HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-09-20; Parks & Recreation Commission; 999-7; Strategic Planning EffortsPARKS 8c RECREATION COMMISSION -AGENDA BILL AB# 999-7 STAFF: PRICE RECREATION DEPARTMENT / MTG. DATE: 9/20/99 TITLE : RECOMMENDED ACTION : STRATEGIC PLANNING EFFORTS Accept and file staff report. ITEM EXPLANATION : INFO I I For several years, the Department has wanted to initiate the development of a strategic plan. However, for a number of reasons, primarily related to the City’s recent reorganization, the strategic planning process has not proceeded. Now that the City reorganization has been well implemented, staff is proceeding with a strategic plan for the Recreation Department. The impetus for the plan was a direct result of the City Council’s mission for the City of Carlsbad organization which is “to provide top quality services to our citizens and customers in a manner that enhances the quality of life for all who live, work, and play in Carlsbad.” To that end, the attached summary of the Department’s strategic planning efforts will outline the overall purpose, related outcomes, organizational benefits and project phases. Staff will provide further information on this issue through a verbal staff update and will be available to answer any specific questions the Commission may have. EXHIBITS: 1. Proposed Strategic Planning Project outline. 37 LEISURE E L lifestqle - ONSULTING INC. Proposed Project RISING TO THE CHALLENGES OF 2000 Integration of Benefits Based Programming & Management CITY OF CARLSBAD RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES OVERALL PURPOSE The overall purpose of this project is to conduct training and mentoring to provide staff with the tools and support in developing programs and services for Carlsbad that serve the recreational and community service needs of individuals, families, neighborhoods and local businesses reflecting the changes and challenges of the future. '. LATED OUTCOMES The activities and phases of this proposal will ensure meeting the overall purpose, but in addition, will provide the following outcomes: *:* reflection and re-connection by staff with their original intent for serving people through recreation and parks; *:* creation of an action-oriented agenda and plan for their region and individual community centers; *:* outreach for community centers with individual residents and neighborhood groups to identify the needs and benefits they are seeking; *:* implementation of specific promotional and programmatic strateges for attracting new people and retaining current participants; *:* enhancement of practices, policies, and procedures to reflect the delivery of programs and services specifically targeted to meet desirable benefits for individuals and the neighborhoods; *:+ provision of an organizational model that can be implemented through a mentor training program by other key staff members throughout the department; ORGANIZATIONAL BENEFITS Staff are re-energized and become reinvested. Staff are better equipped to target program goals and objectives for specific audiences. Efforts linked to positive outcomes for participants. Staff are working together for a common vision creating a more cohesive team. Decision makers have greater understanding for recreation being essential. Clarifies value beyond simple revenue and participation numbers. Renewed outreach to community. ~'~~e I or 5 E leisurlife :@a01 .corn 38 EXHIBIT 1 22 1 Hollister Way North, Glastonbury, CT 06033 LEISURE &LEN ~’SULLIVAN, PH.D. csidcnt Proposed Project RISING TO THE CHALLENGES OF 2000 Integration of Benefits Based Programming & Management CITY OF CARLSBAD RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES Connects resource allocation to specific measurable results. Increased customer service through responsiveness to community issues. Attracts more participants. Facilitates marketing efforts and strategies. Increased ability to promote specific benefits linked to program offerings. Increases political parity of leisure services. PHASES OF THE PROJECT There are four phases proposed to complete the project in its entirety. With each of these phases are specific steps that are outlined. The phases and steps within are sequential and developmental with specific outcomes attached. The success of realizing the outcomes and benefits outlined are incumbent upon the implementation of all phases. PHASE I UPUTTING THE PIECES TOGETHER” 3 hr. training20 participants Includes handout materials. plus travel and related expenses This step consists of a training opportunity designed to lay the foundation for moving staff into benefits based programming and management. The following will be addressed: 43 acquaint staff with the four general benefit areas of *:* re-connect staff with original mission of our profession *:* regain appreciation for benefits of recreation and parks, *:* identify research support for the benefits of recreation *:* create tools and techniques for communicating parks and recreation; as well as their own; personally/professionally and parks; benefit(s) message to internal and external publics; Page 2 of 5 -. 39 22 1 Hollister Way North. Glastonbury, CT 06033 *-I= W- LLEN ~‘SULLIVAN, PH.D. Proposed Project RISING TO THE CHALLENGES OF 2000 Integration of Benefits Based Programming & Management CITY OF CARLSBAD RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES PHASE II “MOVING TOWARDS POWERFUL RESULTS” Launched 3 weeks after Phase I Training - TBD Follow-up coaching - TBD Includes program design workshop for part-time staff Implementation time - TBD Includes handout materials. Knowing about the benefits is an excellent start. To move the agency in a powerful way to a preferred future, all aspects of the benefits movement are now integrated witlun the operations of the agency. The following steps ensure staff will be equipped with the tools and skills to position themselves for the hture: Step 1 - Identify benefits movement components - the awareness, benefits identification, change, and documentatioddemonstration. Step 2 - Conduct a self-assessment related to the readiness of the region(s) and community centers to move forward. Step 3 - Create an initial plan for moving the four components throughout the operation of the region(s). Step 4 - Include needs as identified by stakeholers. Step 5 - Moving the message throughout formal and informal speaking opportunities and exchanges. Step 6 - Creating promotional and communication strategies to spread the word and establishment of relationships with neighborhoods. Step 7 - Using a variety of community involvement such as nominal group technique and focus groups to more clearly identify the needs and benefits that are important to various segments of the community. Step 8 - Refine needs assessment process to incorporate professional insights, demographic data, and benefits identified by stakeholders. Step 9 - Translate needs and benefits into programs, facility opportunities and services. Step 10 - Create groundwork for measurement of outcomes or indicators for those programs and services. ‘uFm 860-633-3652 EMAIL leisurlife@aol.com “. .. L. 221 Hollister Way North, Glastonbury. CT 06033 LLEN O’SULLIVAN, PH.D. Proposed Project RISING TO THE CHALLENGES OF 2000 Integration of Benefits Based Programming & Management CITY OF CARLSBAD RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES PHASE III “POSITIONING FOR THE 21ST CENTURY” Launched 6 weeks after Phase II Training - 4 - 6 hrs. Implementation time - Approx. 4 months Follow-up Coaching Support Includes handout materials. The foundation has been set for the integration of benefit based programming and promotion for Carlsbad Recreation and Community Services. The next challenge involves creating ways in which benefit based management becomes a part of the ongoing operation of the agency. Steps involved in this phase include: Step 1 - Identifying ways in which practices, policies, and procedures can be enhanced to incorporate the benefits movement throughout the operation. Step 2 - Creating an action agenda with measurable outcomes to provide specific recommendations for the future. Step 3 - Reworking and refining practices, policies, and procedures. Step 4 - Exploring alternatives for approaches that require such intervention. Step 5 - Identifying and celebrating successes. Step 6 - Development of mentor training teams which includes additional training, guidance, and direction of fully integrating BBM into agency. Step 7 - Ensuring tools and techniques acquired within project as well as plans for ongoing integration actually continue. Page 4 of 5 41 221 Hollister Way North, Glastonbury. CT 06033 LLEN O~ULLIVAN, PH.D. Proposed Project RISING TO THE CHALLENGES OF 2000 Integration of Benefits Based Programming & Management CITY OF CARLSBAD RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES PHASE IV "MOVING THE MESSAGE Launched 6 weeks after Phase m Traininghleetings 15 hrs. Implementation time - 4.5 weeks Follow-Up coaching in development of marketing materials Includes Strategic Marketing Plan, If you build it or sponsor it, they don't automatically come. This phase turns attention and effort to promotinglpublicizing programs and services. Step 1 - Creation of a variety of promotional tools designed to attract specific groups of participants and new participants. Step 2 - Development of unified look that will interface with Step 3 - Develop overall plan for successful publicity and communication campaigns, including consistency of a unified department look. Step 4 - Measure the success of various methods with different target markets, Step 5 - Identify most successful methods and refine areas demonstrating lower success. .. specific program areas. Page 5 of 5 42 221 Hollister Way North, Glastonbury. CT 06033