HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-04-21; Parks & Recreation Commission; 403-5; Park & Recreation Commission/Youth RepresentationPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION -AGENDA BILL I AB# 403-5 TITLE : - 0 INFO MTG. DATE: 04-21-03 PARKAND RECREATION COMMISSION / YOUTH REPRESENTATION (ACTION) ACTION STAFF: BEVERLY RECOMMENDED ACTION : Discuss the issue of youth representation to the Parks and Recreation Commission, take appropriate action and direct staff accordingly. ITEM EXPLANATION : During the March 24, 2003 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting, Commissioner Pacheco requested to discuss the issue of youth representation to the Parks and Recreation Commission and perhaps the best way to facilitate interaction with, and communication from, teenage representatives within the Community. In preparation of discussion on this issue, staff has included information contained within the “Boards and Commissions Handbook previously distributed to each Commissioner. More specifically, those documents include legal requirements for Commission membership and responsibilities of Commission members. Commissioner Pacheco will assume the lead in discussion of this item. EXHIBITS: 1. Responsibilities of Commission Members 2. Legal Requirements of Commission Members rc J l&sponsibilitigs of Commission Mgrnbgrs J Appointment to a commission provides the opportunity for genuine public service. The specific duties of each advisory body depend on the purpose for which it was formed. However, there are many responsibilities common to all commission members. SCOPE OF RESPONSIBILITY The primary responsibility of commissions is to advise and make recommendations to the City Council. Commissions should not attempt to make political decisions. This responsibility properly rests with the City Council and cannot be delegated to any other body, however capable and interested. -c Commissioners, like the City Manager and City Attorney, serve at the pleasure of the City Council. J Any member of a commission may be removed at any time by the afTirmative vote of three members of the City Council. b%* CONCERN FOR THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY Although commission members may be selected in part because they can represent the viewpoint of clearly defined groups, members should upon appointment, pledge to represent the overall public good and not that of an exclusive group or interest. The question, "What is good for the entire community?" should take precedence over, "What will increase the advantage of my interest group?" REPRESENTING THE COMMISSION Individual commission members must not represent their own views on recommendations as those of the commission unless the majority of the body has officially voted to approve such action. Commission members making recommendations or expressing views not approved by a majority of a commission should indicate they are expressing their views as private citizens. Public statements should contain no promises to the public that purport to be binding on the commission, staff or actions are "recommendations" and that final action will be taken by the City Council. Comments to the press and public should be factual. Individual opinion must be identified as such. - Council. When making statements to the press, members should generally indicate that commission EXHIBIT 1 rc A commissioner may disagree with the City Council on any matter, but once the Council has established its position, the commission should do nothing contrary to the adopted policies and programs. If problems arise because of differences between Council decisions and personal values that would interfere with continued commission service, resignation &om the commission is the appropriate response. COMMUNICATION A commission serves as a liaison between the Council and the public, helping to inform and reconcile opposing viewpoints and building a consensus around common goals and objectives. Each member serves as a communication link between the community and the Council, explaining City programs and recommendations as well as providing a channel for citizen expression. When a commission is unable to reconcile its position with that of a citizens' group, the commission should forward its recommendation to the City Council along with key opposing opinions. As the citizens' group is likely to bring its objections to the Council, it is better to identi@ and address tho.= concerns up fiont. The Council can then make its decision aware of all sides of an issue. RELATIONSHIP WITH THE CITY COUNCIL AND STAFF :.* " : j Good relations with the City Council and staff are necessary for the successful operation of any commission. Good relations include following the proper channels within the administration. Commissioners should not and cannot direct City staff to work on new projects without the approval of the City Council. To operate the City in an effective and professional manner, the City Council and City Manager need to be aware of the projects on which each department is working. It is important that commissions respect the authority of those who will be charged with the final responsibility for action taken by the City. RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER COMMISSION MEMBERS' The success or failure of the efforts of a commission is dependent upon the degree of cooperation among the individual members of the body. In order to build a consensus around common goals and objectives, members will have to first reconcile opposing viewpoints and show a willingness to objectively dehe and consider the ultimate issues. An important way to develop this cooperation is for each commission member to ensure that meetings proceed in an orderly mer. The chairperson is primarily responsible for seeing that consideration of agenda items moves along expeditiously with reasonable time allocated to each item. Each member can assist the chairperson by knowing the basic rules of parliamentary procedure - and by adequately preparing for presentations made to the commission. - Lgsal Rgquirgrngnts For Commission Mgmbgrship U.S. ClTlZENSHIP/RESIDENT REQUIREMENT It shall be a prerequisite to appointment to any of the City's commissions that the applicant for any such position be a citizen of the United States of America. Additional requirements, if any, are detailed in the Commission Descriptions Section of this guide. It is also a prerequisite for appointment to any City Board, Commission or Committee that the applicant be a resident of the City and a registered voter. (CMC 62.08.090). CONFLICT OF INTEREST (STATEMENT OF ECONOMIC INTERESTS) rt In 1974 the people of the State of California overwhelmingly approved the "Political Reform Act." c> 1 This law requires City officials and employees to report various financial interests including income, interest in real property and business interests. It also prohibits those officials and employees &om participating in an action which could have a mterial financial effect on a reported economic interest. The City of Carlsbad has adopted a local conflict of interest code as required by the Political Reform Act. The local code applies to the following commissions: Arts Commission, Design Review Board, Housing Commission, Library Board of Trustees, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Senior Commission, Sister City Committee and TrafEc Safety Commission. Financial disclosure forms (Statement of Economic Interests) are filed with the City Clerk and the Clerk is responsible for general administration of the code. The City Attorney is available for advice on reporting requirements and disqualifications. Violation of the code is a misdemeanor. The disclosure forms are public record. EXHIBIT 2 Llb MEMBERSHIP 0 Seven members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the 0 Members must be residents of Carlsbad and registered voters. 0 Members serve four-year terms (unless appointed to fill an 0 Members are required to file a “Statement of Economic City Council. unexpired term). Interests” with the City Clerk. Staff Liaison: Senior Management Analyst - Recreation Department MEETINGS ’&_ ,J 0 Regular meetings are held the third Monday of every month. DUTIES 0 Advises and makes recommendations to the City Council on matters pertaining to the acquisition, development, operation, maintenance, management and control of community parks, programs, playgrounds, indoor and outdoor recreations, activities and facilities. 0 Advises and makes recommendations to the City Council on matters pertaining to planting, trimming, pruning, and care of all trees, shrubs and plants in and upon any street, park, boulevard, alley or public place within the City. 0 Equips, operates, supervises and maintains parks, playgrounds, athletk fields, swimming pools, swimming centers, indoor recreation centers, auditoriums, and other public grounds or buildings in or about the City, which the commission may fiom time to time acquire, provide, authorize and designate for such use, subject to the approval of the City Council. 0 Recommends regulations necessary to maintain the aesthetics, safety, financial well-being and order of the park and recreational facilities. @ Source: Carlsbad Municipal Code, Chapter 2.36