HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-12-17; Parks & Recreation Commission; 1201-4; Committee AppointmentsPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL AB# I201 -4 TITLE : INFO ACTION ' MTG. DATE: 12-17-01 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS STAFF: BEVERLY RECOMMENDED ACTION : Assign the newly appointed Commissioners to standing committees of the Parks and Recreation Commission. ITEM EXPLANATION : , Commissioners Comstock and Hubbard were recently appointed to the Parks and Recreation Commission to replace former Commissioners Cox and Ramirez. As a result of Commissioners. Cox and Ramirez leaving the Commission, the following vacancies exist on a number of committees, they are: -, Trails Committee - Alternate - 9 Street Tree Committee - Alternate . Pine School - Principal-" I ' ' . Zone 5 - Alternate - /I d .) Staff is recommending that the Commission endorse the appointments which are typically assigned by the chairperson based upon the request to serve by individual Commission members. EXHIBITS: 1. . Minutes AB #501-4 Committee Assignments - May 21,2001 Parks and Recreation Commission -3- May 21,2001 4. AB #501-4 COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Keith Be\lerty, Senior Wmgement Analyst, expfained that at tast manttr's Park and Recreafion Commission meeting, the Commission requested staff to bring back this item to include a reduction in the number of committees consisting of the Park Site Facility and Naming Committee, with a Trails subcommittee, the Street Tree Committee, and a committee for each of the parks currently under planning, design or development, including Pine School, Carrillo Ranch, Zone 19, Alga Norte Park, Larwin Park, and the Golf Course. He added that Commissioner Ramirez, who could not attend the meeting, requested that he be placed on the Pine School Committee. Chairman Cox explained that since his tenure on the Parks and Recreation Commission ended in August 2001, he would not be volunteering for any of the commiftees. After some discussion, it was decided that Trails would be a separate committee. It was also pointed out that Zone 5 should have a committee as well, and it was added to the list. ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Schulberg, AB #5014, to appoint the commissioners and alternates as assigned to those committees as follows: Park Site Facility and Naming Committee: Commissioner Pieratt, Commissioner Pacheco alternate Tmils Committee: Commissioner Schulberg Street Tree Committee: Commissioner Schulberg Pine School Committee: Commissioner Ramirez, Commissioner Pacheco alternate Carrillo Ranch Committee: Commissioner Schulberg, Commissioner Davidson alternate Zone 19 Committee: Commissioner Davidson, Commissioner Pieratt alternate Alga Norte Park Committee: Commissioner Pacheco, Commissioner Pieratt alternate Larwin Park Committee: Commissioner Davidson, Commissioner Cunningham alternate Golf Course Committee: Unassigned Zone 5 Committee: Commissioner Cunningham, Commissioner Ramirez alternate AYES: Chairman Cox, Commissioners Pieratt, Schulberg, Pacheco, and NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Commissioners Ramirez and Cunningham Davidson 5. AB #501-ZONE 5 UPDATE Joe Garuba, Management Analyst, gave the staff presentation on this item. He explained that he and Ken Price, Recreation Director, had been working on the Zone 5 industrial park site. He described the location of the park site and stated there was a requirement for a change in zoning on the 10 acre portion. He added that concept designs for the park were developed and described them in detail. Mr. Garuba mentioned that the purpose of the concept designs were to meet with business representatives for their feedback. EXHIBIT 1 017 05