HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-05-17; Parks & Recreation Commission; 599-3; Hold Harmless: Trees - Charleen Cir & Seacrest Drc AB# 599-3 TITLE : MTG. DATE: 5-17-99 HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT / TREE DEPT. PW / PARKS REMOVAL ON CHARLEEN CIRCLE AND DIV. ENG SEACREST DRIVE STAFF: DUNCANSON INFO ACTION RECOMMENDED ACTION : Consider staff report and citizen input regarding street trees located within the City right-of-way and make recommendation as to their disposition. ITEM EXPLANATION : At the January 18, 1999 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting, the issue of street trees on Charleen Circle and SeaCrest Drive and their relationship to street improvements was discussed. These roadways have been determined to be in need of repair, especially the curb and gutter as well as major portions of the streets. The direction of the Commission at the January Leeting, was to refer this item back to staff, to work out a Hold Harmless Agreement and to get each of the homeowners to sign (refer to Exhibit # I , minutes). To that extent, staff of Engineering, Sanitation, Parks, Risk Management and the Attorney’s office have met. A new, more comprehensive Hold Harmless Agreement was subsequently developed (refer to Exhibit # 2). This agreement was mailed to the homeowners via certified mail and asked for a signed response. To date, one (1) signed agreement has been received. Since the mailing of the Hold Harmless Agreements (April 27, 1999), the Parks and Recreation Commission has received correspondence from the residents (refer to Exhibit # 3) asking that they not return these agreements until the Parks and Recreation Commission can consider their concerns and other issues. Staff will give a report to the Commission reviewing the issues. Public input from residents is anticipated. EXHl BITS: 1. Minutes of January 18, 1999 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting. 2. Hold Harmless Agreement 3. Letters of inquiry from residents. 020 t Minutes of: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 530 P.M. Date of Meeting: January 18,1999 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Richards called the Regular Meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Absent: Commissioner Cox Chairperson Richards, Commissioners Davidson, Baker, Cunningham, Schulberg, and Pieratt Staff Members Present : Ken Price, Recreation and Park Planning Manager Keith Beverly, Senior Management Analyst Mark Steyaert, Park Development Coordinator ~ Doug Duncanson, Park Superintendent Robin Bettin, Recreation Supervisor II Walter Brown, Principal Civil Engineer Fred Burnell, Park Supervisor Tony Reynolds, Consultant Project Manager ANNOUNCEMENTS Keith Beverly, Senior Management Analyst, announced the resignation of Administrative Secretary, Pam Alm. rc APPROVAL OF MINUTES t ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Pieratt, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on December 14, 1998, were approved as printed. Chairperson Richards, Commissioners Davidson, Baker, Cunningham, Schulberg, and Pieratt AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioner Cox PRESENTATIONS None. PUBLIC OPEN FORUM None. 021 EXHIBIT 1 * Parks and Recreation Commission -2- - January 18,1999 F APPROVAL OF AGENDA ACTION: AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioner Cox On motion by Commissioner Baker, the Agenda for January 18, 1999 was approved . Chairperson Richards, Commissioners Davidson, Baker, Cunningham, Schulberg, and Pieratt Commissioner Cox arrived at 5:37 p.m. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. AB# 199-1 COMMISSIONER’S REPORT To accept and file the Commissioner’s Report for January 1999. 2. AB #199-2 RECEIPT OF DONATION To receive a donation of $500 for the Opportunity Grants Scholarship Program. 3. AB #199-3 RECEIPT OF DONATION I To receive $6,000 in donations of product and/or in kind services for the 1998 Fall Festival. 4. AB #199-4 RECEIPT OF DONATION - To receive $9,210 in donations of cash/or product in support of the Youth Basketball Program. 5. AB #199-5 RECEIPT OF DONATION (. To receive $251 in cash donations in support of the Carrillo Ranch Trust Fund ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Baker, AB #199-1, AB #199-2, AB #199-3, AB #199-4, and AB #199-5 of the Consent Calendar for January 18, 1999 were approved. Chairperson Richards, Commissioners Davidson, Baker, Cunningham, Schulberg, Cox, and Pieratt AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None PUBLIC HEARINGS None. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS CHARLEEN CIRCLE) 6. AB #199-6 STREET TREE REMOVAUREQUEST TO RETAIN (SEACREST DRIVE AND Doug Duncanson, Park Superintendent, gave the staff presentation on this item. He explained that a replacement of the curb and gutter as well as major street improvements were scheduled due to damage created by the trees on Seacrest Drive and Charleen Circle. He expressed staffs concern about root pruning and how it would weaken the trees’ ability to survive. Mr. - i 022 . Parks and Recreation Commission -3- - January 18,1999 - Duncanson added that staff was concerned about safety and as a result asked each of the homeowners to sign a Hold Harmless Agreement. He showed slides of the trees on both streets, and pointed out the areas where damage was caused by the trees. He explained that the damage created problems for people walking and jogging, and also for the street sweeper. He also mentioned that the storm drain on the street was a problem because leaves and dirt got into the storm drain since the street sweeper could not sweep the street. Mr. Duncanson stated that the fire hydrant could be impacted in the future as well. He added that the trees on Seacrest were further back from the curb but were still a problem. He stated that SDG&E cut the trees back to keep them away from the wires. Walter Brown, Principal Civil Engineer, stated that the Carlsbad Municipal Water District did root cleaning in the sewers and asked the City to replace the sewers on the streets. He mentioned that if the sewers were not replaced, there would be blockups in the homes and public streets. He added that he would love to save the trees but regretted that cutting down the trees was the only safe solution. Mr. Brown mentioned that the City asked the homeowners to sign Hold Harmless Agreements but only a few agreed to sign them. Questions and discussion included the following issues: 0 0 4 Whether there was a tree where a homeowner signed a Hold Harmless Agreement but the tree still had to be removed Feasibility of roots being trimmed and root barriers installed How much had to be removed to make the trees safe Reasons for replacement of the curb and gutter on Charleen Circle Clarification of what would occur if the homeowners did not sign the Hold Harmless Agreements Explanation of what the project involved on Charleen Circle Minimum requirements for a private driveway Possibility of the City vacating the street zjnd what was involved Timing of the last curb replacement on Charleen Circle Amount of easement and setback from the curb for the properties on Charleen Circle and Seacrest Drive Potential species and size of replacement trees and where they would be located on a homeowner's property - i Bob Edie, 3400 Seacrest Drive, Carlsbad, explained that the trees cover up the power lines around his house but they allow him to look through to the ocean view. He mentioned that the trees sat 8' back from the gutter on Seacrest Drive and that he was not convinced that the City needed to cut 40% of the trees. He added that he believed there was no risk for the trees on his particular property. Mr. Edie stated that he showed his insurance company the Hold Harmless Agreement and his insurance company recommended that he did not sign it. He added that the sewer was made of old clay pipe and that he did not have any problems with the sewer line to his house but did have a problem with the street sewer line. Mr. Edie stated that the tree did serve a value to him and that he believed his property value would decrease if the power lines were in full view. He added that he did not think the trees - 023 * Parks and Recreation Commission -4- - January 18,1999 - would fall down if the roots were trimmed, and unlike Charleen Circle, the trees on Seacrest Drive were not up against the curb. Donald Dewhurst, 3425 Seacrest Drive, Carlsbad, stated that he purchased his home over 25 years ago on Seacrest Drive and a main influence in his purchase were the trees. He stated that the trees added significant value to the property and that they were not much smaller than they are now. He added that he never had a problem with them and that the trees did not get into the wires unless they were not trimmed for a long period of time.. l, Mr. Dewhurst stated that the last street repairs were done over 10 years ago and were minimal. He suggested that a different type of street section could be considered as a possible option and mentioned that he spoke with landscapers who told him that the trees were in high demand. He added that he was willing to sign a Hold Harmless Agreement if details of the sewer could be worked out. Dwight Vallely, 2027 Charleen Circle, Carlsbad, stated that there was a uniqueness of the trees and that he could only recall once when there the trees were root pruned. He stated that the trees survived the storms last year without any problems. He mentioned that he thought the Hold Harmless Agreement was not defined very clearly with regard to the sewers, and indicated that he felt that the City should take a conservative approach to resolving the issue of the trees. In response to a query by Chairman Richards, Mr. Vallely indicated that vacating the streets, curb and entry might be a consideration. - Ruth E. Wheeler, 2031 Charleen Circle, Carlsbad, explained why she did not sign the Hold Harmless Agreement. She indicated that she was concerned as to whether the Hold Harmless Agreement would carry over to a new owner. She mentioned that the street on Charleen Circle was never completely repaired in the 15 years that she lived in her house. She stated that the storm drain was not a problem and explained what had been done to the trees in the past. Mrs. Wheeler explained that she felt the City should shoulder the responsibility of the street since no maintenance was done in 15 years, and added that the sewers, made of clay pipe, never backed up. She added that if the Hold Harmless Agreement was the only way to keep the trees, she would agree to sign it but she did not think this was the case. In response to a query by Commissioner Baker regarding financial responsibility, Mrs. Wheeler explained that she was concerned with what would happen if a person sold hidher property, and the effect it would have on the Hold Harmless Agreement. Since the Risk Manager was not available, staff was not able to respond to Mrs. Wheeler’s query. Mrs. Wheeler also mentioned that when the City repaved the curbs, room should be left around the trees to preserve a certain amount of roots. In response to a query by Chairman Richards regarding Mrs. Wheeler’s position on the City vacating the street, Mrs. Wheeler responded that she felt it was a cop out on the part of the City to ask the homeowners to pay for services that she pays taxes for. In response to Commissioner Baker’s query of what the people on the street would be willing to do to keep the trees, since the City had certain responsibilities to the public, Mrs. Wheeler responded that all streets need maintenance and that the cost of cutting down a tree is probably more expensive than maintaining the tree. Commissioner Baker clarified that the r_ I 024 Parks and Recreation Commission -5- - January 18,1999 P (, streets were being repaired more often because of the trees, and Mrs. Wheeler replied that the trees were also providing something truly beautiful and as well as increased property values. Gordon Baker, 2035 Charleen Circle, indicated that the trees were planted in 1967 and that they were maintained only once in 41 years. He stated the trees were pruned approximately 12-13 years ago but that the tops were not trimmed at the time. He added that the trees were not damaged. Mr. Baker explained that his sewer was repaired in 1979-1 981. He told the Commissioners that it was repaired three times and outlined what was done by the City. He added that there have been no more problems with the sewer since the last repairs were completed. Mr. Baker mentioned that he was advised by the homeowner policy holder not to sign the Hold Harmless Agreement and explained what would happen if the tree fell down and damaged his property vs. if the tree fell down and did not damage the property. He referred to the contents of the letter he sent to the City, which was included in the Commissioner’s packets for the evening. In response to Commissioner’s Cunningham’s query regarding the size of the property and whether someone can pull into his driveway and $11 be off the road, Mr. Baker responded that the person would be off the easement as well. He pointed out that the new trees would be placed on a homeowner’s property, which he felt was not necessary. Greg Wheeler, 2031 Charleen Circle, Carlsbad, mentioned that the street was a very special place to live. He stated that only one repair job was done in 40 years. He mentioned that according to Gordon Baker, there was a way to cut down the roots and put in a barrier. Mr. Wheeler added that there were no sewer problems. He stated that the Hold Harmless Agreement scared the homeowners and that he did not think it was fair to require them to sign the agreement. He mentioned that most people bought homes because of the trees which he felt added a upique value to the homes. He said that there was no lawsuit against the street in 40 years and that the street was a limited use street. Mr. Wheeler added that he felt that he should be able to work with the City on the street without making the homeowners buy the street since he paid his taxes like everyone else. He pointed out that the one descending vote was by an absentee-owner who never lived on the street. In response to a query by Commissioner Schulberg regarding the City vacating the tree if the trees could stay in, Mr. Wheeler replied that money was the issue and that he felt it was unfair to the homeowners to make them responsible for the street trees Further questions and discussion included the following issues: Potential damage and risks of leaving the trees and root pruning Amount of setback of the new trees on the property of the homeowners Clarification of the sewer issue Explanation of the reasons for the request by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District to remove the sewers Makeup of the streets What could happen if the City vacated the street - 025 - Parks and Recreation Commission -6- - January 18, 1999 .t 0 Bio barriers and their effectiveness Condition of trees on Donna Drive t, Comparison of the Hold Harmless Agreement presented to Seacrest Drive and Charleen Circle residents vs. the Hold Harmless Agreement signed by Donna Drive residents Lack of maintenance on the trees in the past Recommendation to plant new trees to start a new life cycle Concern about lumping the issues of Charleen Circle with Seacrest Drive 0 0 0 0 Additional legal advice required 0 0 i' ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Pieratt, AB #199-6, to send the item back to staff to work on a Hold Harmless Agreement to accomplish what needed to be done for root pruning and get each of the homeowners to sign a Hold Harmless Agreement for both Seacrest Drive and Charleen Circle. Chairperson Richards, Commissioners Davidson, Baker, Cunningham, Schulberg, Cox, and Pieratt AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None Chairman Richards called a break at 7:15 p.m. The Commission reconvened at 7:20 p.m. 7. A? Keith Beverly presented the staff report on this item. He explained the ongoing issue and explained that staff evaluated the type of fields and other amenities for the parksites and wanted buy-in from the Parks and Recreation Commission. COMMITTEE ASSISTANCE - ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Schulberg, to approve AB #I 99-7, and appoint Commissioners Baker, Pieratt, and Davidson to a committee to assist with the establishment of Parksite Amenity Goals and Guidelines. Chairperson Richards,,Commissioners Davidson, Baker, Cunningham, Schulberg, Cox, and Pieratt AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None 8. AB #199-8 CALIFORNIA PARKS AND RECREATION SOCIETY DISTRICT XI1 AWARDS AND INSTALLATION BANQUET Ken Price, Recreation and Park Manager, gave the staff report on this item. He explained that an award banquet was scheduled for February 5, 1999 by the California Parks and Recreation Society District XI1 and invited the commissioners to attend the banquet with their spouses. i ACTION: AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None On motion by Cornmissioner Pieratt, to approve AB #199-8, to accept and file the staff report. Chairperson Richards, Commissioners Davidson, Baker, Cunningham, Schulberg, Cox, and Pieratt 026 . April 27, 1999 Barry R Cooper 3375 Seacrest Dr Carlsbad, CA 92008 CHARLEEN CIRCLE AND SEACREST DRIVE STREET TREES Dear Barry R Cooper: The City is planning to reconstruct Charleen Circle and Seacrest Drive. This work is needed to repair damage caused by the roots of the large trees along the streets. Enclosed is a Hold Harmless Agreement. This Agreement has been revised from the original document sent to you on December 8, 1998, based on concerns raised at the Recreation and Parks Commission meeting on January 18, 1999. Please review the enclosed Agreement, sign it and have it notarized, and return it in the enclosed envelope within 10 days of receipt of this letter. If you signed the original Agreement, it will be returned to you upon our receipt of the signed, revised Agreement. Should you elect not to sign and return the Agreement, the street construction plans will show the removal of the trees adjacent to your property. rc A public hearing on this matter is scheduled by the Recreation and Parks Commission on May 17, 1999. The meeting will convene at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive. Sincerely, A!mpL+ WALTER H. ROWN, P.E. Principal Civil Engineer Enclosures C: City Attorney Risk Manager Traffic Engineer Park Superintendent, Doug Duncanson Carlsbad Municipal Water District 027 EXHIBIT 2 __ 2075 Las Palmas Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 (760) 438-1 161 - FAX (760) 431-5769 @ , ,+- RECORDING REQUESTED BY WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City Clerk CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr. Carlsbad, CA. 92008 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the day of I 19-1 by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City", and Barry R Cooper hereinafter referred to as "Owner", being the owner@) of the real property located at 3375 Seacrest Dr, Carlsbad, California also being assessor's parcel number 167 054 06 00 hereinafter referred to as "Property". Owner understands that City plans to remove and replace, repair and restore various portions of the street that may including curb and gutter, street surfacing, street structural section, sewer and drainage facilities fronting Property. Owner agrees that the roots of the tree(s) located within City street right-of-way fronting Property have caused damage to the street and utility facilities. City has informed Owner that: 0 the construction activities needed to repair the street will damage the tree(s). the best course of action is for City to remove the tree@). City wishes to remove the tree@) and is willing to plant new one new tree on the Property to replace each tree removed. 4 - Owner wishes to preserve the existing tree(s). When Owner suggested that City could leave the trees in place and conduct only minimal root pruning City informed Owner that: the construction activities needed to repair the street will necessitate trimming and removing a portion of the roots and canopy of said tree@). 0 the trimming and removing a portion of the roots and canopy of said tree@) will be extensive and will involve up to thirty percent of the tree@) root structure and up to forty percent of the tree(s) canopy. 0 trimming and removing a portion of the roots and canopy of the tree@) will reduce the strength and health of the tree@). 0 the reduction in the strength and health of the tree@) may result in all , or portions, of the tree(s) falling and/or death of the tree@). 0 this root trimming and removal of the roots and canopy could diminish the stability of the tree(s). 0 there is the possibility that the tree@) or its branches may fall down sometime after this trimming and removal of the roots and canopy and possibly damage the property of, or cause personal injuries to, Owner, Owner's guests and/or Owner's tenants. because of the heightened possibility that the tree@) may fall and the resultant liability City is not willing to trim and remove a portion of the roots and canopy of the tree(s) unless Owner: agrees to accept liability for any and all damage to Owner's property, personal injuries to Owner and personal and property damage to Owner's guests and/or Owner's tenants that may hereinafter occur that is attributable to, caused by or arises from the trimming and removal of the roots and canopy of the trees; waives any and all rights to make a claim for any personal injuries or property loss or damage that may hereinafter accrue against City, members of its Council or Commissions, its officials, 0 ,- 028 (3/23/99) v- employees and agents, arising from or attributable to the trimming and removal of the roots and canopy of the trees agrees to hold City harmless and not responsible for any personal injuries or damage to the property of the Owner, Owner’s guests and/or Owner’s tenants in the event that the trees or branches thereof fall down, or otherwise cause damage, due to the trimming and removal of the roots and canopy of the trees as described herein. 0 Owner wishes to preserve the existing tree(s) fronting the Property. In order to try to save the street tree(@ located within City right-of-way and allow for the reconstruction of street and utility facilities fronting property Owner consents and agrees to assume any and all risks of damage to Owner, Owner‘s guests and/or Owner’s tenants property, or personal injuries to Owner, Owner’s guests and/or Owner’s tenants, that may hereinafter occur that is attributable to, caused by or arises from the trimming and removal of the roots and canopy of the trees; Owner waives any and all rights to make a claim for any personal injuries or property loss or damage that may hereinafter accrue against City, members of its Council or Commissions, its officials, employees and agents, arising from or attributable to the trimming and removal of the roots and canopy of the tree(s), and further agrees to hold City harmless and not responsible for any personal injuries or damage to the property of the Owner, Owner’s guests and/or Owner’s tenants in the event that the tree@) or branches thereof fall down due to the trimming and removal of the roots and canopy as described herein. ( I ) ( we ) hereby certify that (I ) ( we ) are the pwners of the property located at the address first mentioned above and that ( I ) ( we ) have read this document and that (I ) ( we ) understand and agree with its content. Executed by Owner this day of ,A9 * - OWNER: CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California (name of Owner) By: By: City Manager or Mayor (sign here) ATTEST: (name of Owner) By: City Clerk ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ (sign here) (Proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by Owner must be attached.) APPROVED AS TO FORM: RONALD R. BALL, City Attorney By: Assistant City Attorney (3/23/99) 029 April 23, 1999 Parks and Recreation Commission 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 re: Street trees Charleen Circle We, property owners on Charleen Circle, respectfully request an extension of the time limit for signing the revised Hold Harmless Agreement. The agreement is dated March 23, but was not mailed until April 13. The cover letter requests “sign it and have it notarized, and return it in the enclosed envelope within 10 days of receipt of this letter.’’ We request that the deadline be extended until after the Commission hearing on May 17 and following any further revisions which are made as a result of that meeting. We realize the urgency of getting this matter settled soon so as not to delay the project more than has already occurred. We, too, are anxious to get the planning completed so that the project can go out to bid and the work can be started. - Signature Print Name Address EXHIBIT 3 April 30, 1990 Ikar Parks ant1 Rccrcntioii C‘oni~nittce. ic .i’his lcttcr is in regards to the trccs on Chilrlccn Cirlcc. This is thc srcct that 1 live on with niy family. ‘I’he trees rcprcsent the beauty of the street. ‘[‘hey not only give us great en-ioyment, but add to our property value, as ~vcll as our hcnlth. The city seems to be more concerned with over-developing Carlsbad instead of maintaining it’s charm. ‘These trees are a landmark in this area. I think the city needs to serve it’s residents better, The consideration seems to be only for buisness and development in order to gain more tax dollars. We have paid our sharc and supported the city for niany years and have voted for many ycars. The city needs to make the right decision and back lip thc citizens. I have to endure this horrific trat’fic and sometimes circlc the block tivc limes to lint! a parking spot downtown, I surly would like to come home and enjoy the scenery of our sreet. With the benefits of’ all the tax reccnuc this city has secn, and uonsrdcring how 1111s has - impacted the long tern1 citizens, I do not see why a small portion of it cannot be used to preserve the beauty of Carlsbad and the lifestyles of some of it’s residents. Thank you. Sincerely, Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Shea Charleen Circle residents Betty and Gordon Baker 2035 Charleen Circle Carlsbad, CA 92008 May 10, 1999 760-729-1 71 3 Parks and Recreation Commission 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Street trees Charleen Circle When the hearing was held on Jan.18 it was our understanding that the matter of our street trees was referred back to staff to confer with owners and revise the Hold Harmless Agreement (HHA). 12 weeks went by without any contact with owners other than phone calls I made to some of the staff. Then on April 13 a letter was mailed by Walter Brown containing a new HHA, with a deadline of 10 days to sign and return the HHA. The letter did state that another public hearing would <e held on May 17. Unfortunately we have planned to be on a fami+y visit in Northern California at that time. We submit this letter for your consideration in place of our oral testimony. (And we request extension of that deadline until after the May 17 hearing.) - 1. We request a further amendment to the HHA stating that the agreement be in effect for one year after work begins on the Charleen project. If the trees are damaged enough to cause serious problems with the trees, that would show up within a year. It doesn’t seem logical to sign an agreement with no time limit. “Hereinafter” is a long time. 2. An attorney suggested that if we sign the HHA we should secure an endorsement to our Homeowners Insurance Policy to cover contractual indemnity. Our insurance agent made that request, but the insurance company was unwilling to grant such an endorsement. Should property owners have to bear the full liability in order to prevent the removal of the trees? 3. We would like some written statement that the City of Carlsbad will continue to be responsible for regular maintenance of the trees, including the removal of any broken branches. 4. On Dec. 23 I sent a letter to Tony Reynolds (a copy of which is in your file) in which I requested a written opinion from the City Attorney to a number of legal issues. I sent another copy of that letter to the City Attorney on April 12, again asking for a response. On April 20 his assistant sent a letter in which he stated, “We believe the revisions [of the HHA} satisfy the concerns of both you and the City.” I responded on April 21, saying, “Actually the revised Agreement is more severe than the one sent on Dec. 8, and does not answer any of the questions I have raised. I respectfully request you to review the Dec. 23 letter again and give some answers to the questions raised.” To date I have had no response. Is it too much to expect our city officials to make some I.