HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-06-21; Parks & Recreation Commission; 699-1; Commissioner's Reportf PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL MTG. DATE: 6-21-99 DEPT. CSD - PW - - I COMMISSIONER'S REPORT I I n ACTION DIV. PARKS & REC STAFF: BRADSHAW RECOMMENDED ACTION : . Accept and file. IvEM EXPLANATION : Attached is the Commissioner's Report for June 1999 EXHIBITS: 1. Commissioner's Report - June 1999 012 r June 11,1999 TO: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FROM: Recreation Supervisor I COMMISSIONER’S REPORT FOR JUNE I999 1999 Carlsbad Triathlon & Seaside Celebration. . . one ocean, one City, one festival! THE FESTIVAL [Julv 10) 1999 CARLSBAD SEASIDE CELEBRATION.. . one ocean, one city, one festival! Visit our 75 booth beach expo with vendors selling arts & crafts, sports clothing and accessories. We have beach awareness booths, a children’s fun zone, our Children’s Craft Center, a beach drawing to benefit Carisbad’s youth, a women’s surf contest, numerous food vendors and of course our award winning triathlon. Dance to the magic of our Rock ‘n Roll Family DJ, participate in the Seaside Slam 3 on 3 basketball - tournament or watch our sunset Hawaiian dance show. Come join 10,000 people and celebrate the day and magic of the ocean. THE TRIATHLON PRO RACE The City of Carlsbad will be presenting its 18* annual Carisbad Triathlon on Sunday, July 1 lth, 1999. Over 1,000 amateur athletes and over 36 professional triathletes are expected to challenge themselves on our 1K swim, 25K bike and 5K run courses. This year is the first year the Recreation Department will be offering a pro prize purse which will increase our exposure, sponsorship opportunities and participation. It also adds a new competitive excitement to our race to compliment the existing camaraderie felt by the athletes. Make plans to join us in July for some fun family activities and athletic competition. The City of Carlsbad has currently obtained verbal and written commitments from the following pro triathletes to race in our July 1999 race (more to come): Paula Newby-Fraser Eric Burgan Tony Richardson Paul Huddle Sian Welch Emilio DeSoto Mike Pigg Michellie Jones Jimmy Riccitello Mark Montgomery Daren Wood Deon Laurens ADULTS SPORTS Our softball, soccer and basketball leagues are all winding down from our winterkpring seasons. Registration for our summer 3 on 3 basketball league begins May I7 with play starting on June 14* at Calavera Hills Gym. We also are offering a women’s 5 on 5 full court league this summer at Calavera Hills. Sign ups are concurrent with the men’s league. 013 - New this summer is a 3 on 3 “Seaside Slam” basketball tournament on Saturday, July IOth. This event will offer youth, open and masters divisions and is held during our Seaside Celebrationllriathlon weekend in July. A big turnout is expected as 8 courts will be used from 8am - 6pm to accommodate the anticipated number of participants. Our Fall softball, soccer and basketball leagues will not resume play until August. More . information on sign up dates will be listed in next month’s report. CALAVERA HILLS PARK Calavera Hills Community Center had an excellent May 1999 with more than 21,600 people enjoying the facility and park. That is a 3,000 user increase from May of 1998. June promises to be a very busy month with some major events scheduled. The Carlsbad Softball Association is hosting its annual Sea Breeze Softball Tournament on June 11, 12 and 13. All three fields will be used. 1,500 people are expected to attend. Carlsbad High Grad-Nite will start with a big set-up on Wednesday 6/16. The parent volunteers will take 20 hours to transform the facility into a different world for their graduate offspring to party Thursday evening through Friday morning. On the 26th of June, Ted Mason’s So Bahk Do Karate Tournament will attract participants from all over Southern California. 200 competitors are expected to attend. ,- SENIORS In and Around ‘Your Carlsbad Senior Center’ 0 On May 6th, our seniors were treated to an informative presentation by the Stroke Prevention Council. Nearly 25 listened intently about the risks, symptoms and treatments and asked many incisive questions. This was a hot topic and a definite hit! 0 Peggy Elliott from White Sands of La Jolla, continues to be a big draw for the seniors. She informed the audience May 13fi how we react to stress and the effect it has on us. People are always pleased with her unique and often humorous presentations and keep coming back for more! 0 The Senior Center “went to the dogs’’ May lgfi when the Carlsbad Police Department explained to an enthusiastic crowd, how their K-9 Unit operates. The crowd then-witnessed the dogs in action. It was quite exciting and is always in demand! 0 Carlsbad seniors are being treated to another free service in May, June, July and August ... our resident tax expert is volunteering his time to help homeowners and renters fill out their HFW forms; always overflowing and always appreciated! - 0 Memorial Day was memorialized for our large lunch population with vocal entertainment and a special lunch of barbecued beef with all the trimmings. Each senior received a small American flag planted in their cherry pie! 014 I IC SENIOR SAFARI On Sunday, May 2nd, we traveled to the California Center for the Arts in Escondido, for the production of “Meet Me In St. Louis.” This matinee performance with its wonderful music, breathtaking costumes and sets was just the perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon in May. We were very impressed with this traveling road-show production. On Saturday, May 8th, seniors attended the International Horse/Jumper Series at Del * Mar. This unique show, sponsored by Budweiser, gave us the opportunity to view man and horse, combined as one, as they manipulated the various scheduled events. ESPN was on hand to televise this event, the purse was over $60,000 ... so, we had some major competition here. Fun day, we even had burgers and fries!!! On June 3‘d, we traveled to Descanso Gardens ... what a trip. Our morning was early, but well worth it. On our arrival, the Guild conducted a morning orientation film tour with coffee and snacks served. We then boarded a tram for the tour through the gardens. Our catered lunch at the International House was one of the grandest lunches we have had. China, crystal, and a real camellia at every person’s place ... boy, do they spoil seniors! That afternoon we toured the Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena. This was a special day. The Renaissance Faire is scheduled for June 12. This event is held in San Bernardino every year and promises to be a fun filled day. Complete with dancing, singing, playing - games of skill and enjoying the exquisite arts and crafts. We will step back in time for the day and enjoy Spring in the 16‘h Century. The Los Angeles Garment District Discount Shopping Center is scheduled for Saturday, June 19. A buyer’s paradise, the Fashion District is the hub and the heart of the LA fashion industry. With nearly 2000 street level outlets offering up to 75% off we surely should find a bargain ... ENRICHMENT CLASSES We are very excited about two new camps that we will be adding to this summer that will give kids a chance to experience hands on lived. our camp schedule how our ancestors What was daily life like 10,000 to 15,000 years ago? In our new Summer camp, “Way Back Camp,” kids will create a small village that might have existed thousands of years ago. Using a variety of materials, they will fashion tools, clothing, utensils and shelter, allowing themto discover the dreams and legends of our way back people. Sticking with the same theme, in “Camp Clay,” kids will discover what clay is, where it came from and how we make so many wonderful things with it. Through smooshing, carving, shaping, rolling, coiling and pinching they will create an animal sculpture, a mask and unique pottery with their own hands. On the final day they will paint and glaze their treasure and fire some of them in a real fire, the same way its been done for thousands of years. c - DAYTRIPPERS An overnight trip from June 13-15 is scheduled to the Golden Nugget Casino in Laughlin, Nevada. Exciting future excursions in July include the Laguna Art Festival Pageant of the Masters and French Festival Bastille Day in Santa Barbara. STAY 'N' PLAY The Stay n' Play program ended its incredible year with 328 children attending at Pine . Elementary and 169 children from Buena Vista Elementary School. The children ended the great year by having a dance party at the Boys & Girls Club on June 3. The Stay n' Play staff would like to thank the Senior Center for use of their buses in shuttling the children from Buena Vista. The Stay n' Play program will begin again on September 28. SPECIAL EVENTS On June 12th, The City of Carlsbad will host its annual Community Sale will be held at Holiday Park. The Recreation Department is expecting over 100 sellers and 2,000 eager buyers. The sale will be held from 7 am - 2 pm. Plans for the 2lSt International Bodysurfing/Bodyboarding Contest are well underway. This year the contest will be held at Pine Street Beach. The Recreation Department is expecting over 200 participants to take part in this year's contest. - KID2 CAMP Kidz Camp registration is off to a remarkable start. After three weeks of registration, the Kidz Camp program is 85% full. With 5 of the 8 sessions full, the Special Events staff is expecting a busy summer with more than 900 children attending the program. AQUATICS Aquatics staff filled six hundred and eleven spots out of 755 available in 13.5 hours on May 14, 15 and 16. The phone in registration ended May 20" with 702 spots filled. Resident mail-in registration filled all but 22 of the remaining swim lesson spots for the first three weekday and first three weekend sessions. "Open" walk-in registration for residents and non-residents to fill those 22 remaining spots began on Saturday, June 5'h at 10 am. Revenue received May 14* through 28" from swim lessons was $18,644. Staff is currently working on options to make the phone-in registration even more convenient and fast for residents for the upcoming July 5" start date. The spring swim lesson program officially ended June 2"d. The Swim Complex ran three Monday, Wednesday, Friday, two Tuesday, Thursday and one weekend sessions for a total of 23 classes run with 108 participants between March and June. The long awaited three-meter diving board tower replacement began June 2nd but was then prolonged with 2"rain days." Hopefully the new stand will be ready for the onslaught of recreational divers beginning June 21". - The Swim Complex is hosting six elementary school end of the year pool parties between June 3 and June 16. The pool closes early on June 17Ih to accommodate the parking needs of those attending graduation at Carisbad High School. L The Swim Complex is hosting six elementary school end of the year pool parties between June 3 and June 16. The pool closes early on June 17'h to accommodate the parking needs of those attending graduation at Carlsbad High School. Pre-summer staff training will be occurring June 18, 19, and 20. The Complex's summer schedule begins June 21". . PARKS DIVISION Dan Lopez, a 21 year employee with the City of Carlsbad, tias notified the Parks Department of his upcoming retirement, effective 6/28/99. JIM BRADSHAW c: Recreation & Park Planning Manager City Manager Assistant City Manager All Department Heads 017