HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-16; Parks & Recreation Commission; 603-4; Poinsettia Park synthetic turf field updateAB# 603-4 TITLE : MTG. DATE: 6-16-03 POINSETTIA PARK SYNTHETIC TURF FIELD UPDATE INFO n ACTION RECOMMENDED ACTION : STAFF: DUNCANSON Review and accept information and presentation by Parks staff on status of Poinsettia Park Synthetic Turf Field. U I ITEM EXPLANATION : On July 23, 2002 the City Council awarded the synthetic turf bid to Empire and Associates. It became evident that immediate construction would impact the 2002 youth soccer league schedules. Therefore staff met with representatives to work out a construction schedule that would be compatible with both leagues involved. After much discussion it was agreed to delay construction until January 2003. Prior to the actual construction starting, the low bidder, Empire and Associates was bought out by another firm, Sprinturf. Sprinturf is one of the three major synthetic turf companies in North Am erica . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 There were some legal and insurance issues to resolve prior to construction. The actual work began at the beginning of February 2003. There have been several rain delays on this project, which has moved the completion date further back. Like most Public Works projects there have been some obstacles to negotiate through. Currently (6/6) the final layer of crushed stone is being applied to the base The next step will be ensuring the base is compacted to the appropriate level and the final grade is certified, (this is a crucial step is getting a top quality field). The turf material has already been shipped and is currently in Southern California The turf installation (providing they make the grade) should begin during the week of June 1 6'h - 20th. If all goes per schedule, the basic turf installation should be completed in four weeks or approximately JUIY I sth. The field should be available for play August 1". There may be a few things to finish off but we expect it to be playable by August. The project includes access stairs from the parking lot area at Poinsettia and access stairs to Stagecoach tennis courts from the street at Camino de 10s Coches. Staff will make a presentation to the Commission to include a visual update utilizing slides. EXHIBITS: 1. Letter to Empire and Associates May 22, 2003 May 22,2003 Rusty AbelI EMPIRE AND ASSOCIATES 3403 73rd Street Suite 6 Lubbock TX 79423 PROJECT PKS 02-04 POINSETTIA PARK SOCCER FACILITY PROJECT MANAGEMENT BY PRIME CONTRACTOR Rusty: The City of Carlsbad is concerned with the lack of day-to-day project management by Empire and Associates for the above-mentioned project. SSPWC requires the following: SECTION 7-6 The Contractor's Representative Before starting work, the Contractor shall designate in writing a representative who shall have complete authority to act for it. An alternative representative may be designated as well. The representative shall be present at the Work site whenever work is in progress or whenever actions of the elements necessitate its presence to take measures necessary to protect the Work, persons or property.. . We have multiple concerns, the representative designated by Empire and Associates, Buzzy Sailer, apparently does not have the full authority of Empire and Associates nor is he present on the project site at all times when work is in progress. The City of Carlsbad requests that Empire and Associates rectify this issue immediately and provide a representative at the project site that has the complete authority to act on behalf of the Contractor. We are increasingly concerned with the apparent lack of familiarity of Empire and Associates field personnel with the Contract, the Plans and the Specifications. On several occasions City of Carlsbad inspection and project management staff have been required to stop work in progress. The Contractor's forces have not had complete plan sets, have provided materials that do not comply with the Contract, have not been able to provide prices for Extra Work requested and seem to have a lack of knowledge of the specialty construction and materials required for this project and the work required of the contractor in the Contract Special and Technical Provisions. In addition, Empire and Associates has not answered correspondence and provided requested and required documents, submittals and quotes. Currently the field has been partially covered with an aggregate mix that does not meet the Contract Specifications and is unlikely to provide the required drainage of 8" of water per hour. The Contractors Submittal Transmittal Page does not indicate the material will deviate from the requirement that all aggregate will be manufactured from 100% processed stone. The City of Carlsbad sent a technician to the material EXHIBIT 1 lq 405 Oak Avenue - Carlsbad, CA 92008-3009 .I (760) 434-2980 FAX (760) 720-9562 @ supplier to verify that the material being installed was as required by the Contract and found the supplier was utilizing a sand material that was not manufactured. We immediately contacted your representative, Buzzy Sailer, and informed him of the deviation and directed him to cease the incorporation of the unacceptable material. Mr. Sailer contacted the supplier and indicated that the material did meet the Contract Specifications and he intended to continue the importation and the installation. At that time I contacted my materials technician and verified the material was not as specified and requested that he have the materials supplier contact me. He confirmed that the material was not manufactured as specified. I again directed Empire and Associates designated representative to cease utilizing the unacceptable material. As of now he has complied with this directive. The failure on the part of the Contractor to fully understand and comply with the materials specification has now created a situation that is likely to delay the completion of the field. The unacceptable material must be removed, any contaminated %-inch aggregate under the unacceptable material must be removed, the field must be re-graded and suitable material must be provided and installed. Additional staff time will be required to verify that the impermeable layer is not damaged during this corrective action. The Contractor also failed to protect the existing work while trucking in the unacceptable materials. Large ruts were noted by the inspector where delivery trucks had spun their wheels through the base course of aggregate to a depth that is in conflict with the HDPE drainpipes. These pipes will need to be exposed to verify their integrity and the Contractor will be required to re-install and re-grade the aggregate. In summary, the repeated failures to comply with the Contract have jeopardized the successful and timely completion of this project. Empire and Associates must take corrective action immediately and provide a plan to address the issues and to complete the project by the Contractually required completion date. Note that the contract provides for liquidated damages in the amount of $500.00 per day for late com pl et i on. DALE A. SCHUCK Public Works Supervisor, Contracts and Agreements c: Doug Duncanson, Deputy Public Works Director Paul Meadows, Inspector Joe DiGeronimo, DMA File