HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-08-21; Parks & Recreation Commission; 800-6; City/CUSD Subcommittee Meeting: August 2000PARKS & RECREATICN COMMISSION -AGENDA BILL AB# 800-6 RECOMMENDED ACTION : STAFF: BEVERLY CITY / CUSD SUBCOMMITTEE MTG. DATE: 8/21/00 TITLE : INFO MEETING OF AUGUST 2000 ACTION Accept and file staff report ITEM EXPLANATION : On August 2, 2000, staff and the elected officials from the City and Carlsbad Unified School District met to discuss several items. At the request of the Commission to be updated on the City/School subcommittee meetings, staff will report on the items discussed. In addition, attached, as Exhibit 1 is the agenda and minutes of that meeting. EXHIBITS: 1. Memo - City/CUSD Subcommittee meeting - August 2,2000 ‘4 rc .4ugust 3. ‘000 TO: CITY MAVAGER FROM: .Assistant City .\imager /” $,‘$Yl II CITY/CUSD SUBCOMhIITTEE JIEETING OF AUGUST 2.2000 The elected officials subcornminee met in the CUSD Superintendent‘s Office 3nd covered the attached agenda: Item #1 : DILUiE Sr School Resource Officer Programs CUSD representatives indicated that although they find the DAW Program of value. the District oniy has S3.000 in its budget for support ofthe Program. The funding sources CUSD would use to support the D-W Program have restrictions. 3nd this is the oniy funding that CUSD Ivouid be jviiiins to use to fund Dm. -\lthough the District has other funds. D;i\RE is not a pnonty use ofthose other funds. - In regard to the School Resourcc Officer (SRO) Program. .- the superintendent Indicated there nas money In CUSD budget to support this Progm. The District believes the City should be responslble for fundins this Program since students are a part of the generai population and the City is responslble for crime prevention for the communitv in generai. Therefore. rile CiIJr should fuily r’und the SRO and DARE Programs. The District !vi11 send the City 2 i2rtsr spelling out its position on rime programs and how :!ley should be funded. Item ic2 : Stay n’ Play Program The Superintendent reviened the current status of this issue. There IS currently no consensus among the various stakehoiders involved. The Supenntendent will have iilrther discussion n.lth the Educarlon Foundation resarding extension oithis program to 1hgnoiia. One Board Member expressed interest in developing Stay n’ Play programs fixjunior and senior high schooi students ;is \yell. - 071 EXHIBIT I City Manager CityKUSD Subcommittee AIeeting of August 2.3000 Page 2 August 3. too0 Citv and District staff will discuss having the Stay n’ Play Program operate out of Jefferson School rather than having the children having to walk to Pine School for the Pro, oram. Item #3 : Safe Routes to Schools (Guardraiis) The City has applied for grant funding to install guardrails at Pacific Rim and Mission Estancia School. The availability of grant funding will not be‘known until later in August or early September. The prospects for grant funding does not appear promising and other funding sources may need to be sought. Item d4 : Future Topics rc City and District stafft’r’nill collaborate on del-eloping a meeting schedule for the balance oithe fiscal year. L: CUSD Supenntendent Cl1rn.i Ernst 1 Ia!.or Cir!. Councii Recreation Director Captain Don Metcalf- Suppon Operations Sergeant Don Sisselberser ..4sslstant Engineer Bob Johnson Senior Management Analyst Keith Beverly ATTACHMENT 21 , . .', CARLSBAD C'XIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT AND CITY OF CARLSBAD JOINT MEETING SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE CARLSBAD UIVIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT AUGUST 2,2000 3:OO P.M. AGENDA 1. DARE rsi Resource Officer Program - -. 7 Stay Sr Play Program 3. Safe Routes to School Program Funding 4. Future Topics ATTACHMENT 52 August 2,2000 CUSD DARE CONTRACT HISTORY OVERVIEW For more than a decade, the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Unified School District have had a partnership agreement to teach the DARE Program at the District’s elementary and middle schools. The City has provided a police officer to teach the DARE curriculum and the District has agreed to pay half of the officer‘s total personnel costs (not the complete cost of the DARE Program). FISCAL YEAR 1998199 Fiscal year 1998/99 was the last year we used the “old” cost-sharing agreement formula. During that year, the District’s cost per school was $6,086 per elementary school. With seven elementary schools and one junior high school, the District’s half-share cost was $31,444. FISCAL YEAR 1999/00 Projecting additional school sites, the Police Department requested and received a’second DARE Oficer position. In so doing, it became apparent that the “old” cost sharing arrangement was not fair and equitable to either the City or to the District. Therefore, Police Department staff asked the DARE Officers to determine the maximum number of schools one officer could effectively instruct. It was determined one officer could present the complete DARE Program (K-5 visitations and 6 grade instmction) at eight different elementary schools or two different middle schools during one fiscal year. Using this new formula, the District’s cost per school was $7,884 for elementary school. With seven elementary schools and one middle school, the District’s half share cost was $43.363. FISCAL YEAR 2000101 For fiscal year 2000/01, the District’s cost per school is $8,050 per elementary school. With eight elementary schools and two middle schools, the District’s half-share cost is $60,379. NOTE: None of these discussions regarding DARE affected or changed our current cost sharing pattnershi,p with the District over the School Resource Officer position at Carlsbad High School. FY 1999l2OOO Elementary (1 0) Aviara Oaks Buena Vista Hooe Jefferson La Costa Heights Kelly Magnolia Mission Estancia Olivenhain Pioneer Paclfic Rim Middle Schools (2) Aviara Valley High Schools (2) Carlsbad La Costa Canyon FY 200012001 Elementary (1 1 ) Aviara Oaks Buena Vista El Camlno Creek Hope Jefferson La Costa Heights Magnolia Mission Estancia Olivenhain Pioneer Pacific Rim . Kelly Middle Schools (2) Aviara Valley High Schools (2) Carlsbad La Costa Canyon FY 2001i2002 Elementary (1 2) Aviara Oaks Buena Vista Calavera Hills Ei Camino Creek Hope Jefferson La Costa Heights Kelly Magnolia Mission Estancia Olivenhain Pioneer Pacific Rim Middle Schools (3) Aviara Calavera Hills Valley High Schools (2) Carlsbad La Costa Canyon EXHIBIT C Carkbad Police Department 1998/99 Costsharing Breakdown ic , salary $42,263 Overtime Retirement 1,065 Disabdity & Unemployment 3,170 575 Uniform Allowance 613 Medicare 5,565 Health & Life 7,607 , TOTRL PERSOMUEL COSTS $60,858 Costs are for one mid-step police officer for one year and include oniy personnel costs; equipment and maintenance costs are not included. One officer is assigned to the elementary school program; a second officer is assigned to the junior hgh school program. * Prorated for four-month semester. 076 EXHIBIT CG, Carlsbad Police Department DARE PROGRAM: I999/ 00 Cost-Sharing Breakdown Overtime I 3,446 Disabiliw dc Unemployment Health & Life 6,525 Retirement 544 613 Uniform Allowance 666 Medicare 5,328 TOTAL PERSONNEL COSTS $63,075 Costs are for one mid-step police officer for one year and include only personnel costs; equipment and maintenance costs are not included. DARE-~ROGRAM.OS~'ALLOCAT:ON*.- 1 --..-.scHoo~~.-~'~scH~~~.':ToTAL'. .- Annual Personnel Costs per Officer I 63,075 Maximum Number of Schools per Officer 8 63,075 11 1 10 Number of Schools 3 1.538 Cost per School I 7.884 2 I Cx-isbad Unified School District I - I Encinitas Union School District I 11,526 1 0 1 11,826 I 077 Carlibad Police Department DARE PROGRAM 2000/2001 Costsharing Breakdown Salary $47,332" Overtime Disability 86 Unemployment 3,550 650 Uniform Allowance 686 Medicare 6,069 Health 86 Life 5,822 Retirement 298 c TOTAL PERSO- COSTS $64,407 Costs are for one mid-step police officer for one year and include only personnel costs; equipment and maintenance costs are not included. Annual Personnel Costs Der Officer 64,407 64,407 Maximum Number of Schools per Offcer 8, 2 Cost per School 8.050 1 32,204 Number of Schools 13 11 1 2 Carisbad Unified School Distnct 71 2 9 Encinitas Union School District I 41 0 4 Carlsbau Unfied School District 56.350 16,100 16.100 1 0 Encinitas Union School District 60,379 28.175 1 32,204 Carisbad Unified School Distnct 32,200 32,200 0 Encinitas Union School Distnct 120,757 64,407 Gross Cost per Distnct Based on # Schools I Net Cost (Half Share) to District I ATTACHMENT $3 -13; ZiTY MANAGES ‘,JIA: - - , .~ECREATION DIRECTOR”%‘: FFiOh1:Rec:eatron Supervtsor II - HCC STAY ‘N’ PLAY AND SCHOOL’S OUT COMPARISON -. n ne Stay ‘F!” Flay program currently ooerates at Jefferson and Buena Vista Eiementary Schools. Stafi 78s Drocosec :3 add Magnolia €!ementaw School as an additional site in the FY 00/01 buaaet. In resoonse. re School’s Cut Program rrn ccnynction with the Carlsbad Education Foundation) nave rarsea cmcerns aecut S?ay ‘N’ Play negatlvely tmDacring tnelr program. Specifically, they Delieve that Stay ‘N’ P!av IS In c::ec: cmpetttion with Scnoor’s Cui ZRU ihereime affects their aollity to generate revenue for 59th crganlzatlcns. Staff believes :ne TWO Drograms are not in direct comoetition ana has preparea a 7rograrn czmmson rnafrlx iccatea cn tne following page to help clarify the aifferences between the two programs. From Staffs zersoective there are a number of funaamental and distinct differences between the two xograms. -ke cnmary distinction is the ciienrele, in oarticular, their ability 10 pay for program ;anicioatton. Stay ‘N’ Play has a vey nign percentage of economically disadvantaged children enrollea in our crcgram. The tvprcar Stay ’N’ Play particmant cannot afford the fees for School’s Out. even if they recetvea the maxlmum amount of su~stdy that Schooi’s Out offers. (Maximum 50% subsidy) .- Conversely. any mid that IS enrollea In the Federal Lunch program qualifies to attena the City’s Stay ‘N’ Play free of czirce. An aaaitional potnt of irnoact. is that most Stay ‘N’ Play particioants have siblings In :he oroaram ana navrng IC pay for aiter School care would be a severe fiscal impact to the maprtty oi Stay ‘N’ B!ay ‘amtlies. The followma stattstics neb cerlne the Stay ‘N’ Play clientele: ‘$5 ci :ne CE3 Dantcmanrs at Je~erson cuartfy fcr the Federal Lunch Program 3 of $5 zanrc:oanrs st Euena Lisa Cualliy fzr rne Feaeral Luncn program 239’5 G? :ne cnllaren enrollea tn S!av N’ Plav nave smlinas also attendrng rhe prooram (428 of 657) FEDERAL LUNCH INCOME ELIGIBILITY GUIDELINES A~~~ec~~a Size Annual6 Income - S 15.448 - S20.813 v S26.178 - S3 1.543 ” S36.908 - S42.273 547,638 c 553.003 - - I? - .: Another kev clstlnctlon between the hvo crograrns IS that Stay ‘N’ Play offers a mentoring program for Juntor High age youths wno have been past panrcipants. This year thirteen Junror High students ,-anrc:mrea I:: T-1 8/oIunteer rentormc Crccram. - aacition to hirina proaram ornslovees ircm :./lrnrn rne xogram tarset zs3iilatlon. next vear we anrraoare flirlng *,me oi the volunteer mentors throucn a WorK sxoerrence c::;:am. I hereiore. me Stav 'N' Fbv clrocram not onrv offers JOO trarnrng OODonunlrles ro East canrcloanrs 2s mentors. also Drovlaes rrese at rlSK youths with posrtive role models ircm *.vltnrn :?er cwn neronce:nooa. - - The thira disrrr;c::on between the two programs !s the varrety of activities offerea as a can P; P~CR -rocram. Seiow IS a chart illustrating a oroaram csrnoanson: PROGRAM COMPARISON Stay n1 Play Schooi's out Type of i'rogram Provlaer 2ecreatlonal Oroo rn Program State Lrcensea Cav Czre dejierson - t 85 ser sesslon ,e~?erson - 3 ?rograrn Attenuance Buena Vista - C8 xr session 3uena Vista - 13 ?laanolia - 7; -7 mcarea 'Aaanolra - -3 Days of the Week Tuesaav, Wednesaav & ThUrSaav :.londav - Fricav Hours of Operation 6:OOom After scnool untlt 5:30m Deaicarea Tutoring Hour Tor HomeworK 3eiore & After scnool until Sommunlty Educarron (Fire. Am. Police The Centro. etc.) 'Joiunrary HOmeWOrK Time Program -arge Outdoor Grouo Activities crovlaing Social lnteractlon ana Activities Team Panlcnatron "avground Actlvrtres I '.:entorma - Provided bv tne Jr. Hicn S!uoenrs (Past Participants) 2smouter LaD Learnlnq - =nc of Sesslon Amusemel: P2rK Field Trio Cost of Program. 5100 Der tC, weeK Sesslon 12 Slssions a School Year) 3235 montn SchorarsniDs Scnorarsnrps are oiierea on a .z cnarce ror :-e cnmen !rat are c- :-e Feaerai luncn Frogram. slralng scale. ana no more than ~ 509; or ihe cost oi the orogram IS i awaraed Supervlslon oi Program S:aii C-diaea Ac:;~;l1les Self - Directea -I l ne S!av 'Y' =;a ,:oaram was lnltlailv ceve!ccec with C3BG funainc to DrovIae seed monev for a Tecreatlon crccrarn br eccnomrcallv cisaavanra<es !:curn. Cunalna lor rhe Stav 'N' Play program xnttnues 10 crc'I'rce recreational. eaucatlcnal. mc 2:l:er cosltlve ooportunlties to rnese area youths wno :vould ofhenvrse CB unable to aiiord and Danlcrcare !n lhe School's Out program. Fcr adurtlonal 1nrc:marlon reaararng panlc!oatlon In arternatlve actlvlties offerea at eacn of the school site rn aadltion rc ;ne 5:av 'N' Play ana Scnool's Out zrc;rams. please rew to Exhrbit 1 Robin ?. 5er;m C: Assistant City Manager " , .I I _- Y- I 3 7 3 '0 I