HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-11-20; Parks & Recreation Commission; 1100-5; Charlene Circle Tree PlanPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL
AB# 11 00-5
Accept the Tree Resource Conservation and Reforestation Plan at Charleen Circle.
The over matured Tipuana tipu trees on Charleen Circle are causing infrastructure damages to
City property and were scheduled for removal by the City's Tree Maintenance Division. Residents
on Charleen Circle expressed their concerns that the arbitrary removal of all these trees at one
time will affect their quality of life and the unique characteristics these trees offer to their
To resolve this issue, an arborist consultant was retained to conduct a study and develop a tree
management plan that requires the cooperation from both the City and residents on Charleen
Circle. The end result is a Tree Resource Conservation and Reforestation Plan developed by the
consultant (see Exhibit 1).
The Plan requires the City to plant twelve 15-gallon Tipuana tipu trees adjacent to the existing
over matured trees and three 15-gallon Tipuana tipu trees at three vacant plant sites. One of the
helve over matured trees is removed in the year 2000 followed by another tree removed every
.;ee years until the last over matured tree is removed in 2043. By 2043, the fifteen trees planted
in 2000 will be fully grown. To avoid future infrastructure damages and to ensure the residents
continue receiving the benefits of these trees, the Plan will be implemented all over again.
Two draft plans were submitted to residents on Charleen Circle for their review and comments. In
addition, staff met with residents twice to review the Plan with them. Staff incorporated all the
changes made by Charleen residents, and by the second draft, there were no objections to the
Staff is recommending the Commission accept the attached Plan so that staff can begin
implementation immediately.
0 purchase, plant, remove and maintain the Tipuana tipu tress on Charleen Circle. F:
Staff estimate that during the course of this Plan (40 years), it will cost the City $279,000 to
Tree Resource Conservation and Reforestation Plan.
Tree Resource Conservation
Prepared for:
November 1999
The City of Carisbad
Prepared by:
Treeco Arborist
729 Oak Knoll Street Brea, CA 92821
r Introduction
Importance of the Community Forest to Charleen Circle Residents
Trees are an important component of the Charleen Circle community environment and
by extension important to the community forest of the City of Carlsbad. In addition to
enhancing the quality of life the community's trees also moderate noise levels, cleanse
pollutants from the air, produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide and other
greenhouse gasses.
Trees also provide significant economic benefits. The economic benefits of each tree to
a communtty have been quantified at between $431 to $492 per tree, per year.' Real
estate appraisers have found that neighborhoods with a healthy street tree population
have substantially higher property values than similar neighborhoods without trees.
Research by the U.S. Forest Service shows that trees comprise an average of 6 to 12
percent, and in some cases up to 20 percent, of the appraised value of residential
property. Properly managed trees return overall benefits and value to the community
far in excess of the time and money invested in them for planting, pruning, protection
and removal.
The residents of Charleen Circle have recognized these benefits and consistent with
their strong commitment to conserve the valuable tree resource, they have determined
to adopte a comprehensive community tree resource management plan. This plan
started in 1999 with an inventory of trees on Charleen Circle, within the city right-of-way.
The findings of the inventory establish a benchmark of conditions at a particular point in
time. These findings are used to establish objectives for a management plan.
Objectives are desires set in a time line. The objectives are placed into a document (a
plan). The plan document outlines the ways and means for achieving the objectives by
establishing the policies and procedures for planting and maintaining trees.
A specific management strategy is suggested in this plan. Successful implementation
of the plan requires that City tree managers and residents of Charleen Circle work
together to achieve the objectives. A tree maintenance schedule beginning in 2000 has
been provided with the suggested plan. This schedule may be modified as the City tree
managers and residents reevaluate the objectives of the plan over time. City tree
managers and the residents will need to schedule, track and evaluate work information
to assure that the objectives are being met. Evaluation of progress is necessary for
future planning. The management plan, as designed, is a dynamic document. The
intent of this plan is to: 1) sustain a healthy tree resource, 2) increase long-term
economic benefits to the residents of Charleen Circle, and 3) improve the health, safety
and welfare of the tree resource at Charleen Circle in the present and future.
On Balance, Weighmg the Benefits and Costs of Urban Trees, Cheryl Kollins, et.al. 1991
Charleen Circle, City of Carlsbad
Community Forest Management Plan I999 page 1 of IO
by TreeCo Arborist Inc. Brea, CA - Stephen G. Holcornb ISA#WC-O183
Maior findings of the tree inventorv of 1999:
0 A listing of trees with their condition rating and contribution to hardscape damages as of
September 1999 is found in Table 1, page 6.
0 Based on the findings of the tree resource inventory the current minimum landscape value of
the tree resource at Charleen Circle is estimated at $54,000. There is an estimated
minimum additional value in annual environmental benefits of $5,000 per year. Currently
there are 13 valid tree sites occupied by 12 trees and four (4) vacant planting sites. There
are two sites currently occupied by trees, which are not valid planting sites (NVS) where no
tree should be planted. These sites have been fragmented by the construction of second
driveways at certain residences. However changes can be made to validate these site.
Because all existing trees are either mature or over-mature we project a net loss in actual
tree value over the next 10 years in both property value and ecological benefits. This loss
will be reversed by the year 201 0 when property values will begin to increase as the short
term rotation planting begins to show its effects. The value of the community forest will
stabilize at an estimated $75,000 (adjusted for inflation) for as long as the plan is
implemented or until more tree planting sites can be created (each additional tree site will
add approximately $5,000 of tree value for the median age tree).
0 Tree age distribution is very low. All trees are approximately the same age and all are over-
mature. Over-mature is defined as a tree which has more static than dynamic wood mass.
Over-mature trees tend to reach equilibrium of energy and mass by shedding large parts
such as branches.
Species diversity distribution is zero because the only species is Tipuana fipu. This species
will also be the replacement species in all plantings.
0 Most of the trees are in fair to good condition with the exception of two trees at 2035
Charleen Circle which are in fair-poor condition, These trees have been given the earliest
possible removal dates. One tree has a hazardous condition.
0 Trunk Diameter, Tree Heiaht and Tree Canow Spread (shade cover) frequency show that
the tree population is dominated by mature and over-mature trees. The current risk caused
by this condition is the short term decline of all of the trees during the same decade. This
would necessitate clear-cutting and replacement with small trees. This process would rob
the residents of the value of the resource during the following decade-and-a-half.
0 Scheduled short-term tree rotation as recommended by this plan is given in Table 2. The
implementation phase of the management plan begins by scheduling trees for appropriate
planting or multi-sites, followed by tree removals as based on these recommendations and
objectives defined by the management plan. The plan contains a recommended short-term
tree rotation schedule for the first short-term rotation (45 years) of the plan, Given that there
is a maximum of 15 valid tree sites, a 2% short term rotation would be equivalent to removal
of one tree every three years (a 45 year short term rotation). If a lesser number of tree sites
are approved for this plan the short term rotation will be adjusted by the final number of sites.
Charleen Circle, City of Carlsbad
Community Forest Management Plan 1999 page 2 of 10
by TreeCo Arborist Inc. Brea, CA-Stephen G. Holcomb ISAMC-0183
Community Tree Resource Management Plan
Goals, objectives, policies and procedures have been established for this plan. "Goals"
are defined as general intentions or philosophies that reflect the hope of the community
relative to conservation of its tree resources. "Objectives" are specific targets, or
measurable timeline events, to achieve stated goals. "Policies" are guidelines for daily
operations and procedures are the specifications for maintenance. The Community
Tree Resource Management Plan contains objectives consistent with achieving goals
and policies consistent with meeting objectives. It is intended that this plan be dynamic
and that appropriate revisions be made. Objectives that work should be repeated and
objectives that do not work should be eliminated or replaced.
The following general goals have been selected for the conservation of the tree resource
at Charleen Circle.
Establish and maintain optimal tree cover.
Maintain trees in a safe and healthy condition through good cultural practices.
Conserve the tree canopy by sustaining an optimal tree age diversity.
Promote conservation of tree resources at Charleen Circle and assist other
areas of the community in the City of Carlsbad to promote conservation of
their tree resources both public and private.
Select, situate and maintain trees to minimize tree hazards, public nuisance,
hardscape damage and maintenance costs.
Centralize tree management and authority to assure the enforcement of the
tree policies developed for Charleen Circle.
Foster resident stewardship of trees on Charleen Circle and encourage
proper tree maintenance of privately owned trees.
Promote efficient and cost-effective maintenance of the Charleen Circle tree
Facilitate the resolution of tree related conflicts between residents.
Charleen Circle, City of Carlsbad
Community Forest Management Plan 1999 page 3 of 10
by TreeCo Arborist Inc. Brea, CA - Stephen G. Holcomb ISAWC-0183
Objectives (specific targets) for improving the community forest have been selected for time
periods up to 45 years. The objectives should be reviewed every five years and adjusted for
maximum benefit to achieve the intention of the goal statements. It may be necessary to
redefine objectives or to lengthen or shorten their timelines.
0 Population Density: As of September1 999 the Community contained 12 trees, 3 vacant
planting sites and 2 non-valid tree sites. One site may be divided into two sites giving a
maximum site potential of 15 valid tree sites. We suggest that the management plan
establish an optimal minimum population density of 15 tree sites on Charleen Circle.
Because there are a total of 11 multi-sites (where an existing tree will be replaced at a new
location, allowing for the existing tree to serve as an interim tree while the replacement tree
matures) a total of 25 trees will exist for a brief period by 2025 all existing trees will be
replaced. Increasing the current population density will begin with the planting of 9 trees at
rnulti-sites in the year 2000.
0 Tree Species Diversity: The tree population currently consists of one tree species. The
objective of the management plan is to keep this one species as the identifying tree on
Charleen Circle. This objective has been achieved. To sustain it all trees planted or
replanted as part of this plan will be Tipuana tipu.
0 Tree Age Diversity: Age diversity shall be the primary management strategy used to sustain
a high quality tree resource on Charleen Circle in perpetuity. The recommended median
tree age is set at 22.5 years and will be achieved by 2024. The oldest tree will be 45 year
and the youngest tree will be one (tree age is determined for the date of planting not the
physical age of the tree). A large percentage of young trees reduce the value of the
landscape. A large percentage of old trees leads to increased maintenance costs and tree
related hazards. It is the objective of the management plan to reach an age diversity of 20%
(3) young, 67% (1 0) mature and 13% (2) high quality, over-mature trees within 25 years.
Begin in the year 2000 and continue thereafter to remove 1 tree every three years (2%), and
replant with Tipuana tipu. This will result in a median (half above and half below) tree age of
22.5 years. The oldest tree will be 45 years old and the youngest tree will be one year old.
0 Health: The current tree population is comprised of 10 (83.3%) trees in good condition and
two (16.7%) in fair condition. There is one tree with a hazardous condition, which can be
removed by pruning. It is the objective of the management plan that there be no dead or
poor condition trees. The recommended removal and replacement program will achieve this
objective by 2024. (Trees in poor condition will always be given highest priority for removal.)
0 Maintenance Practices: All tree pruning shall conform to the ANZl A-300 standards except
where an interim tree is being crown reduced to make room for a young tree growing as a
replacement in a multi-site by 2006.
Charleen Circle, City of Carlsbad
Community Forest Management Plan 1999 page 4 of 30
by TreeCo Arborist Inc. Brea, CA - Stephen G. Holcomb ISA MC-0183
The condition of the community tree resource on Charleen Circle will be maintained to
the highest standard attainable within a budget approved by the City of Carlsbad. The intention
of this management plan is to establish, for each individual tree, a Routine Maintenance tree
removal and replacement cycle and a tree pruning cycle consistent with street/landscape usage
of the trees within the easement of the City of Carlsbad. To achieve these intention the following
procedures shall be implemented.
Tree Removal:
The major problem of the community forest in 1999 is the number of over-mature trees
and the lack of young trees. Because tree age diversity has been ignored all the trees
are the same age and most of the trees should be removed within 15-21 years. To
meet the objective for tree age diversity it will be necessary to remove a significant
number of the current trees within 15-21 years. The adverse effect of this number of
short-term removal will be off-set by creating multi-tree-sites and planting a large
percentage of young trees and maintaining interim trees at all the multi-sites. Beginning
in the year 2000 one tree will be scheduled for removal every three years. Priority for
removal has been given to the tree with the poorest condition rating. Second priority will
be given for other trees in fair condition. Third priority will be given to trees existing at
“not-valid” tree sites. This process will continue until all the remove-noheplant trees are
removed. Then the remaining “remove and replant” trees will be scheduled for removal
and replacement.
Tree Pruning:
There are 3 tree pruning procedures:
For interim trees the objective is to reduce the size of the existing tree to provide light
and space for the replacement tree growing within the multi-site. This pruning should
conform where practicable to ANSI A-300 “Crown Reduction” or “Crown Restoration”
For permanent trees (trees planted after the year 2000) tree pruning shall conform to
ANSI A-300 “Crown Cleaning.” Each tree will be pruned to remove dead or dying
branches once every eight years. Due to the short rotation planting crown
reduction should not be needed to control tree height. Some “Crown Raising” may
be needed to maintain street clearance.
Tree Plantinn:
Beginning in 2000, 100% of the three (3) vacant planting sites will be planted to fill all the
vacant sites. In addition, 13 trees will be planted in the multi-sites. In order to achieve
the proper age diversity, some of the trees planted in 2000 will be removed before they
reach their maximum age of 45 years. See Table 2 for the tree planting schedule
through the first rotation.
Younn Tree Maintenance:
Young tree maintenance will include the removal of planting stakes and structural
pruning to develop proper tree structure. These will be done a minimum of one year
and a maximum of one-and-one-half years after planting. Young trees that cannot stand
on their own after one-and-one-half years of staking shall be removed and replaced
otherwise, they will grow to be large weak trees.
Charleen Circle, City of Carlsbad
Community Forest Management Plan 1999 page 5 of 10
by TreeCo Arborist Inc. Brea, CA - Stephen G. Holcornb ISA WC-0183
Resolvinn Tree Related Issues between Residents of Charleen Circle:
Upon adoption of this plan by consensus of the existing residents of Charteen Circle and
the City of Carlsbad, tree related the City Parks and Recreation Commission using this
plan, as a guide would resolve issues between residents of Charleen Circle.
Conditions in 1999:
Table 1 will be used as a benchmark to review the conditions existing at the time the plan was
formulated. Measurement of success of the plan will be based on this information. In Table 1
Haz = Hazard, DBH = Trunk Diameter at Breast Height (4.5 feet above grade), Ht = Tree Height,
C-S = Canopy Spread.
Table 1 shows the Condition of the Tree resource as of September 1999. Tree condition is
determined by the condition of the Trunk (T), branch structure (S), leaf canopy (C) and the
presence of pests (P). The rating are given as a total of points: 13-15 points = good, 11-12
points = fair, 10 points or less = poor. Tree related damage to hardscape is given for the Curb
(C), Pavement (P) and Driveway Approach (D). Damage is rated from zero (0) no damage to
three (3) significant damage. Trees are listed in the order they appear in the photographic
guide to the plan and in the order they would be viewed when walking the street starting from
Donna Drive and viewing the trees on the right side first. SEE MAP.
Hardscape Tree Condition C-S Ht DBH Haz Site
3591 Donna 0 1 I 14 3 4 4 3 30-45 30-45 26.3 s-3
0 3 3 15 3 4 4 4 30-45 30-45 20.5 s-1 ' 0 2 1 14 3 4 3 4 30-45 30-45 29.7 s-2
2034 Charleen F-3 29.5 45-60 0 3 1 15 3 4 4 4 30-45
F-2 3&5
F-1 2035 Charleen
3 3 0 14 3 4 3 4 30-45 30-45 27.2
0 0 1 15 3 4 4 4 3045 , 30-45 18 F-1 386 2041 Charleen
3 3 2 12 3 4 3 2 30-45 30-45 24.7
F-2 0 3 0 11 3 4 3 1 30-45 30-45 22.1
2045 Charleen 29.0 I 30-45 I 30-45 I 3 I 4 1 4 1 3 I 14 I 0 I 0 I 0 F-1
F-2 1 VPS I
M- Multi Sie - Current tree is improperly located and the replacement site can be planted prior to the removal of the current
tree. The current tree becomes an "Interim" tree and will be removed and not replaced at the present location.
M-2 Current tree site could be split into two tree sites. 1-3591 Donna S-1 possible hazard after construction. 2-Relocate site away from curb- toward property. Plant new site 5-7 years before removing current tree.
3- Remove tree from this site, this is not a valid tree site. This is a mu% site with 2034 F-1 .
4- New site to replace F-2 at the current site of the pine tree.
5- Possible realignment of driveway to increase tree planting area. 6- Eliminate hazard by removing the large branch that goes toward the house. Crown Reduce remaining canopy.
Charleen Circle, City of Carlsbad
Community Forest Management Plan 1999 page 6 of 10
by TreeCo Arborist Inc. Brea, CA - Stephen G. Holcomb ISA WC-0183
Table 2 shows the year of planting and removal and removal and replacement for all 15
tree sites on Charleen Circle. While 16 sites are shown in Table 2 the site at 2030
Charleen is not a valid tree site and will be removed in 2012. This tree also has a
hazardous limb which should be removed as soon as possible.
.. Non-Color Site are current tree locations
Red Site is a non-valid-site (NVS) where a current tree is located. when removed - not repiaced.
Yellow Site is where a new tree can be planted in a previously vacant site (VPS)M = Multi-site.
M = a Multi-site where new trees can be planted before the removal of the old tree.
M-a = a Multi-site on two different properties (2030 F-I & 2034 F-1)
The 45 year plan is based on these 15 sites. ff 14 or 13 sites are adopted then the pian
would be 42 or 52 years respectively with the f3 sites extending to a 4 year removal interval
and a median service life increasing from 22.5 t~ 26 years.
Note: The current tree site at 2030 F-I is a multi-site associated with 2034 F-1. There
is no valid tree site at 2030 and it will be the only residence without a tree. It is possible
to have a site at 2027 in a previously unplanted location. If the driveway approach is
realigned at 2031 to give a minimum of 10 feet on each side of the tree-site F-2, to
hardscape, site F-2 would become a multi-site.
Charleen Circle, City of Carlsbad
Community Forest Management Plan 1999 page 7 of 10
by TreeCo Arborist Inc. Brea, CA - Stephen G. Holcomb ISA #WC-O183
Tree Policy for Charleen Circle r PURPOSE:
within the City easement on Charleen Circle. A copy of this policy will be available to all
residents of Charleen Circle and to any resident of the City of Carlsbad upon their request to the
City of Carlsbad, General Services Department of Public Works (MSA). The condition of the
community tree resource will be maintained to the highest standard attainable within a budget
approved by the City of Carlsbad. To achieve the plan goals the following policies shall be
To state City policy regarding the pruning, planting, removal and replacement of trees
To establish and maintain optimal tree cover it shall be the policy of the City:
To maintain a tree population of not less than 100% of all 15 tree sites identified by this plan
within the right-of-way of the City, on Charleen Circle.
Not to remove any tree on Charleen Circle solely for the cause of damage to hardscape or
for the cause of routing underground or overhead utility lines. Trees causing damage to
sidewalks, curbs, gutters or pavement shall be inspected by the designated City Certified
Arborist (staff or contract) within ten (10) days of written notification to the City of such tree
related hardscape damage.
That practicable alternatives to tree removal, if any, will be included in the report of the
designated City Certified Arborist (staff or contract) to the Charleen Circle Residents Parks
and Recreation Commission . Upon the written recommendation of the inspector for
removal, trees causing such damage will be removed in conjunction with the repairs to the
affected hardscape but not less than 30 days of notification of the Charleen Circle Residents
Parks and Recreation Commission of the trees removal.
All tree recommended for removal shall be marked with a solid high contrast paint circle of
not less than 10 inches in diameter on the street side of the trunk within 48 hours of the
written notice to the residents of Charleen Circle.
It shall be a misdemeanor punishable under law for any person to remove any parkway tree
on Charleen Circle except as specified in this plan.
To maintain trees in a safe and healthy condition through good cultural practices it shall
be the policy of the City of Carlsbad.
That upon written notification by a resident of Charleen Circle, to the City, of the presence of
a hazardous tree condition such hazardous tree condition shall be inspected by the
designated City Certified Arborist (staff or contract) within ten (10) days of notification.
Upon the written recommendation of the inspector attesting to the hazard, hazardous trees
conditions will be eliminated within 10 days of the recommendation by appropriate pruning or
removal and replacement of the subject tree.
That dead, dying or diseased trees on Charleen Circle shall be inspected by the designated
City Certified Arborist (staff or contract) within ten (10) days of written notification to the City
of such a tree condition. Upon the written recommendation of the inspector for removal,
dead, dying or diseased trees will be posted for removal and all residents of Charleen Circle
will be informed in writing of the need to remove the subject tree.
To prune interim trees to allow space and light for replacement trees planted at multi-sites as
specified by this plan.
To prune the Tipuana tipu trees on Charleen Circle in accordance with the ANSI A-300
standard in its most recent form. That standard tree pruning shall be “Crown Cleaning.”
To prune the Tipuana tipu trees on Charleen Circle to form good crown structure a minimum
of 12 months and a maximum of 18 months after planting.
To properly plant Tipuana tipu trees as specified in Tree City USA Bulletin No.19, page 5.
That residents of Charleen Circle shall be encouraged to water newly planted trees.
Charleen Circle, City of Carlsbad
Community Forest Management Plan 1999 page 8 of 10
by TreeCo Arborist Inc. Brea, CA - Stephen G. Holcomb ISA XWC-0183
To conserve the tree canopy by sustaining an optimal tree age diversity it shall be the
policy of the City of Carlsbad:
To maintain a tree population with an age diversity adequate to conserve the tree resource
on Charleen Circle in perpetuity with a median tree age of 22.5 years.
It shall be the policy of the City to disallow the removal of existing or replacement street trees
on Charleen Circle for reasons other than the age diversification objectives of this plan or for
the death of a tree, a disease or other condition which makes a tree a threat to public safety
or any tree that can no longer be maintained in a healthy, safe and attractive condition by the
That tree sites specified as “valid” under this plan shall be replaced within 30 days of their
That tree sites identified as interim trees shall not be replanted.
To promote conservation of tree resources at Charleen Circle it shall be the policy of the
City of Carlsbad.
Not to remove trees on Charleen Circle for the cause of view restoration.
That all tree removals on Charleen Circle will be given a priority rating for removal only as
specified by this plan.
That all tree removals on Charleen Circle shall include the removal of the tree stump and the
removal of all stump grinding chips and the back-filling of the hole created by stump removal
with a good quality top soil suitable for the replanting of a replacement tree.
That all trees removals as specified by this plan shall include the removal of the stump as
specified in this section and the replanting of a replacement tree meeting the requirements of
this policy.
That prior to the removal of any tree within a valid tree site, for the sole purpose of
installation of a new sidewalk or for street widening on Charleen Circle, all viable alternatives
to tree removal will have been investigated. Viable alternatives to tree removal shall be
appended to this plan.
That all removed street trees on Charleen Circle shall be replaced with Tipuana tipu.
That where possible, as recommended by this plan, replacement trees shall be planted a
minimum of five years prior to the removal of an interim tree as specified by this plan.
That all tree replanting on Charleen Circle shall be with a minimum 15 gallon container tree.
To select, situate and maintain trees in order to minimize tree hazards, public nuisance,
hardscape damage and maintenance costs it shall be the policy of the City of Carlsbad:
1. To plant short-term rotation Tipuana tipu trees within the City right-of-way and 18 inches
2. To plant short-term rotation Tipuana tipu trees at a spacing of a maximum of 40 feet on
inside the maximum limit of the City right-of-way.
center within valid tree sites as identified on the map attached to this plan.
To centralize tree management and authonty to assure the enforcement of the tree
policies developed for Charleen Circle it shall be the policy of the City of Carlsbad:
1. To grant authority to the Public Works Manager or his designee to manage this plan and the
enforcement of its policies and specifications.
II Charleen Circle, City of Carlsbad
Community Forest Management Plan 1999
bv TreeCo Arborist Inc. Brea. CA - Steohen G. Holcornb ISA WC-0183
page 9 of 10 It
To foster resident stewardship of trees on Charleen Circle:
1. No resident of Charleen Circle may appeal the planting of a valid tree site as defined in this
plan, to the Parks and Recreation Commission or subsequently to the City Council
requesting that such a valid tree site not be replanted.
2. Residents will reimburse the City for the difference in cost of larger replacement trees and
any additional costs associated with the planting of a larger tree.
3. Citizens are encouraged to plant a tree of a larger size, within the City right-of-way, at their
own expense, as stewards of the community tree resource, as long as the replacement tree
conforms to this management plan, its objectives and policies.
To promote efficient and cost-effective maintenance of the Charleen Circle tree resource
it shall be the policy of the City of Carlsbad:
1. That all tree pruning shall conform to ANZl A-300 standards.
2. That all scheduled tree pruning for replacement trees shall be “Crown Cleaning” except
where “Crown Raising” is required for street clearance.
To facilitate the resolution of tree related conflicts between residents on Charleen Circle
it shall be the policy of the City of Carlsbad:
1. That no citizen may appeal to the Parks and Recreation Commission or subsequently to the
City Council regarding the removal of any Tipuana tipu tree on Charleen Circle for any
purpose not specified by this plan.
2. That no citizen may appeal to the Parks and Recreation Commission or subsequently to the
City Council regarding the planting of any Tipuana tipu tree site for any purpose as specified
by this plan.
3. That any resident of Charleen Circle may appeal to the Parks and Recreation Commission
for the purpose of reevaluation of this plan up to and including its nullification upon the
unanimous request of all the property owners of Charleen Circle.
Charleen Circle, City of Carlsbad
Community Forest Management Plan 1999 page 10 of 10
by TreeCo Arborist Inc. Brea, CA - Stephen G. Holcomb ISA#WC-0183
The photographs begin with the trees on the right as you enter Charleen Circle. The numbers refer to the position of the tree sites as determined by the address. These should conform to the City’s
computerized tree inventory. Trees on Charleen Circle but having an identifying address on Donna
Drive are side (S) trees. Trees on Charleen Circle having an identifying address on Charleen Circle
are front (F) trees, Site numbers go in the direction of the ascending address. F-2 will be closer to
Donna Dr. than F-I at a given address regardless of the side of the street it is on. All replacement
trees will be replanted as far from the curb and as close to the limit of the City right-of-way as
possible, while leaving the center line of the tree trunk within the City right-of-way.
3591 Donna Drive S-3.
This is a multiple site, that is
the existing site will be used as
an interim site and a new tree
will be planted near the
location marked by the circled
“X in the year 2000. Two
trees will exist at the site but
only one tree, the replacement
is the actual Tree Site S-3.
The original (interim) tree will
be removed in 9 years. The
plan schedules its removal in
2009. If the replacement tree does grows faster than
expected the existing tree may
be removed sooner. The
existing tree will also be crown reduced or crown raised on the side of the replacement tree to give
the small tree room to grow. This pruning should be done every two years in spring. In addition to
planting the new tree and pruning the existing tree, the Mulberry tree on the private property at 3591
Donna Drive, marked with a white “X should be removed. This will give more space for the newly
planted replacement tree.
3591 Donna Drive S-2.
This is a multiple site. The
replacement tree site will be
planted in 2012 near the limit
of the right of way and about
five feet to the right of the
present tree. The existing
tree is scheduled for removal
in 2024. The white line, at the
arrow, shows the approximate
limit of the City rightaf-way.
The present tree will be
pruned to reduce its limb
structure toward the new tree
every two years until its
removal in 2024. The
replacement tree will be about
. e. If re lacement tree rowth is fast the resent tree can be removed sooner.
r 3591 Donna Drive S-1.
Road construction near this
tree in 2000 did not
severely impact roots. Due
to the lean of the tree
toward the residence, the
tree should be inspected
annually to determine if the
root buttress is solid. This
is an interim site. Because
this is one of the smallest
trees on the street and
because of its high
condition rating, it will be
one of the last trees
removed and replaced.
This would suggest a
planting of the real tree site in 2036 and the removal of the existing tree in 2048. The replant site is
approximately indicated by the white arrow.
2034 Charleen Circle F-3.
F-3 is a multiple site, that is the
existing site will be used as an
interim site and a new tree will
be planted near the location
marked by the "X in the year
2009. Two trees will exist at
the site but only one tree, the
replacement is the actual Tree
Site F-3. The original (interim)
tree will be removed in 10-15
years. The plan schedules its
removal in 2021. If the
replacement tree grows faster
than expected the existing tree
may be removed at an earlier
date. The existing tree will
also be crown reduced or
crown raised on the side of the
planted, to give the small tree r ' replacement tree, beginning at the time the replacement tree is
-oom to grow. This pruning should be done every two years in spring.
Charleen Circle Tree Resource Conservation and Reforestation Plan-1999
2034 Charleen Circle Fl 8 F2.
F-2 at 2034 Charleen is not a
multiple site. The existing site
is vacant. F2 is approximately
indicated by the red “X”. Site
F1, approximately indicated by
the white arrow is a multiple
site associated with 2030
Charleen site F1. These
vacant planting sites should be
planted in 2000. The existing
wall is within the easement and
the palms will need to be
removed as the new trees
begin to develop. An
alternative is to move the palm further back on the property. A
root barrier may be used along the driveway approach to
deflect roots and minimize the damage associated with tree roots. The site indicated by the white
arrow is F-I at 2034 but it will be treated as a multi=site with F-1 at 2030. The existing tree at 2030
Charleen is scheduled for removal in 2012 and it will not be replaced. The new site at 2034 Charleen - F1 will replace the existing tree at 2030 Charleen - FI. 2034 Charleen F-I will be removed and
replaced in the year 2030 and 2034 Charleen F-2 will be removed and replaced in the year 2042.
2030 Charleen Circle F1.
This is actually a multiple site
associated with site F-I at
2034 Charleen as given above
for that address. For the
purpose of the plan this site is
identified as 2034 Charleen
Circle, site FI. The red “X”
indicates the approximate site
where 2034 Charleen site F1
should be located. This site
should be planted as soon as
practicable (year 2000). The
existing tree at 2034 Charleen
F1 has a hazardous condition
produced by a large branch
that goes toward the property
at 2030 Charleen. This branch has a large wound on the upper branch surface. Removal of the
branch will eliminate the hazardous condition. The existing tree is scheduled for removal in 2012
with the replacement already growing at 2034 - F1.
Charleen Circle Tree Resource Conservation and Reforestation Plan-1999
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r 2010 Charleen Circle F1 8 2027
Charleen F-1.
This is a multi-site with the final
actual site F-1 at 2010 Charleen
be located approximately 20 feet
to the left of the present site. The
existing tree now serves as the
multi-site for two sites F-1 at 2010
and F-1 at 2027 which is now
vacant. Site F-1 at 2027 will be in
the lawn area approximately 20
feet to the left of the present tree.
Because the replacement trees
will not be allowed to attain to the
same size as the present, two
trees will better serve the intention
at these sites. A small tree would . , -,."**+&*. ,I 6 .e'
be planted at both 2010 and 2027 Charlene increasing the total tree population to 15 trees. This is a
double-multiple-site. One replacement tree will be planted at each address in 2000. The existing
tree will be side trimmed and crown reduced to allow room for the newly planted trees to grow. This
pruning will occur approximately every two years, reducing the size of the existing tree to allow space
for the replacement tree. The existing tree is scheduled for removal in 2042 or earlier depending on
the growth of the replacement trees. 2010 Charleen F-1 is scheduled for its first removal and
replacement in the year 2039 with the first removal and replacement of 2027 Charleen F-I scheduled
for the year 2045.
,.',. ,," . . . .
2031 Charleen Circle F1.
This is a multiple site. The
existing tree site will be
relocated further away from the
curb and will be planted in 2000.
The existing tree is scheduled
for removal in 2027. The
existing tree will be crown raised
and crown reduced to allow
space for the replacement tree.
This pruning should be
scheduled every two years until
the tree is removed. A root
barrier may be used to deflect
tree roots away from the street
drain. This will minimize the
damage seen to the right of the
existing tree.
r 2031 Charleen Circle F2.
Currently this is not a valid
tree site. The original site has
been fragmented by the
addition of a second driveway
at 2035 Charleen seen to the
left of the tree. Significant
damage has occurred to the
driveway approach at 2031
Charleen, as seen to the right of the tree. Currently this site
is to be eliminated by the
removal of the existing tree in
2003. (Option; If the existing
driveway approach can be
moved so that the nearest
edge is IO- 15 feet from the
site, this site could become a
multiple site. After the new driveway approach has been installed and new tree could be planted at
the new site, in the center between the two driveways and as far from the curb as possible but still
within the City's right-of-way. The existing tree would still be removed in 2003.)
2035 Charleen Circle F1.
F-I is a multiple site. This
tree will be removed and the
appropriate site replanted in
the year 2000. This will be
the first removal and
replacement. Early removal
and replacement is
predicated on the low
condition rating. This tree
would be scheduled for its
second rotation removal and
replacement in 2051.
Charleen Circle Tree Resource Conservation and Reforestation Plan-1999
Page 5 of 7
2041 Charleen Circle F1.
This is a multi site. See
above e existing tree site
will be relocated further
away from the curb and will be planted in 2000. The
existing tree is scheduled
for removal in 2018. The
existing tree will be crown
raised and crown reduced
to allow space for the
replacement tree. This
pruning should be
scheduled every two years
until the tree is removed.
Charleen Circle Tree Resource Conservation and Reforestation Plan-1999
2045 Charleen Circle FI.
The existing tree site will be :,~ relocated further away from
the curb and will be planted in 2000. The existing tree is
scheduled for removal in
2033. The existing tree will '2:. j. <;.
be crown raised and crown ,, ;$$, .u ,,,, , >$ ..-+ ,I , .i'
reduced to allow space for &; .* ?, 4 a?, , , &t
the redacement tree. This 9
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$p .. ,e.
pruning should be scheduled
every two years until the tree
is removed.
Charleen Circle Tree Resource Conservation and Reforestation Plan-1999 I
Page 7 of 7
2045 Charleen Circle FI.
The existing tree site will be
relocated further away from
the curb and will be planted
in 2000. The existing tree is
scheduled for removal in
2033. The existing tree will
be crown raised and crown
reduced to allow space for
the replacement tree. This
pruning should be scheduled
every two years until the tree
is removed.
2045 Charleen Circle F2.
Site F-2, is presently vacant.
Its approximate location is
identified by the red dot to
the far left of the photograph.
Site F-2 can be planted in the
year 2000. This site is also
a multi-site with the exception that the proposed planting
site is shared with a tree on
private property rather than
with another street tree. If
this site is planted, as the
tree grows to maturity, the
private tree (Yew
Podocarpus) just behind the
fence on the far left will have
to be removed to give room
to the new tree. As with all
other tree removals of this type the Podocarpus can be slowly reduced in size while the replacement
Tipuana grows to its full size. The existing tree is scheduled for removal in 2036. The existing tree
wilt be crown raised and crown reduced to allow space for the replacement tree. This pruning should
be scheduled every two years until the tree is removed. Biobarriea may be used parallel with the
driveway approach and the curb face to prevent the damage seen to the left and right of the existing
Charleen Circle Tree Resource Conservation and Reforestation Plan-1999