HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-08-20; Parks & Recreation Commission; 801-5; Presentation: National Alliance for Youth SportsPARKS & RECREAfiON COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~ AB#. 801-5 - TITLE . 0 INFO MTG. DATE: 8i20iOl PRESENTATION CONCERNING THE NATIONAL ALLIANCE FOR YOUTH SPORTS ACTION ! STAFF: SWENCK RECOMMENDED ACTION : I 1 I 1 1 ( I 1 1 I \ I Receive presentation from Recreation Department staff concerning the City's involvement with the National Alliance for Youth Sports, and direct staff accordingly. ITEM EXPLANATION : Recreation Staff will recap Commissioner Davidson's June report on National Alliance for Youth Sports (NAYS.) Staff will then discuss the program and what our involvement has been up to this date. Staff will speak about the importance of the National Youth Sports Coaches bsociation (NYSCA) and Parents Association for Youth Sports (PAYS), and how we will benefit ?om implementing these programs into our department. 9 review of the department's future plans regarding Sportsmanship will be introduced and how :his Action Plan will be implemented over the next 2 - 3 years. Our "Community Expectations" Nil1 also be unveiled, as well as an explanation of how we intend to carry out this plan will then >e discussed. The staff recommendation to implement NAYS and the City's Sportsmanship Action Plan into the Tecreation Department will also be discussed as part of the staff presentation. 1. NAYS Strategy, 2. Coaches, Parents, and Players Codes of Ethics 3. City of Carlsbad - Recreation Department Sportsmanship Action Plan 4. Recreation Department Sportsmanship Time Table 5. Power Point Presentation : '',B.ETTER. SPORTS FOR KIDS.. l'he National Alliance For Youth Sports, a non-profit organimtion lxtsed in West t. 1.: I I'alm I)e;lch, t%rida, was founded in 1981 as the NJtiOnal Y<,uth Spons (:o;lches Assockation (NYSCA) with the nlission of improving out-of--K.hool spo11s filr the ; , more tlran 20 million youth panicip:lnts under the age of 10. "lrc g":~l of the j National Allinncc For Youtll Spons.is to make spons safe md positive for Anwidh f : youth. The Allimce 1,elieves that this can only happen if: 1. I r: k: 1. : We provide children with a positive introduction 1,;:: to youth sports; !A are well trained; . I. ,. ,: ,.I Parents complete an orientation to understand I .< j i. f; That administrators, coaches, and game officials '. , 1 ,'< the important impact sports has on their child's $ development and; ' .( ~, ., ij Youth sports are implemented in accordance 'i with the National Standards for Youth Sports. '. -t [. j 1 1 With the rraliwtion that volunteer cwaches are only one aspect of the youth span:. ! equation, the N;itional E3oxd of Directors exp:knrled the NYSCA to form the ~ ' National Alliance For Youth Sports in 1993. Td~y, the Allkance Iws I>ecomc the i n:ition's It.ading youth spxts advcwate with national progranls that educ:~te j "Sports are the greatest resource that we have fo, children in this country to learn many critical lge , skills, and until we treat youih sports with the same importance that we do our educational system, we will comprehensive s enormouslv sum ,trategy, which has prom ssll in manv communities: continue to encounterproblems." "Fred Engh Ibunder, President E. CEO NationalAUiancc For Youtb Sports b Youth sports is an extension of a &Ids educational ' experience. For this reason. the Alliance believes that youth sports should be operated simlarly to our schools. We ! must raise the standard of h.>w sports programs are ,\ conducted in communities. Our school systems have a supcxintendent to oversee the adnunistration of the school a1.d teachers are required to have specific education and certification for academic learning. It is equally imporknt to have the people fiulng these same roles for children's rports to have training and certitication, because sports for children are about learning life skills. Most youth sports programs are mn by well-meaning volunteers who fd coaching and adnunistrative roles, but typica;li. have not been properly prepared for the many aspects &&at their positions entad. 1 LS 1 n individual to act as the supervisor of all youth sports in a community. This sumor should be a Cmtilied Youth Sports Administrator (CYSA) and trained to place in motion standards that will ensure all d children have a safe and positive experience. volunteer youth sports administrators who lease or utilize park and recreation fadlitiei receive training in all asp of youth sports management. Approximately 90 percent of all volunteer administrators have not received any formal training on how to manage youth sports programs, and yet they are making decisions and determining poliaes that ,,affect the welfare of millions of children nationwide. coacfies to go through a ceaifcation program and have their name placed in a national database to ensure that they understand what role winning plays in youth sports; why Children quit sportr; and what Children at differmt ages want from their sports expeienm. Parents would never enat their child to a teacher that wasn't trained, so why should it be any different when it comes to sports? q "$1.. '-q%tew+l+dt parents of children involved in sports go *,<' .Pi 1:: 'I Ij through an orientation and sportsmanship training course that provides information about the sports program, outlines their roles and responsibilities, and dearly defhes what is acceptable behavior by parents -3 Codes of Ethics are a useful wy of communicating an organization's philosophy to all levels of the organization. They can set the boundark of behavior and offer guidelines to everyone involved. Often all involved within an organization are asked to sign a code of ethics to show a commitment to them. The following samples of Codes of Ethics are taken hm examples developed by the National Alliance For Youth Sports. Youth Sports Administrators: Z hereby pledge to provide positive support to all youth sports programs in my community, to administer youth sportsprograms withprofessionahm and in the best interests ofthe children involved by following the Youth Sports Administrators ' Code of Ethics: I will run youth sportsprograms for the children involved, not the adults. I will ensure that I am knowledgeable in the area ofyouth sports administration I will do my best to provide a safe playing situation for all participants. I willprovide support for coaches, officials andparents to provide apositive, enjoyable experience for all. I will require all coaches and oficials to be trained in the responsibilities of WSCALWSOA Codes ofEthics. being a volunteer within the organization and that they uphold the I will implement and enforce the National Stahrris For Youth Sports. . Ipromise to keep informed about current issues involvingyouth sports . .programs. Coaches' Code of Etbics: Z hereby pledge to live up to my certification as a WSCA Coach by following the NYSCA Coaches ' Code of Ethics: I willplace the emotional andphysical well-being of myplayers ahead of a personal desire to win. I will treat each player as an individual, remembering the large range of emotional andphysical development for the same age group. I will do my best to provide a safe playing situation for my players. I willpromise to review andpractice basicfirst aidprinciples needed to treat injuries of my players. I will do my best to organize practices that are fun and challenging for all my players. I will lead by example in demonstrating fair play and sportsmanship to all my ,A 25 EXHIBIT 2 players. I will be knowledgeable in the rules of each Tort that I coach and I will teach these rules to my players. I will use those coaching,techniques appropriate for all of the skills that I teach. I will remember that I am a youth sports coach, and that the game is for children and not adults. Players' Code of Ethics: Z hereby pledge to be positive about my youth sports experiences and accept responsibility for my participation by following this Players ' Code of Ethics pledge: I will encourage good sportsmanshipfiom fw players, coaches, officials andparents at every game andpractice by demonstrathg good sportsmanship. I will attend every practice and game that I can, and will not~ifL my coach ifr cannot. I will expect to receive a fair and equal amount ofpaying time. I will do my very best to listen and learn from my coaches. I will treat my coaches, other players, officials and fans with respect . regardless of race, sex, creed, or abilities and I will qect to be treated accordingly. I deserve to have fun during my sports experience and will alert parents or coaches if it stops beingfun I deserve to play in an environment that isfieefiom drugs, tobacco and alcohol and expect adults to refiain from their use at all youth sports events. I will encourage my parents to be involved with my team in some capacity because it is important to me. I will do my very best in school. I will remember that sports is an opportunity to learn and have fun. Officials' Code of Ethics: Z will hereby pledge to live up to my certification as a NYSOA Official by following the NYSOA @Jcials' Code of Ethics. I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support of all players, coaches, fellow oficials and league administrators at all times. I will ensure that I am knowledgeable ofthe rules of each sport I oficiate, and apply those rules fairly to all participants. teams and coaches. I will not allow personalfiiendships and associations to influence my i 26 decisions during a contest. I will refrain from the use of tobacco and alcohol products when in the youth sports environment. I will remember that youth sports is an opportunity for children to learn and have fun and I will place their safe@ above all else. Parent's Code of Ethics: I hereby pledge to provide positive support. care, and encouragement for my childparticipating in youth sports by following this Parent's. Code of Ethics: I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, officials at every game, practice or other youth sports event. I will place the emotional andphysical well-being of my child ahead of my personal desire to win. I will insist that my childplay in a safe and healthy environment. I will require that my child's coach be trained in the responsibilities of being a youth sports coach and that the coach upholdr the Coaches' Code ofEthics. 1 will support coaches and officials working with my child, in order to encourage a positive and enjoyable experience for all. I will demand a sports environment for my child that is free from drugs, tobacco and alcohol and will refirrin from their use at all youth sports events. I will remember that the game is for youth - not adults. I will do my very best to make youth sports fun for my child. I will ask my child to treat other ployers, coaches, fans and officials with respect regardless of race, sex, creed or ability. If youth development is the primary focus of your youth sports program, the way in which the program is conducted should not be partial to serving only those youth that are early maturing and the most skillhl. Youth development should also not be limited to physical /skill development. Sports provide a unique opportunity to contribute to all aspects of youth development. Any youth sports administrator that believes this to be. true should dedicate their efforts in establishing a mission statement, developinglenforcing policies and be a vocal, single-minded advocate for safe, positive and meaningful sports experiences that contribute to the total development of all youthful participants. 27 City of Carlsbad Recreation Department Sportsmanship Action Plan' Mission Statement: In our continuing effort to create community through people, parks and progra'ms, the Recreation Department will strive to provide quality activities that are safe, fair and enriching for all of its participants, spectators and administrators. This philosophy will be implemented through the T.R.U.S.T. Program, which focuses on teaching respect, unity and sportsmanship through teamwork. Communitv ExDectations The Carlsbad Recreation Department requires its staff, participants, spectators and neighbors to recognize the following expectations in order to maintain a healthy community: We T.R.U.S.T. that you will maintain a safe and positive environment We T.R.U.S.T. that you will treat every individual with courtesy and respect 0 We T.R.U.S.T. that you will honor the rules established for each activity We T.R.U.S.T. that you will demonstrate fair play and sportsmanship at all times 28 EXHIBIT 3 29 EXHIBIT 4 ,- Ci of Carlsbad National Alliance for Youth Sports Recreation Deparbnent and (NAYS) Spdsmamhfp fn Youth Pmgtams RaMng the Quality of I MA YS - What3 it all a&&? -National Youth Sports Coaches Association (NYSCA) -Parent Association for Youth Spotts (PAYS) How has lite aeipartment 8 slaffbuwmeill~ved? -Fsb.ZWl-lKdcnryForYMlm spa0 Adminkbaton Training - March 2001 - Califumia Parks 6i R-SM (CPRS) - -JulyZWl-cirvotCubb.dkaDmg NAYS seminars &ai area cham (NAYS) EXHIBIT 5 1 ~ Program Implementation: 2001 - 2002 Implement NYSCA Caaches Training Cost VL Benefits Monitor effectiveness during league Educate parents re: NAYS (L PAYS Evaluate at season's end into Youth Basketball Program play Program Future Action Plan: 2002 - 2003 Future Action Plan: 2002 - 2003 (a) Requin ail wtsldc organhrtknr using City hdi~ to incorporate cowhcc Training Rogram Impkmt Managers Training for Adult Impklnent Code of Ethk - ?E""- mpnn* 2 7 Recreation Department Sportsmanship Action Plan I I 1 Communitv ExDectatlons The Carlsbad Recreation Deparbnent requires its staff, participants, speaatms and neighbors to recognize the following expectations in order to maintain a healthy community. I I 3 32 c Recommended Actions Direct staff to adopt the NAYS training into this year's Youth philosophy and implement NYSCA Baskelball Program -0lnaOeprtmenttoabrorbavstof madm bining - $2,W b.1 Recommended Actions I Direct staff to implement the PAYS Program (F.Y. 2002-03) - Recommand burerrlng mgkbatkn fee by a maximum of $5 per family to irnpkmmt %his pmgram 33 4 r I Recommended Actions I Endm staff implementation of the NAYS philosophy on a SporLaMnship Action Plan Deparbnent-wide level through the Direct Etan to return with program implementation updates Questions ? 34 5