HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-09-15; Parks & Recreation Commission; 903-6; Naming of a Future Community ParkPARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - AGENDA BILL AB# 903-6 MTG. DATE: 09/15/03 STAFF: STEYAERT TITLE : NAMING OF A FUTURE COMMUNITY PARK D INFO [x] ACTION RECOMMENDED ACTION : Review the public input received and select a name to be considered by the City Council for the future Community Park site in accordance with Carlsbad City Council Policy No. 48. ITEM EXPLANATION : City Council Policy Number 48, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit 1, sets forth the process by which the City names its park and recreation facilities. Public input was solicited from August 19th thru September 5th, 2003, in the following ways: • Park naming flyer/forms were mailed to residents living within 600 ' of the park boundary • Park naming flyer/forms were made available at the following locations: • Dog Park • Tanglewood apartment complex • Hope Elementary and Calavera Hills Elementary Schools (5th & 6th Grades) • Community Centers at Stagecoach and Calavera Hills Community Parks • The Senior Center • Recreation Administration Office - • The City's Web Site On the flyer was an attached form for citizen's to return to the Recreation Department with regard to an official name for Larwin Park. Staff received 136 written forms with recommendations for naming this City park facility. A summary of citizen input is attached as Exhibit 2. A Sub-committee of the Parks and Recreation Commission has reviewed the public input of suggested park names. After considering those names and the criteria outlined in the park naming policy, Hidden Canyon Community Park was selected as their recommendation for the park name. The subcommittee felt that the topography and natural character of the park site, with it's "hidden canyon" covered in native vegetation, and prominent views seen from the top of the canyon, stand out as a dominant natural and geographical characteristic uniquely specific to this park site. In addition to the recommended park name of Hidden Canyon Community Park, the sub-committee also included 2 alternative park name considerations. These alternatives also relate to the criteria outlined in the park naming policy (historical significance and geographical location): • Vista Marron Community Park • Vista Canyon Community Park There are no conflicting names of other public or private facilities located in the Northeast NE Quadrant or elsewhere in the City for use of Hidden Canyon Community Park. Therefore, in accordance with City Council Policy No. 48, staff recommends the Parks and Recreation Commission select a name for this park facility and direct staff to forward that recommendation to the City Council for their review and action. EXHIBITS: 1. City Council Policy No. 48. 2. Citizen Input of Names for Larwin Community Park. CITYF LARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT NAMING OF PARKS Policy No. ^8 Dale issued June ia. I99t Effective Date June 18' 199 Cancellutiun Dale • Supersedes No. NAMING OF PARKS, FACILITIES AND AMENITIES IN PARKS AND RENAMING PARKS City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heat Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File To establish guidelines and procedures lor the naming of parks, facilities and amenities within parl and the renaming of parks. STATEMENT OF POLICY The Parks and Recreation Commission shall be responsible lor recommending the name of park facilities and amenities within parks and for considering the renaming of paiks every 25 years. Th Commission will recommend and the City Council will determine the official name of park "icilities and amenities within parks. PROCEDURE - At the appropriate time for naming a park or considering renaming a park, the Parks JIM Recreation Commission will solicit public input. The proposed names shall be submitted in wriiin to the Parks and Recreation Commission with justification to aid in considering the proposal. Tin proposed name shall be placed on the Commission agenda, allowing appropriate time for revie\ by the Commission (and subcommittee, as necessary) and to publicize and receive input from tht public at the Commission meeting. When considering proposalSrthe Commission shall emphasize the following criteria in making thei recommendation to the City Council: Geographic location Community significance Historical significance School name, when adjacent to a school Individual person who shall have made a signilicunt contribution to the City e Commission's recommendation will be forwarded to the City Council for their deteriniiuniiH of the official name. EXHIBIT LARWIN PARK PARK NAMES ( CITIZEN INPUT) A summary of the 136 comment forms received with the following recommendations as to what the name should be. Dog related- Doglandia, Dogville, Rover, etc. Carl Miller Park Village Park Buddy Lewis Park Marron Park Ray Edde Park Carlsbad Village Park Ledgerwood Park Elm Park Power Line Park Vancouver Park Spinnaker Point Park Hidden Canyon Park Tanglewood Park Margarette Brownley Park Larwin Park Tamara Dixon Park Real Village Park Ladera Park ( Spanish for Hillside) Esperanza Park ( Spanish for Hope) Hill Park Karlsbad Royal Park Alt Park Ocean Breeze Park La Paz Park Parque Carlitos (Spanish for Little Carlos Park) Valley View Park Lancer Park Chestnut Hills Park TOTAL 75 ( 5th & 6th Graders) 7 7 5 4 4 4 2 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 136 EXHIBIT 2