HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-06-21; Parks & Recreation Commission; 604-3; Vietnam Veterans Memorial Request- TITLE: AB# 604-3 MTG. DATE: 6-21 -04 VIETNAM VETERANS PRC COMSTOCK, MEMORIAL REQUEST SUBCOM- CRAIG, MITTEE: SCHULBERG I 1 INFO ACTION RECOMMENDED ACTION: __~ Consider the findings of the Commission Subcommittee and take appropriate action. ITEM EXPLANATION: During the April 19, 2004 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting, a request was made by Walter "Jack" Frazier to create a Vietnam Veterans Memorial to Honor North County Veterans who served and died in that war. After Mr. Frazier's presentation and Commission discussion, the recommended action was to turn the issue over to a Subcommittee for further review. Accordingly, the Subcommittee met on several occasions to gain a more thorough understanding of the request and to analyze the impacts of their potential recommendations. Having posed specific questions to the applicant, and having evaluated the responses to those questions (EXHIBIT l), the Committee then met with other individuals representing an interest in this memorial. Those individuals were in fact representing the interest of Mr. Frazier, as he was unable to attend a scheduled meeting to further discuss this issue. At the conclusion of that meeting, the Commission Subcommittee had discussed with the group representing the request that their recommendation to the Commission would include the following: 0 That the Commission should endorse a Veterans Memorial Monument if it was "all inclusive". That is, if the monument was representative of all Veterans of all wars relevant to the United States. 0 If the all inclusive concept was acceptable to the requestor, and if the process was to continue, the following issues would also need to be adequately addressed prior to implementation: - That a specific master plan be produced by the applicant showing specific dimensions, etc. - That a funding source be identified for interim maintenance issues (i.e. lighting, vandalism, replacement, etc.) - That the temporary locations considered for this monument be located at Maxton Brown Park or Cannon Park. - That a conditional use permit be granted prior to its interim installation. As of the preparation of this Agenda Bill, it is unsure whether the criteria recommended by the Subcommittee are acceptable to the requestor. Regardless, those are the recommendafions that are forthcoming from the Subcommittee whose task was to further evaluate this issue and report back to the Commission. 1. Memo from Recreation Director to Subcommittee members 2. Parks and Recreation Commission Agenda Bill WO4-5 May 6,2004 TO: PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION SUBCOMMlnEE COMSTOCK, CRAIG, SCHULBERG FROM: RECREATION DIRECTOR VIETNAM MEMORIAL MONUMENT As per your request, I contacted Jack Frazier and obtained more information about the proposed monument. The following questions and responses are for your review. Based upon your approval, I will have another meeting scheduled so you may discuss this in more detail. I will also request a copy of Jack‘s design plan so that you can review it at the same time. 1. Q: What are the specific dimensions of the project? A: Base - 10’ long x 1 ’ wide Height - 7%’ high 2. Q: A: How and where do the pavers fit into the Memorial? Pavers would be placed as a walkway leading to the monument, and surround it as well. There could be as many as 300 walking pavers, with the donordsponsors’ names on them. 1’ x 2’ x 3” Dimensions of pavers: Mr. Frazier indicated that he is currently attempting to obtain sponsors, at the cost of approximately $150 each. He is having a problem in locating an engraver who would engrave the names on the pavers at a reasonable cost. 3. Q: A: Do you have a Master Plan completed of the entire project? A landscape plan will be completed in the next week or so. The plan will include the monument, three (3) granite benches, trees, shrubs, etc., in an approximate area of 50’ x 50. 4. Q: A: If it is determined that there is a temporary site, who will bear the relocation and installation costs? Mr. Frazier‘s group will absorb all costs. 5. Q: Is this monument going to be lighted? A: Yes, probably two lights. 6. Q: A: Is the School District Board aware of this project? Yes, they are aware of this project. The School District did not feel a school site would be adequate for this monument’s location. They felt that due to the closed campus requirements, it would be impossible to allow the public to visit the monument while school was in session. EXHIBIT 1 7. Q: A: Are you open to have this include all Veterans, and not just Vietnam Vets? No, due to the space limitations, and size of the monument (230 names), it would have to be limited to Vietnam Veterans for now. At the permanent location, this would not be a problem. 8. Q: A: Is November the “drop dead” date for doing this? November 1 seemed like an appropriate date for the unveiling of this project. However, if funding were not in place for the completion of this project by that time, it would have to be pushed out to a later date. was an arbitrary date, however, since it is Veteran’s Day, it 9. Q: A: What is “Plan 6” if a City site is not found? Plan “B” would be to find a County site. I have informed Mr. Frazier that this information would be passed on to the committee. They would then be meeting once more on their own and from there they might want to schedule a time with him to go over the plan as well as address further questions. Mr. Frazier was also told that the earliest this item could be brought back to the Commission was at the June Parks anARecreation Commission meeting. KEN PRlCf C: Senior Management Analyst - Keith Beverly . . . . -~ ..... AB# 404-5 MTG. DATE: 04-19-04 VIETNAM VETERANS MEMORIAL ACTION STAFF: BEVERLYlPRlCE INFO - TITLE: CITIZEN REQUEST/NORTH COUNTY RECOMMENDED ACTION: Consider Citizen request and take appropriate action. ITEM EXPLANATION: The Department Chair (Walter "Jack" Frazier) of the Social Studies program at Carlsbad High School recently addressed the City Council with a request concerning the placement of a memorial and monument to the North County Vietnam Veterans who died in that war. After viewing a video presentation prepared by Mr. Frazier, which specifically emphasize his request, the City Council deferred this issue to the Parks and Recreation Commission for review and a recommendation back to the Council. Mr. Frazier will be addressing the Commission with the same presentation, which consists of a 20-minute video/cd. After the video presentation, it would be appropriate for Commissioners to ask pertinent questions regarding the request prior to taking action. Attached for information is the original request to be placed on the City Council Agenda and the minutes of Council discussion that evening. EXHIBITS: 1. City Council Agenda Bill 17,561 and minutes EXHIBIT 2 C AB# 17,561 MTG. 3/23/04 DEPT. CM @ CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGENDA BILL m: DEW. HD. REQUEST TO MAKE A PRESENTATION FROM WALTER WER, SOCIAL SI'UDIES DEPARTMENT CHAIR, CARLSBAD HIGH SCHOOL e CITY Am. CrrYMGR 2 ~ - ~ ~ ~- RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive presentation from Watter Frazier. the Social Studies Department Chair, Carlsbad High School. ITEM EXPLANATION: The City Council provides an opportunity for citizens and organizations to have an item placed on a City Council Agenda by submitting a letter to the Crty Manager. Attached is a letter (Exhibit 1) from Watter Frazier, Social Studies Department Chair, Carlsbad High School, requesting the opportunity to make a presentation to the City Council regarding a student project. FISCAL IMPACT: Jnknown at this time %HIBITS: I. :hair, Carlsbad High School, dated February 24,2004. Letter to Ray Patchett, City Manager, from Walter Frazier, Social Studies Department *: '. EXHIBIT 1 16 C8rbb.d City Manager city Hd 1200 Carisbad Vilhgc Dr. Carbb8d, Ca.92888 Sir : about the placement 01 a Vdmas who died in that war. My students and I have ban wo&ng on a pmjcct since tbis put September to bomor the memory of thew mea I recently spoke to Mayor Baddy WM about rpldng to tbe City Council monunnt to tbc Nod Cosnty Vi We have diseovmd and ideotiikd shrty-fie yosag mn from Nortb Cou~ty that gave the ultimate sacrtlsa durhg tbir tmmblimg tine in Amehm history. We have received numerous phone ah about this project and bave received interest from 8S hr 8WIy a W8ShiOgtOB9 D.C. Tbt qUdR brve bad fo ty to 8nSWW b why P mem0ri.l for tbae yoong mea bad mot yet ban dedicated. We are requesti=g Rttr+a or twdy nh.fa of the CORDC~~I time to make I praerrtatbm omtbhg what the rt.demb Lave done tbar hr; wh8t tbc memorial will look liLe and to ascertain if then iS a suitable locrtia. im Carlsbad for tblr rnomment. Tbirty years ahr the cad of Mu war it u time Lr closure and healing. "his memorial win ia some small wsy bdp to that ad. Tbank yon for taking the time to consider thb. Social edka pkp.rtmcmt Chair Carlsbad High School 619..885-8846 Cell 760-751-9335 Home 760-331-5791 seb~el Aarch 23,2004 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 3 - AYES: - NOES: None. ABSENT: Kulchin Lewis, Finnila, Hall and Packard. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Doug Foote, 3999 Foothill Avenue, Carlsbad came forward to address Council concerning the traffic barricades on Mira Monte Drive and Foothill Avenue. Mr. Foote expressed concerns regarding the potential removal of the barricades on Mira Monte Drive. Mr. Foote stated that he believes that removal of the barriers will pose a significant pedestrian hazard in front of the Calavera Hills Elementary School, and will adversely impact traffic in the Calavera Hills neighborhoods. Mr. Foote presented Council with a document regarding this issue. (Copy on file in the City Clerks Office.) Bob Johnson, Deputy City Engineer, explained that the barricades on Mira Monte would not be removed until the College/Cannon connection is completed, which is anticipated for completion in late summer of 2004. Mr. Johnson also stated that school zone signing, stop signs and speed limit signs have already been put in place in anticipation of the removal of the barricades. Renee Huston, 540 Anchor Way, Carlsbad came forward to address Council on behalf of the Sierra Club, and expressed concerns regarding traffic congestion. Ms. Huston asked that the City of Carlsbad direct their SANDAG Representative to support a transnet sales tax extension, only if it includes establishment of a development impact fee for regional transportation, including transit. She also suggested that the proposed $2,000 development impact fee would not be sufficient, and that new development should be required to pay its fair share of transportation costs. At the request of Mayor Lewis, Council concurred to take items #9 & #IO out of order for consideration at this time. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: 9. AB #17,561 - PRESENTATION BY WALTER FRAZIER. 6 - Walter Frazier, Social Studies Department Chair of Carlsbad High School gave a Power Point presentation regarding his students’ project to honor North County Vietnam Veterans, who died in the war, by creation of a Vietnam Veterans Memorial. (Copy not on file in the City Clerk’s Office.) Mr. Frazier outlined the research that the students have done to identify 66 honorees, and showed the proposed design for Memorial. He stated that the group is not requesting financial support from the Council, but is seeking support for placing the Memorial in Carlsbad. Mr. Frazier suggested two possible city sites for locating the Monument were Magee Park or Maxton Brown Park. He also explained the projected timeline and their goal for completion of the project by Veteran’s Day, November I1 , 2004. 0 , ? March 23,2004 Carlsbad City Council Meeting Page 4 By consensus, Council referred this item to the Parks and Recreation Commission for review and recommendation. 10.AB #17.562 - PRESENTATION BY THE CARLSBAD HIGH SCHOOL WIND SYMPHONY. Mr. Phil Okun, 2337 Longfellow Road, displayed a video presentation regarding the Wind Symphony’s invitation to play at Carnegie Hall in New York City in April. (Video not on file in the City Clerk’s Office.) Mr. Greg Dowell, chairperson of the fundraiser for the trip, addressed Council outlining what has been done to raise funds to assist the Symphony in achieving their goal of performing at Carnegie Hall. He reviewed the proposed budget for the trip (copy on file in the City Clerk’s Office), explaining that $72,000 has been raised to date, leaving a deficit of $27,000. He requested that Council support the trip, and contribute the difference, or $12,000 to close the gap. Council Member Packard inquired if the Symphony had approached the school district reg a rd i ng funding . Mr. Dowell confirmed that the Symphony had approached the District, however was unable to obtain funding from them. Mayor Pro Tem Finnila suggested that the Council consider contributing $12,000 to support the trip. Council Member Packard stated that he could not support the request, since it does not meet the City grants requirements, and stated that the funds should come from community donations. Council Member Hall stated that he could support a city contribution, but also agreed that the funding should come from community donations. Mayor Lewis stated that the City should match any funds that are contributed by the School District. ACTION: On a motion by Mayor Lewis, Council agreed that the City would match funding provided by the School District, up to a maximum of $7,000. - AYES: Lewis and Packard. - NOES: Finnila and Hall ABSENT: Kulchin The motion failed due to lack of a majority.