HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-03-19; Parks & Recreation Commission; 301-9; CIP Budget ReviewPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION -AGENDA BILL AB# 301 -9 MTG. DATE: 3-19-01 TITLE : CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM INFO, (CIP) BUDGET REVIEW 0 ACTION STAFF: STEYAERT RECOMMENDED ACTION : Receive staff update regarding the CIP Budget Submittal for FY 2001-02. Comment as appropriate. - ITEM EXPLANATION : Staff has prepared the CIP Budget Submittal for FY 2001-02. The primary requests are related to compliance with the City's Growth Management Plan. Staff will review those projects for the Commission and be available to answer specific questions. Please refer to Exhibit 1 for a more detailed explanation of the specific projects and requests for funding. Although internal staff review is currently underway, the initial City Council review, public workshops and Council approval typically occur during late May and early June. Any comments of the Commission will be submitted as part of that review process. EXHIBITS: 1. CIP Park Project Submittal for FY 2001-02 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, 6. Zone 5 Interim Ballfield (New project) Larwin Park - (Move timing forward, decrease budget) NE Quad Park Acquisition (Increase budget) NE Quad Park Development (Move out to B.O.) Zone 19 Park (Add Corn. Ctr, increase budget) Park Cost Update (Increase budget of future parks) Capital Improvement Program Project Request Form For CIP Committee’s Use Only Date Recewed: CIP Committee Review Date: Commrttee Recommendation. Include In CIP 0 Add7 Info Requtred 0 Do not Include In CIP CONTACT I I I. Project Sponsor Mark Steyaert Ext. 2855 I 2. Department 8 Division Recreation, Park Development 3. Department Head Signature DESCRIPTION 1. 0 New Project Updated Project 2. Project Name Zone 5 Interim Ball Field Project No. None 3. Project Location 0 Located in Coastal Zone 151 Located outside Coastal Zone Southeast corner of Faraday and Camino Hills (across the street from the Faraday Center). 4. Project Type: American Disabilities Act 0 Administrative 0 Police 8 Fire 0 Library Miscellaneous Civic 0 Public Arts Redevelopment Facilities Maintenance a Parks 0. Drainage Encina Wastewater Facility 0 Sewer Collection 0 Water Distribution Recycled Water 0 Traffic Signal 0 Street 0 Freeway Interchange 5. Project Description Construction of an interim ball field on a portion of the future 13 acre “Business Park Recreational Facility” site. The ball field will be constructed on the 3 acre flat pad and will include turf, irrigation, backstop, fencing and a small a.c. parking lot. Sports lights will not be included, The field will replace the existing ball field currently in use at the Safety Center that will be eliminated by the construction Of the new Public Works Center. The ultimate park plan for the entire site is yet to be developed and may or may not incorporate the interim field. - H:\WORD\MARKS MEMOS 8 LElTERS 2OOO\CIPUOO1-2002\CIPPro~ectRequestFormNew 01-08 ZONE 5 INTERIM doc PAGE 1 OF 4 L .- .- - rc Capital Improvement Program Project Request Form DESCRlPTlON (CON'T) 6. Project Background E 5 Master Plan supporting document and/or drawings. 0 Conceptual/Pre-Design Report and/or Drawings. 0 Site Study. 0 0 Detailed Cost Estimate. . IS1 0 Geotechnical Studies. 0 Project Alternatives Analysis. a -.a Other. Please indicate Refer to Exhibits below Brief Summaries of Background Documents: Exhibit 1 - Concept Plan 2 - Memo outlining need 3 - Cost worksheet 4 - Cost estimate 7. Project Need Needed to replace ball field being eliminated by development of the Public Works Center per GM Plan (refer to Exhibit 2). Needed to accommodate business park users. - ESTIMATED PERMlTTlNG/ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Permits: Conditional Use 0 Special Use 0 Building 2. Environmental: CEQA: Exempt Other Existing Future Review Required Environmental Document I NEPA: 0 Required Not Required 0 Unknown 0 Coastal 0 Army Corp 0 Regional Water Quality Control 0 Fish 8 Game 0 Fish 8 Wildlife 0 Other Please indicate H.\WORD\MARKS MEMOS 8 LElTERS 2000\CIPL?001-2002\CIPPro~ectRequestFonNew 01-08 ZONE 5 INTERIM.doc PAGE 2 OF 4 ,. 126 Capital Improvement Program Project Request Form *- FINANCING 1. Total Budget Request: $325,000 (supplements $20,000 being utilized from the current CIP appropriation for the Business Park Rec. Facility) (funding account yet - to be determined, possibly Gen. Fund) 2. Project Manager: Client Department c] Consultant Managed by Client Department 0 Engineering Design Division 3. Schedule: Estimated Cost Fiscal Year Requested Funding Source Actiwty 01 -02 02-03 03-04 05-06 - 06-07 07-1 2 13-Bu1ldout jtudles 8 Reports In-house invironmental kslgn budgeted :onstrut?:. 325.000 4. Change to CostlSchedule: $325,000 Inr ?ease 0 Decrease Reason: Location and need for replacement of Safety Center ball field previously noi determined. Moving the ball field to the Zone 5 park slte on an interim basis will satisfy the Growth Management Plan and public use need issue. Supporting Documentation Attached 0 . No Documentation Available OPERATING COSTS 1. Annual Operating Cost: $63,000 2. Method Used to Determine Cost: Historic m&o costs provided by Parks div. (refer to Exhibit 3) Documentation Attached 0 No Documentation Available H:\WORD\MARKS MEMOS 8 LElTERS 2OOO\CIPV001-2002\CIP 01-02 PROJECT REQUEST FORMS FRONT END\CIPProjectRequestFormNew 01 -08 ZONE 5 INTERIM doc PAGE 3 OF 4 127 .- I m .- E '0 c Y a L n 0 m 2 'b c x e c 0, In 8 C C C I! c? 0 0 0. r .- J 1 i 11 \ c '\ L /" EXHIBIT I 129 # December 19, 2000 .- TO: ASSISTANT Clpl MANA - VIA: RECREATION DIRECT&^ From: Park Development Coordinator NORTHEAST QUADRANT PARK ISSUES .Public Works Center Ballfield Removal .Zone 5 Interim Ballfield .NE. Quadrant Land Acquisition c-3 ~Larwin Park This report discusses the inter-connective nature of issues related to the topics above and makes recommendations for a comprehensive solution to those issues. - - - SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: 1. Construct a ball field on the lower pad of the Zone 5 Park to replace the field being elimkated in Phase II of the Public Works Center. Construct concurrent with Public Works Center. * c 2. Immediately pursue development of Larwin Park to satisfy the Growth Management Plan. Process a mid year CIP adjustment to begin the park development process this year. 3. Continue to pursue acquisition of additional park acreage in the NE Quadrant for ball fields. BACKGROUND PUBLIC WORKS CENTER The Public Works Center will remove 2 acres of ballfields. This is partially offset by the recent addition of 1 acre of Skate Park. The Public Works Department is processing a General Plan Amendment (GPA) to eliminate the ballfield and add the Skate Park. They have successfully gone through the Parks and Recreatlon Commisslon and are now anticipating a hearmg at the Planning Commission in April 2001. Two issues have arisen related to this process 1. We are currently in a park deficit in the NE Quadrant. The elimination of one acre of park at the Public Works Center will accentuate the problem and will need to be addressed in the GPA report. - 2. The Growth Management Plan has a provision that no City facilities shall be removed without being replaced. The Planning Department has preliminarily interpreted that provlsion to mean that 130 EXHIBIT 2 Pg. 2 of 3, NE QUAD PARK ISSUES the ballfield being eliminated at the Public Works Center must be replaced. Staff is recommending that this occur at the Zone 5 Park lower 3 acre pad Site on an interim basis. ZONE 5 PARK BALLFIELD TO show compliance with_ the requirement described above, it is recommended that a CUP for Zone 5 Ballfield be processed after the first of the year and that the project be submitted in the 01- 02 CIP. The actual implementation of the project is recommended to be dove-tailed into the Public Works Center Project. The Public Works Center consultant could prepare the plans and the project could be bid as .part of the Public Works Center project. This would minimize impacts on staff inrorkload and provide for better bid prices than doing a small stand alone project. Because there essentially no funds left in the Zone 5 Business Park account (after purchasing the land several years ago), funding for the ballfield project will need to come from an alternative sourie (possibly the General Fund). It is recommended that a budget of approximately $300,000 be established for this project. Currently, staff from the Recreation Department, City Manager’s Office, and Community Development are working on a goal of community outreach in the industrial zones to gather input into what might ultimately serve that segment of the communities recreational needs. In addition, we are testing the water for Interest in private participation. Because of the uncertainty of future development plans for this site. staff is recommending that the replacement field be considered temporary, keeping the constructlon slmple and development costs to a minimum. LARWIN PARK As previously mentioned, the NE Quadrant is currently experiencing a park deficit that needs immediate attention. We are currently 10 acres in arrears, not counting the current new housing projects coming on line. Last year, the marginally developable Larwin Park was moved out in the CIP in favor of what, at the time, promised to be the acquisition of 10-15 acres of developable park acreage in the Robertson Ranch (the jomt use flood control basin/park). After closer analysis of the site revealed potential development constraints, land appraisals came in higher than staff felt the land warranted, and the timing of access to the site via Cannon and College became uncertain, we are recommending moving Larwin back up in the CIP to address the Growth Management shortfall. Staff is recommending that a new plan for Larwin Park be developed. Although no park planning has occurred on the “new plan”, it is anticipated that the recently approved temporary Dog Park would be incorporated into “upper” Larwin Park and that improvements to “lower” Lawin Park be kept to a minimum (walkways, lawn, picnic areas, and possibly a tot lot). Trails could be used to connect upper and lower Larwin and to connect to the City Wide Trail System. The ultimate plan would of course be subject to the usual input (public outreach, Commissions, and Council). Cost for this type of development would be significantly lower than the $2,090,000 currently appropriated in the CIP. I Pg. 3 of 3; NE QUAD PARK ISSUES - Public Works staff is also recommending that a “Mid-Year” CIP adjustment be made to appropriate funds for Lawin Park for this fiscal year. We are recommending that $50,000 for preliminary design and miscellaneous project management be appropriated out of the $2,090,000 (PFF) funds currently scheduled in FY 2010-2020. This will show a commitment to meeting the Growth Management shortfall and allow staff to start on this project at the first of the year. - NE QUADRANT LAND AQUlSlTlON The 2000-2001 CIP appropriated $2, 625.000 for acquisition of park land for ballfields in the NE Quadrant. As previously mentioned, the anticipated acquisition of a flood control basin on Robertson Ranch that could have served dual use as ballfields is appearing less likely due to land constraints and appraised land costs. While staff has not completely abandoned the possibility that the Robertsons (or subsequent owners) might negotiate a favorable deal on the property, staff is planning to proceed with further investigation of alternative sites in the NE Quadrant. Because the availability of developable land continues to become harder to find -(and more expensive), staff - - will cantinue to move forward toward this goal. - Staff is seeking confirmation to proceed with the recommendations above. Mark Steyaert C: City Manager Public Works Director Public Works Manager Cook Senior Civil Engineer, Hammann Planning Director Assistant Planning Dlrector Principal Planner, Rldeout Senior Planner, Munot Senior Management Analyst, Beverly Finance Director Senior Accountant. Stover 132 ,. RECREATION DEPARTMENT Park Development date: 1 /16/00 prepared by: MS ,- ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION AND M&O COST SUMMARY SHEET Project: ZONE 5 COMMUNITY PARK - CONSTRUCTION Park Improvements $ 325,000 Refer to attached cost estimate for further detail (Exhibit 4) MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION M&O ASSOCIATED WITH THE PARK IMPROVEMENTS Parks M&0 ACRES Maintenance Cost / Acre / Total Cost - - - Level Maintenance Level 3 A $1 5,000 45,000 PARKS M&O $ 45,000 Recreation M&O + 18,000 - TOTAL GROSS PARK RELATED M&O OFFSETTING REVENUES $ 63,000 -0 TOTAL NET PARK IMPROVEMENT M&O %OST $ 63,000 EXHIBIT 3 133 COST ESTIMATE INDUSTRIAL PARK BALLFIELD I ! 1 PLANTING AREAS I I 1 24 25 $ 1,000.00 EA^ 20 Acacia - Slope Planting (5 Gal.) i 50 Wood Mulch -( 7400 SF/3" Depth) 1j LSI 3001 $ 300.00 28 $ SodNegetation Removal (slope) 6.2ooj SFI 0 27 $ 200.00 EA] 20 10 Small Shrub - Spillway Area (5 Gal.) 26 $ 160.00 EA1 20 Grasses - Spillway Area (5 Gal.) 8 I ! SPILLWAY REPAIR I I I I 29 200 LS 1 Replenish Rip Rap $ 200.00 Total $ 261,620.00 20% Contingency Total I I I I $ 52,324.00 ~ GRAND TOTAL 3.5% inspection I I $ 31 3.944.00 $ 11,000.00 I , $ 324,944.00 1 I I ! $ 325,000.00 I ~ Rounded I CITY OF CARLSBAD PARKDEVELOPMENT December 2000 EXHIBIT 4 134 For CIP Committee’s Use on& Date Received: CIP Committee Review Date: Committee Recommendation: 0 Include in CIP 0 Add’l Info Required Do not Include in CIP t Capital Improvement Program Project Request Form I 1 I. Project Sponsor Mark Steyaert Ext. 2855 2. Department 8 Division Recreation, Park Development I 3. Department Head Signature Date //T/O( 1 I I DESCRIPTION 1. 0 New Project Updated Project 2. Project Name Larwin Park Project No. None 3. Project Location 0 Located in Coastal Zone Located outside Coastal Zone In the NE Quadrant off of Carlsbad Village Drive east of El Camino Real. 4. Project Type: 0 American Disabilities Act 0 Administrative 61 Police & Fire 0 Library Miscellaneous Civic 0 Public Arts Redevelopment 0 Facilities Maintenance @ Parks 0 Drainage 0 Encina Wastewater Facility 0 Sewer Collection 0 Water Distribution Recycled Water 0 Traffic Signal c3 Street 0 Freeway Interchange 5. Project Description Construct a 22 acre park. A separate , temporary project, “The Dog Park”, has been approved for a portion of the site and is anticipated to be completed by summer 2001. This project will complete the remainder of the park. Anticipated amenities include open lawn area, picnic tables, walkways, tot lot and trails. I H:\WORD\MARK’S MEMOS 8 LElTERS 2000\CIPUOO1-2002\ClPro~ectRequestForrnNew 01-06 LARWIN PARK.doc PAGE 1 OF 4 r i I L Capital Improvement Program Project Request Form DESCRIPTION (CON'T) 6. Project Background E E E Mast'er Plan supporting document and/or drawings. 0 ConceptuaVPre-Design Report and/or Drawings. 0 0 Site Study. 0 Detailed Cost Estimate. 0 Ix] 0 Geotechnical Studies. 0 0 Project Alternatives Analysis. - 0 0 Other. Please Indicate Refer to Exhibits below L Brief Summaries of Background Documents: Exhibit 1 - Site diagram 2 - Memo outlining need 3 - Cost work sheet (construction and M 8, 0) 7. Project Need Needed ASAP for Growth Management (refer to Exhibit 2). Required per Park & Recreation Element of the General Plan. ESTIMATED PERMlTTlNGlENVlRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Permits: (XI Conditional Use 0 Fish 8 Game 0 Special Use 0 Fish 8 Wildlife 0 Building 0 Other Please indicate 2. Environmental: CEQA: Exempt Other Existing Future Review Required Environmental Document NEPA: 0 Required a Not Required Unknown H:\WORD\MARK'S MEMOS 8 LEnERS 2000\CIP\2001-2002\CIProlectRequestFormNew 01-06 LARWlN PARK,doc PAGE 2 OF 4 136 0 Coastal 0 Army Corp 0 Regional Water Quality Control Capital Improvement Program Project Request Form FINANCING 1. Total Budget Request: $ 0 ($500,000 of current CIP appropriation of $2,090,000 to be moved up to 01-02. The remaining $1,590,000 can be eliminated). 2. Project Manager: Client Department - 0 Consultant Managed by Client Department 0 Engineering Design Division 3. Schedule: Estimated Cost Fiscal Year Activity 01 -02 02-03 03-04 05-06 06-07 07-1 2 13-Buildout Studies meports Environmental Prop. Acqutsitlon Design Constructlon 50.000 450.000 Requested Funding Source PIL PIL 4. Change to CostlSchedule: - $1,590,000 0 Increase a Decrease Reason: tot lot, parking, etc.). The ttmlng has been moved up to satisfy immediate Growth Management need (refer to Exhibit 2). (Schedule moved up from 6.0. to 01-02) Cost decrease because scope of park reduced (elimination of tennis courts, basketball courts, one [x] Supporting Documentation Attached 0 No Documentation Available OPERATING COSTS 1. Annual Operating Cost: $98,00O/yr (refer to Exhibit 3) 2. Method Used to Determine Cost: Historical data developed by Parks Div. (refer to Exhibit 3) [x] Documentation Attached 0 No Documentation Available I J c H:\WORDWARKS MEMOS 8 LElTERS 2OOO\CIPK001-2002\CIP 01-02 PROJECT REQUEST FORMS FRONT END\CIProjectRequestFormNew 01-08 IARWlN PARK docPAGE 3 OF 4 137 n W I- - EXHIBIT 1 c a ar n LLI I- cf> 1L ar - a n EXHIBIT 1 December 19, 2000 TO: ASSISTANT CITY P VIA: RECREATION DIRECT From: Park Development Coordinator NORTHEAST QUADRANT PARK ISSUES .Public Works Center Ballfield Removal .Zone 5 Interim Ballfield 0N.t. Quadrant Land Acquisition ,-> ~Larwin Park This report discusses the inter-connective nature Of issues related to the topics above and makes recommendations for a comprehensive solution to those issues. - - - SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: 1. Construct a ball field on the lower pad of the Zone 5 Park to replace the field being elimicated in Phase II of the Public Works Center. Construct concurrent with Public Works Center. - 2. immediately pursue development of Larwin Park to satisfy the Growth Management e' Plan. Process a mid year CIP adjustment to begin the park development process this year. i 3. Continue to pursue acquisition of additional park acreage in the NE Quadrant for ball fields. BACKGROUND PUBLIC WORKS CENTER The Public Works Center will remove 2 acres of ballfields. Thts is partially offset by the recent addition of 1 acre of Skate Park. The Public Works Department is processing a General Plan Amendment (GPA) to eliminate the ballfield and add the Skate Park. They have successfully gone through the Parks and Recreatron .Commlssron and are now anticipating a hearing at the Planning Commission in April 2001. Two issues have arisen related to this process. 1. We are currently in a park deficit tn the NE Quadrant. The elimination of one acre of park at the Public Works Center will accentuate the problem and will need to be addressed in the GPA report. 2. The Growth Management Plan has a provlsion that no City facilittes shall be removed without being replaced. The Planning Department has prelimrnarily Interpreted that provision to mean that - EXHIBIT 2 I41 Pg. 2 of 3, NE QUAD PARK ISSUES 7 the ballfield being eliminated at the Public Works Center must be replaced. Staff is recommending that this occur at the Zone 5 Park lower 3 acre pad site on an interim basis. ZONE 5 PARK BALLFIELD To show compliance with the requirement described above, it is recommended that a CUP for Zone 5 Ballfield be processed after the first of the year and that the project be submitted in the 01- 02 CIP. The actual implementation of the project is recommended to be dove-tailed into the Public Works Center Project. The Public Works Center consultant could prepare the plans and the project could be bid as part of the Public Works Center project. This would minimize impacts on staff workload and provide for better bid prices than doing a small stand alone project. Because there essentially no funds left in the Zone 5 Business Park account (after purchasing the land several years ago), funding for the ballfield project will need to come from an alternative be established for this project. - - - sourie (possibly the General Fund). It is recommended that a budget of approximately $300,000 Currently, staff from the Recreation Department, City Manager’s Office, and Community Development are working on a goal of community outreach in the industrial zones to gather input into what might ultimately serve that segment of the communities recreational needs. In addition, we are testing the water for Interest in private participation. Because of the uncertainty of future development plans for thls site. staff is recommending that the replacement field be considered temporary, keeping the construction slmple and development costs to a mlnimum. 24- LA R WIN PARK As previously menttoned. the NE Quadrant is currently experiencing a park deficit that needs immediate attention We are currently 10 acres in arrears, not counting the current new housing projects coming on ltne Last year. the margmally developable Larwin Park was moved out in the CIP in favor of what. at the time. promised to be the acquisition of 10-15 acres of developable park acreage in the Robertson Ranch (the Jomt use flood control basidpark). After closer analysis of the site revealed potential development constratnts. land appraisals came in higher than staff felt the land warranted, and the tlming of access to the site via Cannon and College became uncertain, we are recommending moving Larwin back up in the CIP to address the Growth Management shortfall. Staff is recommending that a new plan for Larwtn Park be developed. Although no park planning has occurred on the “new plan”, it IS antictpated that the recently approved temporary Dog Park would be incorporated into “upper” Larwin Park and that improvements to “lower” Larwin Park be kept to a minimum (walkways, lawn, picnic areas. and possibly a tot lot). Trails could be used to connect upper and lower Larwln and to connect to the City Wide Trail System. The ultimate plan would of course be subject to the usual input (public outreach, Commissions, and Council). Cost for this type of development would be significantly lower than the $2,090,000 currently appropriated in the CIP. - Pg. 3 of 3; NE QUAD PARK ISSUES ,- Public Works staff is also recommending that a "Mid-Year" CIP adjustment be made to appropriate funds for Larwin Park for this fiscal year. We are recommending that $50.000 for preliminary design and miscellaneous project management be appropriated out of the $2,090,000 (PFF) funds currently scheduled in FY 2010-2020. This will show a commitment to meeting the Growth Management shortfall and allow staff to start on this project at the first of the year. - NE QUADRANT LAND AQUISITION The 2000-2001 CIP appropriated $2, 625,000 for acquisition of park 1an.d for ballfields in the NE Quadrant. As previously mentioned, the anticipated acquisition of a flood control basin on Robertson Ranch that could have served dual use as ballfields is appearing less likely due to land constraints and appraised land costs. While staff has not completely abandoned the possibility that the Robertsons (or subsequent owners) might negotiate a favorable deal on the property, staff is planning to proceed with further investigation of alternative sites in the NE Quadrant. Because the availability of developable land continues to become harder to find (and more expensive), staff - - will mtinue to move forward toward this goal. - Staff is seeking confirmation to proceed with the recommendations above. Mark Steyaert c: City Manager Public Works Dlrector Public Works Manager Cook Senlor Civil Engmeer. Hammann Planning Director Assistant Planning Director Principal Planner, Rideout Senior Planner, Munoz Senior Management Analyst, Beverly Finance Director Senior Accountant, Stover 143 RECREATION DEPARTMENT Park Development date: 1 I1 6/00 prepared by: MS ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION AND M&O COST SUMMARY SHEET Project: LARWIN PARK - CONSTRUCTION NO plan has yet been developed for the park. Therefore, cost estimated is a “budgeted” amount based on generic per acre park development costs calculated by using the most recent park construction costs available. Currently, the costs are $250,000 per acre which includes design, admin., environmental, and construction, However, $125,000 per acre is being used for Latwin Park due to the type of amenities proposed (e.g. no ballfields, hardcourts, restroom blgs. etc.). Park Improvements (4 acres of developed park x $125,00O/acre $ 500,000 - MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION MBO ASSOCIATED WITH THE PARK IMPROVEMENTS Parks M&O ACRES Maintenance Cost / Acre / Total Cost c Level Maintenance Level 3.5 B $12,000 42,000 18.5 D $ 3,000 56,000 PARKS M&O $ 98,000 Recreation M&0 (none antlclpated. no programmed activittes) TOTAL GROSS PARK RELATED M&O OFFSETTING REVENUES (none antlcipated) TOTAL NET PARK IMPROVEMENT M&O COST $ 98,000 +o $ 98,000 -0 $ 98,000 $ 98,000 EXHIBIT 3 144 For CIP Committee's Use Only Date Received: CIP Commaee Review Date: Capital Improvement Program Project Request Form I Committee Recommendation: 0 Include in CIP Tl Add1 Info Reaulred I is Do not Include In CIP CONTACT - I I. Project Sponsor Mark Steyaert Ext. 2855 2. Department & Division Recreation-elopment . 3. Department Head Signature - u Date 0 1 DESCRIPTION 1. 0 New Project Updated Project 2. Project Name NE QUAD PARK AQUlSlTlON Project No. 36981 3. Project Location 0 0 Located outside Coastal Zone In the NE Quadrant. Specific site yet to be determined. 4. Project Type: 0 American Disabilities Act 0 Administrative 0 Police & Fire 0 Library Miscellaneous Civic D Public Arts 0 Redevelopment 0 Facilities Maintenance Parks 0 Drainage 0 Encina Wastewater Facility 0 Sewer Collection 0 Water Distribution 0 Recycled Water 0 Traffic Signal 0 Street 0 Freeway Interchange 5. Project Description The FY 00-01 CIP calls for acquisition of approximately 15 acres in the NE Quadrant for ballfields. The purpose of this project is to find a site to construct ballflelds that were ellmlnated in the Lawin Park planning process due to site constraints and neighborhood opposltion Currently, $2,625,000 IS approprlated for acqulsitlon based on $175,000 per acre acquisition costs. In recognition of the land price cost escalation. the Recreation Dept. commlssioned a appraisal of land costs throughout the City for the purpose of evaluating the adequacy of the current Park In Lieu Fee (which is based on anticipated cost per acre).The appraisal Indicates that current land costs In the NE Quad. are In neighborhood of $300,000.Therefore, In order to have sufficient funds to acquire the land for the NE Quad. Park, the budget is proposed to be increased. This City expense will be offset by increasing the PIL charge (proposed for , this year. H:\WORDWRKS MEMOS 8 LElTERS 200O\CIP\2001-2002\CIP 01-02 PROJECT REQUEST FORMS FRONT END\ClPProlectRequestFormNew 01-08 NE QUAD ACQUIS doc PAGE 1 OF 4 145 Capital Improvement Program Project Request Form OOrn 6. Project Background Master Plan supporting document and/or drawings. ConceptuaVPre-Design Report and/or Drawings. Site Study. Detailed Cost Estimate. Geotechnical Studies. Project Alternatives Analysis. Other. Please Indicate refer to exhibits below - Briefsummaries of Background Documents: Exhibit 1 - Excerpt from appraisal report ~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ 7. Project Need The NE Quad. Park is outlmed in the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan. Needed to meet ballfield standards as approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission. The availability of developable land in the NE Quad. is quickly disappearing, therefore, acquisition as soon as possible is recommended. ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ESTIMATED PERMlTTlNG/ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Permits: c] Conditional Use 0 Special Use Building 2. Environmental: CEQA: Exemp 0 Coastal 0 Amy Corp Regional Water Quality Control Fish 8 Game 0 Fish 8 Wildlife Other Please indicate It 0 Other Existing 0 Future Review Required Environmental Document NEPA: 0 Required c] Not Required 0 Unknown ~~ H:\WORD\MARKS MEMOS & LElTERS 2000\CIP\2001-2002\CIPPro~edRequestForrnNew 01-08 GENERIC ACQUIS. doc PAGE 2 OF 4 146 Capital Improvement Program Project Request Form FINANCING 1. Total Budget Request: $1,925,000 (supplements current CIP amount of $2,625,000 TOTAL PROJECT COST: $4,550,000;) 2. Project Manager: Client Department Consultant Managed by Client Department 0 Engineering Design Division 3. Schedule: Estimated Cost Fiscal Year ~~ Activity 0 1-02 02-03 05-06 06-07 07-12 13-B~1ldout 03-04 Studies 8 Reports Envlron@ntal Prop. Acquisition ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ '30.000 20.000 "1,875.00[ Design Requested Funding - source Construction total : $95,000 incl. current approp ** total $4,435.000 incl. current approp. 4. Change to CostlSchedule: $1,925,000 Increase 0 Decrease Reason: Increase in cost per acre for acquisition from $175,000 per acre to $300,000 per acre. ~ ~~~ ~ a Supporting Documentation Attached No Documentation Available OPERATING COSTS 1. Annual Operating Cost: NA 2. Method Used to Determine Cost: NA Documentation Attached [7 No Documentation Available H:\WORD\MARK'S MEMOS 8 LETTERS 2OOO\CIPK001-2002\CIP 01-02 PROJECT REQUEST FORMS FRONT END\CIPProjectRequestFonNew 01-08 NE QUAD ACQUIS. doc PAGE 3 OF 4 L 1 0 0 0 N 9 8 h- City of Carisbad Page 5 The southwest +ant had eleven (I 1) tfansacticms with a combmed 197.15-acres, and merage per-acre price of $288,592. Sales occurred between February 1998 and July 2000. Rice range in . December 28,2000 F this quadrant was $95,491 to $561,497 per-acre. The northeast quadrant ha two (2) transactions with a combined 18.2-acres, and average per-acre price of $302,812. Sales occurred m Jan~mry 1998 and September 1999. Price range indicated by the two transactions is $278,261 and $344,952 per-acre. - t 41 There was only one (1) transaction m the southeast qzahnt within the parameters of this study. . Indicated price is $263,158 per-acre. This is an older, or March 1998 sale of a 4.56-acre parcel located at Rancho Santa Fe Drive and La Costa Avenue. Zoning is RDM The site is rough- graded and there were no entitlements. This was a bank REO sale. - - There are two (2) active listings involving vacant acreage within the city known to the appraiser, one m the southeast quadrant. Located at the southeast corner of Rancho Santa Fe Road and Los Coches is a 7.59-acre commercial site listed for $2,900,000, or $382,082 per-acre. Located near Palomar Airport Road and Melrose Drive is a 50.1-acre tract listed for $10.5 million, or $209,581 per-acre. Land use indicated by the listing is industriat The prices indicated by transactions submitted are clearly iduenced by value characteristics such as topography and map status. For example, a generally level parcel with approved TM will sell for significantly more than a raw hillside parcel with no TM. Land prices m the northwest quadrant appear to be higher than other quadrants, howder there is very little data available m the northeast and southeast quadrants for a usefid comparison. Salehesales in the industrial corridor suggest considerable value appreciation m 1997 and 1998. (See Sale Nos. 5, 6 & 12) Appreciation m the residential land market over time is also very apparent (Compare Sale No. 16 & 24), however quantlfymg it with paired-sales is difEcult because value characteristics (ie: topo, map status and density) between individual parcels vary substantially. There is a relation% between home prices and land value. According to a bi-annual study by the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce, home prices m the La Costa area of Carlsbad increased 8% between April 1997 and April 1998; increased another 2 1% between April 1998 and April 1999; and another 6% between October 1999 and April 2000. A Land Sales Sunmay, along with an individual summary of each market data item ( 1 thru 3 3 ), follows. (appreciate the opportunity to be of professional service. c I I (&.;,"' I /,L L: !' AS.' I' . 11 Randy A. Tagg, MAI ,,' California CertifidGtneral . ' Real Estate Appraiser No. AGO05 I70 THE TAGG COMPANY EXHIBIT 1 I Capital Improvement Program Project Request Form For CIP Committee's Use Only Date Received: CiP Committee Review Date: Committee Recommendation 0 Include In CIP 0 Add'l info Required 0 Do not include In Cip CONTACT 1. Project Sponsor Mark Steyaert Ext. 2855 2. Department & Division RECREATm;-PackDevelopment 3.. Department Head Signature Date I * //efo/ - DESCRIPTION 1. 0 New Project 0 Updated Project 2. Project Name NE QUAD PARK SITE DEVELOPMENT Project No. 3801 1 - 3. Project Location Located in Coastal Zone 0 Located outside Coastal Zone In the NE Quadrant. Site to be determined. 4. Project Type: 0 American Disabilities Act Administrative 0 Police 8 Fire 0 Library 0 Miscellaneous Civic 0 Public Arts 0 Redevelopment 0 Facilities Maintenance 0 Sewer Collection 0 Water Distribution 0 Recycled Water 0 Traffic Signal D Street 0 Freeway Interchange Parks 0 Drainage 0 Encina Wastewater Facility 5. Project Description Develop 15 acres for ballfields. J H:\WORD\MARK'S MEMOS 8 LElTERS 2OOO\CIPV001-2002\CIP 01-02 PROJECT REQUEST FORMS FRONT END\CIP Project Request Form NEW 01-02 NE QUAD PARK.doc PAGE 1 OF 4 1 SO Capital Improvement Program Project Request Form DESCRIPTION (CON'T) 6. Project Background E E 5 Ma*r Plan supporting document and/or drawings. 17 @ 17 ConceptuaVPre-Design Report and/or Drawings. 0 151 0 Site Study. a 0 Detailed Cost Estimate. 0 0 Geotechnical Studies. E Project Alternatives Analysis. 0 -- 0 Other. Please Indicate BriefSummaries of Background Documents: - - 7. Project Need The NE Quad. Park is outlmed In the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan. Needed to meet ballfield standards as approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission. The availability of developable land in the NE Quad. is quickly disappearing, therefore, acquisition as Soon as possible is recommended. ESTIMATED PERMlTTlNGlENVlRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Permits: I Conditional Use 0 Special Use 0 Building 0 Coastal 0 Army Corp 0 Regional Water Quality Control Fish 8 Game 0 Fish 8 Wildlife 0 Other I Please indicate I 2. Environmental: I I CEQA: 0 Exempt 0 Other Existing Future Review Required Environmental Document NEPA 0 Required 0 Not Required 0 Unknown H:\WORDWlARK'S MEMOS 8 LETTERS 2OOO\CIPV001-2002\CIP 01-02 PROJECT REQUEST FORMS FRONT END\CIP Project Request FOVn NEW 01-02 NE QUAD PARK.dOC PAGE 2 OF 4 151 Capital Improvement Program Project Request Form FINANCING 1. Total Budget Request: NA: Timing change only (refer to "Park Cost Update" CIP submittal for information on budget. - 2. Project Manager: a Client Department 0 Consultant Managed by Client Department 0 Engineering Design Division 3. Schedule: Estimated Cost - Fiscal Year Requested Funding - Source Activity 01 -02 02-03 03-04 05-06 06-07 07-12 13-Buildout Studies i3 Reports Environm-ental Prop. Acquisition Design Construction - 4. Change to CostlSchedule: NA: timing change only 0 Increase Decrease Reason: Move project back to buildout Larwin Park will meet the immediate Growth Management needs. 0 Supporting Documentation Attached No Documentation Available OPERATING COSTS 1. Annual Operating Cost: NA 2. Method Used to Determine Cost: NA Documentation Attached No Documentation Available H:\WORD\MARKS MEMOS 8 LElTERS 2OOO\CIPU001-2002\CIP 01-02 PROJECT REQUEST FORMS FRONT ENDCIP Project Request Fo~ NEW 01-02 NE QUAD PARK.doc PAGE 3 OF 4 152 Capital Improvement Program r_ Project Request Form For CIP Committee's Use Only Date Received: CIP Committee Revtew Date: Committee Recommendation: 0 Include in CIP 0 Add7 Info Requlred Do not Include in CIP - CONTACT 4 Drn;ar+ Cnnnenr Mark Steyaert E*. 2855 2. Department & Division Recreatiomk Development 3. Department Head Signature Date . DESCRIPTION 1. 0 New Project Updated Project 2. Project Name Zone 19 Community Park Project No. 36991 3. Project Location Located in Coastal Zone 0 Located outside Coastal Zone In the SW quad; northern portlon of the Aviara Community; intersection of Poinsettia Lane and Ambrosia 4. Project Type: 0 American Disabilities Act 0 Administrative 0 Police 8 Fire 0 Library Miscellaneous Civic 0 Public Arts Redevelopment 17 Facilities Maintenance 151 Parks Drainage 0 Encina Wastewater Facility 0 Sewer Collection Water Distribution 0 Recycled Water Traffic Signal E! Street 0 Freeway Interchange 5. Project Description This 24 acre community park is anticipated to include a ball field, soccer field, tot lot, basketball courts, walkway, trails, restrooms, parking and an approximate 17,000 s.f. community center. The community center will house meeting rooms, banquet facilities, a senior component and outdoor terraces, I H:\WORD\MARK'S MEMOS 8 LETTERS 2000\CIP\2001-2002\CIPPro~ectRequestFonNew 01-08 ZONE 19 COMPARK doc PAGE 1 OF 4 . Capital Improvement Program Project Request Form DESCRIPTION (CON'T) 6. Project Background E E Master Plan supporting document and/or drawings. @ 0 ConceptuaVPre-Design Report and/or Drawings. 0 IS1 0 Site Study. @ 0 0 Detailed Cost Estimate. 0 0 Geotechnical Studies. 0 a Project Alternatives Analysis. @ - 0 a Other. Please Indicate refer to exhibits below Brief Summaries of Background Documents: Exhibit 1 - Conceptual Plan 5 - Justification for merging Phase I and II Exhibit 2 - Conceptual Floor Plan - 3 - Cost Worksheet 4 - Preliminary Cost Estimate 7. Project Need Needed ASAP to satisfy Growth Management. Required per the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan Needed to meet needs of increased population in the SW Quadrant. ESTIMATED PERMITTING/ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Permits: Ix] Conditional Use H Coastal 0 Special Use 0 Army Corp Ls] Building 0 Regional Water Quality Control 2. Environmental: CEQA: 0 Exempt Other Existing future Review Required Environmental Document r 1 NEPA: 0 Required 0 Not Required 0 Unknown 0 Fish 8 Game 0 Fish 8 Wildlife 0 Other Please indicate H:\WORDWRKS MEMOS B LElTERS 2000\CIPUOO1-2002\CIPPro~edRequestFormNew 01-06 ZONE 19 COMPARK.doc PAGE 2 OF 4 154 Capital Improvement Program Project Request Form FINANCING 1. Total Budget Request: $3,070,000 (supplements current CIP amount of $7,928,000. TOTAL PROJECT COSTS: $10,998,000) - 2. Project Manager: Client Department Consultant Managed by Client Department 0 Engineering Design Division 3. Schedule: Estimated Cost . Requested Fiscal Year Funding - Source Activity 01 -02 02-03 03-04 05-06 06-07 07-1 2 13-Buildout Currently Studies 8 - Reports budgeted L Currently Environmental budgeted Prop. Acquisition Deslgn '250.000 Construction "2.570.000 supplements current CIP of $250.000 , TOTAL 3500.000 ** supplements current CIP amount of $7.769.000, TOTAL $10.498.000 4. Change to CostlSchedule: $3,070,000 Increase 0 Decrease Move up schedule for Phase I1 (community center) from 2010-20 to 2001-02 Reason: The Master Plan process currently underway, has allowed for the development of specific cost estimates to replace the previous generic per acre cost assigned to the project (refer to Exhibit 4). Also it is recommended to tncorporate the community center (previously a separate later phase) into Phase I (refer to Exhibit 5). Supporting Documentation Attached 0 No Documentation Available OPERATING COSTS 1. Annual Operating Cost: $466,000 net M&O (m&o less revenue offsets; refer to Exhibit 3) 2. Method Used to Determine Cost: $ Historical data (refer to Exhibit 3) 1x1 Documentation Attached 0 No Documentation Available H:\WORD\MARKS MEMOS 8 LElTERS 2OOO\CIPK001-2002\CIP 01-02 PROJECT REQUEST FORMS FRONT END\CIPProlectRequestFormNew 01-06 ZONE 19 COMPARK.doc PAGE 3 OF 4 151 yl 0 0 0 4 9 c v N I @ mcu cum w* 0 m- a 1 Q56 EXHIBIT 1 157 EXHIBIT 2 RECREATION DEPARTMENT Park Development date: 1 /16/00 prepared by: MS ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION AND M&O COST SUMMARY SHEET Project: ZONE I9 COMMUNITY PARK 1 CONSTRUCTION - Park Improvements Community Center Building TOTAL COSTRUCTION Design GRAND TOTAL $ 5,862,000 $ 4,636,000 $10,498,000 500,000 $10,998,000 Refer to Exhibit 4 for detailed cost estimate. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION M&O ASSOCIATED WITH THE PARK IMPROVEMENTS (no corn. cfr. bldg. expenses) Parks M&O ACRES Maintenance Cost I Acre I Total Cost 18 A $1 5,000 270,000 6 D $ 3,000 18,000 PARKS M&0 $ 288,000 t Level Maintenace Level Recreation M&O (refer to attached tnformatton for further detail) TOTAL GROSS PARK RELATED M&O OFFSETTING REVENUES (Refer to attached Informatton for further detail) TOTAL NET PARK IMPROVEMENT M&O COST M&O ASSOCIATED WITH THE COMMUNITY CENTER IMPROVEMENTS Facilities M80 ($9 I square foot ~17,000 s.f.) Recreation M&o (refer to attached informatton for further detail) TOTAL GROSS COMMUNITY CENTER RELATED M&O OFFSETTING REVENUES (refer to attached tnformatlon for further details) TOTAL NET COMMUNITY CENTER M&O COST - $288,000 + 24,700 $312,000 $277,000 $1 53,000 +186,000 $399,000 -21 0,000 $1 89,OO $1 89.000 GRAND TOTAL NET M80 EXPENSES $466,000 EXHIBIT 3 January 12,2001 I TO : RECREATION DIRECTOR c FROM: RECREATION SUPERVISOR II ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE FOR POINSEITIA 8 ZONE 19 PARKS The following are the estimated expenditure figures for recreation activities and facility use at Poinsettia and Zone 19 Parks. These figures are based on actual historic costs incurred at our existing facilities. POINSElTIA PARK Community Center (proposed) - Personnel M80 Sub-total . Park Programs Adult Sports - Personnel Youth Sports -Personnel M80 M80 - - - Sub-total Tennis Center Personnel M8O Sub-total Indoor/Outdoor Soccer Arena - Personnel MBO Sub-total GRAND TOTAL $1 84,000 32.000 $21 6,000 $ 22,000 11,000 8,000 100 $ 41,100 $ 31.000 16.000 $ 47,000 $ 36,000 3.000 $ 39,000 $343,100 ZONE 19 PARK Community Center (proposed) Personnel $154,000 M8O 32.000 Sub-total $1 86,000 Park Programs Adult Sports - Personnel $ 13,000 MBO 6,000 Youth Sports- Personnel 5.600 M80 100 Sub-total $ 24.700 GRAND TOTAL $21 0,700 Dave Millikan 1sp -- January 12,2001 TO: RECREATION DIRECTOR '\, ', . \ FROM: RECREATION SUPERVISOR II ESTIMATED REVENUES FOR POlNSElTlA AND ZONE 19 PARKS The following are estimated revenue figures for recreation activities and facility use at Poinsettia and Zone 19 Parks. These figures are based on actual historic revenues collected at our existing facilities, and estimated revenues for the Tennis Center and Indoor/Outdoor Soccer Arena. POINSETTIA PARK Community Center (proposed) - Instructional Classes $21 0,000 Room reservations/gym open play 12,000 Youth Basketball 30,000 Adult Basketball 14,000 Sub-total $266,000 Park Programs - Ball Field Rentals $ 4,000 Adult Sports Programming 36,000 Youth Sports Programming 9,000 Picnic Area 5,000 Sub-total $ 54,000 Tennis Center (proposed 11 courts) Instructional Classes $ 23,000 Court Reservation Fees 30,000 Pro Shop 7,000 Sub-total $ 60,000 Indoor/Outdoor Soccer Arena Reservation Fees Adult Sports Sub-total $ 19,200 10.800 $ 30,000 GRAND TOTAL $41 0,000 ZONE 19 PARK Community Center (proposed) Instructional Classes Room Reservations Sub-total Park Programs - Ball Field Rentals Adult Sports Programming Youth Sports Programming Picnic Areas Sub-total GRAND TOTAL $1 60,000 50.000 $210,000 $ 2,000 22,000 6,000 5.000 $ 35,000 $245,000 - - DAVE MlLLlKAN -y: Ph D ConsJont6, tnc. 401 Watt ‘A Street Suite 2600 San Dlogo, CA 82101 SUBTOTAL PUBUC IMPROVEMENTS PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTs $1 *sa5 PRIVATE SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS PRIVATE STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENT6 PRIVATE WATER IMPROVEMENTS PRIVATE SEWER lMPROVE”$TS PRIVATE LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION PRIVATE PARK SITE IMPROVEMENT‘S RESTROOM EUILDINQS MAINTMANCE BUILDING DRY UTILITIES s412,400 Blm,ow Sl6,Soa S27,250 t1,385.000 S830.6000 s30omo S150.000 f50.000 s%260,760 - L SUBTOTAL PRIVATE IMPROVEMEW COMMUNINBUILDING COMMUNIT BUIL31NO COMMUNlTY BUG. TERRACE 6 UNDICAPE ~3.400,OOO 3250,000 S730,OOO -000 CONTINGENCY (20%) TOTAL COMMUNITY BUIUNQ COST EXHIBIT 4 163 ZONE 19 PARK JUSTIFICATION FOR MERGING PHASE I & II Currently, Phase I includes all park improvements except the proposed community center, which is scheduled for 2010-20. Recently, the Recreation Department has come to the realization that “phasing” park improvements (unless there is’a compelling reason) has not been in the best interest of the City, for the following reasons: A. B. - - C. D. Phasing (e.9. Poinsettia Park) has caused major problems in construction contract administration. Claims arise when features installed in previous phases, don’t match up to as-builts. Construction of amenities (especially a major building) in a park that is open to the public is problematic, causing inconvenience to the public and potentially a liability situation. Costs are greater because 1) increase related to inflation for phases that are put of into the future, 2) by constructing smaller phased projects, and 2) via potential claims as outlined in “A” above. TO rightfully count ALL the park acreage as meeting the Growth Management standards, ALL the park amenities should be completed and available to the public. In addition, the existing turned away from progl of new housing units in community centers are extremely impacted. Citizens are being -ams for lack of space. The recent completion of a large quantity Aviara and adjacent developments will exacerbate the situation. Finally, this community center will be geared to activities that create revenues to offset the M & 0 costs. EXHIBIT 5 4. Capital Improvement Program - Project Request Form For CIP Committee's Use Only Date Received: CIP Committee Review Date: Committee Recommendation: 0 Include in CIP 0 Add'l Info Requ~red 0 Do not Include In CIP CONTACT 1. Project Sponsor Mark Steyaert Ext. 2855 2. Department & Division RECREATION. Park Development 3. Department Head Signature Date 1 \- ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ DESCRIPTION 1. 0 New Project Updated Project 2. Project Name PARK COST UPDATE Project No. Varies 3. Project Location: NA 0 Located in Coastal Zone 0 Located outside Coastal Zone Pine School (NW Quad.), NE Quadrant Park, Alga Norte Park; Pine School Community Center, Poinsettia Community Park 4. Project Type: 0 American Disabilities Act 0 Administrative 0 Police 8 Fire 0 Library 0 Miscellaneous Civic 0 Public Arts Redevelopment Facilities Maintenance @ Parks 0 Drainage 0 Encina Wastewater Facility 0 Sewer Collection Water Distribution 0 Recycled Water Traffic Signal 0 Street 0 Freeway Interchange 5. Project Description Upgrade future park projects costs. Future park project budgets (those far enough out in the future that site specific costs have yet to be developed) are based on generic costs derived from historical data. The current CIP park budgets are based on $200,000 per acre for site development, and $200 square foot for buildings. These costs include all expenses related to park development including, design, environmental, administration, and construction (and FF&E for buildings). Costs are for high quality park facilities typical of those developed in Carlsbad in the past. Recently, new information has been received that indicate that costs are $250,000 per acre and $230 Der square foot for buildings. These costs came from recently received Zone 19 Park estimates and City of San Diego Parks and Recreation Department figures. ~ ~ -~ H:\WORDUWARKS MEMOS 8 LElTERS 2000\CIP\Z001-2002\CIPPro~edRequestFonNEW 01-02 GENERIC.doc PAGE 1 OF 4 165 . Capital Improvement Program Project Request Form DESCRIPTION (CON'T) 6. Project Background E E Master Plan supporting document and/or drawings. [3 0 ConceptuaVPre-Design Report and/or Drawings. 0 0 @ Site Study. @ [3 0 Cost Estimate. [3 Geotechnical Studies. 0 a Project Alternatives Analysis. .a -. 0 Other. Please Indicate refer to Exhibits below. Brief Summaries of Background Documents: Exhibit 1- Summary chart 2 - Cost estimate for Zone 19 Park - 7. Project Need To provide realistic future costs so that financial impacts can analyzed and planned for. ESTIMATED PERMlTTlNG/ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Permits: NA 0 Conditional Use 0 Coastal Fish 8 Game 0 Special Use 0 Army Corp Fish & Wildlife 0 Building 0 Regional Water Other Quality Control Please indicate 2. Environmental: NA CEQA: Exempt 0 Other Existing X Future Review Required Environmental Document NEPA: Required x Not Required 0 Unknown H:\WORD\MARKS MEMOS B LElTERS 2000\CIPL?001-2002\CIPProjeclRequestFonNEW 01-02 GENERIC.doc PAGE 2 OF 4 I66 Capital Improvement Program Project Request Form FINANCING I. Total Budget Request: 2. Project Manager: Client Department D Consultant Managed by Client Department 0 Engineering Design Division 3. Schedule: Refer to attached chart. Estimated Cost Fiscal Year Activity 01 -02 02-03 03-04 05-06 06-07 Studies 8 Reports Environmental .(o L - Construction r- w 4. Change to CostlSchedule: Reason: Increase costs in park development Supporting Documentation Attached 07-12 IbBuildout Requested Funding - Source Increase 0 Decrease No Documentation Available OPERATING COSTS 1. Annual Operating Cost: NA 2. Method Used to Determine Cost: Current cost figures Documentation Attached 0 No Documentation Available H:\WORD\MARKS MEMOS 8 LElTERS 2000\CIPV001-2002\CIPPro~ectRequestFonnNEW 01-02 GENERCdoc PAGE 3 OF 4 1 c .L L L + x I 0 a I- cn 0 0 c 2 z e 0 T I 0 0 0 m 0- (v- 7 u) " * c3 0 9 " LL LL a " 0 0 0 Lo 0 0 a- I "c 0 0 0 m N 0 a, 168