HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-07-17; Parks & Recreation Commission; 700-5; Individual/Team Goals for FY 2000-01MTG. DATE: 7/17/00 INDIVIDUAL / TEAM GOALS STAFF: BEVERLY RECOMMENDED ACTION: FOR F.Y. 2000-01 0 ACTION Accept and file staff report. ITEM EXPLANATION: As part of the Management Goals for F.Y. 2000-01 several issues will be pursued which have a direct relation to Parks and Recreation. In some, if not most instances, these issues will be presented within the next year to the parks and Recreation Commission for their review, recommendation and approval prior to consideration by the City Council. Staff will update the Commission on those individual or team goals, which have a direct association to Park and Recreation related issues. Some of the goals include, but are not limited to the following: Updating the Parks and Recreation Element 0 Revising the Park-in-Lieu Fees 0 Proceeding with efforts to develop a Citywide Trail System 0 Reformatting the Community Services and Recreation Brochure Implementing an Interim Use or Development for Pine School Developing performance measurements 0 Develop long term repair and replacement program for Swim Complex EXHIBITS: 1. Individual / Team Goals for Recreation Management Employees Goals 2000-2001 Name: Beverly, Keith MSA: Community Services-Recreation Goal: 1 of 2 Individual Goal: BTeam Goal: Reviewer's Name: Ken Pricc City Council Strategic Goal: A Continuously improve work processes Ensure the effective and efficient delivery of top-quality Operational Goal: A2 services to our community. through the use of best technology, information-sharing, effective cross- departmental teams, and all city I resources. Team Goal: Please list member's on Team - - - - ." - - - . Departmental Goal: (if applicable) 4 Describe Your Goal Stating the Outcome First: 1 Year Goal Update the Parks and Recreation Element through a General Plan Amendment to reflect documented changes since the Element was last approved in 1994. Amendments will incorporate changes to the Park inventory, include current information and identify hture direction relative to the Recreation Department's new Strategic Planning document. c Additional information if necessary or go to page #2 for more room Is Your Goal Smart? Specific Measurable Achievable Results-Oriented Time-sensitive Measures of Goal Achievement: Optimum: Process General Plan Amendment through the Planning Commission and schedule for City Council Agenda item. ~ ~~ Target: Review recommended amendments with appropriate staff and present to the Parks and Recreation Commission for input and other recommended changes. Threshold: Review, evaluate and document information contained within the Parks and Recreation Element which amendment (eg. Park Inventory & Summary matrix, future development projects, maps, goals, objectives, implementing policies and action programs). - requires amendment. Prepare a report to the Recreation Director outlining those items requiring 029 Revision Date: 07/12/2000 EXHIBIT I Goals 2000-2001 City Council Strategic Goal: A Ensure the effective and efficient delivery of top-quality services to our community. Team Goal: Please list member’s on Team (List team leader(s) name(s) first Name: Beverly, Keith MSA: Conununity Services Goal: 2 of 2 Individual Goal: NTeam Goal: Reviewer’s Name: Ken Price Operational Goal: A4 Construct, maintain and operate facilities that support top-quality service delivery in conformance with City budgets and standards. Departmental Goal: (if applicable) Acquire, construct, operate and maintain facilities that support service delivery Describe Your Goal Stating the Outcome First: 1 Year Goal Update the Park-in-Lieu fee and revise the fee which is currently collected in lieu of parkland dedication to more accurately reflect the cost of land acquisition in the City’s four park quadrants. c Additional information if necessary or go to page #2 for more room Is Your Goal Smart? Specific Measarable Achievable Results-Oriented Time-sensitive Measures of Goal Achievement: Optimum: Present Agenda Bill to City Council for consideration, amend fee schedule in FY 2001-02 Budget to reflect change. Target: Present the findings of the report to the Parks and Recreation Commission for a recommendation to adjust the Park-in-Lieu fee based upon existing data received through survey work outlined in the threshold achievement. Threshold: Prepare a report outlining the survey results of land acquisition costs within the four park quadrants to determine land values. Revision Date: a _- Goals 2000-2001 Name: Price, Ken MSA: Community Services-Recreation Goal: 1 of 3 Individual Goal: OTeam Goal: Reviewer’s Name: Frank Mannen City Council Strategic Goal: B businesses and jobs that result in financial health of the Community and the City. Attract and retain target industries, Develop and implement proactive strategies to ensure the Operational Goal: B2 improved economic health. Team Goal: Please list members on Team Ken Price, Joe Garuba Departmental Goal: (if applicable) Investigate and explore the feasibility of utilizing the private sector as a means of providing Recreation facilities for the industrial park site. Describe Your Goal Stating the Outcome First: 1 Year Goal ~ Explore the feasibility of utilizing the private sector as a means of providing Recreation services andor programs at the business park Recreation facility for the industrial based population who work in Carlsbad. c Additional information if necessary or go to page #2 for more room Is Your Goal Smart? Specific Measurable Achievable Results-Oriented Time-sensitive Measures of Goal Achievement: Optimum: Start negotiations with operators. Target: Report findings to the Parks and Recreation Commission and possibly to the City Council for fbrther direction. Initiate and send Request for Information and/or a Request for Proposal to the private sector. Threshold: Develop a feasibility study and design a concept plan for Zone 5 Business Park which would identify the types of Recreation amenities that could be incorporated on the parksite and submit a report to the Leadershir, Team with recommendations. OL evision Date: 07/12/2000 Goals 2000-2001 City Council Strategic Goal: C Integrate a comprehensive efficient transportation system with quality of life-centered land use decisions. Team Goal: Please list members on Team Ken Price, Doug Duncanson, Don Rideout, Natasha Hagaman, Lisa Hildabrand Name: Price, Ken MSA: Community Services-Recreation Goal: 2 of 3 Individual Goal: DTeam Goal: Reviewer’s Name: Frank Mannen Operational Goal: C1 Develop programs and policies in partnership with other local and regional transportation authorities that result in a fully integrated, efficient, cost-effective transportation system and regional transportation plan. Departmental Goal: (if applicable) Initiate and design a plan for the development and maintenance for the Citywide Trails System. Describe Your Goal Stating the Outcome First: 1 Year Goal Develop an implementation plan for the Citywide Trails Program and submit a report to City Council for further direction. Additional information if necessary or go to page #2 for more room Design a plan for the development and management of a Citywide Trail System. For Recreation, Public Works (Parks), Finance, City Managers Office and Planning to develop a Trails program which would allow for the integration with the Citywide Trail Program. Is Your Goal Smart? Specific Measurable Achievable Results-Oriented Time-sensitive Measures of Goal Achievement: Optimum: Submit Citywide Trails report for City Council action and direct staff accordingly. Target: Submit Citywide Trails report to Leadership Team with recommendations including: Developing fimding sources 3 Use of volunteers for construction andor maintenance a Liability issues a Financing alternatives Threshold: Update the Citywide Trails Program which would include: Inventory of existing public / private trails Look at segments and realign accordingly due to H.M.P. i Review Trail Standards for particular user groups Revision Date: 07/12/2000 Goals 2000-2001 Name: Price, Ken MSA: Community Services-Recreation Goal: 3 of 3 Individual Goal: OTeam Goal: Reviewer’s Name: Frank Mannen Citv Council Strategic Goal: D Enhance educational opportunities for all segments of the Community Team Goal: Please list members on Team Cliff Lange, Ken Price, Connie Beardsley ODerational Goal: Dl I Develop, maintain, and enhance programs that support life long learning and result in an informed, knowledgeable and involved public through enhanced citizen engagement. Departmental Goal: (if applicable) Develop a communication plan for Community Services MSA, which will improve communication to our internal and external customers. Describe Your Goal Stating the Outcome First: 1 Year Goal Develop a communication plan for Community Services MSA, which will increase public awareness of programs, and services provided. c ~ Additional information if necessary or go to page #2 for more room The communication plan will consist of: 0 Assessment of current methods of communication 0 Methods of communication Target audiences Timeliness of communication I] Is Your Goal Smart? Specific Measurable Achievable Results-Oriented Time-sensitive Measures of Goal Achievement: Optimum: Develop measurements to evaluate the effectiveness of the communications plan. Target: Identify and implement a communication plan to all customers. Threshold: Analyze current means of communication through discussions with Senior, Library, Arts, Recreation, Aquatic staff, and Manager’s office to inventory and identify existing communications and design a plan that would improve efficiency, and consolidate internal and external customer communications. Examples of communications would include brochures, flyers, newsletters, Press Releases (Public Service: Revision Date: 07/12/2000 Goals 2000-2001 City Council Strategic Goal: A Ensure the effective and efficient delivery of top-quality services to our community. Team Goal: Please list member’s on Team (List team leader(s) name(s) first Name: Pope, Carl MSA: Community Services-Recreation Goal: 1 of 3 Individual Goal: Team Goal: 0 Reviewer’s Name: Ken Price Operational Goal: A1 Provide timely responses that result in high customer satisfaction Departmental Goal: (if applicable) Describe Your Goal Stating the Outcome First: 1 Year Goal Research and evaluate the opportunities and constraints associated with providing short-term aquatic facilities, at one or more sites within the City, as a means to improve the satisfaction of Carlsbad citizens with the availability of high-demand aquatic instructional programs. Additional information if necessary or go to page #2 for more room Is Your Goal Smart? Specific Measurable Achievable Results-Oriented Time-sensitive Measures of Goal Achievement: Optimum: Present the report to the Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council for consideration in the next budget cycle. Target: Prepare a report on the research findings including recommendations, potential City funding and outside revenue sources. Threshold: Research potential sites, specific vendors of portable pools, and the fiscal impacts associated with initial purchase and installation, ongoing maintenance and operation costs including personnel. .. Revision Date: (if you are resubmitting goal-current date here) 034 City Council Strategic Goal: A Ensure the effective and efficient delivery of top-quality services to our community. Team Goal: Please list member’s on Team (List team leader(s) name(s) first Name: Pope, Carl MSA: Community Services-Recreation Goal: 2 of 3 Individual Goal: RTeam Goal: 0 Reviewer’s Name: Ken Price Operational Goal: A4 Construct, maintain and operate facilities that support top-quality service delivery in conformance with City budgets and standards. Departmental Goal: (if applicable) Describe Your Goal Stating the Outcome First: 1 Year Goal Develop a proactive and strategic long-term facility repair and replacement program in order to maximize the availability of the Swim Complex for use by the public and minimize facility down-time, loss of revenue and the cost of major repairs and equipment replacement. Additional information if necessary or go to page #2 for more room Is Your Goal Smart? SDecific Measurable Achievable Results-Oriented Time-sensitive Measures of Goal Achievement: Optimum: Present a report to the Leadership Team in order to secure funding for the program in the next budget cycle. Coordinate with Public Works, Facilities Maintenance, to schedule initiation of projects. Target: Research and prepare report on repair or replacement costs and estimated facility “down-time” required for each. Develop a coordinated repairh-eplacement program to minimize facility closure. Recommend a priority and schedule for CIP andor Capital Outlay budget. Threshold: Identify, prioritize, and report key facility and system components, their condition, age, and life expectancy. Identify potential revenue loss. Revision Date: (if you are resubmitting goal-current date here) 035 Name: Spickard, Sue MSA: Community Services-Recreation Goal: 3 of 3 Individual Goal: OTeam Goal: Reviewer’s Name: Ray Patchett ~~ ~ I City Council Strategic Goal: A I Operational Goal: A4 (Procedures Manual) Ensure the effective and efficient delivery of top-quality Construct, maintain and operate facilities services to our community. I that support top-quality service delivery in conformance with City Budgets and standards. Team Goal: Please list member’s on Team Delivering top quality public safety, Joe Garuba, Tom Ritter, John Cahill, Julie Ross, Lynn Departmental Goal: (if applicable) Diamond, Sue Spickard, Linda Kermott community services, community development, public works and administrative services. Describe Your Goal Stating the Outcome First: 1 Year Goal Establish and maintain Carlsbad as a high performing organization. Strategy: Continually identify and implement opportunities for improvement through the performance measurement system. Additional information if necessary or go to page #2 for more room. *- Is Your Goal Smart? Specific Measurable Achievable Results-Oriented Time-sensitive Measures of Goal Achievement: Optimum: Identify areas for organizational improvement by June 2001. Target: Issue report on the state of effectiveness including external comparisons by June 200 1. Threshold: Every department is collecting performance measurement data by June 2001. Revision Date: 07/12/2000 036