HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-10-16; Parks & Recreation Commission; 1000-1; Commissioners Reportc PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL AB# 1000-1 RECOMMENDED ACTION : STAFF: BETTIN COMMISSIONERS REPORT MTG. DATE: loll 6/00 TITLE : INFO 0 ACTION Accept and file. ITEM EXPLANATION : Attached are the Commissioners Reports for September 2000. \ EXHIBITS: 1. Commissioners Reports - September 2000. . September 5, 2000 - TO: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FROM: Recreation Supervisor I COMMISSIONER'S REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER 2000 YOUTH DAY CAMPS In the next few weeks, the Special Events Section will be sending a survey out to the partici- pants of the summer day camp program. The survey will be focusing on the overall evalua- tion of the programming, staff, and what the benefits were to the parents and children. Staff will present the results as soon as all the data has been collected. FAMILY NIGHT IN THE PARK The 1st annual Family Night In the Park was a huge success. The participants enjoyed a night of food, fun and must importantly, a night with the family. The biggest hit of the night was the movie, Princess Bride. Staff made sure that we captured the "Drive In Movie Ex- perience" with the big screen and the drive-in speaker noise. Many of the participants asked if the Recreation Department could host three of these a sum- - mer. Staff will be looking into the expanding the event for next year. STAY N' PLAY The Stay n' Play program will be starting on September 19 at Jefferson & Buena Vista Schools. Staff will be conducting on-site promotions the week prior to the start date. Some of the highlights for the first session; trip to the San Diego Zoo, Halloween Party, and a Home- - work Raffle for a scooter and other big prizes. ADULT SPORTS Our Fall Sports season is in full swing and is in high gear. We have a hundred softball teams and thirty basketball teams. We had to turn away teams due to not having enough days and times. We have had an increase in participation. We have open play soccer on Friday nights at Poinsettia Park. This is for individuals that want to sharpen their skills and have fun. We have had an increase in calls inquiring about Adult Sports. Thanks to all the Adult Sports staff. YOUTH SPORTS Registration for Youth Basketball is scheduled for September 30, October 7, and October 14 at the Calavera and Stagecoach Gymnasiums. Evaluations of all the participants will also be conducted on these dates. Any child in the 3rd - 8Ih grades can participate. Enrollment is lim- ited, so early registration has been suggested. HNORDIGREENSHEETS ZaXMjREENSHEET SEPT 2OW Coaches, officials and returning staff are all being contacted in order to secure their spots for - the season. All volunteer coaches will be fingerprinted this year. If you or anyone you know is interested in volunteering, please send them our way. (Phone: 602-7525) Summer sports camps are officially over. All records indicate that each one was a success. AQUATICS This is the time of year when folks transplanted from the east coast get all whiney about Southern California’s lack of seasonal climate change. They drone on about the color of foli- age and drop in temperature associated with the Fall of their youth (pun intended). The ab- sence of these distinct markers in the passing of seasons leaves non-native west coasters out of sorts, wandering in a fugue brought on by the deep seated fear of forgetting to book travel plans for Thanksgiving or falling fatally behind in Christmas shopping. A serious condi- tion, but as with most maladies of the spirit, one easily cured by well-timed visits to the Carls- bad Swim Complex. Here at the Swim Complex the change from summer to fall is not only noticeable, it is drastic. Hordes of swim lesson parents no longer descend on the facility from morning to night, their desire for instruction not diminishing of its own accord as much as it is choked off by the on- slaught of athletic groups; CHS Boys Polo, C-BAD Water Polo, NSA Water Polo, La Costa Canyon H. S. Water Polo and North Coast Aquatics to name a few. The playful splashing and screaming of the afternoon summer Recreation Swim crowd is replaced by the grunts, - groans and curses of these fall team workouts. With the exodus of the summer minivan crowd comes multiple daily reenactments of various motorist scenes from the movie “Mad Max”, courtesy of the high school student body (Tip of the day: If you wish to maintain your auto insurance rates at their current level, never let your carrier know you drive anywhere in the vicinity of the Swim Complex Monday - Friday between the hours of 7:20 AM - 7:45 AM, 11 :35 AM - 12:15 PM or 2:20 PM - 250 PM). To a Carlsbad Aquatics employee, the smell - of burning rubber and the sound of screeching tires truly heralds the fall season. The Aquatics staff has to be sensitive to the seasons. The Swim Complex is an outdoor year round facility which currently offers staff nowhere to hide from the elements. This is about to change. To assist in keeping staff healthy, safe and alert, Aquatics has ordered an enclosed lifeguard stand. This customized stand at the aquatics facility, while similar to equipment on the State Beaches, will be the first of its kind in the county, and perhaps the state. The Aquatics Staff wishes to announce and celebrate the marriage of one of its most valu- able team members, Skippy the automatic and remote controlled pool vacuum. A mate for Skippy was purchased with capital outlay funds in August. Sadly, the couple was separated on the first day of their union when Skippy was rushed to the hospital in pump failure (a situa- tion which underscores the logic behind purchasing the second unit). He is resting well and will be returned to us in the near future. The happy couple is registered at Knorr Systems. The Recreation Department’s relatively new CLASS registration system allows Aquatics to mine program statistics with never before experienced ease. For example, a couple minutes - effort yields the following information: HNORDIOREENSWETS ZWGREENSHEET SEPT 2wO 2 Total Swim Lesson Spots sold for Summer = 1309 - Total waitlisted spots for Summer Lessons = I010 (this number pales in comparison to the number of people who inquired about lessons, were shown the length of the waitlists, and simply despaired) Total Resident Adult Lap Swimmers for Summer = 2566 Total Non - resident Adult Lap Swimmers for Summer = 830 Total Youthneen Recreation Swimmers for Summer = 4581 The Aquatics staff invites you to be a spectator at the Carlsbad High School Water Polo Tournament coming to the Swim Complex on the last weekend of September. The action will run Friday, September 29 from 1:30 pm to 8:30 pm and Saturday, September 30 from 7:30 am to 8:30 pm. Admission is free, however we politely request that all sunflower seeds be left at home. DAYTRIPPERS In September, excursions are scheduled for the play "Funny Girl" at the Lawrence Welk thea- tre and a Padres baseball game versus the Los Angeles Dodgers. In October, the Daytrip- pers will be going on a trip to Laughlin, Nevada and the "Magical Morocco" experience. SENIORS Best-selling author Vern Ellison spoke August 10 to a crowd of seniors interested in the con- tent of his book, She Never Said Goodbye, which chronicles his wife Sara's descent into Alz- heimer's disease. Ellison shared with the audience a touching love story and an educational .- journey. All in attendance were moved by the poignant information and asked the author many questions. A woman who survived a heart attack addressed the seniors August 15 about the trauma of the situation and what she went through to survive. It ended up being an intimate setting where she and a group of people sat around informally discussing everyone's situations and - receiving hints about how to handle the trauma. This seminar was educational and satisfying to those in attendance. There was a lively forum on August 17 involving the North County Transit District and mem- bers of the audience as they discussed the proposed FAST FORWARD plan for transporta- tion changes and improvements. Many in the audience rely on the NCTD for their transportation and were quite vocal when it came to offering suggestions and advice to NCTD authorities. A reporter in attendance wrote an article that appeared in the paper the following day. Great forum! The computer programs offered by the Senior Center continue to grow in popularity. Specifi- cally, the three classes that are taught here - Basic Computing, Intermediate Computing & Internet/E-Mail - are always full and in demand. HIWWWGREENSHEETS ZWGREENSHEET SEW 2WO 3 STAGECOACH COMMUNITY PARK A United States junior fencing tournament was held in the gymnasium in August. Lightning and AYSO/La Costa Soccer Clubs had their opening day for the fall season on the ballfields. Again this year, the Encinitas Rotary Club used Stagecoach as one of the sites for their an- nual soccer tournament. Three week long youth sports camps were conducted on the ball- fields. During August there were twenty-fwr picnic reservations at Stagecoach. POINSETTIA PARK The Lightning, AYSO/La Costa and Carlsbad Soccer Clubs have started their busy fall sea- son. A North County senior men's baseball league will be playing their games Saturday and Sunday nights on the main baseball field. During August there were eight picnic reservations at Poinsettia. The City of Carlsbad and the Sister City Committee will play host to a very unique event at Poinsettia Park during several days in October. On Thursday the 12'h, a soccer team from Carlsbad's sister city of Karlovy Vary will enjoy a picnic at the park from 4-7 p.m. and then play a soccer game under the lights with an employee group team from Viasat. Two other games will be played on Friday and Saturday, from 6-8 p.m. with the Karlovy Vary team and the North County coaches and the Mexican All-star Team (respectively). ENRICHMENT CLASSES This fall we have expanded our programming for Preschool age children in order to meet the high demand for more classes in this age group. Pee Wee Vovagers for 2-5 year olds is de- " signed for young children to be introduced to creative arts, science and gardening. Expand- ing on this program, we are introducing Wee Sinq Along for children (and parents) who have an interest in music. They will be experimenting with different instruments, dance, stories and experiencing socialization. While these classes meet the artistic side of the children's needs, we have not forgotten the - need for physical activity. Mini-Hawk is an introductory program for 3-6 year olds that help children explore soccer, baseball and basketball in a day program setting. This class is committed to helping children start off on the right foot in their first steps as athletes. On August 18 Michelle Alspaw and a few of her dancers held a very special recital at the Dove Library Auditorium for one for her students who could not perform in her recital in June. The young girl had received severe 3rd degree burns while dining at a restaurant in San Fran- cisco. At least 100 parents and friends attended. CALAVERA HILLS PARK With the best summer weather we've had in years, Calavera had another attendance record set for the month of August. A total of 24,451 patrons used the park, bringing in a record $4,289.83 in facility rental revenue. There were a few major happenings including Jazz In the Park, the Special Event's Sleepover, and a big ashtanga yoga 1 l-day event, which started on the last weekend of the month. Of course, soccer, football, adult softball and basketball leagues have started up again. Also, all the Fall classes are starting plus the scouting groups are beginning, too. We are getting our new playground set-up installed around mid-month if all goes well. " HMRDGREENSHEETS ZLWXGREENSHEET SEPT 2MM 4 PARKS - Summer is a busy season for the Parks Department. Between special events and recreation programs, trying to keep the fields and park areas in shape takes a lot of manpower and creative scheduling. The Poinsettia Park crew just finished repairing and cleaning up after a Taste of North County and the Jazz Concerts completed their events. Things are starting to look good again with Fields 2 and 3 now open. Cannon Park improvements were recently completed by the General Services Department. This was a team effort that involved Streets, CMWD and Parks, all adding their own exper- tise. The project involved grading, hauling, forming and pouring 25 yards of concrete, as well as building a masonry wall. This was all done in an effort of provide handicap and hardscape improvements. ROBIN BETTIN c: Recreation Director City Manager Assistant City Manager All Department Heads - H:NYORDIGREENSHEETS ZWGREENSHEET SEPT 2WO 5 013