HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-11-20; Parks & Recreation Commission; 1100-7; Ledgerwood Memorial Tribute CommitteePARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION -AGENDA BILL AB# 1100-7 INFO TITLE : MTG. DATE: 11-20-00 LEDGERWOOD MEMORIAL TRIBUTE COMMITTEE IyI ACTION STAFF: BEVERLY I La I RECOMMENDED ACTION : Review the recommendations of the Ledgewood Subcommittee and direct staff to proceed accordingly. '.. .. ". .. . ITEM EXPLANATION : The attached Exhibit I will provide a brief history of a citizens group request of Council to pay tribute to Mr. Charles Ledgewood. Furthermore, it explains Council's direction to have the issue addressed and considered by several City Boards and Commissions. On October !jth, staff met with representatives of those selective Boards, and a representative of the Carlsbad Arboretum Foundation, to discuss the original citizen group proposal, and to recommend a way in which to pay tribute to Mr. Ledgewood. The results of that subcommittee meeting are outlined in greater detail on Exhibit 2. In essence, the recommendation was as follows: It was recommended that the original proposal to create a statutehonument at the site of the former sculpture park not be further considered as a means for the City to pay tribute to Mr. Ledgewood. Rather, their collective recommendation was to plant a tree and install a plaque at Magee Park as a way of paying tribute to Mr. Ledgewood. In addition, as a secondary recommendation, the subcommittee also recommended to pursue some type of recognition or acknowledgement of Mr. Ledgewood at the site of his residence/business. An example of such recognition would be a mounted bronze plaque on the site, with permission from the future landowners, or a plaque embedded in the sidewalk in front of the former residence. Staff is recommending that the Commission approve these recommendations in concept and direct staff to further process these recommendations appropriately. EXHIBITS: 1. Memo to Ledgerwood Subcommittee Members - 9/20/00 2. Memo to Ledgerwood Subcommittee Members - 10/11/00 September 20, 2000 - TO: LEDGERWOOD MEMORIAL SUBCOMMllTEE MEMBERS: LEO PACHECO (PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION) ARTHUR WOOD (ARTS COMMISSION) DOROTHY DUDLEY MUTH (HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION) FROM: SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST LEDGERWOOD MEMORIAL On July 11,2000, the Carlsbad City Council heard a request from an organized group of citizens to pay tribute to Mr. Charles Ledgerwood. Mr. Ledgerwood was a long time Carlsbad resident, local merchant, former Mayor and friend to many. Although the group presented a specific request for a memorial to honor Mr. Ledgerwood, the City Council motioned that this issue be further reviewed by the Arts, Historic Preservation and Parks and Recreation Commission for their recommendation prior to further consideration by the City Council. You have been selected by your respective boards to serve on a subcommittee whose purpose shall be to develop a recommendation with respect to a memorial tribute to Mr. Charles Ledgerwood. That recommendation will then be presented to each of the Commissions on which you serve and will then be forwarded to City Council for their review - and consideration. By way of introduction, my name is Keith Beverly, I am a Senior Management Analyst with the City of Carlsbad and I will be serving as the staff liaison to the subcommittee. I look forward to meeting with each of you collectively as a group in the near future where the first order of business will be to review the videotape of the City Council discussion regarding this issue. In addition, the original initiators of this request will be notified of the meeting, and they way wish to attend and be available to answer any questions that the subcommittee may have with regards to their specific memorial proposal. I will be in contact with you shortly to establish a meeting time and location. I do not anticipate the first meeting being held before October due to vacation schedules of the subcommittee representatives. In the mean time, if you should have questions, please contact me at (760) 434-2827. kt- KEITH BEVERLY SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST C: City Manager Assistant City Manager City Attorney Mrs. Patty Hoenigman 032 EXHIBIT 1 rn October 10,2000 TO: LEDGERWOOD SUBCOMMllTEE r Leo Pacheco - Arthur Wood Dorothy Muth FROM: SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST RE: SUBCOMMllTEE RECOMMENDATIONS On Thursday, October 5*, 2000, representatives from the Parks and Recreation, Historic Preservation and Arts Commissions met to discuss a proposal presented to City Council which would pay tribute to Mr. Charles Ledgerwood. The original proposal suggested by representatives of the Carlsbad Arboretum Foundation recommended the development of a “MonumenVStatue” at the site formerly known as the sculpture park along Carlsbad Boulevard at Oak Avenue. While the City Council did favor recognition of Charles Ledgerwood, it was recommended by council that the issue be considered by the three commissions prior to further action. During the October 5‘h subcommittee meeting, representatives from the three commissions (Arthur Wood, Leo Pacheco, Dorothy Muth) viewed the videotape of the Council presentation and interfaced with a representative of the Arboretum Foundation (Patty Hoenigman) to further discuss the proposal. As a result of viewing the videotape of the original proposal and considering City Council’s discussion the following action to their respective Boards in regards to establishing a tribute to Mr. Charles Ledgerwood. - as well as discussion amongst each other, the members of the subcommittee will be recommending The first recommended action is as follows: a Plant a tree and install a plaque in tribute to Mr. Ledgerwood at Magee Park on Arbor Day 2000. a The tree species and its location shall be approved by the City’s Parks Department. a The wording on the plaque has been suggested to be that of an existing poem (although the exact wording has not yet been confirmed, its verbiage shall be reviewed by the subcommittee prior to further processing). a The size of the plaque shall not exceed the approximate dimension of 1 1 ”x 17” and should be mounted above ground at a height not to exceed 30”. A secondary recommendation of the subcommittee is: a To approach the new owner/developer of the former Ledgerwood residence - business and request that acknowledgement of Mr. Ledgerwood be allowed on site. A formalized request Preservation Commission or the Arboretum Foundation. An example of such recognition would be a mounted bronze plaque visible to pedestrian trafic. - would be more appropriately forthcoming from the Carlsbad City Council, its’ Historic 043 EXHIBIT 2 * 8. Although the subcommittee members did endorse the Arboretum Foundations desire to pay tribute to Mr. Charles Ledgerwood, they did not endorse the specific tribute as proposed for the following reasons: r The sensitivity related to any form of development at the location of the former sculpture park. A general feeling that Mr. Ledgerwood invoked simplicity and that any tribute to him should itself be simple. As an additional note, the subcommittee did not wish to pay tribute to Mr. Ledgerwood as a former mayor per se, rather as a long time Carlsbad resident, local merchant and friend to the community. - In meeting with other representatives of the Arboretum Foundation on Saturday, October 7, at Magee Park, a level of dissatisfaction was expressed with regards to the subcommittees recommendation. It was expressed that the recommended action falls short of meeting the expectations of the Arboretum Foundation and does not represent their proposal as it was presented to the City Council. Consequently, the tree planting and plaque installation should be considered as a City project and not represented as a proposal originating from the Arboretum Foundation. In any event, it is anticipated that once the subcommittee recommendation has been presented to the Parks and Recreation, Arts, and Historic Preservation Commissions for their review, those deliberations will then be collated for further processing. I will be in contact with the subcommittee members for any further processing requirements. In the - mqantime, if I can be of further assistance, plcase contact me at 434-2827. klQ wq KEITH BEVERLY SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST C: City Manager Assistant City Manager City Attorney Recreation Director Library Director Assistant Library Director Arts Manager General Services Manager - Public Works Park Supervisor - Rodriguez