HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-05-17; Parks & Recreation Commission; 599-4; Sub-Committee Report: Dog Park Site Selectionf 4B# 599-4 MTG. DATE: 5-17-99 DEPT. PW / REC. DIV. STAFF: PRICE / DUNCANSON INFO TITLE : SUB-COMMITTEE REPORT TO THE COMMISSION / DOG PARK SITE SELECTION RECOMMENDATION ACTION RECOMMENDED ACTION : After review of the sub-committee findings to select a site, direct staff to continue processing the Park and Recreation Commission recommendation to develop a Dog Park in Carlsbad. ITEM EXPLANATION : The Parks and Recreation Commission appointed a three member committee for the purpose of making recommendations identifying a suitable location for a temporary dog park facility. The committee met several times to address the issues involved with development of a temporary dog park, including such topics as: I 0 Site location 0 Design criteria 0 Address the policy issue regarding no dogs allowed in parks 0 Neighborhood notification Development and maintenance costs Staff will make a presentation to the Commission reviewing the findings and recommendation of the committee. EXHIBITS: 1. Dog Park Sub-committee Report - May 9,1999 May 9, 1999 TO: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FROM: DOG PARK SUB-COMMITTEE DOG PARK SUB-COMMITTEE REPORT e As per the direction of the Parks and Recreation Commission, the Dog Park Committee has studied the feasibility of development of a temporary dog park facility in Carlsbad. The enclosed report will summarize the findings and recommendations of the dog park committee. BACKGROUND In June 1998, the Parks and Recreation Commission appointed a three member committee for the purpose of making recommendations identifying a suitable location for a temporary dog park facility. The committee met several times to address the issues involved with development of a temporary dog park, including such topics as: t Site location Design criteria 0 Address the policy issue regarding no dogs allowed in parks 0 Neighborhood notification 0 Development and maintenance costs The following information represents the findings and recommendations of the committee. SITE SELECTION / DESIGN CRITERIA The committee has reviewed the existing and future park inventory with regards to identify a site for a temporary dog park site (Attachment 1). After an extensive review of possible sites, the committee focused their interests on three individual site locations (Attachment 2). The site locations recommended by the committee in order of priority are: 1. Larwin Park - Lower 2. Larwin Park - Upper 3. Cannon Lake Park Each of these locations provide three distinct opportunities for a temporary dog park. Further analysis of the selection process established a list of criteria which were used to prioritize each site in terms of identifying the best location (Attachment 3). ,- EXHIBIT 1 034 H NBRARYWORWENS M6L 1- PARK SUBCOMMITEE REPORT (KP Sl0-W) 1 POLICY ISSUE REGARDING NO DOGS ALLOWED IN PARKS The current Municipal Code, Chapter 11.32 entitled Parks and Beaches, Section 1 1.32.030 states that it is unlawful for any person to do any of the following in any park or beach within the City: (1 1) ... Dogs are not allowed in Carlsbad’s parks or on Carlsbad’s beaches. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, this section does not apply to the Batiquitos Lagoon, Buena Vista Lagoon or Agua Hedionda Lagoon. This prohibition does not apply to a dog accompanying an unsighted person, dogs while assisting peace officers in law enforcement duties or to dogs participating in shows or obedience classes authorized by the Carlsbad Community Services Department on specified areas of parks or beaches. (23) No person shall allow any dog owned by him or any dog subject to his control, custody, or possession, to enter upon any park within the city; provided, however, that this subsection shall not apply to dogs participating in shows or obedience classes authorized by the Carlsbad community services department in specified areas of the parks. No person shall allow or permit any dog to destroy any real or personal property or to commit a nuisance on any park property. It is the duty of persons having control of a dog to curb such dog while in a park area. After considerable discussion regarding the ordinance, it is the committee’s recommendation that the C.M.C. Chapter 11.32 should be amended which would allow dogs at the temporary Dog Park site only. NEIGHBORHOOD NOTIFICATION The neighborhood notification issue was of significant concern of the committee. The sub- committee felt it was extremely important to notify all citizens who live within 300 feet of each of these park sites, that a temporary dog park is being considered, and that it will be discussed at the May 17‘h Parks and Recreation Commission meeting. Staff was directed to do a Press Release and disseminate it to the appropriate residents. 035 2 HAINBRARYMCJKEHS MI, IoOglwG PARK SVBCOMMlTEE REPORT ( KJ’ 51000) I r DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE COSTS The preliminary estimates* of development and maintenance costs for the three (3) alternative locations recommended by the committee are as follows: - Site Development Costs Annual Maintenance Costs Larwin Lower $21,200 Larwin -r ~FQE~ $35,880 Cannon Lake $35,880 $3,000 / Yr. $3,000 / Yr. $3,000 / Yr. Development costs are preliminary estimates only at this time pending actual design of Dog Park. A detail estimated costs are identified on Attachment 4. Attach men ts : 1. Map of existing and future park sites. 2. Potential Temporary Dog Park sites. 3. Dog Park Design Criteria. 4. Dog Park Cost Estimates. F H:NBWIRIIWORM(EHS M&L 1- PARK SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT (KP St-) 3 036 ,P- A WORTH .I LEGEND COMMUNITY PARK * FUTURE COMMUNITY PARK 0 SPECIAL USE AREA 0 FUTURE SPECIAL USE AREA % SPECIAL RESOURCE AREA 110- 6- rrr *I.. ..a I-. ""I V.C. LCI".."l. .I. w b. .,-a I_ ..I.,-. d. - - DRAFT REVISION AUGUST 1998 ATTACHMENT 1 .c 0 0 a c - . . . .. ._ . 1 36c QWOHNONNW3 C 0 v) 0. x Q .- f i , t 0 5 Z W t cn Y pc s 0 0 0 I. 0 IO I Z u. 0 1 m E P 0 1. I. t I 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 I DOG .PARK DESIGN CRITERIA 10,000 SQUARE FOOT FENCED AREA FOR DOGS AVAILABILITY OF WATER ADA ACCESSIBLE BENCHES I SHADE STRUCTURE CLEAN4.JP UTENSILS ARE AVAILABLE SIGNAGE OF RULES AND REGULATIONS SITE IS VISIBLE AND HAS AVAILABLE PARKING MINIMAL NEIGHBORHOOD IMPACTS ? A MINIMUM OF 1.5 = 2.0 ACRES REQUIRED MAINTENANCE IMPACT IS ADDRESSED H:WOROKENS MLL 18881000 PARK DESIGN CRITERIA (51599) ATI'ACHMENT 3 3& 5 DOG PARK COST ESTIMATES IC, ITEM Clear and grub Curb cut and conc. Apron D.G. Parking Fencing Benches QUANTITY UNIT UNIT COST TOTAL I lump sum 500 500 1 ea. 1,000 1,000 I 3,500 s.f. 2 7,000 500 1.f. 10 5,000 4 ea. 500 2.000 Larwin Lower Annual Maintenance and Operations = $3,000 per year ATTACHMENT 4 H LIBRARVIWORWKENS M6L lB88/DoG PARKCOSTESTIMATES (KP 4-12-BSca) I J