HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-05-17; Parks & Recreation Commission; 599-1; Commissioner's ReportJ PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL I INFO AB# MTG. DATE: 5/17/99 DEPT. PWIREC DIV. ALL STAFF: BRADSHAW 0 ACT’oN COMMISSIONER’S REPORT RECOMMENDED ACTION : Accept and file. ITEM EXPLANATION : Attached is the Commissioner’s Report for May 1999, highlighting current Park and Recreation activities and events. EXHIBITS: 1. Commissioner’s Report - May 1999 May 9, 1999 TO: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FROM: Recreation Supervisor I COMMISSIONER’S REPORT FOR MAY 1999 1999 Carlsbad Triathlon & Seaside Celebration. . . one qean, one city, one festival! THE FESTIVAL 1999 CARLSBAD SEASIDE CELEBRATION. . . one ocean, one city, one festival! Feel the excitement building and spirits soaring as we come together to celebrate beach awareness and experience ocean festivities. Laugh with clowns, children, jugglers and magicians. Visit our 75 booth beach expo with vendors selling arts & crafts, sports clothing and accessories. We have beach awareness booths, a children’s fun zone, our Children’s Craft Center, a beach drawing to benefit Carlsbad’s youth, a women’s surf contest, numerous food vendors and of course our award winning triathlon. Dance to the magic of our Rock ‘n Roll Family DJ, participate in the Seaside Slam 3 on 3 basketball tournament or watch our sunset Hawaiian dance show. One weekend in July, Tamarack Surf Beach is transformed into a Seaside Celebration honoring our ocean and city with the colors and pageantry of a beach festival. Come join 10,000 people and celebrate the day and magic of the ocean. THE TRIATHLON PRO RACE The Cit of Carlsbad will be presenting its 18’h annual Carlsbad Triathlon on Sunday, July 1 I , 1999. Over 1,000 amateur athletes and over 36 professional triathletes are expected to challenge themselves on our 1K swim, 25K bike and 5K run courses. This year is the first year the Recreation Department will be offering a pro prize purse which will increase our exposure, sponsorship opportunities and participation. It also adds a new competitive excitement to our race to compliment the existing camaraderie felt by the athletes. Make plans to join us in July for some fun family activities and athletic competition. - FA tx The City of Carlsbad has currently obtained verbal and written commitments from the following pro triathletes to race in our July 1999 race (more to come): Paula Newby-Fraser Eric Burgan Tony Richardson Paul Huddle Sian Welch Emilio DeSoto Mike Pigg Michellie Jones Jimmy Riccitello Mark Montgomery Daren Wood Deon Laurens 1 010 ADULTS SPORTS Our softball, soccer and basketball leagues are all winding down from our winterkpring May 17 with play seasons. Registration for our summer 3 on 3 basketball league begins starting on June 14* at Calavera Hills Gym. We also are offering a women’s 5 on 5 full court league this summer at Calavera Hills. Sign ups are concurrent with the men’s league. New this summer is a 3 on 3 “Seaside Slam” basketball tournament on Saturday, July IO*. This event will offer youth, open and masters divisions and is held during our Seaside Celebration/Triathlon weekend in July. A big turnout is expected as 8 courts will be used from 8am - 6pm to accommodate the anticipated number of participants. Our Fall softball, soccer and basketball leagues will not resume play until August. More information on sign up dates will be listed in next month’s report. CALAVERA HILLS PARK The month of May promises to be a busy one at Calavera Hills Community Center. The weather has been generally good making the picnic reservations increase in number. Every weekend in May has already been booked. Open Play Basketball is still going strong in the gymnasium. Nearly $600 in revenue was collected during Open Play Basketball for the month of April. Staff anticipate collecting about the same in May. The Adult Sports Programs in the evenings on the ballfields and in the gymnasiums are very popular. All of Michelle Alspaw’s dance classes are rehearsing diligently for the upcoming recital. CSA and CYB are playing through May with their leagues on all the Calavera ballfields. rt All the Calavera classes are still going strong and becoming more popular with the increase of residents. PARK DEVELOPMENT Skate Park - The Carlsbad Skate Park is complete!! A grand opening date Saturday, May 8, I999 (refer to the Recreation Division for more details). Poinsettia Park Phase 1A - Construction is currently underway for this phase of the park which includes: two additional ballfields, an additional restroom near the existing tot lot, two basketball courts, a storage building, and fencing around the existing soccer field. Leo Carrillo Ranch Phase 1A - This phase includes construction of perimeter walls, fencing, gates and adjacent landscaping. The intention is to secure and protect the Ranch site until future development of the park provides for public use. At that time, the wall, fencing, and gates will also provide for controlled access into the Ranch. - 2 DAYTRIPPERS In June an excursion is scheduled to Ensenada, with a shopping stop in Tijuana and dinner at the restaurant Calafia. Also, there will be a three day trip to the Golden Nugget Casino in Laughlin in mid-June. SENIORS In and Around ‘Your Carlsbad Senior Center‘ Seniors got a chance to grill attorney Frank Mango on 3/11 about the ins and outs of the lawyer business, always a hot topic. These enthusiastic folks were allowed to cross-examine Mr. Mango after he addressed such topics as how to find a good attorney and the definition of Durable Power of Attorney. The audience truly enjoyed this workshop. Health Care issues are always a big draw for seniors here in Carlsbad. The audience listened as Carrie Burger, Director of Rehabilitation from Manorcare Health Services, discussed the latest in Cardiac Healfh on 3/29. The audience learned the definition of heart disease and what factors increased the risk of developing this ailment. The interest and subsequent questions were great. Twenty-two musical seniors enjoyed San Diego Opera Docent Ray Velche’s introduction to the dark production of Hansel und Grefel on 411. Our audience paid rapt attention as Mr. Velche discussed everything from the life of the composer to the political climate at the time. The video was then enjoyed by all. Christy Johnson’s ballroom dancing program, Wesf Coast Swing, thrills an average of 30 rug-cutters each month, with the first April class on the 7fh. The success of this series of classes is a testament to the robust nature and level of activity sought by our seniors. SENIOR SAFARI Santa Anita, A Day at the Races, April 8fh...what a day. We were treated to a sit-down lunch at Club Court before the races ... and, then we were off to the races. 45 Seniors bet on the color of the horses, the color of the jockey’s outfit - or, whatever they wanted to bet on ... and, we had some pretty good winners for our Senior Day at the Races. April 15’h was our Day in Carlsbad. We experienced Spirits in Stone (a sculpturing clinic) for morning coffee and docent tour. We walked to Bellefleur for wine tasting and a luncheon prepared especially for us and private seating on the patio. After lunch we traveled to the top of the hill for a docent tour of NAMM. Our afternoon was completed with an informal walk-thru of Carlsbad’s own sculpture garden. I 012 3 - Celebrate our History Day was April 22“d. We traveled to Mission San Luis Rey for a docent tour. They explained the history, pointed out the reconstruction in progress and what the future hopes to bring to them. Following the tour we drove to the Rancho Buena Vista Adobe for a catered box lunch on the patio. After lunch, we went to work.. .the seniors participated in a hands-on education program (designed for students- we were the first seniors to do this), hence, we were televised and the local newspaper took pictures of us making candles and weaving bookmarks (just like they did in the past). What a lot of fun - some people made some really nice candles. We were treated to a guided tour of the facility as the guide pointed out legends of the ‘Days of the Dons’. . .what a fun day. Viejas Casino was scheduled for April 28th...94 seniors boarded busses to ‘try their luck’ ... the machines did not cooperate too much for us - but, the food was good and the outlet mall was open for those who wished to spend monies another way! Sunday, May 2”d, we are traveling to Escondido for the production of “Meet Me in St. Louis” at the Performing Arts Center. This matinee performance with its wonderful music, breathtaking costumes and sets is the perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon in May. The nature of Diamonds Exhibit, May 6th promises to be a one-of-a-kind show at the SD National History Museum. Our tour time is mid morning and will be followed by lunch in the park. After lunch we will attend the Reuben Fleet Space Museum for a tour and enjoy the newest IMAX film. c- Saturday, May 8th we are scheduled to attend the International Horse/Jumper Series at Del Mar. This unique show, sponsored by Budweiser, will give us the opportunity to view man and horse, combined as one, as they go through their scheduled events. Disneyland is in store for us on Wednesday, May 19”. We are all going to be kids again (without any kids) and go to the Park. We will spend a day with friends, seeing the sights, riding the rides and eating junk food. ENRICHMENT CLASSES - Our dance classes have been busy rehearsing for their annual dance recitals coming up in June,. Instructor Michelle Alspaw’s students will perform at the Escondido Center for the Performing Arts Center in order to accommodate approximately 1,500 parents and friends per show. An added attraction to her recital this year will be her classes in Hip Hop Funk Dance performing all the latest moves! Our other dance instructor, Linda Wilkerson, will present her dance recital on June 18 and 19 at the Carlsbad Cultural Arts Center. Her program has also grown in popularity and will add Dance Acrobatics to the agenda. Through extra ticket sales, flowers and a bake sale, Linda’s recital supports the Pediatric Aids Foundation. - The recitals give all the dance students a chance to showcase their talents and there is talent aplenty to be shown. We hope to see you there! 013 4 STAY ‘N’ PLAY Stay n’ Play is wrapping up one of their most successful years since the program began 4 years ago. This year the program had a combined attendance of 675 children from Pine & Buena Vista Elementary School. The children will end the program with two fun filled activities. The first will be a dance to be held at the Carlsbad Boys & Girls Club on June 3. The second will be a day at the Wave Waterpark on June IO. The Stay n’ Play program will begin again in September. SPECIAL EVENTS The Recreation De artm nt had one of its I rgest turnouts at the Annual Egg Hunt held on April 3 at Calavera, Stagecoach and Holiday Park. The children enjoyed over 20,000 pieces of candy and 500 prizes. The Spring Festival at Stagecoach Park offered the children pictures with the Spring Bunny, Bonnet Contest and a Magician. The Recreation Department would like to thank Coldweil Banker for sponsoring the Spring Festival. F Spring Camp at Calavera Community Park was held April 5-9. A total of 83 campers enjoyed five fun filled days of group games and arts & crafts. One of the highlights of the week was when Home Depot came to the camp and the campers built tool boxes. Campers were also treated to two field trips; lcoplex in Escondido and to top the week off, a trip to Universal Studios. On May 7”, the Carlsbad Recreation Department dedicated the new 15,000 sq. ft. lighted Skate Park at the Safety Center. The attendees were treated to a vendor fair, live bands, free hot dogs from Ralph’s, free Hansen’s soft drinks and the opportunity to win raffle prizes that were donated from various local skate and surf shops. The Recreation Department would like to thank the Police, Fire, Streets and the Maintenance Departments for all of their help in hosting the dedication. The Special Events office is gearing up for the busy summer ahead. With over 8 weeks of summer camps planned the Recreation Department is anticipating over 650 children will attend the camp program. A variety of arts & crafts, guest speakers and field trips have been planned to entertain each of the campers this summer. On June 12fh, the annual Community Sale will be held at Holiday Park from 7 am - 2 pm. 014 5 - AQUATICS Swim lesson registration for Summer 1999 premiers May 14, 1999. Once again it is time for the Aquatics staff to test their mettle against the overwhelming demand for quality swim instruction. In a bold move, Aquatics is doing away with the annual walk-in swim lesson registration at Calavera Gymnasium (people will have had their fill of long lines after the Star Wars Episode 1 premier). In place of this infamous event, aquatics invites residents to phone in their registration requests from May 14 until May 20, 1999. Information systems is assisting Aquatics in maximizing the use of current Swim Complex phone lines, greatly reducing the likelihood of residents spraining “redial” fingers. Residents not accommodated via phone lines are invited to mail in registrations between May 22 and May 29, 1999. Non-residents may join procrastinating residents in signing up for aquatics programs in person at the Swim Complex beginning June 5, 1999. The Swim Complex will host the Avocado League prelims and finals on May I2 and May 15 (Aquatics staff is hoping for free guacamole). Lap swim, recreation swim and Masters swim will graciously step aside to make room for more than 200 varsity high school swimmers and their minions. Drawing from numerous San Diego County high schools, this swim meet will decide the 1999 league champions in each swimming event. The California State Lifeguards will use the Swim Complex to screen Junior Lifeguard applicants on May 16 and May 23, 1999. Youth age 9 - 16 will demonstrate their swimming ability in hopes of gaining a spot in the Summer 1999 program. Traditionally, there are far fewer California Junior Lifeguard openings than applicants, thus many applicants are turned away from the program. Fortunately, the City of Carlsbad Aquatics staff is offering as an alternative the American Red Cross “Guardstart” program. -c- PARKS DIVISION The Parks Maintenance division has been involved with several activities this past month. We have assisted with final inspection and minor improvements to the Skateboard Park. The Split Pavilion (Beach Bluff Park) has also been completed with the installation of benches and bollards. Currently, plans and specifications are out to bid for the installation of infield drainage at all of the baseball / softball fields at Stagecoach Park. This project may cause some minor disruption to activities this summer, but the majority of the work will be completed during field closure periods. We are in the process of replacing approximately 1900 square feet of concrete at Calavera Park. This is necessary due to the lifting caused from tree roots and / or ground settling. The work will be around the bathroom / snack bar building, extending towards the backstops. Since this condition is a potential hazard, work will be completed as soon as possible. All normal league activities will still take place but the snack bar may have to serve food from a side door. - 43 1.. 5 6 completed as soon as possible. All normal league activities will still take place but the snack bar may have to serve food from a side door. The Parks maintenance crews are busy with aerification and spring fertilization. The Parks' staff has also been planting annual color (flowers) to brighten all community park entries. - We have also begun to staff up for the summer growing season with the addition of supplementary part-time help. The Median division has officially accepted the landscaping on Melrose medians from Palomar Airport Road to Rancho Santa Fe Road and will be adding this to our current maintenance contract. The Median staff, which also maintains the downtown area, has continued to keep fresh annual color planted throughout the Village. The Parks and Recreation departments will also be outfitted with the new 800 MHz radios this month. This will give City staff the availability to contact Fire, Police, Water, County Sheriff's and other municipal agencies as needed. It will also come in handy for use during the Triathlon, as well as other large events and emergencies. Hospice of North Coast will be dedicating and planting a tree at Poinsettia park in Hospice organization . - c: Recreation & Park Planning Manager City Manager Assistant City Manager All Department Heads I ? 7