0 I l 0 II 2. Fuede FUTURE (EST.) SE