HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-11-18; Parks & Recreation Commission; 1102-3; Presentation: National-Alliance for Youth SportsPARKS & RECPEATION COMMISSION -AGENDA BILL AB# 11 02-3 TITLE : - INFO MTG. DATE: I1 -I 8-02 NAL-ALLIANCE FOR YOUTH SPORTS UPDATE PRESENTATION ACTION STAFF: Granse/Lauro RECOMMENDED ACTION : Accept and file staff report updating the Parks and Recreation Commission of the Department’s involvement with the National Alliance for Youth Sports (NAYS). ITEM EXPLANATION : In August 2001, staff presented the Commission with a sportsmanship program called NAYS (Exhibit 2). The Commission endorsed this program along with the Department’s Mission Statement and Community Expectations. In addition, the Commission also recommended several actions relating to the implementation of the NAYS program and philosophy within the City’s recreation programs. Staff will update the Commission on efforts to date to carry out the recommendations endorsed during the August 2001 meeting. A PowerPoint presentation (Exhibit 1) has been prepared and will focus on the areas identified below. Staff will be available to answer any specific questions the Commission may have concerning the Departments involvement with the National Alliance For Youth Sports philosophy and program implementation. 0 The implementation of National’Alliance For Youth Sports (NAYS) and Parents Association . Effectiveness during the Youth Basketball 2001/02 season Expanded coaches training to other sports programs offered by the Department 0 Future action plan for the Department for Youth Sports (PAYS) EXHIBITS: 1. PowerPoint Presentation for the November 18, 2002 Parks and Recreation 2. AB #801-5 - “Presentation Concerning the National Alliance for Youth Sports”, August 20, Commission Meeting. 2001 Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting. EXHIBIT I 1 c:. 9 2 3 c21 .- 4 5 6 7 c25 i .- 8 I- I. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL 1 AB# 801 -5 TITLE : INFO MTG. DATE: 8/20/01 STAFF: SWENCK PRESENTATION CONCERNING THE RECOMMENDED ACTION : NATIONAL ALLIANCE FOR YOUTH SPORTS ACTION Receive presentation from Recreation Department staff concerning the City’s involvement with the National Alliance for Youth Sports, and direct staff accordingly. ITEM EXPLANATION : Recreation Staff will recap Commissioner Davidson’s June report on National Alliance for Youth Sports (NAYS.) Staff will then discuss the program and what our involvement has been up to this date. Staff will speak about the importance of the National Youth Sports Coaches Association (NYSCA) and Parents Association for Youth Sports (PAYS), and how we will benefit from implementing these programs into our department. A review of the department’s future plans regarding Sportsmanship will be introduced and how this Action Plan will be implemented over the next 2 - 3 years. Our “Community Expectations” will also be unveiled, as well as an explanation of how we intend to carry out this plan will then be discussed. The staff recommendation to implement NAYS and the City’s Sportsmanship Action Plan into the Recreation Department will also be discussed as part of the staff presentation. I. NAYS Strategy, 2. Coaches, Parents, and Players Codes of Ethics 3. City of Carlsbad - Recreation Department -Sportsmanship Action Plan 4. Recreation Department Sportsmanship Time Table 5. Power Point Presentation EXHIBIT 2 .. 8 : ",BETPER' SPORTS FOR KIDS.. . ETTER KIDS FOR LIF 1 National Alliance For Youth Sports .. . "Sports are the children in this skills, and until importance that greatest resource that we have foi country tu learn many critical lve ~lIIDU1111 Lltf3 we treat yuuih sports with the same he Alliance offers the following we do our edtrcational system, we will comprehensive strategy, which has proven W enormously successful in many communities: continue to enwunterproblems." -Fred Engh hnh, President t; CEO NulianalAUiance For Youth Sports Youth sports is an extension of a ad's educational experience. For hs reason the A Uiance believes that youth sports should be operated simlarly to our schools. We must raise the standard of h:Dw sports programs are conducted in communities. \ k, Our school systems have a supzrintendent to oversee the admmistration of the school 3rd teachers are required to have spec& education and cedcation for academic learning. It is equally imporknt to have the people filling these same roles for children's sports to have training and certification, because sports for chlldren are about learning life skds. Most youth sports programs are run by well-meaning volunteers who fill coaching and ahstrative roles, but wca;l; have not been properly prepared for the many aspects &tiat their positions entail. individual to act as the supervisor of all youth sports in a community. ?his sumor should be a Certified Youth Sports Administrator (CYSA) and trained to place in motion standards that will ensure all children have a safe and positive experience. I '1 .. . ~,,.. . . :: i I .,:: I$ ; , (;'..L:! p 'j ; !. 2'. Mindath,,that volunteer youth sports admiwtrators ~fio lease or utilize park and remeation facilitiei receive training in all aspects of youth sports management. Approximately 90 percent of all volunteer admirustrators have not received any formal training on how to manage youth sports programs, and yet they are making decisions and determining policies that ,,affect the welfare of millions of dddren nationwide. program and have their name placed in a national database to ensure that they understand what role winning plays in youth sports; why children quit sports; and what children at different ages want fiom their sports expenences. Parents would never entrust their &Id to a teacher that wasn't trained, so why should it be any Merent when it comes to sports? through"an orientation and sportsmanshq training come that provides dormation about the sports program, outlines their roles and responsibilities, and dearly defines what is acceptable behavior by parents. 3 National Alliance For Youth Sports I .. Codes of Ethics are a useful way of communicating an organization’s philosophy to all levels of the organization. They can set the boundaries of behavior and offer guidelines to everyone involved. Often all involved within an organization are asked to sign a code of ethics to show a commitment to them. The following samples of Codes of Ethics arc taken from examples developed by the National Alliance For Youth Sports. Youth Sports Administrators: I hereby pledge to provide positive support to all youth sports programs in my community, to administer youth sports program with professionalism and in the best interests of the children involved by following the Youth Sports Administrators ’ Code of Ethics: I will run youth sportsprogram for the chilrfren involved not the adults. I will ensure that I am knowledgeable in the area ofputh sprts administration I will do my best to provide a safe pitying situation for all participants. I will provide support for coaches, officials and parents to provide a positive, enjoyable experience for all. I will require all coaches and officials to be trained in the responsibilities of being a volunteer within the organuation and that they uphold the MSCMNXSOA Codes of Ethics. I will implement and enforce the National Stan&r& For Youth Sports. . Ipromise to keep informed about current issues involving youth sports .programs. Coaches’ Code of Ethics: I hereby pledge to live up to my certification as a MSCA Coach by following the NYSCA Coaches’ Code of Ethics: I will place the emotional and physical well-being of my plqers ahead of a personal desire to win. I will treat each player as an individual, remembering the large range of emotional and physical development for the same age group. I will do my best to provide a safe playing situation for my players. I will promise to review and practice basic first aid principles needed to treat injuries of my players. I will do my best to organize practices that are fun and challenging for all my players. I will lead by example in demonstrating fair play and sportsmanship to all my ! players. I will be howledgeable in the rules of each sport that I coach, and I will teach these rules to myplqyers. 1 will use those coaching,techniques appropriate for all of the skills that I teach. I will remember that I am a youth prrs couch and that the game is for childien and not adults. Players’ Code of Ethics: I hereby pledge to be positive about my youth sports experiences andaccept responsibility for my participation by following this Players Code of Ethics pledge: I will encourage good sportsmamhipjFornjillow players, coaches, oficials and parents at every game andpractice by demoartrating good sportsmamhip. I will attend every practice andgame that I can, and will not13 my coach VI cannot. I will expect to receive a fair and equal amount ofplaying time. I will do my very best to listen und leurn fiom my coaches. 1 will treat my coaches, other piayers, oflcials and fans with respect regardless of race, sex, creed, or abilities und I will expect to be treated accordingly. I deserve to have fin during my sports experience and will alert parents or coaches ifit stops beingfin. 1 deserve to play in an environment that is fiee *om drugs, tobacco and alcohol and expect adults to refiainj-om their zcse at all youth sports events. I will encourage my parents to be involved with my team in some capacity because it is important to me. I will do my very best in school. I will remember that sports is an opportunity to learn and have fin. Oficials’ Code of Ethics: I will hereby pledge to live up to my certifjcation as a NYSOA Official by following the NYSOA (?tficials’ Code of Ethics. I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support of all players, coaches, fellow oficials and league administrators at all times. I will ensure that I am knowledgeable ojthe rules of each sport I oficiate, and apply those rules fairly to all participants, teams and coaches. ’ I will not allow personal fiiendships and associations to influence my