HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-05-21; Parks & Recreation Commission; 501-1; Commissioner's ReportPARKS 8 RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL AB# 501-1 I TITTLE : I INFO MTG. DATE: 5-21-01 COMMISSIONER’S REPORT 0 ACTION STAFF: PRICHARD RECOMMENDED ACTION : Accept and file. - ITEM EXPLANATION : Attached is the Commissioner’s Report for May 2001. EXHIBITS: 1. Commissioner’s Report - May 2001 Carlsbad Recreation Department - April 2001 ADULT SPORTS The end of the Spring Season is near for all the Adult Sports leagues with only four weeks remain- ing. During this time we begin preparing for the upcoming Summer and Fall Seasons.. Staff is busy preparing registrations; rosters, flyers, newsletters, advertisements, surveys, evaluating staff, staff training, equipment inventory, and much more to better our programs for our customers. The Adult Sports Office will be conducting a survey of the Spring Season to have a better understanding on what our participants would like to see or not to see in future leagues. We are very excited for our up-coming summer ”3 on 3” Basketball Tournament held during triathlon weekend on July 28. We have received commitment from Legoland, Upper Deck and Chick’s Sporting Goods to donate awards for our tournament. (A total of $2,000!!) Registration is currently in process so pass the word along and contact our office for registration material (602-7521). Our part-time staff deserve a tremendous “THANK YOU” from all of us in Recreation. They are in the front lines of our programs and all have done a good job in preparing our fields, maintaining scores, responding to customers and making sure our programs run smoothly. Our part time staff add a tremendous value to our program and they ARE the reason for our success!! CALAVERA HILLS PARK Calavera Hills Park and Community Center had another very successful month. Open play basketball contin- ues to thrive as word of mouth is spreading that we run : an efficient, organized game with more playtime for the individual than similar programs in neighboflng cities. Reservations here at the park as well as at Laguna Riviera Park continue to increase. Also, facility reserva- tions continue to rise as well. Last month had every- thing from birthday parties to wedding receptions to fu- neral wakes here at the center. The Calavera family also bid farewell to Senior Recrea- tion Leader Chris Harmon who has worked here for 6 years. His co-workers, as well as the public loved him for his dedication to the job and his enthusiasm for life. Not to worry though, the Carlsbad community is fortunate to have Chris in his new capacity overseeing events and activities at Snug Harbor on the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Chris Zingrebe is the new facility Senior Recreation Leader at Calavera. Welcome Chris Zingrebe and good luck to Chris Harmon. Also going on at Calavera Hills are two construction projects. The first is a Cingular Wireless cell site being put up by Pacific Bell on the northwest side of the center next to field #3. The anticipated completion for the tower is May 16. The second is the remodeling of the supervisors office later this month, which will be updated with systems furniture to increase safety, efficiency and customer ser- vice. . rc SPECIAL EVENTS The Recreation Department is hosting its Annual Community Sale at Holiday Park on June 2"d from Bam - 3pm. Vendor spaces are filling up fast as we expect another good turn out. Everyone is in- vited to come check out the bargains! On June IS' the Recreation Department will be hosting its Second Annual Eighth Grade Promotion Dance at Calavera Hills gymnasium. The event is a celebration dance for eighth grade students moving on to high school. It's a night of fun activities, food, dancing and memories. DAYTRIPPERS Welcome back Carmen Lopez our beloved Daytripper program coordinator. She has recovered enough from her accident and is back to work at the Harding Community Center. Stop by and say hello. In April, the Daytrippers went on a three-day excursion to the Golden Nugget Casino in Laughlin, Nevada and took a trip up to Los Angeles to see the brilliant musical "The Lion King". Upcoming trips in May include the Getty Museum, the hilarious audience participation play "Joey and Maria's 25th Wedding Anniversary" and a jaunt down to Ensenada, Mexico. - ENRICHMENT CLASSES Summer brings to our Enrichment Class Program the wonderful opportunity to provide a wide variety of day camps to the children in and around Carlsbad. Through- out the summer we have 32 camps scheduled that should meet the desires of anyone interested. From arts, cooking and science to a variety of sports so not one child should be lamenting, "I am bored and I don't have anything to do." We have added a new Publishing camp for teens to be held at the Dove library. In this camp three-production software programs will be introduced in- structing them on how to design their own brochures, newsletters, catalogs or flyers. What they learn in this camp will offer them the basics of design that could have life long benefits. Hats off to Norm Belsterling's Stagecoach Park Karate program! They recently participated in the qualifying tournament for the USA National Karate Federation Championships to be held in Houston, Texas .The team won twenty overall medals. All of the participants qualified to go on to the National Championships. HARDING COMMUNITY CENTER Okay, if you haven't seen the Public Works Building Maintenance crew around at your facility we confess, they have been renovating and remodeling our old building here at Harding Center. After three long months the Harding Center Recreation Hall kitchen has been remodeled, the Auditorium t has a new sound system; tile floor and wall paneling and the windows have new window blinds. Later this year, the Heritage Hall facility will be close for three months while it gets a new wood floor installed. Busy, busy, busy little carpenters!! b . - Despite all the construction, April has been a steady month with a wedding and a private party on the books. However in May, six special event parties have been scheduled with the possibility of more to come. BALLFIELD MAINTANANCE Staff has been busy setting up the Fall 2001 ballfield negotiation meetings. Several meetings with non-profit resident organizations are scheduled in May and June. This can be a very tense time for user groups however staff is confidant things will work out for everybody. More information will fol- low in the months to come. All infield maintenance is going well. PARKS To keep our parks and medians looking sparkling clean during the upcoming months we will be re- placing old trash cans with new pre-cast concrete trash cans and planting 100 tress along Faraday Avenue. Construction on Larwin Park (aka: "Dog Park") will be done by our own Parks Depart- ment. The park will include a parking lot, enclosed area for dogs and minimal landscape. (Don't want too many things around for our canine friends to chew on!!) I POINSETTIA COMMUNITY PARK Play ball! Use of the baseball fields is in full swing. The Carlsbad Softball Association, La Costa Youth Organi- zation, Carlsbad Youth Baseball, North County Senior Men's Baseball League, and City adult softball leagues all are in full use of our fields from loam - 10pm. Gooooooooaal! The Oceanside/Carlsbad Soccer League and our men's soccer leagues have been play- ing some exciting games at Poinsettia Park. Lightning Soccer Club competitive teams have also been practic- ing in preparation for upcoming tournaments. SENIORS On April 6 we attended our Znd Palm Springs Follies trip. We were razzled and dazzled by Tony Martin after having a wonderful sit down luncheon at the Spa. The Glory of Easter at the Crystal Cathedral entertained us on April 10. We ate dinner at the Home Buffet prior to the show. Our seats were in the 3rd and 4'h row center ... couldn't have been better. A day at Santa Anita on April lZth was certainly a hi-lite for many of us who (didn't win) at the races! This is a wonderful day tour as we were entertained by a great lunch prior to the races. AND, the weather surely did cooperate - no rain. The grand finale for the month was our Baja Cruise. 45 seniors were on board April 23rd, as we set sail from Los Angeles. This 5-day/4-night cruise was surely a wonderful experience for many of them as they hadn't ever been on a cruise before. We returned on the 27'h thinking about the mani experiences we all shared on board. The staff, the food, the shows, the food, the shore excursions, the food was all a plus on the Royal Caribbean line. r" ", 8. 3 L 12 E c The curator of the world-famous Museum of Making Music in Carlsbad thrilled the seniors on April 12 by lecturing about the singers of the Big Band Era. Dan Del Fiorentino played music and brought back memories for a lot of the people in attendance. A wonderful history lesson for all involved! Later in the afternoon the movie, The Benny Goodman Story, was shown to continue the Big Band theme.. .and everyone enjoyed it! A Goddess Workshop was given on April 18 and the women in attendance were excited by the lec- ture and the exercises given. The seniors were introduced to empowerment and meditation ... and many in attendance have asked that Marie Elizabeth come back to the Center on a more regular basis! On April 24 radio talk show host Terri Miller addressed the seniors regarding diabetes education. Terri is a registered nurse and diabetes specialist and the many people in attendance asked several questions and enjoyed the sugar-free refreshments brought in. All seemed grateful for the opportu- nity to speak with an expert regarding diabetes. Over 60 people attended a presentation on April 26 featuring search-and-rescue dog Scout, who is trained and owned by the assistant to the Carlsbad Chief of Police, Lynn Diamond. She made an articulate educational presentation and put on an amazing demonstration showing the skills of Scout. It was an interesting seminar and probably one of the most popular. A real hit! SPRING KlDZ CAMP Spring Kidz Camp went exceptionally well this year, with a turnout of 85 children. It was an exciting week of games, crafts and field trips. Bowling was a hit, and surprisingly a first experience for many of our campers. There were quite a few new faces, and we received many compliments from our first time parents on Family Night, even though many of them were victims of our egg toss. Finally the week ended with a much- anticipated field trip to Universal Studios Hollywood. STAGECOACH The ballfields have been very busy weekday nights and weekends with La Costa Youth Organiza- tion baseball/softball practices and games. Additionally, there were twenty-eight picnic reservations during April. Examples of the variety of groups who use our park include the Sierra Club Canyons Networking group, San Dieguito Mothers Club and Las Madres playgroup. The Mad Science Rocketry and Space Camps were popular with future planetary explorers. Instruc- tors discussed space flight, NASA space program, aerodynamics and space exploration. Mad Sci- ence also offered a preschool workshop with topics including adventures in the air, eye to eye and dinosaurs. Additionally, participants in the Eggstraordinary Easter Egg classes made hollow pano- ramic sugar eggs decorated with icing; cookie bouquets and chocolate dipped old-fashioned butter cream eggs. I think I’m getting a toothache. - STAY N PLAY \ On May 17‘h the Stay N Play kids will be getting a tour of Carlsbad’s Fire Station #l. The kids are ‘.- -’ ” ’ excited and looking forward to the event. The Stay n Play program is at a record high in homework 13 c ,- points! Our Stay n Play kids are working hard to get enough points to attend the Knott's Berry Farm field trip. So far 160 kids have qualified. It's going to be a BIG trip! SUMMER KIDZ CAMP Summer Kidz Camp is now here. Registration starts this month and the phones are already over- flowing with inquiries. This year we a6 expecting another huge turnout and a summer jam-packed with fun. This summer we are also incorporating mr pilot program, C.I.T., which stands for Coun- selors In Training. This is a work experience program for ages 13 - 15. The C.I.T.3 will assist the Summer Camp Staff in all aspects of running the Summer Kidz Camp program. This type of pro- gram has had numerous requests year after year, and now it is finally here. YOUTH SPORTS On March 31, 2001 the Tri-City Track meet had to be cancelled due to rain. All of the pre-registered participants from Carlsbad, Vista, Escondido and San Marcos will be eligible to go on to the County Track Meet in Poway on May 12fh. Planning for the 35 Summer Youth Sports Camps is underway with the first camp beginning the week of June 18'h. We would like to congratulate our Senior Recreation Leader, Tim Delgado, for his acceptance into the U.S. Border Patrol Academy! He has been a great asset to the Youth Sports--program and will be sorely missed. Good luck to him! JILL PRICHARD rc C: Recreation Director City Manager Assistant City Manager All Department Heads